No Bookmarks Exist.
Welcome to the Traffic Safety Commission meeting Tuesday, August 27th. We have a roll call please. 00:00:00
Commissioner Greening. 00:00:18
Chairman Gunby, Commissioner Brown here. Chairman, I'm sorry, Commissioner Brock. 00:00:22
And Commissioner Stern. 00:00:30
Thank you. 00:00:32
So First off, approval of the agenda, do we have any changes to the agenda as? 00:00:35
Submitted. 00:00:42
The lady from the Commission staff, no changes. 00:00:47
All right, can we? 00:00:52
OK. We have AI. Second, we have a motion and a second to approve the agenda as submitted. Can we have a roll call please? 00:00:57
Commissioner Greening. 00:01:05
Yes. Commissioner Shamas. Yes. Chairman Gumby. Commissioner Brown. Commissioner Proc. Yes. Commissioner Stern. Yes. 00:01:08
Thank you. Agenda has been approved and it's the announcement. Do we have a 10C? 00:01:18
There was no meeting in August, so no announcements. OK, thank you. 00:01:27
We do have 2A or 2B, excuse me, as the adoption of the protocol for committee recommendations. 00:01:32
So if we could put this up on the screen, this is a. 00:01:38
Process where the City Council recently approved a the process to. 00:01:44
For committees, commissions and boards to ask a request the Council take action on particular items. 00:01:55
And we'll process and try to get that on. We're not going to go through the entire thing, but it just you let people. 00:02:13
Understand that. 00:02:21
So there is a link on the. 00:02:28
On the website for this. 00:02:31
OK. 00:02:39
And so essentially the process is essentially an application where the particular border Commission can propose an item, vote on 00:02:40
the item, and if approved, move that item to. 00:02:48
A to discuss with the particular boards liaison and then bring that to the City manager. 00:02:59
And discuss the the potential of bringing that to the full council for for their action. 00:03:09
And that's about it, Mr. Chairman. Yes. Is this the one that has a form that you're supposed to fill out? OK. And the form talks 00:03:18
about the committees, the recommendation, the discussion, the physical impact and the attachments. And then this would go to so 00:03:26
that you would give that to your council or your council liaison. 00:03:34
And then meet with the city manager. 00:03:43
And then discuss the. 00:03:48
Relevance of going to the City Council or their ultimate decision whether to approve or not approve that particular request. OK, 00:03:52
but this is for committee committees or commissions for commissions, correct? That's boards and commissions committees to go to 00:04:01
request the City Council take action on a particular item of. 00:04:09
Their relevance. OK, Thank you. You're welcome. 00:04:18
All right, moving on. You have a question too. Go ahead, Commissioner, go ahead. 00:04:22
Were you ready? 00:04:32
Thank you. 00:04:34
So the mayor put this together and in collaboration with the city manager and others, I imagine yes, and presented it. So it's 00:04:36
he's giving it to us to review. No, it's not. This is City Council has already approved this. 00:04:44
So this that's nice of them. So the, so we did all of the chair people of the various boards and commissions did meet with the 00:04:54
city manager and the mayor and discussed the process in general the the mayor and the city manager then put together. 00:05:03
A presentation and that went to City Council. It was discussed and they approved this process. 00:05:13
OK, how about but we didn't have a chance to give any input. We don't you only only through me being at the meeting initially with 00:05:21
the mayor and the city manager. Well, I wish we had been able to know that ahead of time anyway. So my only comment is on this 00:05:31
form that I'd like to know how to how will the council respond to it? It's not I would like to see something on the. 00:05:41
Form that that kind of indicates how approved or denied something like that, yeah, how, how or timeliness, you know, something 00:05:51
like that so that you know we don't just fill out some form and it goes into the ether and that's it. 00:05:59
So I mean just in terms of of timeliness and and what to expect like what what kind of response do we expect because it could go 00:06:08
on the agenda if, if our liaison asked for it to be on the agenda as I understand that. 00:06:16
And so I'm assuming the liaison will respond back to us concerning whatever we put out there. 00:06:27
Through the form. So yeah, I, I would, I would. The way I would understand it is that we would work with the Liza. If the liaison 00:06:36
doesn't believe that this is something that the City Council would would go forward on, then that may be it would be. We also have 00:06:43
the potential of working with the city city manager and getting his input too. And then the decision would be made whether to go 00:06:50
forward to bring it to City Council. 00:06:58
Yes, OK. 00:07:06
And then ultimately the city so so would decide and or another. So are we kind of on a trial basis here to see how this works and 00:07:08
then because I mean this came out of our being upset that. 00:07:14
As a traffic Commission, we haven't been included in decisions that some of the City Council members have made and so we this is 00:07:21
where this came from. 00:07:28
And So what I'm, what I'm wondering is, shouldn't we be allowed to give feedback on maybe, you know, after half a year or so, you 00:07:36
know how it's working? Well, I think there's always a possibility that you can come back and, you know, revisit, you know, after 00:07:44
it's gone, after it's been used a while. I'm not sure I agree with the reasoning behind. 00:07:52
Why this came up I think, I think staff had been concerned. 00:08:01
Not just our staff, but other staff from other boards and commissions. 00:08:05
That they were being requested to do things and they didn't believe that the individual commissions or boards had the authority to 00:08:12
request that. And so only City Council was was authorized to make those requests. And so this is a vehicle by which we can request 00:08:20
the City Council to take action. 00:08:29
But that is still up to City Council to decide that one way or another. 00:08:38
Right, but but as when I read the role of the committee in the handbook. 00:08:43
It says the primary function of city committees is to advise informal and formal communication may be used as appropriate and. 00:08:50
And then it says committee recommendations related to city actions may be presented at City Council meetings as individual agenda 00:09:00
items. 00:09:05
So it you know, we do it says we do have a duty to advise. And so this is the form that we're so this is requesting the council to 00:09:10
take action. So if we say, well, we want a we want a roundabout at at sunset in Congress academic now and the City Council said 00:09:20
no, then that would be it. And but if we requested them to do it and they and they agreed to and now they. 00:09:30
We did not, we did not. No, we're not directing. We are, we are giving our recommendations. So two different things though. So 00:09:40
staff was. 00:09:45
Believed in some cases that they were being directed to do things. They did not believe that the various boards and commissions 00:09:50
had that authority. And that's where this, that's my understanding of where this document came from. 00:09:58
And this is a formal request from a particular board. 00:10:06
Or Commission to City Council to take action on a particular item, OK. 00:10:11
So it's a little bit different than. 00:10:18
Just suggest making a recommendation. We make recommendations. We've made a lot of various recommendations as far as maintenance 00:10:20
items and things like that. I. 00:10:25
That did not require council. 00:10:31
Approval. 00:10:36
But other things went beyond that. For instance, in our in our particular case. 00:10:37
OK, I. 00:10:44
So you're saying there's there is a way to direct staff? 00:10:47
Beyond this, I mean, no, this is it, this form going through or council liaison and the city manager and developing a potentially 00:10:52
an agenda item for City Council that would be the the way to request the formal way to request City Council take action on a 00:10:59
particular item. 00:11:07
OK. And these are larger and these, I don't know exactly what the monetary limit is. I think it's like over $5000. So if we're 00:11:16
requesting public works to do something that costs more than $5000? 00:11:23
And they don't have that in their specific budget already. Then this would be the way for us to. 00:11:32
To make that formal request through City Council and then City Council would actually make that take that action. 00:11:40
Mr. Chairman, I've got a follow-up question. I think Commissioners also asked a question or asked a question that I'd like to have 00:11:48
answered, and that is I, I, I apologize, I haven't looked at the guidelines for this. 00:11:55
But is there any time period in which either the liaison or someone else is to get back to the committees of the commissions? 00:12:02
With regard to an application, well, we have a maybe if we could have our council liaison come to our come to the podium and. 00:12:13
If they have some more information. 00:12:23
This is. 00:12:28
I'll also give my report, but first let me. 00:12:31
I thought I it could have been explained that to you. 00:12:35
On it earlier that we had approved that on the council this forum maybe it was the museum board of mobile so lays on a museum 00:12:40
board. Maybe I told them about it so so I'll tell you about it so the mayor proposed this and in working with the chair said with 00:12:50
city manager and I got to let you know in my opinion it's in its infancy stage I mean it's. 00:12:59
Or is on the line and it may be, you know, once it we start getting some forms in from different committees it it may have to be 00:13:10
tweaked. 00:13:15
And but I'm not saying it's going to be, but some of the items that and I'll just use. 00:13:21
Beth Chamas, for example. 00:13:28
You were working on some goals, if I remember right or am I right that the Commission was working on some goals and if those were 00:13:31
to put on the form and then I would bring it to the normally I would bring it to the mayor and decide what should we put it on? 00:13:40
Should we just put it on the consent item? And consent items are usually, you know, one through 8. 00:13:48
Are approved, there are items that aren't really discussed and but if there's some action that needs to be done, then it would be 00:13:58
brought to the the mayor and the city manager and then we go with that form and the form goes to the liaison. You're right, Chair 00:14:07
Gundy goes to me and then I would forward it to the mayor or upstairs to the city manager and then it would go from there. 00:14:15
But it depends what the what what. 00:14:25
The items could be too. And just like I said, I'm liaison the museum board and they may have something. I I just don't know. I 00:14:28
would, if you turn to the forum into me, let's just say you decided to do something. I would definitely take it and bring it 00:14:35
directly to the city manager and the mayor. And the mayor usually is the I don't want to call him. He's the gatekeeper on some of 00:14:42
these. 00:14:48
Agenda items, but they do work on the agenda items together with the city manager. 00:14:55
So I don't know if that explained. 00:14:59
It's like I said, it's still, it's an emphasis stage, but it was the first one, but we had some discussion about it, but we did 00:15:03
approve the form, so. 00:15:07
If you have any questions, I was at that meeting when you did. Oh, OK, OK. I mean, I know that I just, I wasn't aware that the 00:15:13
chair had already had a meeting and and was, you know, advising about this form. So, you know, I'm, well, we didn't have the form. 00:15:20
So. Well, I mean, that you had a meet. You said you had a meeting. Yeah. All the all the chairman of all the boards and 00:15:26
commissions met with the mayor and the city manager. 00:15:33
I was unaware of that. I never had any communication about that that happened. So I'm. 00:15:42
Apologize for, you know, being a little bit behind the ball then, because I had no idea that that's that's fine, but it would be 00:15:48
good to know. I mean, I feel like this has happened before where meetings, you know, I maybe I don't understand the role of the 00:15:56
chairperson exactly, but I feel like sometimes that we don't, the rest of the Commission is not knowing what's really happening 00:16:03
because we haven't been advised about whatever meetings. 00:16:11
So part of that is we can't talk about it ahead of time and I can't talk about it because there's Brown Act, potential Brown Act 00:16:20
violations. So this particular one was requested by the mayor and city manager. And like I said, all of the the. 00:16:28
The and I thought I had mentioned it one of at the next at our next meeting that I had gone to this meeting with the. 00:16:37
I should have made the announcement. I don't remember that. OK, well, I said this is brand new, so it's it hasn't been tried yet. 00:16:45
I don't think anybody's turned one in yet. So right. And I so and like let's see how it works under the impression that. 00:16:51
That we were going to try this and yeah, well, I think that's it. Yeah, I think that's where we are so. 00:16:58
Councilman. 00:17:06
I take it that you did not lay down any specific requirements in terms of response time or anything like that at this point, this 00:17:08
