No Bookmarks Exist.
Good morning, everyone. | 00:00:06 | |
I'd like to call the meeting of the zoning administrator to order. | 00:00:08 | |
It is Monday, August 21st, 10 AM. | 00:00:13 | |
And we are here in the City Council chambers of the. | 00:00:16 | |
Pacific Grove City Hall. | 00:00:20 | |
So I call the meeting to order. | 00:00:22 | |
Staff Would you do a roll call? | 00:00:25 | |
We have an institution, Wyatt Zoning Administrator here. | 00:00:29 | |
I'm here. Thanks. | 00:00:32 | |
OK. I'd like to move forward with the agenda. | 00:00:35 | |
An approved. | 00:00:39 | |
The. | 00:00:41 | |
Agenda. | 00:00:42 | |
And then we can open for general public comment. Yeah, I'd like to open now. | 00:00:47 | |
For general public comment, comments from the audience will. | 00:00:51 | |
Not receive zoning administrator action. Comments must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the zoning administrator. | 00:00:55 | |
And will be limited to 3 minutes. | 00:01:04 | |
Comments regarding agenda items. | 00:01:06 | |
Shall not be heard. | 00:01:08 | |
Or shall be heard at the time such as items are called. | 00:01:10 | |
Whenever possible, letters should be submitted to the zoning administrator. | 00:01:14 | |
In advance of the meeting, I just would like to note that I did receive. | 00:01:18 | |
Many public comments. Thank you. | 00:01:22 | |
So any items related to the zoning administrator and not the item on the agenda are open for public comment. | 00:01:24 | |
I see no hands raised virtually and I see no one in the audience. | 00:01:38 | |
And please come up to the podium and state your name. | 00:01:45 | |
If you're if you're going to speak. | 00:01:48 | |
So these are just not related to the items on the agenda. If you just have other zoning issues you'd like to talk about? | 00:01:54 | |
Thank you. | 00:02:00 | |
OK. I'm moving forward with the consent agenda. | 00:02:06 | |
The consent agenda deals with routine and non controversial matters and may include actions. | 00:02:09 | |
On resolutions, ordinances. | 00:02:14 | |
Or other public hearings for which test testimony is not anticipated. | 00:02:17 | |
The vote on the consent agenda shall apply to each item that has not had that has not been removed. | 00:02:21 | |
The items we have on the consent agenda today requiring action. | 00:02:28 | |
We have no reports for information only. | 00:02:33 | |
And only report requiring action of the minutes of the last zoning administrator meeting. | 00:02:35 | |
That was held March 23rd, 2021. | 00:02:41 | |
I move to approve the consent agenda as it stands. | 00:02:46 | |
Was there public comment on the consent agenda? Let's go ahead and open it up for public comment. | 00:02:56 | |
On the Minutes. | 00:03:01 | |
Of the last consent agenda. | 00:03:03 | |
Items. | 00:03:05 | |
I see no virtual hands raised and I see no one from the public wishing to speak. | 00:03:07 | |
All right. We will move forward then. | 00:03:12 | |
With the regular agenda items. | 00:03:14 | |
This is a public hearing regarding. | 00:03:17 | |
So for public hearings involving a quasi judicial determination by the zoning administrator. | 00:03:21 | |
The proponent of any item may be given 10 minutes to speak. | 00:03:26 | |
And others in support of the proponents position. | 00:03:31 | |
Position. | 00:03:34 | |
Maybe given 3 minutes each. | 00:03:35 | |
A designated spokesperson for opposition to the item may be given 10 minutes to speak. | 00:03:37 | |
And all others in opposition. | 00:03:42 | |
Maybe given 3 minutes each. | 00:03:44 | |
Very brief rebuttal and Sir rebuttal. | 00:03:47 | |
May be allowed in the sole discretion of the zoning administrator. I will allow that today. | 00:03:49 | |
And I will provide 3 minutes to. | 00:03:54 | |
Both parties to provide rebuttal. | 00:03:58 | |
In public hearings not involving a quasi. | 00:04:01 | |
Judicial determination by the Zoning Administrator Administrator. All persons may be given 3 minutes to speak on the matter. | 00:04:04 | |
So we will move forward with. | 00:04:11 | |
The staff. | 00:04:14 | |
Staff. | 00:04:18 | |
Presentation. | 00:04:19 | |
Laurel. | 00:04:21 | |
Thank you. Good morning, zoning administrator and members of the public. I'm Laurel O'halloran, the planner for this | 00:04:22 | |
administrative use permit. An application for an administrative use permit was submitted on June 28th, 2023. Staff reviewed the | 00:04:28 | |
application and determined the request met the requirements to be approved. | 00:04:34 | |
Her municipal code 23.31. On July 17th, 2023, the CDC director approved the administrative use permit. | 00:04:40 | |
#23-0179 to allow a restaurant pub with food service. This is an allowable use per. | 00:04:49 | |
Our municipal code 23.31 dot O3O. | 00:04:56 | |
The public may request a hearing within the 10 day posting period. A zoning administrative hearing for the administrative use | 00:05:00 | |
permit was requested on July 25th, 2023. | 00:05:04 | |
The Zoning Administrator hearing has been set for today, August 21st. | 00:05:09 | |
2023 and has been noticed. | 00:05:13 | |