is just an experiment. Yeah, well, it's the forum for now. There was, but there was no timeline in regards to, for example, Mr. 00:17:15
Brown, if you decide to, you know, fill out the form, give it to the chair and the chair gives it to to me and then I, I couldn't 00:17:22
give you a timeline other than. 00:17:30
If I if, if we had to, if I had to give you an estimate, if it comes to me and there's a council meeting for example next week, it 00:17:38
would probably go on the agenda for two weeks from now. So I would say three or four weeks, we would probably it would go to the 00:17:44
council. We probably have an answer for you when I come back to the last line. I just wanted the clarification that there was no 00:17:50
specific. 00:17:56
Direction or instruction in terms of the amount of time. 00:18:03
No, for responses. No, there is no response. I'm I'm just giving you my estimate. Yeah, understand. Thank you. OK. 00:18:07
Did you want me to give you my report segue into your council report? That would be great. 00:18:15
Well, the Small business interpreters presentation was given to us by Roger Gilbert, Central Coast Director of Small Businesses. 00:18:21
It was a very interesting. 00:18:27
I do know that. 00:18:35
We usually give during the council meetings. We usually give a. 00:18:38
Council, if anybody has anything to say, unfortunately we were a little, little pressed for time, but I I did have a couple things 00:18:42
I wanted to mention if anybody watched the Olympics. 00:18:47
There was 11 year old. 00:18:54
Female. 00:18:56
That won gold in the skateboard contest, which was really, and if anybody noticed, the BMX bicycles. 00:18:58
I don't know how they do that, turn the wheel around and everything, but that was the other comment I was going to be made and 00:19:07
then. 00:19:11
And the car week, of course, I was going to talk about that and there I think everybody pretty much understood that was pretty 00:19:16
exciting. They are in the businesses on the park. Let's were slammed if any of you've seen that. So anyway, going on, I don't want 00:19:23
to hold you up here. I one of those consent items was pulled Monarch sanctuary report and it was received the report and it was 00:19:30
discussed and the report was received. 00:19:38
George first put the environmental program manager put that together. 00:19:45
We also have the city Pacific Groves conflict of interest dealing with. 00:19:51
The city attorney was going to explain what that ordinance was going to be, conflict of interest as there was, but he tabled it. 00:19:58
We're going to see it. We're going to see it again. So that was not discussed at all. There was a motion of authorized city 00:20:06
manager to request for proposals for opening up a cannabis shop. I'm sure you probably heard about that. 00:20:14
There was a memo memorandum of understanding which was approved with the City of Pacific Grove Police Officers Association. 00:20:23
There was also a master services purchasing. 00:20:32
Agreement with Axon Enterprises and that was approved by the Commander Anderson who presented it and did fantastic job on that. 00:20:36
There was a decision on on the sidewalks at Pine and Fountain where the Robert Downey school is and that's already been. 00:20:46
That was discussed already. The sidewalks, I mean the crosswalks are in, but what Mr. Go and the civil engineer is going to do is 00:20:56
reevaluate it and see if some other crosswalks or something needs to be put in. That will be up to the staff to to handle. And 00:21:03
then also. 00:21:10
Also, there was a dear awareness with Carmelita Garcia. She gave a presentation on that. 00:21:20
So do you have any questions else about that? All right, great. Thank you. Thank you. 00:21:25
All right, moving along to general public comment and our written communications. We had a an e-mail from some, I don't have their 00:21:32
name in front of it, but concerning unsafe passing and speeding on Patterson Lane. 00:21:41
Had another e-mail. 00:21:51
Concerning adding a stop sign on Forest at Laurel in downtown, Two stop signs I guess, actually. 00:21:55
And then on the 500 block of force, again another speeding issue. 00:22:03
And Sunset Maple and 17 Mile drive traffic complaint. I think this had to do with. 00:22:11
Signage to help people understand who's. 00:22:21
Who goes when? 00:22:27
It's another five way intersection that can be confusing to some folks. 00:22:29
And then finally 810 Lighthouse, there was an issue there with pavement or the herb painting and for. 00:22:34
Enlarge the. 00:22:44
Passenger loading zone. 00:22:46
Curb aint. 00:22:49
And then moving on for oral communications, do we have anybody online who wishes to make a comment? I think we have A at least a 00:22:51
couple. 00:22:56
OK, Inga. 00:23:09
Thank you, Chair Gumby. 00:23:11
I'm sure you're all aware that I did send the Traffic and Safety Commission a letter which is not published, but it was thanking, 00:23:15
especially the city manager, because these next letters at this meeting have a link and we can actually read them. And that's 00:23:24
really all I wanted was to have that reinstated so that we, the public can. 00:23:33
Read the raw data and be able to comment. 00:23:43
On them intelligently, and I appreciate that very much, that that has suddenly come back. 00:23:47
And also in that is because I don't know, I know the next one is approval of the minutes, but in that same e-mail of mine. 00:23:56
Somehow I was completely left out of the minutes after Carmel Carmelita Garcia's comments, and this was about bringing letters 00:24:07
back the links so that we could read them. I was completely left out. 00:24:14
And I don't know if those are actually going to be corrected and how that is posted because I sent the letter way in time that 00:24:21
they could have been corrected before this meeting. So I would like to know how this board responds to that. And I also had to 00:24:30
send in. Did you receive it? Because no one even acknowledged that they had received. 00:24:40
My letter, whether it was staff or members of the Commission, nobody even acknowledged it. So if you wonder what's going wrong, 00:24:50
it's called communication. 00:24:55
Hearing something beforehand, being able to see something, commenting, acknowledging. 00:25:02
So. 00:25:09
I'd like to acknowledge you here for being here and listening and say that I would like to know how that's going to be taken care 00:25:10
of in the next agenda item. Thank you very much. 00:25:17
All righty, thank you and just comment there on the thank you to the her e-mail to thank you to the city manager. 00:25:25
It came in actually about an hour and a half after the agenda was published. That's why it's not on today's agenda. 00:25:36
So moving on to anyone else on line. 00:25:42
Yeah, but we're looking, we're doing the online folks 1st and we'll do the. 00:25:49
Garcia in just one moment. 00:25:53
Go ahead, Carmelita. 00:25:55
Hi there, good afternoon. Thank you for your service. I have a couple of comments. Yes, thank you very much for posting the actual 00:25:58
emails online. Again, I think it's very important that the public get the whole story so quickly. If you go down Union Street to 00:26:06
16th St. which is a one way St. towards Ocean View, there's no signage alerting the driver, no right hand turn or left hand turn 00:26:13
only. 00:26:20
I was there the day they made a right hand turn going in the wrong direction with the car driving towards them going the correct 00:26:29
direction. So I did send in a service request and I was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission. My question is being if the 00:26:36
Commission is going to go on a quarterly basis of review. 00:26:42
I'm wondering, you know, this seems to be like a quick fix and why it would not be addressed sooner or later. So that's my comment 00:26:50
there with regards to Robert Down and the stop sign and the removal of stop signs and what have you, and that the engineer, city 00:26:57
engineer and public works will go back to revisit that. My hope is that you, the Traffic Safety Commission will have the 00:27:05
opportunity to review the. 00:27:12
Scenes before they go to City Council because I think it's imperative that you as a Traffic Safety Commission weigh in on on what 00:27:20
is about to be presented to the City Council. And I know the council is in a big hurry to try and get this corrected and you know 00:27:27
they they want it sooner than later and whether or not this would delay that I don't know. But again, I think it's really 00:27:35
imperative that you as a Traffic Safety Commission look at at this because you didn't get. 00:27:42
Opportunity to look at it the first time around. So thank you very much. That's all I have to say. Thank you. All right, before 00:27:50
you go, that was a union. What was that first intersection, that union, Union at 16th Street, right. OK, thank you. You're 00:27:56
welcome. 00:28:01
All right, anyone else on line that wishing to make a comment? 00:28:10
No one else online? All righty. Anyone in the audience wishing to make comments? 00:28:17
Please step up to the. 00:28:23
Podium. 00:28:26
My name is Donald Rotella and I'm the one that submitted the fifth one on the agenda, which was regarding 810 Lighthouse Ave. 00:28:28
That's what regarding the parking, because the new law and having it required to have, I would believe it's like 20 feet of red 00:28:37
zone at the corners. They paint it red, but because they did that, there's a small area there now where. 00:28:46
Vehicles could park. 00:28:55
Between the passenger loading zone and the red zone. But that area is so small that hardly it has to be a really small car that 00:28:57
fits there. So what they do is a regular SUV will block the passenger zone. So then a person cannot get in the passenger zone, 00:29:05
they cannot park in there, or if they do, they try to get in there and they block traffic and it blocks Lighthouse Ave. So I was 00:29:12
really concerned about that. 00:29:19
To remediate that issue, if they either extended the passenger white passenger loading zone all the way to the red zone. 00:29:27
Or if they started it with the red zone and moved it back, that would remediate the issue. Oh, you were going to say something. 00:29:34
Oh, oh, OK, I saw you put your hand. So I thought, OK, so anyway, so that's that's the issue. And because I live those are 00:29:42
condominiums, 22, a lot of them are elderly people, retired people. So some are in have walkers and canes and so forth. So they 00:29:49
need to be able to get. 00:29:57
That area have someone pick them up even the mailman says he has a hard time getting in there because the car that's parked in 00:30:04
that small area between the red zone and the passenger, you can such a small area and then the area behind right next to adjacent 00:30:12
to the passenger loading zone. A lot of those cars move up and park partially on the white zone. So if they extended it all the 00:30:19
way to the red zone or like I said started it with the red zone and. 00:30:27
Back and if it's, you know, according to the ordinance or law that they have to have a certain amount of space, they can always do 00:30:35
that, but start at the red zone. 00:30:38
So that was my concern. I was directed to five different departments, from code enforcement to the Fresno Police Department, to 00:30:42
the city manager, to the city administration, finally to the Traffic Safety Commission. So no one knew who to contact until I 00:30:50
finally got hold of someone that says it was, I think those sitting manager and Mr. Go GHO, they told me to contact the Safety 00:30:57
Traffic Commission. 00:31:04
All right. Thank you. And I think Mr. go ahead. You'd already forwarded that to the traffic engineer. 00:31:12
That's correct. His review began today. There you go. So it's in the process. 00:31:21
Anyone else in the audience wishing to make any comments? 00:31:27
I do not have a timeline, Sir. 00:31:37
I don't have a timeline. I haven't been able to touch base with staff on that. 00:31:39
Yeah, when we get a recommendation from our traffic engineer, then he'll create a work order and crews will go out and make the 00:31:44
appropriate improvement. 00:31:49
All righty. Mr. Chairman, just just as a follow up to that, is there a way that we can keep this on the agenda to make sure that 00:31:56
there's follow through on this in a timely manner? 00:32:02
I guess you can bring it up at the next at our next meeting if you wish. 00:32:10
What would it fit under? New business, Old business, make it. Old business you can make a. 00:32:14
Ask it during during the general public comment. You can. 00:32:20
OK, we can be flexible. 00:32:25
Thank you. 00:32:27
Welcome. All righty, Moving on. We'll close public comment. Moving on to the minutes. 00:32:28
Do we have any? 00:32:38
Revisions to the minutes. 00:32:41
I'll propose that we revise and add Inga's name to the the portion of it with Carmelita Garcia's. 00:32:47
I did. I did have it written down in my notes and I didn't put it in because I basically had that. She was agreeing with 00:33:00
Carmelita. That's fine. So. 00:33:05
We can say that Inga was in agreement with. 00:33:11
The roundabout written, public comments to be published and the Traffic Safety committee being. 00:33:17
No, that's just it that she wanted the written public comments to be published. OK. And so I'll move that we approve that. Do we 00:33:30
have a second? 00:33:35
I've already closed public comment. 00:33:43
So do I have a second? 00:33:49
OK, it's been moved. And seconded that we revised the minutes to show that Inga Dominson, Lorenson Dahmer, excuse me. 00:33:52
That. 00:34:01
Will add her name to the minutes concerning the roundabout conversation that she agreed with Carmelita Garcia, correct? 00:34:03
Yes, all right. 00:34:13
Can we have a roll call vote please? 00:34:15
Commissioner Greening, Commissioner Shamas, Chairman Gumby, Commissioner Brown, Commissioner Stern. 00:34:18
All right, moving on to the regular agenda and we have a presentation. It's going to be an online presentation. There she is from 00:34:28
Ariata Green. She's a principal transportation planner from TMC. And this is going to concern Safe Routes to School and Complete 00:34:34
Streets. 00:34:40
And the PowerPoint is available online. We're going to try to show that too, while she's speaking. 00:34:47
So let's hang on for just a second. Let's get it on if we can get. 00:34:57
The PowerPoint Online. 00:35:02
Or however we can do it, it's fine with me. 00:35:11
Well, while while the PowerPoint is being pulled up, can you all hear me OK? 00:35:19
Excellent. 00:35:25
So hang on, staff, are you trying to get it online because it's. 00:35:26
Miss Green, do you plan on presenting from and sharing from your computer, or would you like us to pull that up? I can if needed. 00:35:31
That'd be great because I don't have it readily available. Thank you. No problem. 00:35:38
Sorry for the yeah, no worries. 00:35:45
OK. 00:35:57
Perfect. And we see it clearly. Thank you very much. 00:35:59
OK, everyone can see my screen. We do see a presenter mode, so we're seeing your notes as well as the. 00:36:04
We're seeing next slide. 00:36:17
There we go. 00:36:25
Yeah, technology. 00:36:27
Thank you all for accommodating me tonight. I had some, my childcare fell through this evening last minute, so I really appreciate 00:36:31
the opportunity to still be able to present to you tonight. My name is Ariana Green. I'm a principal transportation planner with 00:36:39
the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. And tonight we're going to touch on some buzzwords that you may have been. 00:36:47
Hearing. 00:36:57
Umm, so this is going to be a high level presentation and our staff will be coming back to this Commission in the near future to 00:36:58
talk more about some of these. But tonight I want everyone to be able to walk away with a general understanding of complete safe 00:37:07
Routes to school, complete streets and Vision Zero. And then I also just wanted to talk a little bit about some. 00:37:16
Some barriers and opportunities to bringing these things to Pacific Grove. 00:37:26
But before we dive into that, I just want to make sure everyone in the room and in the audience knows who we are. Where the 00:37:35
transportation agency for Monterey County. We are a regional transportation planning agency, and we're designated by the state and 00:37:43
responsible for planning and funding transportation projects only in Monterey County. 00:37:51
And we work on a variety of different transportation projects. 00:37:59
From rail to complete streets to bike, walk, biking, walking to Hwy. projects and supporting projects that cross multiple 00:38:03
jurisdictions in the county. 00:38:10
We have a pretty large board. We have 23 members made-up of all. 00:38:18
Of the Board of Supervisors and representatives from each of the incorporated cities in Monterey County Council Member Podori is 00:38:24
our representative from Pacific Grove and we also have seven ex officio members serving on our board, including Monterey Salinas 00:38:32
Transit and the Air District, CSU, Monterey Bay, et cetera. 00:38:40
So lots of, lots of powerful people in the room helping us make our important transportation decisions. 00:38:48
And my main role at the agency is that I oversee our countrywide Safe Routes to School program. So what our program, our program 00:38:59
is funded through Measure X, which is passed in 2016 by the Monterey County voters. And we have $20 million / 30 years dedicated 00:39:06
to the Safe Routes to School program. 00:39:14
We, and then what we do with the program is we dedicate roughly half of our budget to changing the actual physical infrastructure 00:39:23
to better accommodate, to make it safer and more comfortable for kids to get to and from school. 00:39:32
And then the other roughly half of the budget is spent on non infrastructure education and encouragement programming. We're also 00:39:41
an important goal of our program is to be equitable. So we've been focusing on our most serving, our most transportation 00:39:49
disadvantaged communities. 00:39:58
In the county, first people who don't have access to a car, who have limited transportation. 00:40:07
Options. 00:40:13
And then? 00:40:15
Really the overarching goal are why for the program is, is we want every child to be able to walk safely and comfortably anywhere 00:40:18
in their community. So that's the ultimate goal. And when we can design our streets to be comfortable and safe for children, then 00:40:26
what we're really doing is we're making them safe, safe and comfortable for everybody, people of all ages. 00:40:35
And abilities. 00:40:44
So. 00:40:45
We're so everybody benefits is I guess what I'm trying to say. So there are we focus on improving safety. 00:40:47
Traffic is a big issue around schools. Lots of people drive their kids to schools now there are health benefits, long lasting life 00:40:56
long lasting health benefits and then there's also benefits to the environment. So there's there is a lot of focus on reducing 00:41:04
drive alone trips to and from school and an emphasis on encouraging. 00:41:12
Active transportation like walking and biking, as well as. 00:41:20
Carpooling and transit options. 00:41:25
So that's the high level complete streets or Saint Ross's school. 00:41:31
And, and now we're moving on to Complete Streets. And there is a lot of overlap actually between Complete Streets and our Safe 00:41:37
Routes to School program because Complete Streets is all about designing with all users in mind. So thinking about people of all 00:41:45
ages and abilities when we're designing our streets. 00:41:53
This is an example of what a complete St. might look like. 00:42:02
But I do want to say that Complete Streets is not about making every street look like this. It's about recognizing that there are 00:42:06
some streets where cars will have priority, and there will be other streets where bicyclists and pedestrians will have priority 00:42:14
over cars. But right now, I think the reality for a lot of streets is that cars have the priority and there hasn't been a lot of 00:42:21
thought about everybody else. 00:42:29
So Complete Streets is kind of pushing back on on what's existing and seeing if there are ways that we can improve. 00:42:36
Improve comfort and safety and access for more more people who are using the street. 00:42:46
And for streets that are like main streets where everybody needs to like lots of people use them because they provide the most 00:42:53
direct access to jobs and schools and, you know, all the important things in a community centers and City Hall, we want to make 00:43:01
sure that everybody, ideally all users. 00:43:08
Have good access on those streets and it might mean. 00:43:16
If you've got streets where there are higher speeds, then you might need more protection for bicycles and and pedestrians. So in 00:43:21
this picture we've got. 00:43:26
Plus, we've got transit, we have cars and we have bikes, but we have a physical separation between the bikes and the cars on the 00:43:32
street. 00:43:37
One of the biggest challenges of Complete Streets is, especially in a city like Pacific Grove, is that your infrastructure is 00:43:43
built out. So like you have buildings on either side of the roadway. So what that means is that when you try and do Complete 00:43:49
Streets project, there are going to be trade-offs. 00:43:56
Because you only have so much St. real estate to work with. So something's to make room more room for one user like a like a 00:44:03
bicyclist. That may mean giving up some real estate that has been dedicated to cars. So be that parking, be that narrowing lanes. 00:44:11
There's usually some some sort of a trade off there. So that's the hardest part about implementing company streets. 00:44:19
And I just wanted to call out that the city of Pacific Grove already has a planning document that that includes Complete streets 00:44:29
recommendations and that's the Pacific Grove Hwy. 68 corridor. So this is a proposal for street for Sunset Dr. what Sunset Dr. 00:44:37
could look like and. 00:44:45
Give to create a more comfortable space for. 00:44:54
Cyclists and pedestrians. 00:44:59
OK. And now we're moving on to Vision 0. So I'm not going to talk a ton about Vision Zero because our agency is getting ready to, 00:45:05
we're we're getting ready to start a Vision Zero county wide Vision Zero plan. 00:45:13
Which will include the city of Pacific Grove. So my colleague Doug Bilsey, our our Campsie traffic engineer will be coming back to 00:45:23
the Commission to get your input and to work with you to develop the Vision Zero plan for Pacific Grove. But essentially the goal 00:45:31
of Vision 0 is. 00:45:40
To reduce the number of traffic related. 00:45:49
Injuries and fatalities to 0. So it's really looking through. 00:45:53
Transportation planning and engineering through this lens that that really prioritizes safety above above all else. And there's a 00:46:01
number of ways that you can achieve a Vision Zero and this so this diagram is actually from the city of Monterey's Vision Zero 00:46:08
plan. 00:46:15
And so they have identified 4 main quadrants to focus on to to meet to reach this goal of 0. 00:46:23
Fatalities and injuries. So you want to have safe design roads that are safe. You want to have design roads that lower speeds. 00:46:33
You want people to be educated so they know how to get around safely and you want the vehicles themselves to be safe and and drive 00:46:43
worthy. And then one of our main focuses, this diagram shows why speed is just so important to achieve Vision 0. 00:46:54
Speed. 00:47:07
Affects the way the driver really effects drivers vision. So at the top you can see this is the vision that driver has driving 20 00:47:08
mph. So you're driving slower so you can see a lot more around you and you're you need for your reaction time you need less. 00:47:18
Time to stop. Let's say if a child darts out in the road in front of you and then as you can see as you go down the diagram, the 00:47:29
speeds are getting faster and faster and your your tunnel vision is getting smaller and smaller and your reaction time is getting 00:47:37
or your reaction distance you need to stop is getting larger and larger. 00:47:45
And so the result of of this is if you pedestrians, if they're hit. 00:47:54
Crossing the street by a car that's going 40 mph, they're 80% more likely to be killed or have a severe injury versus 10%. 00:48:02
Who pedestrians are likely for those things if they're hit by a car going 20 mph. So it's pretty significant. 00:48:19
That's why speed is so important. 00:48:29
So I pulled a a report just till I was curious to to find out where. 00:48:35
Where bicycles and pedestrian Where the bicycles and pedestrian crashes have been happening in Pacific Grove over the past roughly 00:48:43
decade. And so this map shows shows the spots where people have been hit by cars and the red spots are where multiple collisions 00:48:50
have happened. So you can see. 00:48:57
That I'm not sure if you can see my cursor or not, but most of the collisions have been happening along Forest Ave. 00:49:04
We have some along Sunset Drive here. 00:49:15
And then on lighthouse. 00:49:21
And it looks like some of these are maybe on the trail, but and then lighthouse, so another you might, you can see that a lot of 00:49:24
these collisions happen at the intersections and intersections are are the most dangerous place for pedestrians and bicyclists 00:49:32
because they're more likely to that's where they're more likely to be hit. So. 00:49:41
If you want to improve safety. 00:49:51
We focus on the intersections, but really it looks like you have some opportunity here to focus on some corridors and making 00:49:54
corridor wide improvements. 00:50:00
Throughout the city. Pine was another one that I flagged here. 00:50:07
And then this graph just breaks down the percentage of pedestrians versus bicyclists. So I was surprised actually, because 00:50:16
normally we see a lot more pedestrians of pedestrian crashes versus bicyclists, but. 00:50:24
So. So this was a little bit surprising. 00:50:34
Especially considering how hilly you guys, how hilly Pacific Grove is. So you've got some strong bicyclists in the community, but 00:50:37
this might suggest that. 00:50:42
That you might want to consider some improved bicycle facilities in the city. 00:50:48
So we've, I've kind of been talking about some barriers and opportunities throughout the presentation, but I just wanted to touch 00:50:58
on a couple more. So I think one of the biggest barriers for the for Pacific Grove is funding, grant funding what we've been 00:51:04
seeing. 00:51:11
Over the past. 00:51:19
Like 6. 00:51:23
Funding cycles for active transportation, bicycle pedestrian grants is that there's really been an emphasis on serving 00:51:24