Per our municipal Code 23.86 Notice of Public Hearings. | 00:05:15 | |
The proposed project includes retail, a pub with food and alcohol service and music. | 00:05:21 | |
The proposed use also allows an enclosed, approximately 1450 square foot beer garden on the Grand Ave. side with food service open | 00:05:27 | |
during business hours. | 00:05:32 | |
The administrative use permit allows for alcohol, alcohol, service and music. | 00:05:37 | |
A building permit will be would be required, if approved, to build the kitchen providing the food service and bathrooms for | 00:05:42 | |
customers. | 00:05:45 | |
The approximately 4320 square foot parcel is currently developed with a 2640 square foot vacant commercial building. | 00:05:50 | |
This building has been vacant for over a year and has recently sold to a new owner. | 00:05:57 | |
The former use was a retail screen shop selling clothing items. The subject parcel is located in the commercial downtown. Nearby | 00:06:02 | |
uses consist of mixed-use, commercial buildings and residential. | 00:06:08 | |
Staff has received over 75 letters of support for the proposed use and for letters not in support of the proposed establishment. | 00:06:14 | |
Staff recommends approval of the administrative use permit subject to the recommended findings, conditions of approval for a pub | 00:06:23 | |
with food and alcohol service and a category exemption. | 00:06:28 | |
15301 existing facilities. This concludes my staff report and I'm available for questions. Thank you. | 00:06:33 | |
Thank you, Miss O'halloran. | 00:06:41 | |
I'd like to move forward. | 00:06:44 | |
And allow. | 00:06:47 | |
The. | 00:06:48 | |
Proponent. | 00:06:50 | |
Project proponent to give her presentation. | 00:06:51 | |
Yes, and please press the button menu. | 00:07:07 | |
Yes. | 00:07:10 | |
And allow you to Do I hold it or do it? Nope. I was on. Hello Hello and please introduce yourself. Ohh yes. | 00:07:11 | |
Boy, a podium man. Makes your hands sweat. Kind of. | 00:07:18 | |
Well, hello, I'm Michaela. | 00:07:24 | |
Hi. Hi. Some of you guys know me from the Arts Center or from piano lessons or maybe from Poppy Hall? | 00:07:27 | |
RIP. | 00:07:36 | |
But yeah, I'm just trying to open a. Am I supposed to talk to them or to you or to how you. OK. It's really hard. There's a bunch | 00:07:38 | |
of them over there. And thank you, everyone for coming. Thank you. And thanks for having me. OK. So I'm just trying to open a | 00:07:43 | |
record store and with a. | 00:07:49 | |
Little music performance area in the back. | 00:07:55 | |
That will have food available. | 00:07:58 | |
And. | 00:08:00 | |
An outdoor space. | 00:08:02 | |
It's going to be all within the code you know. Music is allowed in that code from until outside until 10:00 PM, at a decibel level | 00:08:03 | |
of 70 at the property line which isn't very loud, and then after 10 until midnight it can be indoors. | 00:08:12 | |
At the decibel level of 65. | 00:08:23 | |
I don't even intend to be that late. | 00:08:25 | |
Who even goes out that late, You know, it's I'll be like it's like a 10:00 kind of a thing, you know, in this town. And I'm fine | 00:08:28 | |
with that. And that's part of the fabric of this town is, is it is the sleepiness that everybody loves. But there needs to be a | 00:08:34 | |
few things for for kids and families. And I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to make the Viper room. | 00:08:40 | |
Or the Hollywood Bowl. It's not going to be. | 00:08:47 | |
Hundreds of cars clogging up the neighborhoods for parking. It's not going to be super late night. Really crazy. | 00:08:49 | |
You know rock and or roll, it's going to be more low key and and all ages. That's the whole point of. | 00:08:56 | |
The venue is to give my students. I'm a piano teacher and I know a lot of other music teachers in in the town and and in the area | 00:09:05 | |
and they all are saying that they don't have anywhere for their kids to. | 00:09:10 | |
Cut their chops. You know you can't just play an open mic and then jump straight to the catalyst. You know you need those little | 00:09:15 | |
stepping stone venues. Small, welcoming, safe. | 00:09:20 | |
Your buddies can come, you know, as a kid going to. | 00:09:25 | |
Shows. I wasn't old enough to go to a bar, but I could go to a show and see a band and you know, that opens. | 00:09:29 | |
Horizons and then, you know, like culturally in your mind and I don't know, I'm really rambling. I made this whole thing on next | 00:09:37 | |
door, like, I guess I could read it. I have 10 minutes. I. | 00:09:41 | |
I don't have to do 10 minutes though, right? | 00:09:47 | |
You know, it's. Yeah, I'm the building is zoned downtown commercial and yes, there are some residences above some buildings in | 00:09:50 | |
town. But you know, that's part of the game, right? Isn't that what's cool about living downtown? You get to have some of that | 00:09:55 | |
lively. | 00:10:00 | |
Stuff, You know, the music and the. | 00:10:05 | |
You know until 10 and then everything goes goes quiet. Don't worry. | 00:10:07 | |
And it's not going to be, it's yeah, it's going to be like. | 00:10:12 | |
Just family oriented. | 00:10:15 | |
Easy. | 00:10:17 | |
Bring your kids, bring your dogs. There's going to be a high school band on a Sunday afternoon playing, you know, and then later | 00:10:19 | |
on maybe maybe Tallman and Magenta Screen will play. Or, you know, it's a jazz band. Peter Martin, I don't know. Some it's going | 00:10:23 | |
to be. | 00:10:28 | |
TG OK, what I'm saying PG and PG. | 00:10:34 | |
Umm. | 00:10:39 | |
And I just feel like we need that in this town. | 00:10:40 | |
Something to do besides you know there's lots of cool things to do here but I'm I'm you know I like. | 00:10:43 | |
Music and indoor activities and and that's to me what this would be and. | 00:10:50 | |
I don't know, this is really weird. Guys, I'm sorry, I don't know how to. | 00:10:55 | |
You know it's the record store too. | 00:10:59 | |
It's not just bar. It's not going to. The bar is not even the focus. There will be a little bar because you know. | 00:11:01 | |
Fun, but but not, you know, it's not going to be like. | 00:11:07 | |
Let's do shots and listen to Slayer till 2:00 AM. You know it's not going to be that at all. | 00:11:12 | |
You know the the little beer garden area in the back, it'll be it'll be contained. | 00:11:19 | |
It'll just be a nice outdoor, indoor, outdoor for our few nice days we get, you know. | 00:11:24 | |
I don't know. | 00:11:30 | |
Umm. | 00:11:32 | |
I guess, yeah. I just. I don't know what else to say I'm going to do. I've I've dotted all my T's and crossed all my eyes and | 00:11:34 | |
like, I just don't. | 00:11:37 | |
I I feel as though I've met with the city enough and all of the departments within, I've gotten all the information and I've | 00:11:41 | |
followed their. | 00:11:44 | |
Followed their guidance and. | 00:11:48 | |
As for the ABC, I've done everything they said to I've done all of their all done all my papers, you know? | 00:11:50 | |
And it's all it's. It's allowed. Music is allowed in the code and alcohol, it's all baked into this these. | 00:11:57 | |
Uses and I'm not going to overstep that. I'm not trying to. I just want to make. | 00:12:04 | |
I just wanna add to the town I'm not trying to like. | 00:12:10 | |
Bulldozing and change everything. I love it here. I moved here because I love it here, You know I. | 00:12:13 | |
I've been involved and I have no, I didn't grow up here, but I've been here for five years and then as soon as I got here, I got | 00:12:19 | |
super involved in everything I could and. | 00:12:23 | |
I just saw a need for something like this, so and then. | 00:12:27 | |
I kind of figured out. I finally kind of figured out how I could maybe do it, how I could contribute. | 00:12:31 | |
So yeah, I'm not trying to rip apart the fabric of PG, I'm just trying to. | 00:12:37 | |
Add a square to the quilt you know and give. | 00:12:42 | |
Add add something. | 00:12:46 | |
Else to do something more, just add to and not take away. | 00:12:48 | |
Umm. | 00:12:53 | |
And still work within the the nature of the town and the needs of. | 00:12:54 | |
The people, OK? | 00:12:57 | |
And I think that's. | 00:12:59 | |
Ohh do I do like a little. | 00:13:01 | |
Like, but anyway, thank you so much to the city has been amazing and super helpful. Thank you for having me. Thank you everyone | 00:13:04 | |
who came and wrote letters. I'm like. | 00:13:08 | |
But OK, Thank you. | 00:13:14 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:17 | |
Please, please try and refrain from clapping during this hearing. | 00:13:22 | |
I would like to recognize the project opponent. | 00:13:27 | |
And Inga, Lawrence and Dahmer, and she will also be provided 10 minutes to provide her presentation. | 00:13:32 | |
And speak. I do believe she is virtual today. | 00:13:40 | |
Laura, will you please? | 00:13:44 | |
Allow her to speak. | 00:13:46 | |
Yes, Inga. | 00:13:49 | |
Welcome. Thank you. | 00:13:51 | |
And. | 00:13:53 | |
Contrary to public comment letters, the media and social media this has this appeal has nothing to do with. | 00:13:56 | |
Traffic noise killing fun? | 00:14:04 | |
The arts or denying music? | 00:14:07 | |
Umm. | 00:14:10 | |
And would you, I'm queuing up the slide, Laurel, first slide please. | 00:14:12 | |
I'm working on that. | 00:14:16 | |
Then I'll wait. | 00:14:21 | |
Please put it full screen because I am not. | 00:14:35 | |
My cameras never enabled. | 00:14:40 | |
Thank you, Laurel. | 00:14:53 | |
The inconsistencies of this project needed a public hearing to address the many ambiguities. | 00:14:55 | |
Exhibited. | 00:15:02 | |
In the administrative use permit. | 00:15:04 | |
Granted by staff. Unfortunately, administrative use permits issued do not do this. | 00:15:07 | |
There seem to be two addresses for this project. | 00:15:15 | |
215 Forest, which was the address on the issued. | 00:15:18 | |
And posted a UP notice. | 00:15:23 | |
And 220 Grand Ave. | 00:15:26 | |
Which is where the ABC liquor license application was first posted, with no AUP notice. | 00:15:28 | |
A Porta potty blocked this notice from view at times. | 00:15:36 | |