disadvantaged communities, quote UN quote disadvantaged communities. And based off of the criteria the grants use, Pacific Grove 00:51:32
is not a competitive candidate. So in terms of being considered a disadvantaged community, so that that's definitely going to be a 00:51:39
challenge. 00:51:47
I think I see that as a challenge for Pacific growth. 00:51:55
But I think that some opportunities that you have are you have some existing planning documents already that have analyzed some of 00:51:59
the major corridors in the city. And we've got the the Vision Zero plan coming that will do will allow for even more analysis on 00:52:09
streets throughout the city and really focus on safety and figuring out projects that can improve safety. 00:52:19
Throughout the city. 00:52:29
And then there are there are things that can be done for with local dollars and there are improvements that that can be done for. 00:52:32
That don't cost millions and millions of dollars, so. 00:52:45
One of the things that we've been. 00:52:50
Experimenting with through our Safe Routes to School plans is we've been doing temporary St. demonstrations so where we for a 00:52:53
shorter period of time will redesign. 00:53:01
A section of roadway, a block or a couple blocks or an intersection and we'll try out a complete streets design and we. 00:53:11
We collect data, we collect surveys from the community to find out what the commute, how the community feels about the new design, 00:53:25
whether they like it or not. 00:53:29
But these can be done. 00:53:35
Pretty inexpensively. And and then if the community doesn't like it, the beauty of it is that it can be taken out. Everything is 00:53:38
removable. 00:53:43
So this is something that. 00:53:48
That could be done in Pacific Grove. 00:53:53
And on several streets. And it's something that our agency would be happy to work with staff on to identify opportunities for if 00:53:57
that's of interest to the Commission and the City Council. 00:54:04
So here's another example of protected bike lane that we demonstrated in Seaside. 00:54:15
And next to a. 00:54:22
One of the elementaries? One of their elementary schools. 00:54:25
And that concludes my presentation. I'd be happy to answer questions or clarify anything for you. Thank you. Great. Thank you. 00:54:29
That was great. If you can keep your PowerPoint up, that would be great also. 00:54:37
Staff, do we have anyone online who's has their hand up? 00:54:46
No. 00:54:52
All righty and video in the audience wishing to make a comment or ask a question. 00:54:54
All right, Any Commissioners wishing to make a comment or ask a question? Commissioner Shamas, thank you. I have a question about 00:55:00
what about grants for seniors or disabled because. 00:55:08
Pacific Grove may not fall into certain other categories for grants, but probably senior citizens might do it. 00:55:16
I'm just wondering if that was another option that we could look at. 00:55:28
Yeah, we definitely can. Can look into that. There aren't any specific grants that I'm aware of for infrastructure, if that's what 00:55:33
you're meaning, if that's what you're meaning, we do have, our agency does have a seniors and disabled grant program or like 00:55:42
transportation services for seniors. So we do that is an active program that's funded through Measure X. 00:55:50
That's I believe. I believe serves Pacific Grove, but I can double check on that too. 00:55:59
Yeah. OK. Thank you. 00:56:06
All right. Any other OK, Vice Vice Chairman Brown? 00:56:08
I've got a series of questions, I would really appreciate it if you could help me on this I. 00:56:14
Miss Green, would you go to the bike and pedestrian crashes? 00:56:19
Slide. 00:56:26
There are no bars on these, sort of I I don't know. Is that the one you want to describe? Yeah, that's the right. 00:56:27
So let me make sure I understand this. You collected data from 2012 through 2021. Where do you find this kind of information? 00:56:33
Yeah, great question, and I'm sorry I did not provide a citation. This is from the Transportation Injury Mapping System. 00:56:43
And that's it's a site that's put together by UC Berkeley and I can share a link with staff if you're interested in checking it 00:56:53
out yourself. It's free to access. You just have to set up an account and then you can look up the statewide. 00:57:02
Traffic data, So all the the data that gets reported from the police departments to the state shows up in the transportation 00:57:13
Injury mapping system. 00:57:18
And then you can you can. 00:57:24
Create maps like this one and. 00:57:28
Query certain things and it's not just for bicycle and pedestrian data, it's for all crashes. And I look up, there's also you can 00:57:32
look up all sorts of detailed information about each crash. So, so yeah, I can share that. 00:57:39
Site. 00:57:48
Yeah, that would be if you could give us a citation. Yes, it's a great tool and this is what we use for our grant applications 00:57:50
too. 00:57:54
OK. 00:58:00
Following up on that, if you go to the next slide. 00:58:03
I got confused my. 00:58:08
My printer doesn't print things out in the right colors. 00:58:10
Need to change anyone can see I've got pink on this and yellow and and it's supposed to be green and blue so I want to make sure I 00:58:14
understand this chart. 00:58:20
So the green is injuries to or you say victims. So we don't know exactly what that means, right? That just means somebody was 00:58:26
involved in. 00:58:32
The situation, yeah, for pedestrians, that's what the grain is, right? Yes. So these were pedestrians involved in crashes. OK. 00:58:39
It means that they've been hit by a car, hit by a car in most cases. There are some rare cases where there are collisions or 00:58:52
crashes between a bicyclist and a pedestrian, but usually it's between a car, motorized vehicle and a pedestrian or bicyclist. OK. 00:59:00
And so that's sorry that that's the blue, the pedestrians involved, yes. 00:59:08
So the Blues bicyclists. 00:59:17
So 56% of all the crashes involves bicycles. The problem is the bottom on the bottom of the chart. 00:59:21
The blue dot is next to pedestrians. You see them. 00:59:30
Yes. 00:59:36
No, no, no. I. 00:59:39
OK, All right, so. 00:59:43
What's underneath the colored bars is what we should be looking at in terms of the type of. 00:59:46
Mode of transportation, walking or cars or bicyclists that that it reflects, right. So you've got, in this case, the blue is the 00:59:56
bicyclists and the green is the pedestrians. 01:00:02
OK. 01:00:09
I was confused by what's underneath that. OK, so then um. 01:00:10
What we what you had observed is that it appears that more bicyclists were involved in some form of accident during this time 01:00:16
period. Is that right? 01:00:20
Correct. 01:00:26
We go back to this slide just before this. 01:00:28
I want you to look at the intersection of Congress and Sunset. 01:00:34
And there is a green with a yellow in the middle. 01:00:41
What does that indicate? 01:00:46
So. 01:00:50
It means that there is more than one crash there. 01:00:52
So if it was just a green, if it was just a green. So the the green to red is just a like the number the the. 01:00:58
The number of crashes that have happened in that same spot. 01:01:07
OK, so how many crashes did? 01:01:12
I don't, you know, I don't have that exact information readily available to me right now, but I, but again, I can follow up with 01:01:14
staff with some more detailed information if that would be of interest. 01:01:23
It would be. I would find it interesting because we're with that intersection now on the. 01:01:32
Issue of the roundabout and we have a different series of. 01:01:38
Information that we received back in January. 01:01:44
From the consultant with regard to that project, and that was for a time period from December. 01:01:48
2017 to December 22nd. 01:01:55
And the only thing I see on there are, well, there were 10 accidents. 01:02:00
But these are all car accidents. 01:02:06
Or. 01:02:09
Simply say unknown 7 involved property and three involved injuries. 01:02:10
I'm just trying to see if these things are complementary or contradictory. 01:02:18
So if we could get some more information on the nature of the information that resulted in your making that indication on this 01:02:26
map, I would appreciate it. 01:02:32
Yeah. And again, this map only shows the crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrian. It doesn't show any of the just car on car 01:02:40
crashes. But I'd be happy to do a quick query for the intersection that shows all of the crashes including bicyclists and 01:02:47
pedestrians and and motorized vehicles. Yeah, I I think that would be important because one of the considerations that that I'm 01:02:54
concerned about with regard to that intersection. 01:03:02
And any solution in that intersection is the impact it's going to have on the kids going to school. 01:03:10
It's good to know what kind of and to what extent there were. 01:03:19
Accidents involving pedestrians, in this case mostly children, and whatever information we could collect on that I think would be 01:03:25
very helpful to the Commission. 01:03:29
I'd be happy to help. 01:03:38
Thank you. 01:03:41
Ariana, great presentation. Thank you so much. 01:03:42
I noticed the hot spot on forest there's that corridor seems pretty dangerous and it's also a major intersection for kids to get 01:03:47
to school at the elementary school, kind of right underneath the Pacific Grove. 01:03:54
Yeah, to the right there is one of our schools and. 01:04:04
I appreciate you saying you guys do pop-up demonstrations and I'm wondering if this would be a candidate to do a pop-up 01:04:08
demonstration to show how we can reduce speeds or provide somewhat of a better network for a safe route to school since this is 01:04:15
such a dangerous area. 01:04:22
We'd love to know. I don't know if you if you're familiar with that street or that area, but I guess my suggestion would be I 01:04:30
would love to try to see a proposed pop up here if Tamsi is willing to work with us to provide a safer route to school. 01:04:39
Yeah, we would be happy to to have some more conversations about some potential projects because I mean pop up demonstrations 01:04:48
don't work on every single street. So we have to make sure. 01:04:55
That. 01:05:02
It meets all the right criteria, but I think so. And I don't know enough today to say one way or another, but but yeah, we would 01:05:05
be happy to have the conversations with staff to look, look at it more closely, look at a couple options. Pine Ave. was one of the 01:05:13
streets that we've kind of been looking at. 01:05:20
As that may have potential. 01:05:29
For some complete streets improvements, some state process school improvements. 01:05:33
Forest Ave. of course, is a little trickier because it's one of the evacuation routes for the city. So like there's there's a lot 01:05:37
of considerations right, for any street. So we would just need to to dive in with staff on. 01:05:47
On this considerations and to follow up, I think what would be helpful today because you've provided such great information, I 01:05:58
would love to know what that process looks like to approach TMC and obviously budgets are a big issue, but would love to know what 01:06:05
is that process generally look like to engage with TMC. 01:06:12
So we've been doing our pop-up demonstrations as part of our Safe Routes to School planning process. So we don't, we don't 01:06:21
actually have an established like program for, for doing like quick build projects or these like pilot projects yet. It's 01:06:28
actually, it's something we're developing right now, but I don't know, I don't honestly know how long it's going to take us to get 01:06:34
set up. 01:06:41
I'm hoping. 01:06:49
That. 01:06:51
In a perfect world, we would be able to start implementing some projects within a year or so. 01:06:53
But I just so I. 01:07:01
I've I've talked with PG staff a little bit about this opportunity already and would be happy to continue talking to see if the 01:07:06
city is interested in in doing. 01:07:12
Maybe a pilot with us, but but yeah, the timing, I don't, I don't have any. We don't have an established program yet. So we'll be 01:07:20
talking about doing a pilot program with the city of Pacific Grove. 01:07:26
Thank you so much. 01:07:36
Any other questions from commissioners? 01:07:39
I had, and I just wanted to kind of reiterate, I think from what Commissioner Stern was talking about, kind of next steps and from 01:07:43
what I'm hearing from you, if we have concerns about specific areas or specific modes of transportation, well, bikes, pedestrian 01:07:50
in this case. 01:07:56
That probably the best way to start something is to work with staff. 01:08:04
PG staff and then in turn. 01:08:10
With with your you and your staff to to start, start things moving. Is that, is that correct? That's correct. 01:08:14
Oh, go ahead. 01:08:26
Did we lose it? Anyway, I really appreciate the presentation. I understand you're going to be making another presentation or this 01:08:34
presentation to another group in town, and I think that's great. 01:08:40
And. 01:08:48
Yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 01:08:50
Thank you so much for having me. 01:08:55
All righty. 01:08:58
So moving on, actually that's the end of our program tonight. 01:09:01
Our next meeting is September 24th and it is 509 and we're adjourned. 01:09:09