This split noticing with different streets and addresses, obscures public transparency and scrutiny. I mean, it really doesn't | 00:15:42 | |
allow, unless you walk around the back to see what's really going on. | 00:15:48 | |
The initial application. | 00:15:56 | |
For this use permit. | 00:15:58 | |
To sell alcohol was made to Laurel O'halloran at CD for a pub. | 00:16:00 | |
Food service. Alcohol. Music. | 00:16:07 | |
Pacific Grove Municipal Code 23 Dash .64 dot. | 00:16:11 | |
290. | 00:16:16 | |
Addresses alcohol service and a bonafide. | 00:16:18 | |
Public eating place in this code. | 00:16:22 | |
Any sale of alcoholic beverages. | 00:16:26 | |
Shall be subordinate. | 00:16:29 | |
To the primary use. | 00:16:32 | |
And shall comply with the State Alcoholic Beverage Control ABC license requirements for a Bonafide. | 00:16:34 | |
Public eating place. | 00:16:46 | |
Pacific Grove Municipal Code. | 00:16:49 | |
Has no definition. | 00:16:52 | |
Or use permit for a music venue nor a standalone bar without food service. | 00:16:53 | |
The only type of license. | 00:17:01 | |
The ABC issues for this use is Type 47 on sale general eating place or type 75 brew pub restaurant. | 00:17:04 | |
These allow miners on the premises. | 00:17:13 | |
The AUP was issued. | 00:17:17 | |
To pop in his restaurant. | 00:17:19 | |
Located at 215 Forest Ave. under these rules. | 00:17:21 | |
There is no mention. | 00:17:26 | |
Of an included architectural permit issued by the city. | 00:17:28 | |
Which showed up on the noticing for this hearing. | 00:17:32 | |
And in Laurel O'halloran's agenda report. | 00:17:37 | |
Yeah, only today's hearing. | 00:17:44 | |
And it also inserts the restaurant slash pub. | 00:17:46 | |
With food service nomenclature. | 00:17:51 | |
In the agenda report. | 00:17:54 | |
The end of the project states. | 00:17:55 | |
A building permit. | 00:17:58 | |
Would be required to build the kitchen. | 00:18:00 | |
Providing the food service and bathrooms for customers if the use is approved. | 00:18:03 | |
All health and safety aspects of this operation. | 00:18:09 | |
Would be addressed during the building phase. | 00:18:12 | |
Could you queue up the second slide, please? | 00:18:21 | |
Which is which city code is this? Is it a restaurant and specialty restaurant? | 00:18:31 | |
Which is what the AUP was issued to D1. | 00:18:37 | |
Or. | 00:18:41 | |
Is it as? | 00:18:42 | |
She applied for. | 00:18:43 | |
What is noticed on the? | 00:18:46 | |
Agenda report. | 00:18:48 | |
And the agenda? | 00:18:51 | |
And that's what was noticed is the pub and brew pub. | 00:18:53 | |
Which is D2, not D1. | 00:18:56 | |
So there's inconsistencies right there. | 00:19:00 | |
In the muni code addressed. | 00:19:03 | |
Landru Halloran. | 00:19:10 | |
Oh, by the way, the the pop in his premises at 220 Grand Ave. The mailing address is on 2/15. | 00:19:11 | |
And this was. | 00:19:20 | |
The application to the alcohol, the ABC. | 00:19:22 | |
Which was not for a bona fide eating place. | 00:19:26 | |
But for a Type 90 music venue? | 00:19:29 | |
For which we have no AUP in Pacific Grove Municode. | 00:19:32 | |
Included in this application is a lovely artistically hand drawn diagram. | 00:19:36 | |
Depicting the interior and exterior dimensions and layout of the entire project. | 00:19:42 | |
There is no kitchen included. | 00:19:48 | |
Only a space titled Food Trailer. | 00:19:51 | |
Situated on Grand Ave. | 00:19:54 | |
Which now is the parking lot. | 00:19:56 | |
The proposed use. | 00:19:59 | |
Describe the Laurel Halloran describes this in her agenda report, as the proposed use also includes an inclosed, approximately | 00:20:01 | |
1450 square foot beer garden on the Grand Ave. side, with food service open during business hours. | 00:20:09 | |
Planner, planner, O'halloran's description starts with the proposed project includes retail, a restaurant slash pub. | 00:20:19 | |
Food service and alcohol service. | 00:20:28 | |
There is no mention of kitchen. | 00:20:31 | |
Only service. | 00:20:33 | |
This leads me to believe that there is no kitchen planned. | 00:20:35 | |
This is just this backed food trailer depicted in the ABC license. | 00:20:40 | |
Application. | 00:20:48 | |
They're type 90. | 00:20:50 | |
ABC license application states that. | 00:20:52 | |
75% of sales. | 00:20:56 | |
Will come from alcohol. | 00:20:59 | |
Sales with minimal. | 00:21:02 | |
Food service. | 00:21:04 | |
It's on a marked on a secondary St. | 00:21:07 | |
And food service is from a food truck. | 00:21:09 | |
Yet there is no food service lessee. | 00:21:15 | |
That would be running this truck market. | 00:21:18 | |
Also, there's no parking lot anymore. | 00:21:21 | |
Yes. | 00:21:24 | |
Minors are allowed with this license. | 00:21:25 | |
But it's not about unified eating place and sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages. | 00:21:28 | |
Are limited. | 00:21:35 | |
Umm. | 00:21:37 | |
Would you please go back to the license types, Laurel? | 00:21:38 | |
Thank you. | 00:21:43 | |
Limited to the time period. | 00:21:45 | |
Between. | 00:21:48 | |
Two hours after a live performance and one hour. | 00:21:50 | |
After the live performance. | 00:21:54 | |
Clearly this is an inappropriate ABC license to apply to this project. | 00:21:58 | |
I don't know who was really advising these applicants because. | 00:22:09 | |
It's not issued to the pub, it is issued to a restaurant. | 00:22:14 | |
The license type is. | 00:22:19 | |
Not the right license type for a bona fide eating place. | 00:22:22 | |
And it seems that this is been. | 00:22:26 | |
Misinformation. | 00:22:31 | |
I think it was applied for as a substitute for the correct license types which are subject to the provisions. | 00:22:33 | |
Of section. | 00:22:41 | |
23816 of the State of California Business and Professions Code. | 00:22:43 | |
Which has county limits on liquor licenses issued set by population. | 00:22:50 | |
And they are expensive and difficult to obtain. There's a quota. | 00:22:55 | |
And. | 00:23:00 | |
Can you put the summary slide back up? | 00:23:03 | |
Thank you. | 00:23:07 | |
The AUP was granted using the wrong code section. | 00:23:09 | |
It's an inappropriate ABC license. | 00:23:13 | |
Umm. | 00:23:16 | |
Clearly, this public hearing was necessary to shed light. | 00:23:17 | |
On what's happening in the city planning department. | 00:23:22 | |
I'm not trying to kill any fun of anybody. | 00:23:26 | |
I am trying to uphold. | 00:23:29 | |
The process. | 00:23:32 | |
So it really is correct and are Pacific Grove. | 00:23:33 | |
Municipal code. | 00:23:38 | |
I certainly had your kind of fun when I was young, but Pacific Grove just doesn't have standalone bars without major food service. | 00:23:41 | |
So. | 00:23:49 | |
Thank you. | 00:23:52 | |
Thank you. | 00:23:54 | |
OK. | 00:24:02 | |
I'm in a. | 00:24:03 | |
Should we open up the public comment first before rebuttal? | 00:24:04 | |
I think so, yeah. I'm going to go ahead and open. | 00:24:08 | |
Up to public comment. We will start in the chambers. Public comment will be there are quite a few people. | 00:24:12 | |
I'm going to limit public comment to two minutes. | 00:24:20 | |
And we will get started in the chambers. Thank you. | 00:24:24 | |
You may line up here at the podium. | 00:24:29 | |
And please, please line your name and to the podium. | 00:24:34 | |
The speaker is already on. | 00:24:38 | |
And. | 00:24:46 | |
Good morning, My name is Sloan Camping. | 00:24:50 | |
I'm a freelance writer for the Monterey County Weekly, covering arts and music. | 00:24:55 | |
And I'm also a financial planner here in Monterey. | 00:25:00 | |
And. | 00:25:05 | |
I've spoken with a lot of artists. | 00:25:06 | |
Do my freelance writing job. | 00:25:09 | |
All of which artists being musicians. | 00:25:13 | |
And I have to say that I believe that this. | 00:25:17 | |
Type of space is necessary. | 00:25:20 | |
Because. | 00:25:23 | |
Each one of them has said. | 00:25:26 | |
We don't have an adequate place to play. | 00:25:28 | |
A medium sized venue for up and coming local artists that contribute to the vibrancy of our community and that vibrancy. | 00:25:31 | |
Existing right here in Pacific Growth there are members of. | 00:25:39 | |
That artist community here today. | 00:25:44 | |
And I believe what Michaela is doing is. | 00:25:47 | |
Necessary. How necessary? Well, there were 23 letters of support submitted just in the packet alone. | 00:25:51 | |
For something like this one appellant. | 00:25:58 | |
We're here today because of that one appellant. | 00:26:03 | |
Umm. | 00:26:06 | |
I would just want to point out. | 00:26:07 | |
That I don't want to. | 00:26:09 | |
Discredit anything that Miss Dahmer is saying, but she is not a city planner. | 00:26:11 | |
She is not an agent of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. | 00:26:17 | |
She doesn't have appear to have a fundamental understanding of how city planning findings work. | 00:26:21 | |
And therefore, I'm not sure how much of A merit her argument carries. | 00:26:27 | |
I believe that this is a necessary event. | 00:26:32 | |
I think the community does too. | 00:26:35 | |
Thank you. | 00:26:37 | |
Hello, I'm Donna Drews and I've lived here for six years. Came here from New York. | 00:26:45 | |
And I know that music venues in New York are extremely expensive. Here, that's not the case. We have wonderful venues at Jews and | 00:26:50 | |
Java, which has been there for years. | 00:26:55 | |
That's a public venue. | 00:27:01 | |
People and they serve food, they serve drinks. | 00:27:03 | |
They have music every Friday night. | 00:27:06 | |
They open up the doors. The entire community can hear it. | 00:27:09 | |
But nobody's complaining about that. | 00:27:13 | |
Now I wonder why that is. | 00:27:15 | |
If. | 00:27:18 | |
What was presented here today is legitimate. | 00:27:18 | |
And there are problems with the applications and the licenses. Surely that's not Michaela's fault she was doing this. | 00:27:22 | |
With good conscience if there's a problem with the planning department. | 00:27:29 | |
Then this should be rethought. | 00:27:33 | |
And the proper license is given. | 00:27:36 | |
I think there is some confusion perhaps about the licenses. Again, not Michaela's fault. | 00:27:39 | |