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Welcome to the Traffic Safety Commission meeting Tuesday, August 27th. We have a roll call please. 00:00:00
Commissioner Greening. 00:00:18
Chairman Gunby, Commissioner Brown here. Chairman, I'm sorry, Commissioner Brock. 00:00:22
And Commissioner Stern. 00:00:30
Thank you. 00:00:32
So First off, approval of the agenda, do we have any changes to the agenda as? 00:00:35
Submitted. 00:00:42
The lady from the Commission staff, no changes. 00:00:47
All right, can we? 00:00:52
OK. We have AI. Second, we have a motion and a second to approve the agenda as submitted. Can we have a roll call please? 00:00:57
Commissioner Greening. 00:01:05
Yes. Commissioner Shamas. Yes. Chairman Gumby. Commissioner Brown. Commissioner Proc. Yes. Commissioner Stern. Yes. 00:01:08
Thank you. Agenda has been approved and it's the announcement. Do we have a 10C? 00:01:18
There was no meeting in August, so no announcements. OK, thank you. 00:01:27
We do have 2A or 2B, excuse me, as the adoption of the protocol for committee recommendations. 00:01:32
So if we could put this up on the screen, this is a. 00:01:38
Process where the City Council recently approved a the process to. 00:01:44
For committees, commissions and boards to ask a request the Council take action on particular items. 00:01:55
And we'll process and try to get that on. We're not going to go through the entire thing, but it just you let people. 00:02:13
Understand that. 00:02:21
So there is a link on the. 00:02:28
On the website for this. 00:02:31
OK. 00:02:39
And so essentially the process is essentially an application where the particular border Commission can propose an item, vote on 00:02:40
the item, and if approved, move that item to. 00:02:48
A to discuss with the particular boards liaison and then bring that to the City manager. 00:02:59
And discuss the the potential of bringing that to the full council for for their action. 00:03:09
And that's about it, Mr. Chairman. Yes. Is this the one that has a form that you're supposed to fill out? OK. And the form talks 00:03:18
about the committees, the recommendation, the discussion, the physical impact and the attachments. And then this would go to so 00:03:26
that you would give that to your council or your council liaison. 00:03:34
And then meet with the city manager. 00:03:43
And then discuss the. 00:03:48
Relevance of going to the City Council or their ultimate decision whether to approve or not approve that particular request. OK, 00:03:52
but this is for committee committees or commissions for commissions, correct? That's boards and commissions committees to go to 00:04:01
request the City Council take action on a particular item of. 00:04:09
Their relevance. OK, Thank you. You're welcome. 00:04:18
All right, moving on. You have a question too. Go ahead, Commissioner, go ahead. 00:04:22
Were you ready? 00:04:32
Thank you. 00:04:34
So the mayor put this together and in collaboration with the city manager and others, I imagine yes, and presented it. So it's 00:04:36
he's giving it to us to review. No, it's not. This is City Council has already approved this. 00:04:44
So this that's nice of them. So the, so we did all of the chair people of the various boards and commissions did meet with the 00:04:54
city manager and the mayor and discussed the process in general the the mayor and the city manager then put together. 00:05:03
A presentation and that went to City Council. It was discussed and they approved this process. 00:05:13
OK, how about but we didn't have a chance to give any input. We don't you only only through me being at the meeting initially with 00:05:21
the mayor and the city manager. Well, I wish we had been able to know that ahead of time anyway. So my only comment is on this 00:05:31
form that I'd like to know how to how will the council respond to it? It's not I would like to see something on the. 00:05:41
Form that that kind of indicates how approved or denied something like that, yeah, how, how or timeliness, you know, something 00:05:51
like that so that you know we don't just fill out some form and it goes into the ether and that's it. 00:05:59
So I mean just in terms of of timeliness and and what to expect like what what kind of response do we expect because it could go 00:06:08
on the agenda if, if our liaison asked for it to be on the agenda as I understand that. 00:06:16
And so I'm assuming the liaison will respond back to us concerning whatever we put out there. 00:06:27
Through the form. So yeah, I, I would, I would. The way I would understand it is that we would work with the Liza. If the liaison 00:06:36
doesn't believe that this is something that the City Council would would go forward on, then that may be it would be. We also have 00:06:43
the potential of working with the city city manager and getting his input too. And then the decision would be made whether to go 00:06:50
forward to bring it to City Council. 00:06:58
Yes, OK. 00:07:06
And then ultimately the city so so would decide and or another. So are we kind of on a trial basis here to see how this works and 00:07:08
then because I mean this came out of our being upset that. 00:07:14
As a traffic Commission, we haven't been included in decisions that some of the City Council members have made and so we this is 00:07:21
where this came from. 00:07:28
And So what I'm, what I'm wondering is, shouldn't we be allowed to give feedback on maybe, you know, after half a year or so, you 00:07:36
know how it's working? Well, I think there's always a possibility that you can come back and, you know, revisit, you know, after 00:07:44
it's gone, after it's been used a while. I'm not sure I agree with the reasoning behind. 00:07:52
Why this came up I think, I think staff had been concerned. 00:08:01
Not just our staff, but other staff from other boards and commissions. 00:08:05
That they were being requested to do things and they didn't believe that the individual commissions or boards had the authority to 00:08:12
request that. And so only City Council was was authorized to make those requests. And so this is a vehicle by which we can request 00:08:20
the City Council to take action. 00:08:29
But that is still up to City Council to decide that one way or another. 00:08:38
Right, but but as when I read the role of the committee in the handbook. 00:08:43
It says the primary function of city committees is to advise informal and formal communication may be used as appropriate and. 00:08:50
And then it says committee recommendations related to city actions may be presented at City Council meetings as individual agenda 00:09:00
items. 00:09:05
So it you know, we do it says we do have a duty to advise. And so this is the form that we're so this is requesting the council to 00:09:10
take action. So if we say, well, we want a we want a roundabout at at sunset in Congress academic now and the City Council said 00:09:20
no, then that would be it. And but if we requested them to do it and they and they agreed to and now they. 00:09:30
We did not, we did not. No, we're not directing. We are, we are giving our recommendations. So two different things though. So 00:09:40
staff was. 00:09:45
Believed in some cases that they were being directed to do things. They did not believe that the various boards and commissions 00:09:50
had that authority. And that's where this, that's my understanding of where this document came from. 00:09:58
And this is a formal request from a particular board. 00:10:06
Or Commission to City Council to take action on a particular item, OK. 00:10:11
So it's a little bit different than. 00:10:18
Just suggest making a recommendation. We make recommendations. We've made a lot of various recommendations as far as maintenance 00:10:20
items and things like that. I. 00:10:25
That did not require council. 00:10:31
Approval. 00:10:36
But other things went beyond that. For instance, in our in our particular case. 00:10:37
OK, I. 00:10:44
So you're saying there's there is a way to direct staff? 00:10:47
Beyond this, I mean, no, this is it, this form going through or council liaison and the city manager and developing a potentially 00:10:52
an agenda item for City Council that would be the the way to request the formal way to request City Council take action on a 00:10:59
particular item. 00:11:07
OK. And these are larger and these, I don't know exactly what the monetary limit is. I think it's like over $5000. So if we're 00:11:16
requesting public works to do something that costs more than $5000? 00:11:23
And they don't have that in their specific budget already. Then this would be the way for us to. 00:11:32
To make that formal request through City Council and then City Council would actually make that take that action. 00:11:40
Mr. Chairman, I've got a follow-up question. I think Commissioners also asked a question or asked a question that I'd like to have 00:11:48
answered, and that is I, I, I apologize, I haven't looked at the guidelines for this. 00:11:55
But is there any time period in which either the liaison or someone else is to get back to the committees of the commissions? 00:12:02
With regard to an application, well, we have a maybe if we could have our council liaison come to our come to the podium and. 00:12:13
If they have some more information. 00:12:23
This is. 00:12:28
I'll also give my report, but first let me. 00:12:31
I thought I it could have been explained that to you. 00:12:35
On it earlier that we had approved that on the council this forum maybe it was the museum board of mobile so lays on a museum 00:12:40
board. Maybe I told them about it so so I'll tell you about it so the mayor proposed this and in working with the chair said with 00:12:50
city manager and I got to let you know in my opinion it's in its infancy stage I mean it's. 00:12:59
Or is on the line and it may be, you know, once it we start getting some forms in from different committees it it may have to be 00:13:10
tweaked. 00:13:15
And but I'm not saying it's going to be, but some of the items that and I'll just use. 00:13:21
Beth Chamas, for example. 00:13:28
You were working on some goals, if I remember right or am I right that the Commission was working on some goals and if those were 00:13:31
to put on the form and then I would bring it to the normally I would bring it to the mayor and decide what should we put it on? 00:13:40
Should we just put it on the consent item? And consent items are usually, you know, one through 8. 00:13:48
Are approved, there are items that aren't really discussed and but if there's some action that needs to be done, then it would be 00:13:58
brought to the the mayor and the city manager and then we go with that form and the form goes to the liaison. You're right, Chair 00:14:07
Gundy goes to me and then I would forward it to the mayor or upstairs to the city manager and then it would go from there. 00:14:15
But it depends what the what what. 00:14:25
The items could be too. And just like I said, I'm liaison the museum board and they may have something. I I just don't know. I 00:14:28
would, if you turn to the forum into me, let's just say you decided to do something. I would definitely take it and bring it 00:14:35
directly to the city manager and the mayor. And the mayor usually is the I don't want to call him. He's the gatekeeper on some of 00:14:42
these. 00:14:48
Agenda items, but they do work on the agenda items together with the city manager. 00:14:55
So I don't know if that explained. 00:14:59
It's like I said, it's still, it's an emphasis stage, but it was the first one, but we had some discussion about it, but we did 00:15:03
approve the form, so. 00:15:07
If you have any questions, I was at that meeting when you did. Oh, OK, OK. I mean, I know that I just, I wasn't aware that the 00:15:13
chair had already had a meeting and and was, you know, advising about this form. So, you know, I'm, well, we didn't have the form. 00:15:20
So. Well, I mean, that you had a meet. You said you had a meeting. Yeah. All the all the chairman of all the boards and 00:15:26
commissions met with the mayor and the city manager. 00:15:33
I was unaware of that. I never had any communication about that that happened. So I'm. 00:15:42
Apologize for, you know, being a little bit behind the ball then, because I had no idea that that's that's fine, but it would be 00:15:48
good to know. I mean, I feel like this has happened before where meetings, you know, I maybe I don't understand the role of the 00:15:56
chairperson exactly, but I feel like sometimes that we don't, the rest of the Commission is not knowing what's really happening 00:16:03
because we haven't been advised about whatever meetings. 00:16:11
So part of that is we can't talk about it ahead of time and I can't talk about it because there's Brown Act, potential Brown Act 00:16:20
violations. So this particular one was requested by the mayor and city manager. And like I said, all of the the. 00:16:28
The and I thought I had mentioned it one of at the next at our next meeting that I had gone to this meeting with the. 00:16:37
I should have made the announcement. I don't remember that. OK, well, I said this is brand new, so it's it hasn't been tried yet. 00:16:45
I don't think anybody's turned one in yet. So right. And I so and like let's see how it works under the impression that. 00:16:51
That we were going to try this and yeah, well, I think that's it. Yeah, I think that's where we are so. 00:16:58
Councilman. 00:17:06
I take it that you did not lay down any specific requirements in terms of response time or anything like that at this point, this 00:17:08