She's trying to do something for the community that will enrich the community. | 00:27:44 | |
And with all the empty storefronts up and down, the main drag here. | 00:27:49 | |
On Lighthouse, I think we should be thinking about. | 00:27:54 | |
People entrepreneurs like Michaela who want to do something about. | 00:27:57 | |
That emptiness. | 00:28:02 | |
That's going on. | 00:28:04 | |
Please refrain from any commentary. We need to be able to hear the speaker. Thank you. | 00:28:05 | |
So. | 00:28:11 | |
In conclusion. | 00:28:12 | |
I'm very glad to be here. | 00:28:15 | |
I'm glad that there are music venues. | 00:28:16 | |
Like wild fish as well, which has music. | 00:28:18 | |
Loud and clear every Friday and Saturday. No one's complaining about that. | 00:28:22 | |
So I'm hoping. | 00:28:26 | |
And perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I do wonder. | 00:28:28 | |
I'm hoping that the reason there is. | 00:28:30 | |
Confusion about this. | 00:28:33 | |
And resistance to it? I hope that's not because Michaela and her partners are women. | 00:28:35 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:28:40 | |
Good morning, My name is Michael Navares. I'm a Peninsula business owner and I operate a small, all ages music venue in Seaside. | 00:28:49 | |
I don't think I'm qualified to speak about the procedural obstructionism we all just had to endure, but I will speak to the | 00:28:57 | |
benefits of having a music venue. | 00:29:01 | |
That I I've observed as an operator of such an establishment, and those are two. So the first thing that I think is really | 00:29:06 | |
important is. | 00:29:11 | |
Having an opportunity for culture to happen. Culture is not a static, it's an evolving thing. And if we don't have places for that | 00:29:15 | |
to happen. | 00:29:19 | |
We don't progress. Our kids get bored. They might turn to. | 00:29:23 | |
Other things that are less positive. | 00:29:27 | |
Secondly, the economic impact of having something like this that's going to attract a different crowd, PG I think can't be | 00:29:30 | |
overstated. | 00:29:34 | |
You might be getting people here that don't know about all of the. | 00:29:38 | |
Awesome and vibrant businesses that are here and might come back and spend money. | 00:29:42 | |
That's about that's that's all I got in support. But Michaela's doing a great thing and I think we should all applaud her. Thanks. | 00:29:47 | |
Hello, my name is Reverend Stephen Sam's. I'm a local musician but also touring musician I've played from. | 00:30:08 | |
Canada down to Mexico and played just sold out places in Hollywood actually the Viper room, which it definitely sounds like it | 00:30:14 | |
would not be. And that being said, I also have a para educator to elementary school children in my district that I grew up in | 00:30:19 | |
Salinas. | 00:30:24 | |
And I can't tell you how much of A of an invaluable resource that is to have when you're younger. What a positive influence that's | 00:30:30 | |
had in my life. When I was younger, I was being courted for street gangs. | 00:30:35 | |
And what helped me identify with something positive that I could give back to the community was the influence of music that I had. | 00:30:41 | |
I always I was able to achieve what I've been able to achieve through music because I've had places to play. | 00:30:47 | |
And I also had, uh, places that were safe. | 00:30:54 | |
That I could go to. That my parents knew that I could go to. | 00:30:57 | |
I think there's a a tacit concern from the opposition about the safety of. | 00:31:00 | |
Of of the children will. | 00:31:06 | |
I can tell you that. | 00:31:08 | |
I can. I can tell you that that has been the opposite of what is true in my in my experience, also, someone who's been a | 00:31:10 | |
bartender, I can tell you your job and the venue, definitely. | 00:31:16 | |
What's your job and and the presence of the venue depends on how importantly you take your job when it comes to paying attention | 00:31:23 | |
to who you're serving to. That's I don't. I don't think that's a concern. | 00:31:28 | |
But there's also renaissance and music happening in this area that I haven't seen in 20 years. And there's so much togetherness. | 00:31:33 | |
It's so beautiful and so full of compassionate, amazing people who need places to play. | 00:31:38 | |
And they're so inclusive and so supportive and very mature people. | 00:31:43 | |
And that being said, I think it would be when we look back at history, we define things by politics and then the reaction to that | 00:31:47 | |
which is art, and I think it would be a beautiful addition to the definition of this town. | 00:31:53 | |
If we could allow the artistic scene to flourish. Thank you. | 00:32:00 | |
Young lady. | 00:32:04 | |
Don't worry that it's scary up here. If I just want to let you know that as a young person you have every right to. | 00:32:05 | |
Speak in the public and. | 00:32:13 | |
We're here to listen. OK, so go ahead. Don't be afraid. Don't be shy. | 00:32:15 | |
I don't mind hearing what you have to say. It's OK. | 00:32:24 | |
I'm. I'm not. I'm a nice person. | 00:32:29 | |