is just an experiment. Yeah, well, it's the forum for now. There was, but there was no timeline in regards to, for example, Mr. 00:17:15
Brown, if you decide to, you know, fill out the form, give it to the chair and the chair gives it to to me and then I, I couldn't 00:17:22
give you a timeline other than. 00:17:30
If I if, if we had to, if I had to give you an estimate, if it comes to me and there's a council meeting for example next week, it 00:17:38
would probably go on the agenda for two weeks from now. So I would say three or four weeks, we would probably it would go to the 00:17:44
council. We probably have an answer for you when I come back to the last line. I just wanted the clarification that there was no 00:17:50
specific. 00:17:56
Direction or instruction in terms of the amount of time. 00:18:03
No, for responses. No, there is no response. I'm I'm just giving you my estimate. Yeah, understand. Thank you. OK. 00:18:07
Did you want me to give you my report segue into your council report? That would be great. 00:18:15
Well, the Small business interpreters presentation was given to us by Roger Gilbert, Central Coast Director of Small Businesses. 00:18:21
It was a very interesting. 00:18:27
I do know that. 00:18:35
We usually give during the council meetings. We usually give a. 00:18:38
Council, if anybody has anything to say, unfortunately we were a little, little pressed for time, but I I did have a couple things 00:18:42
I wanted to mention if anybody watched the Olympics. 00:18:47
There was 11 year old. 00:18:54
Female. 00:18:56
That won gold in the skateboard contest, which was really, and if anybody noticed, the BMX bicycles. 00:18:58
I don't know how they do that, turn the wheel around and everything, but that was the other comment I was going to be made and 00:19:07
then. 00:19:11
And the car week, of course, I was going to talk about that and there I think everybody pretty much understood that was pretty 00:19:16
exciting. They are in the businesses on the park. Let's were slammed if any of you've seen that. So anyway, going on, I don't want 00:19:23
to hold you up here. I one of those consent items was pulled Monarch sanctuary report and it was received the report and it was 00:19:30
discussed and the report was received. 00:19:38
George first put the environmental program manager put that together. 00:19:45
We also have the city Pacific Groves conflict of interest dealing with. 00:19:51
The city attorney was going to explain what that ordinance was going to be, conflict of interest as there was, but he tabled it. 00:19:58
We're going to see it. We're going to see it again. So that was not discussed at all. There was a motion of authorized city 00:20:06
manager to request for proposals for opening up a cannabis shop. I'm sure you probably heard about that. 00:20:14
There was a memo memorandum of understanding which was approved with the City of Pacific Grove Police Officers Association. 00:20:23
There was also a master services purchasing. 00:20:32
Agreement with Axon Enterprises and that was approved by the Commander Anderson who presented it and did fantastic job on that. 00:20:36
There was a decision on on the sidewalks at Pine and Fountain where the Robert Downey school is and that's already been. 00:20:46
That was discussed already. The sidewalks, I mean the crosswalks are in, but what Mr. Go and the civil engineer is going to do is 00:20:56
reevaluate it and see if some other crosswalks or something needs to be put in. That will be up to the staff to to handle. And 00:21:03
then also. 00:21:10
Also, there was a dear awareness with Carmelita Garcia. She gave a presentation on that. 00:21:20
So do you have any questions else about that? All right, great. Thank you. Thank you. 00:21:25
All right, moving along to general public comment and our written communications. We had a an e-mail from some, I don't have their 00:21:32
name in front of it, but concerning unsafe passing and speeding on Patterson Lane. 00:21:41
Had another e-mail. 00:21:51
Concerning adding a stop sign on Forest at Laurel in downtown, Two stop signs I guess, actually. 00:21:55
And then on the 500 block of force, again another speeding issue. 00:22:03
And Sunset Maple and 17 Mile drive traffic complaint. I think this had to do with. 00:22:11
Signage to help people understand who's. 00:22:21
Who goes when? 00:22:27
It's another five way intersection that can be confusing to some folks. 00:22:29
And then finally 810 Lighthouse, there was an issue there with pavement or the herb painting and for. 00:22:34
Enlarge the. 00:22:44
Passenger loading zone. 00:22:46
Curb aint. 00:22:49
And then moving on for oral communications, do we have anybody online who wishes to make a comment? I think we have A at least a 00:22:51
couple. 00:22:56
OK, Inga. 00:23:09
Thank you, Chair Gumby. 00:23:11
I'm sure you're all aware that I did send the Traffic and Safety Commission a letter which is not published, but it was thanking, 00:23:15
especially the city manager, because these next letters at this meeting have a link and we can actually read them. And that's 00:23:24
really all I wanted was to have that reinstated so that we, the public can. 00:23:33
Read the raw data and be able to comment. 00:23:43
On them intelligently, and I appreciate that very much, that that has suddenly come back. 00:23:47
And also in that is because I don't know, I know the next one is approval of the minutes, but in that same e-mail of mine. 00:23:56
Somehow I was completely left out of the minutes after Carmel Carmelita Garcia's comments, and this was about bringing letters 00:24:07
back the links so that we could read them. I was completely left out. 00:24:14
And I don't know if those are actually going to be corrected and how that is posted because I sent the letter way in time that 00:24:21
they could have been corrected before this meeting. So I would like to know how this board responds to that. And I also had to 00:24:30
send in. Did you receive it? Because no one even acknowledged that they had received. 00:24:40
My letter, whether it was staff or members of the Commission, nobody even acknowledged it. So if you wonder what's going wrong, 00:24:50
it's called communication. 00:24:55
Hearing something beforehand, being able to see something, commenting, acknowledging. 00:25:02
So. 00:25:09
I'd like to acknowledge you here for being here and listening and say that I would like to know how that's going to be taken care 00:25:10
of in the next agenda item. Thank you very much. 00:25:17
All righty, thank you and just comment there on the thank you to the her e-mail to thank you to the city manager. 00:25:25
It came in actually about an hour and a half after the agenda was published. That's why it's not on today's agenda. 00:25:36
So moving on to anyone else on line. 00:25:42
Yeah, but we're looking, we're doing the online folks 1st and we'll do the. 00:25:49
Garcia in just one moment. 00:25:53
Go ahead, Carmelita. 00:25:55
Hi there, good afternoon. Thank you for your service. I have a couple of comments. Yes, thank you very much for posting the actual 00:25:58
emails online. Again, I think it's very important that the public get the whole story so quickly. If you go down Union Street to 00:26:06
16th St. which is a one way St. towards Ocean View, there's no signage alerting the driver, no right hand turn or left hand turn 00:26:13
only. 00:26:20
I was there the day they made a right hand turn going in the wrong direction with the car driving towards them going the correct 00:26:29
direction. So I did send in a service request and I was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission. My question is being if the 00:26:36
Commission is going to go on a quarterly basis of review. 00:26:42
I'm wondering, you know, this seems to be like a quick fix and why it would not be addressed sooner or later. So that's my comment 00:26:50
there with regards to Robert Down and the stop sign and the removal of stop signs and what have you, and that the engineer, city 00:26:57
engineer and public works will go back to revisit that. My hope is that you, the Traffic Safety Commission will have the 00:27:05
opportunity to review the. 00:27:12
Scenes before they go to City Council because I think it's imperative that you as a Traffic Safety Commission weigh in on on what 00:27:20
is about to be presented to the City Council. And I know the council is in a big hurry to try and get this corrected and you know 00:27:27
they they want it sooner than later and whether or not this would delay that I don't know. But again, I think it's really 00:27:35
imperative that you as a Traffic Safety Commission look at at this because you didn't get. 00:27:42
Opportunity to look at it the first time around. So thank you very much. That's all I have to say. Thank you. All right, before 00:27:50
you go, that was a union. What was that first intersection, that union, Union at 16th Street, right. OK, thank you. You're 00:27:56
welcome. 00:28:01
All right, anyone else on line that wishing to make a comment? 00:28:10
No one else online? All righty. Anyone in the audience wishing to make comments? 00:28:17
Please step up to the. 00:28:23
Podium. 00:28:26
My name is Donald Rotella and I'm the one that submitted the fifth one on the agenda, which was regarding 810 Lighthouse Ave. 00:28:28
That's what regarding the parking, because the new law and having it required to have, I would believe it's like 20 feet of red 00:28:37
zone at the corners. They paint it red, but because they did that, there's a small area there now where. 00:28:46
Vehicles could park. 00:28:55
Between the passenger loading zone and the red zone. But that area is so small that hardly it has to be a really small car that 00:28:57
fits there. So what they do is a regular SUV will block the passenger zone. So then a person cannot get in the passenger zone, 00:29:05
they cannot park in there, or if they do, they try to get in there and they block traffic and it blocks Lighthouse Ave. So I was 00:29:12
really concerned about that. 00:29:19
To remediate that issue, if they either extended the passenger white passenger loading zone all the way to the red zone. 00:29:27
Or if they started it with the red zone and moved it back, that would remediate the issue. Oh, you were going to say something. 00:29:34
Oh, oh, OK, I saw you put your hand. So I thought, OK, so anyway, so that's that's the issue. And because I live those are 00:29:42
condominiums, 22, a lot of them are elderly people, retired people. So some are in have walkers and canes and so forth. So they 00:29:49
need to be able to get. 00:29:57
That area have someone pick them up even the mailman says he has a hard time getting in there because the car that's parked in 00:30:04
that small area between the red zone and the passenger, you can such a small area and then the area behind right next to adjacent 00:30:12
to the passenger loading zone. A lot of those cars move up and park partially on the white zone. So if they extended it all the 00:30:19
way to the red zone or like I said started it with the red zone and. 00:30:27
Back and if it's, you know, according to the ordinance or law that they have to have a certain amount of space, they can always do 00:30:35
that, but start at the red zone. 00:30:38
So that was my concern. I was directed to five different departments, from code enforcement to the Fresno Police Department, to 00:30:42
the city manager, to the city administration, finally to the Traffic Safety Commission. So no one knew who to contact until I 00:30:50
finally got hold of someone that says it was, I think those sitting manager and Mr. Go GHO, they told me to contact the Safety 00:30:57
Traffic Commission. 00:31:04
All right. Thank you. And I think Mr. go ahead. You'd already forwarded that to the traffic engineer. 00:31:12
That's correct. His review began today. There you go. So it's in the process. 00:31:21
Anyone else in the audience wishing to make any comments? 00:31:27
I do not have a timeline, Sir. 00:31:37
I don't have a timeline. I haven't been able to touch base with staff on that. 00:31:39
Yeah, when we get a recommendation from our traffic engineer, then he'll create a work order and crews will go out and make the 00:31:44
appropriate improvement. 00:31:49
All righty. Mr. Chairman, just just as a follow up to that, is there a way that we can keep this on the agenda to make sure that 00:31:56
there's follow through on this in a timely manner? 00:32:02
I guess you can bring it up at the next at our next meeting if you wish. 00:32:10
What would it fit under? New business, Old business, make it. Old business you can make a. 00:32:14
Ask it during during the general public comment. You can. 00:32:20
OK, we can be flexible. 00:32:25
Thank you. 00:32:27
Welcome. All righty, Moving on. We'll close public comment. Moving on to the minutes. 00:32:28
Do we have any? 00:32:38
Revisions to the minutes. 00:32:41
I'll propose that we revise and add Inga's name to the the portion of it with Carmelita Garcia's. 00:32:47
I did. I did have it written down in my notes and I didn't put it in because I basically had that. She was agreeing with 00:33:00
Carmelita. That's fine. So. 00:33:05
We can say that Inga was in agreement with. 00:33:11
The roundabout written, public comments to be published and the Traffic Safety committee being. 00:33:17
No, that's just it that she wanted the written public comments to be published. OK. And so I'll move that we approve that. Do we 00:33:30
have a second? 00:33:35
I've already closed public comment. 00:33:43
So do I have a second? 00:33:49
OK, it's been moved. And seconded that we revised the minutes to show that Inga Dominson, Lorenson Dahmer, excuse me. 00:33:52
That. 00:34:01
Will add her name to the minutes concerning the roundabout conversation that she agreed with Carmelita Garcia, correct? 00:34:03
Yes, all right. 00:34:13
Can we have a roll call vote please? 00:34:15
Commissioner Greening, Commissioner Shamas, Chairman Gumby, Commissioner Brown, Commissioner Stern. 00:34:18
All right, moving on to the regular agenda and we have a presentation. It's going to be an online presentation. There she is from 00:34:28
Ariata Green. She's a principal transportation planner from TMC. And this is going to concern Safe Routes to School and Complete 00:34:34
Streets. 00:34:40
And the PowerPoint is available online. We're going to try to show that too, while she's speaking. 00:34:47
So let's hang on for just a second. Let's get it on if we can get. 00:34:57
The PowerPoint Online. 00:35:02
Or however we can do it, it's fine with me. 00:35:11
Well, while while the PowerPoint is being pulled up, can you all hear me OK? 00:35:19
Excellent. 00:35:25
So hang on, staff, are you trying to get it online because it's. 00:35:26
Miss Green, do you plan on presenting from and sharing from your computer, or would you like us to pull that up? I can if needed. 00:35:31
That'd be great because I don't have it readily available. Thank you. No problem. 00:35:38
Sorry for the yeah, no worries. 00:35:45
OK. 00:35:57
Perfect. And we see it clearly. Thank you very much. 00:35:59
OK, everyone can see my screen. We do see a presenter mode, so we're seeing your notes as well as the. 00:36:04
We're seeing next slide. 00:36:17
There we go. 00:36:25
Yeah, technology. 00:36:27
Thank you all for accommodating me tonight. I had some, my childcare fell through this evening last minute, so I really appreciate 00:36:31
the opportunity to still be able to present to you tonight. My name is Ariana Green. I'm a principal transportation planner with 00:36:39
the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. And tonight we're going to touch on some buzzwords that you may have been. 00:36:47
Hearing. 00:36:57
Umm, so this is going to be a high level presentation and our staff will be coming back to this Commission in the near future to 00:36:58
talk more about some of these. But tonight I want everyone to be able to walk away with a general understanding of complete safe 00:37:07
Routes to school, complete streets and Vision Zero. And then I also just wanted to talk a little bit about some. 00:37:16
Some barriers and opportunities to bringing these things to Pacific Grove. 00:37:26
But before we dive into that, I just want to make sure everyone in the room and in the audience knows who we are. Where the 00:37:35
transportation agency for Monterey County. We are a regional transportation planning agency, and we're designated by the state and 00:37:43
responsible for planning and funding transportation projects only in Monterey County. 00:37:51
And we work on a variety of different transportation projects. 00:37:59
From rail to complete streets to bike, walk, biking, walking to Hwy. projects and supporting projects that cross multiple 00:38:03
jurisdictions in the county. 00:38:10
We have a pretty large board. We have 23 members made-up of all. 00:38:18
Of the Board of Supervisors and representatives from each of the incorporated cities in Monterey County Council Member Podori is 00:38:24
our representative from Pacific Grove and we also have seven ex officio members serving on our board, including Monterey Salinas 00:38:32
Transit and the Air District, CSU, Monterey Bay, et cetera. 00:38:40
So lots of, lots of powerful people in the room helping us make our important transportation decisions. 00:38:48
And my main role at the agency is that I oversee our countrywide Safe Routes to School program. So what our program, our program 00:38:59
is funded through Measure X, which is passed in 2016 by the Monterey County voters. And we have $20 million / 30 years dedicated 00:39:06
to the Safe Routes to School program. 00:39:14
We, and then what we do with the program is we dedicate roughly half of our budget to changing the actual physical infrastructure 00:39:23
to better accommodate, to make it safer and more comfortable for kids to get to and from school. 00:39:32
And then the other roughly half of the budget is spent on non infrastructure education and encouragement programming. We're also 00:39:41
an important goal of our program is to be equitable. So we've been focusing on our most serving, our most transportation 00:39:49
disadvantaged communities. 00:39:58
In the county, first people who don't have access to a car, who have limited transportation. 00:40:07
Options. 00:40:13
And then? 00:40:15
Really the overarching goal are why for the program is, is we want every child to be able to walk safely and comfortably anywhere 00:40:18
in their community. So that's the ultimate goal. And when we can design our streets to be comfortable and safe for children, then 00:40:26
what we're really doing is we're making them safe, safe and comfortable for everybody, people of all ages. 00:40:35
And abilities. 00:40:44
So. 00:40:45
We're so everybody benefits is I guess what I'm trying to say. So there are we focus on improving safety. 00:40:47
Traffic is a big issue around schools. Lots of people drive their kids to schools now there are health benefits, long lasting life 00:40:56
long lasting health benefits and then there's also benefits to the environment. So there's there is a lot of focus on reducing 00:41:04
drive alone trips to and from school and an emphasis on encouraging. 00:41:12
Active transportation like walking and biking, as well as. 00:41:20
Carpooling and transit options. 00:41:25
So that's the high level complete streets or Saint Ross's school. 00:41:31
And, and now we're moving on to Complete Streets. And there is a lot of overlap actually between Complete Streets and our Safe 00:41:37
Routes to School program because Complete Streets is all about designing with all users in mind. So thinking about people of all 00:41:45
ages and abilities when we're designing our streets. 00:41:53
This is an example of what a complete St. might look like. 00:42:02
But I do want to say that Complete Streets is not about making every street look like this. It's about recognizing that there are 00:42:06
some streets where cars will have priority, and there will be other streets where bicyclists and pedestrians will have priority 00:42:14
over cars. But right now, I think the reality for a lot of streets is that cars have the priority and there hasn't been a lot of 00:42:21
thought about everybody else. 00:42:29
So Complete Streets is kind of pushing back on on what's existing and seeing if there are ways that we can improve. 00:42:36
Improve comfort and safety and access for more more people who are using the street. 00:42:46
And for streets that are like main streets where everybody needs to like lots of people use them because they provide the most 00:42:53
direct access to jobs and schools and, you know, all the important things in a community centers and City Hall, we want to make 00:43:01
sure that everybody, ideally all users. 00:43:08
Have good access on those streets and it might mean. 00:43:16
If you've got streets where there are higher speeds, then you might need more protection for bicycles and and pedestrians. So in 00:43:21
this picture we've got. 00:43:26
Plus, we've got transit, we have cars and we have bikes, but we have a physical separation between the bikes and the cars on the 00:43:32
street. 00:43:37
One of the biggest challenges of Complete Streets is, especially in a city like Pacific Grove, is that your infrastructure is 00:43:43
built out. So like you have buildings on either side of the roadway. So what that means is that when you try and do Complete 00:43:49
Streets project, there are going to be trade-offs. 00:43:56
Because you only have so much St. real estate to work with. So something's to make room more room for one user like a like a 00:44:03
bicyclist. That may mean giving up some real estate that has been dedicated to cars. So be that parking, be that narrowing lanes. 00:44:11
There's usually some some sort of a trade off there. So that's the hardest part about implementing company streets. 00:44:19
And I just wanted to call out that the city of Pacific Grove already has a planning document that that includes Complete streets 00:44:29
recommendations and that's the Pacific Grove Hwy. 68 corridor. So this is a proposal for street for Sunset Dr. what Sunset Dr. 00:44:37
could look like and. 00:44:45
Give to create a more comfortable space for. 00:44:54
Cyclists and pedestrians. 00:44:59
OK. And now we're moving on to Vision 0. So I'm not going to talk a ton about Vision Zero because our agency is getting ready to, 00:45:05
we're we're getting ready to start a Vision Zero county wide Vision Zero plan. 00:45:13
Which will include the city of Pacific Grove. So my colleague Doug Bilsey, our our Campsie traffic engineer will be coming back to 00:45:23
the Commission to get your input and to work with you to develop the Vision Zero plan for Pacific Grove. But essentially the goal 00:45:31
of Vision 0 is. 00:45:40
To reduce the number of traffic related. 00:45:49
Injuries and fatalities to 0. So it's really looking through. 00:45:53
Transportation planning and engineering through this lens that that really prioritizes safety above above all else. And there's a 00:46:01
number of ways that you can achieve a Vision Zero and this so this diagram is actually from the city of Monterey's Vision Zero 00:46:08
plan. 00:46:15
And so they have identified 4 main quadrants to focus on to to meet to reach this goal of 0. 00:46:23
Fatalities and injuries. So you want to have safe design roads that are safe. You want to have design roads that lower speeds. 00:46:33
You want people to be educated so they know how to get around safely and you want the vehicles themselves to be safe and and drive 00:46:43
worthy. And then one of our main focuses, this diagram shows why speed is just so important to achieve Vision 0. 00:46:54
Speed. 00:47:07
Affects the way the driver really effects drivers vision. So at the top you can see this is the vision that driver has driving 20 00:47:08
mph. So you're driving slower so you can see a lot more around you and you're you need for your reaction time you need less. 00:47:18
Time to stop. Let's say if a child darts out in the road in front of you and then as you can see as you go down the diagram, the 00:47:29
speeds are getting faster and faster and your your tunnel vision is getting smaller and smaller and your reaction time is getting 00:47:37
or your reaction distance you need to stop is getting larger and larger. 00:47:45
And so the result of of this is if you pedestrians, if they're hit. 00:47:54
Crossing the street by a car that's going 40 mph, they're 80% more likely to be killed or have a severe injury versus 10%. 00:48:02
Who pedestrians are likely for those things if they're hit by a car going 20 mph. So it's pretty significant. 00:48:19
That's why speed is so important. 00:48:29
So I pulled a a report just till I was curious to to find out where. 00:48:35
Where bicycles and pedestrian Where the bicycles and pedestrian crashes have been happening in Pacific Grove over the past roughly 00:48:43
decade. And so this map shows shows the spots where people have been hit by cars and the red spots are where multiple collisions 00:48:50
have happened. So you can see. 00:48:57
That I'm not sure if you can see my cursor or not, but most of the collisions have been happening along Forest Ave. 00:49:04
We have some along Sunset Drive here. 00:49:15
And then on lighthouse. 00:49:21
And it looks like some of these are maybe on the trail, but and then lighthouse, so another you might, you can see that a lot of 00:49:24
these collisions happen at the intersections and intersections are are the most dangerous place for pedestrians and bicyclists 00:49:32
because they're more likely to that's where they're more likely to be hit. So. 00:49:41
If you want to improve safety. 00:49:51
We focus on the intersections, but really it looks like you have some opportunity here to focus on some corridors and making 00:49:54
corridor wide improvements. 00:50:00
Throughout the city. Pine was another one that I flagged here. 00:50:07
And then this graph just breaks down the percentage of pedestrians versus bicyclists. So I was surprised actually, because 00:50:16
normally we see a lot more pedestrians of pedestrian crashes versus bicyclists, but. 00:50:24
So. So this was a little bit surprising. 00:50:34
Especially considering how hilly you guys, how hilly Pacific Grove is. So you've got some strong bicyclists in the community, but 00:50:37
this might suggest that. 00:50:42
That you might want to consider some improved bicycle facilities in the city. 00:50:48
So we've, I've kind of been talking about some barriers and opportunities throughout the presentation, but I just wanted to touch 00:50:58
on a couple more. So I think one of the biggest barriers for the for Pacific Grove is funding, grant funding what we've been 00:51:04
seeing. 00:51:11
Over the past. 00:51:19
Like 6. 00:51:23
Funding cycles for active transportation, bicycle pedestrian grants is that there's really been an emphasis on serving 00:51:24