And I I've been a teacher too. | 00:32:32 | |
So. | 00:32:34 | |
Yeah. | 00:32:36 | |
So this is my daughter, Dylan Raymond Hunter. | 00:32:36 | |
And we're working on public speaking and public performances, but we don't have anywhere to do that, so hopefully in the future we | 00:32:40 | |
will. | 00:32:44 | |
In PG. | 00:32:48 | |
So Dylan wrote some notes. | 00:32:50 | |
And she wanted to say that Michaela is a very good music teacher. | 00:32:52 | |
She can help a lot of kids who want to play music with this music venue. | 00:32:57 | |
And teenagers as well. | 00:33:03 | |
And they all need a fun place to go. | 00:33:06 | |
This could be a very, very fun place. | 00:33:10 | |
And she hopes that Michaela will get to give this to all the kids in Pacific Grove. | 00:33:13 | |
Thank you. Thank you for your comment. | 00:33:25 | |
Hello. | 00:33:33 | |
My name is Colleen Crook and I'm a resident of Pacific Grove. | 00:33:35 | |
I support the approval of this use permit. | 00:33:38 | |
The proposed business will be a fantastic addition to our town. It will be good for the neighboring businesses and will bring a | 00:33:41 | |
much needed spark to downtown. | 00:33:45 | |
We need to help entrepreneurs start new ventures here, not put up roadblocks. There are too many vacant storefronts, and this | 00:33:49 | |
business will do the job of occupying one of those. | 00:33:54 | |
We, my wife and I live less than a half a mile from the venue and we are very excited about walking down. | 00:33:59 | |
And enjoying the events. | 00:34:05 | |
And supporting our local musicians. | 00:34:07 | |
Please approve this use permit. Pacific Grove and its residents will benefit. | 00:34:09 | |
Aye. | 00:34:20 | |
My name is Beth Walker. I'm here today to convey my support for the proposed business in downtown called Pop and Hiss. | 00:34:21 | |
When we moved to PG and bought our fixer Upper, we chose downtown as a location for the ability to walk to restaurants, retail and | 00:34:28 | |
markets. | 00:34:32 | |
We wanted a vibrancy that downtown usually brings. | 00:34:36 | |
Much to our disappointment, the downtown zone is not vibrant except for on 1st Fridays. | 00:34:39 | |
Storefronts are empty, restaurants have closed and a lot of downtown looks vacant. | 00:34:45 | |
Kudos to Michaela, who has come has a vision to make PG vibrant again. | 00:34:49 | |
To occupy a building that has been vacant for years and provide PG with two new businesses. | 00:34:54 | |
I love the fact that this venue will welcome families and provide the artists and musicians in this community with a place to hone | 00:35:00 | |
their craft. | 00:35:03 | |
I love the possibility of seeing seeing new musical acts and that this place will be a needed first step in making Town downtown | 00:35:07 | |
vibrant again. | 00:35:11 | |
We need more people willing to take a chance on PG. | 00:35:15 | |
What would be the alternative? Would downtown continue to shrink PG be taken over by large corporate chain stores? | 00:35:18 | |
As we struggle to survive, we may not have a choice but to welcome those in. | 00:35:25 | |
I don't think anyone wants that. | 00:35:29 | |
Small business owners are being throttled by a small group of people's outdated feelings about what PG should be and is. | 00:35:31 | |
We can't let this continue. | 00:35:39 | |
Miss Dahmer, although she is very well informed, never leaves her house. She doesn't live anywhere near this venue and therefore | 00:35:42 | |
shouldn't have been allowed to be a complaint. | 00:35:47 | |
The complainant cited compliance as the reason for objection. | 00:35:52 | |
The fact is that music is allowed downtown in the commercial district. There's already time restrictions in the zoning. | 00:35:56 | |
Alcohol is allowed, with food available for purchase. | 00:36:02 | |
This. | 00:36:06 | |
Written is written in the zoning that is on the books as these businesses are within current zoning. | 00:36:06 | |
I'm asking the zoning administrator to approve this permit as soon as possible so that it can have these two new businesses in | 00:36:12 | |
Pacific Grove. Thank you. | 00:36:16 | |
Sorry about that. My name is Dan Logan, although today I feel a little bit more like Kevin Bacon. | 00:36:28 | |
Umm. | 00:36:34 | |
I just want to say that the caller who called in seemed to have more issues with the Planning department and Laurel's | 00:36:35 | |
interpretation. | 00:36:39 | |
Of exactly what address and what code was was supposed to be used. Maybe these are issues that Laurel. | 00:36:44 | |
Can clean up and and get this thing moving in the right direction. The caller also seemed to have issues with the ABC. | 00:36:52 | |
And however, the arguments she made were completely contrary to the point she was trying to make. | 00:37:00 | |
The license that is being applied for. | 00:37:05 | |
Is a license that allows the sale only during and after, during, after and before a musical event. | 00:37:08 | |
Umm. | 00:37:15 | |
That that seemed exactly like the type of license that should be issued here, social media being the highway of misinformation. | 00:37:16 | |