disadvantaged communities, quote UN quote disadvantaged communities. And based off of the criteria the grants use, Pacific Grove 00:51:32
is not a competitive candidate. So in terms of being considered a disadvantaged community, so that that's definitely going to be a 00:51:39
challenge. 00:51:47
I think I see that as a challenge for Pacific growth. 00:51:55
But I think that some opportunities that you have are you have some existing planning documents already that have analyzed some of 00:51:59
the major corridors in the city. And we've got the the Vision Zero plan coming that will do will allow for even more analysis on 00:52:09
streets throughout the city and really focus on safety and figuring out projects that can improve safety. 00:52:19
Throughout the city. 00:52:29
And then there are there are things that can be done for with local dollars and there are improvements that that can be done for. 00:52:32
That don't cost millions and millions of dollars, so. 00:52:45
One of the things that we've been. 00:52:50
Experimenting with through our Safe Routes to School plans is we've been doing temporary St. demonstrations so where we for a 00:52:53
shorter period of time will redesign. 00:53:01
A section of roadway, a block or a couple blocks or an intersection and we'll try out a complete streets design and we. 00:53:11
We collect data, we collect surveys from the community to find out what the commute, how the community feels about the new design, 00:53:25
whether they like it or not. 00:53:29
But these can be done. 00:53:35
Pretty inexpensively. And and then if the community doesn't like it, the beauty of it is that it can be taken out. Everything is 00:53:38
removable. 00:53:43
So this is something that. 00:53:48
That could be done in Pacific Grove. 00:53:53
And on several streets. And it's something that our agency would be happy to work with staff on to identify opportunities for if 00:53:57
that's of interest to the Commission and the City Council. 00:54:04
So here's another example of protected bike lane that we demonstrated in Seaside. 00:54:15
And next to a. 00:54:22
One of the elementaries? One of their elementary schools. 00:54:25
And that concludes my presentation. I'd be happy to answer questions or clarify anything for you. Thank you. Great. Thank you. 00:54:29
That was great. If you can keep your PowerPoint up, that would be great also. 00:54:37
Staff, do we have anyone online who's has their hand up? 00:54:46
No. 00:54:52
All righty and video in the audience wishing to make a comment or ask a question. 00:54:54
All right, Any Commissioners wishing to make a comment or ask a question? Commissioner Shamas, thank you. I have a question about 00:55:00
what about grants for seniors or disabled because. 00:55:08
Pacific Grove may not fall into certain other categories for grants, but probably senior citizens might do it. 00:55:16
I'm just wondering if that was another option that we could look at. 00:55:28
Yeah, we definitely can. Can look into that. There aren't any specific grants that I'm aware of for infrastructure, if that's what 00:55:33
you're meaning, if that's what you're meaning, we do have, our agency does have a seniors and disabled grant program or like 00:55:42
transportation services for seniors. So we do that is an active program that's funded through Measure X. 00:55:50
That's I believe. I believe serves Pacific Grove, but I can double check on that too. 00:55:59
Yeah. OK. Thank you. 00:56:06
All right. Any other OK, Vice Vice Chairman Brown? 00:56:08
I've got a series of questions, I would really appreciate it if you could help me on this I. 00:56:14
Miss Green, would you go to the bike and pedestrian crashes? 00:56:19
Slide. 00:56:26
There are no bars on these, sort of I I don't know. Is that the one you want to describe? Yeah, that's the right. 00:56:27
So let me make sure I understand this. You collected data from 2012 through 2021. Where do you find this kind of information? 00:56:33
Yeah, great question, and I'm sorry I did not provide a citation. This is from the Transportation Injury Mapping System. 00:56:43
And that's it's a site that's put together by UC Berkeley and I can share a link with staff if you're interested in checking it 00:56:53
out yourself. It's free to access. You just have to set up an account and then you can look up the statewide. 00:57:02
Traffic data, So all the the data that gets reported from the police departments to the state shows up in the transportation 00:57:13
Injury mapping system. 00:57:18
And then you can you can. 00:57:24
Create maps like this one and. 00:57:28
Query certain things and it's not just for bicycle and pedestrian data, it's for all crashes. And I look up, there's also you can 00:57:32
look up all sorts of detailed information about each crash. So, so yeah, I can share that. 00:57:39
Site. 00:57:48
Yeah, that would be if you could give us a citation. Yes, it's a great tool and this is what we use for our grant applications 00:57:50
too. 00:57:54
OK. 00:58:00
Following up on that, if you go to the next slide. 00:58:03
I got confused my. 00:58:08
My printer doesn't print things out in the right colors. 00:58:10
Need to change anyone can see I've got pink on this and yellow and and it's supposed to be green and blue so I want to make sure I 00:58:14
understand this chart. 00:58:20
So the green is injuries to or you say victims. So we don't know exactly what that means, right? That just means somebody was 00:58:26
involved in. 00:58:32
The situation, yeah, for pedestrians, that's what the grain is, right? Yes. So these were pedestrians involved in crashes. OK. 00:58:39
It means that they've been hit by a car, hit by a car in most cases. There are some rare cases where there are collisions or 00:58:52
crashes between a bicyclist and a pedestrian, but usually it's between a car, motorized vehicle and a pedestrian or bicyclist. OK. 00:59:00
And so that's sorry that that's the blue, the pedestrians involved, yes. 00:59:08
So the Blues bicyclists. 00:59:17
So 56% of all the crashes involves bicycles. The problem is the bottom on the bottom of the chart. 00:59:21
The blue dot is next to pedestrians. You see them. 00:59:30
Yes. 00:59:36
No, no, no. I. 00:59:39
OK, All right, so. 00:59:43
What's underneath the colored bars is what we should be looking at in terms of the type of. 00:59:46
Mode of transportation, walking or cars or bicyclists that that it reflects, right. So you've got, in this case, the blue is the 00:59:56
bicyclists and the green is the pedestrians. 01:00:02
OK. 01:00:09
I was confused by what's underneath that. OK, so then um. 01:00:10
What we what you had observed is that it appears that more bicyclists were involved in some form of accident during this time 01:00:16
period. Is that right? 01:00:20
Correct. 01:00:26
We go back to this slide just before this. 01:00:28
I want you to look at the intersection of Congress and Sunset. 01:00:34
And there is a green with a yellow in the middle. 01:00:41
What does that indicate? 01:00:46
So. 01:00:50
It means that there is more than one crash there. 01:00:52
So if it was just a green, if it was just a green. So the the green to red is just a like the number the the. 01:00:58
The number of crashes that have happened in that same spot. 01:01:07
OK, so how many crashes did? 01:01:12
I don't, you know, I don't have that exact information readily available to me right now, but I, but again, I can follow up with 01:01:14
staff with some more detailed information if that would be of interest. 01:01:23
It would be. I would find it interesting because we're with that intersection now on the. 01:01:32
Issue of the roundabout and we have a different series of. 01:01:38
Information that we received back in January. 01:01:44
From the consultant with regard to that project, and that was for a time period from December. 01:01:48
2017 to December 22nd. 01:01:55
And the only thing I see on there are, well, there were 10 accidents. 01:02:00
But these are all car accidents. 01:02:06
Or. 01:02:09
Simply say unknown 7 involved property and three involved injuries. 01:02:10
I'm just trying to see if these things are complementary or contradictory. 01:02:18
So if we could get some more information on the nature of the information that resulted in your making that indication on this 01:02:26
map, I would appreciate it. 01:02:32
Yeah. And again, this map only shows the crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrian. It doesn't show any of the just car on car 01:02:40
crashes. But I'd be happy to do a quick query for the intersection that shows all of the crashes including bicyclists and 01:02:47
pedestrians and and motorized vehicles. Yeah, I I think that would be important because one of the considerations that that I'm 01:02:54
concerned about with regard to that intersection. 01:03:02
And any solution in that intersection is the impact it's going to have on the kids going to school. 01:03:10
It's good to know what kind of and to what extent there were. 01:03:19
Accidents involving pedestrians, in this case mostly children, and whatever information we could collect on that I think would be 01:03:25
very helpful to the Commission. 01:03:29
I'd be happy to help. 01:03:38
Thank you. 01:03:41
Ariana, great presentation. Thank you so much. 01:03:42
I noticed the hot spot on forest there's that corridor seems pretty dangerous and it's also a major intersection for kids to get 01:03:47
to school at the elementary school, kind of right underneath the Pacific Grove. 01:03:54
Yeah, to the right there is one of our schools and. 01:04:04
I appreciate you saying you guys do pop-up demonstrations and I'm wondering if this would be a candidate to do a pop-up 01:04:08
demonstration to show how we can reduce speeds or provide somewhat of a better network for a safe route to school since this is 01:04:15
such a dangerous area. 01:04:22
We'd love to know. I don't know if you if you're familiar with that street or that area, but I guess my suggestion would be I 01:04:30
would love to try to see a proposed pop up here if Tamsi is willing to work with us to provide a safer route to school. 01:04:39
Yeah, we would be happy to to have some more conversations about some potential projects because I mean pop up demonstrations 01:04:48
don't work on every single street. So we have to make sure. 01:04:55
That. 01:05:02
It meets all the right criteria, but I think so. And I don't know enough today to say one way or another, but but yeah, we would 01:05:05
be happy to have the conversations with staff to look, look at it more closely, look at a couple options. Pine Ave. was one of the 01:05:13
streets that we've kind of been looking at. 01:05:20
As that may have potential. 01:05:29
For some complete streets improvements, some state process school improvements. 01:05:33
Forest Ave. of course, is a little trickier because it's one of the evacuation routes for the city. So like there's there's a lot 01:05:37
of considerations right, for any street. So we would just need to to dive in with staff on. 01:05:47
On this considerations and to follow up, I think what would be helpful today because you've provided such great information, I 01:05:58
would love to know what that process looks like to approach TMC and obviously budgets are a big issue, but would love to know what 01:06:05
is that process generally look like to engage with TMC. 01:06:12
So we've been doing our pop-up demonstrations as part of our Safe Routes to School planning process. So we don't, we don't 01:06:21
actually have an established like program for, for doing like quick build projects or these like pilot projects yet. It's 01:06:28
actually, it's something we're developing right now, but I don't know, I don't honestly know how long it's going to take us to get 01:06:34
set up. 01:06:41
I'm hoping. 01:06:49
That. 01:06:51
In a perfect world, we would be able to start implementing some projects within a year or so. 01:06:53
But I just so I. 01:07:01
I've I've talked with PG staff a little bit about this opportunity already and would be happy to continue talking to see if the 01:07:06
city is interested in in doing. 01:07:12
Maybe a pilot with us, but but yeah, the timing, I don't, I don't have any. We don't have an established program yet. So we'll be 01:07:20
talking about doing a pilot program with the city of Pacific Grove. 01:07:26
Thank you so much. 01:07:36
Any other questions from commissioners? 01:07:39
I had, and I just wanted to kind of reiterate, I think from what Commissioner Stern was talking about, kind of next steps and from 01:07:43
what I'm hearing from you, if we have concerns about specific areas or specific modes of transportation, well, bikes, pedestrian 01:07:50
in this case. 01:07:56
That probably the best way to start something is to work with staff. 01:08:04
PG staff and then in turn. 01:08:10
With with your you and your staff to to start, start things moving. Is that, is that correct? That's correct. 01:08:14
Oh, go ahead. 01:08:26
Did we lose it? Anyway, I really appreciate the presentation. I understand you're going to be making another presentation or this 01:08:34
presentation to another group in town, and I think that's great. 01:08:40
And. 01:08:48
Yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 01:08:50
Thank you so much for having me. 01:08:55
All righty. 01:08:58
So moving on, actually that's the end of our program tonight. 01:09:01
Our next meeting is September 24th and it is 509 and we're adjourned. 01:09:09
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