Has been overrun by a few people saying this is a bar. This is a bar that will be open from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM seven nights a | 00:37:25 | |
week. We all know that's not true. | 00:37:29 | |
So if we can Get the facts straight with the address dot, the eyes cross the T's or the other way around. | 00:37:34 | |
I think that would be great if Laurel could get that done and we could move forward in the right direction on approving. | 00:37:41 | |
Business owner in Pacific Grove. | 00:37:47 | |
Who's going to? | 00:37:49 | |
Supply a lot of enjoyment. | 00:37:52 | |
Employment. | 00:37:54 | |
And tax dollars? Thanks. | 00:37:55 | |
Hi, my name is Joel Houston. I'm a local concert promoter. I've been doing that for 19 years. I'm one of, I'm the only primary all | 00:38:02 | |
ages concert promoter in the entirety of Northern California. I also run one of two all ages venues left in the entirety of Santa | 00:38:08 | |
Cruz and that's the that's the Santa Cruz County Veterans Memorial Building downtown. | 00:38:14 | |
This entire state is in desperate need of more all ages rooms. I think this is a great project and should go through. | 00:38:20 | |
Be doing what I do. I understand these codes a little better than some other people. She has done nothing wrong. If you actually | 00:38:28 | |
look up the code on the website which was frequently left, which was ironically left out of that last slide, you can actually take | 00:38:34 | |
a type. I believe it's 47, which Michaela did apply for and you can actually trade it for a type 90, which is the one with. | 00:38:41 | |
Less time limits. | 00:38:48 | |
Or what's the one that's more restrictive on when she can actually serve alcohol, which I think circumstance a lot of the issues I | 00:38:50 | |
am seeing from from the opposition. | 00:38:53 | |
So I want to make sure everyone's correctly informed on that. | 00:38:57 | |
Also, one of the reasons I moved to PG six years ago and stayed here is this is a beautiful community. | 00:39:01 | |
Most of you probably are proud of the fact that we are one of the most coveted public school districts in America. | 00:39:08 | |
Especially in California. | 00:39:13 | |
There's absolutely nothing for the youth to do aside from sports in this town and nature, which is fun. But we all know what kids | 00:39:15 | |
these days want, and it's not necessarily that. So I do think that having an artistic and musical outlet in this town for for the | 00:39:21 | |
people immediately posts out of high school and in high school is very important. | 00:39:27 | |
And that's that's all I have to say. | 00:39:33 | |
Good morning. My name is Wendy Giles. I'm a resident. | 00:39:41 | |
Small business owner. | 00:39:46 | |
And I'm also a property owner. | 00:39:48 | |
Of several commercial buildings in downtown Pacific Grove. | 00:39:51 | |
Um, I'm here in support of the opposition of. | 00:39:55 | |
Allowing this permit. | 00:40:00 | |
I only found out about the. | 00:40:02 | |
Intended double use of this. | 00:40:06 | |
When I went to look at a building on Grand Ave. | 00:40:09 | |
And noticed a liquor license. | 00:40:13 | |
You're a Porta Potty. | 00:40:16 | |
I received this notice in the mail. | 00:40:19 | |
And it says to allow a pub with food service. | 00:40:22 | |
There's no mention here of. | 00:40:26 | |
Anything that says about a live music venue or a music school. | 00:40:29 | |
Or anything else? | 00:40:33 | |
So I'm attending this meeting because there is a lot of issues that are very unclear to me as somebody who is. | 00:40:35 | |
Going to be impacted by any change. | 00:40:42 | |
Of any permit on that building. | 00:40:44 | |
I'd like to also just briefly touch on some other things that have happened. | 00:40:47 | |
Umm. | 00:40:52 | |
With permit changes in our community that a lot of people. | 00:40:53 | |
Now are very unhappy about citing the 520 Lighthouse building. | 00:40:57 | |
Which had many permit changes over that development of that building. | 00:41:02 | |
And many people are very unhappy about that. | 00:41:06 | |
I hope that Michaela can get all of her paperwork together. It sounds like a very exciting venue. | 00:41:09 | |
But I also want to look forward to the future. | 00:41:15 | |
About the changes of land ownership or meals, might be interested in acquiring that type of permit and location. Thank you very | 00:41:17 | |
much. | 00:41:21 | |
Miss Giles, may I see your permit? | 00:41:26 | |
Notice. Thank you. | 00:41:31 | |
Next commenter, Thank you. | 00:41:36 | |
I spent three. I spent three hours last night writing this to 3 minutes. So my my new friend George will come and finish it when I | 00:41:39 | |
get my 2 minutes. State your name. OK Good morning. My name is Mark Hughes. I have lived in Pacific Grove for 57 of the 61 years. | 00:41:46 | |
That have eclipsed since my family moved here in 1962. | 00:41:53 | |
I'm a K through 12 product of Pacific Grove Unified School District and still speak with pride. | 00:41:57 | |
Of being a graduate of White House Elementary School. | 00:42:02 | |
And you're familiar with White House Elementary School? | 00:42:05 | |
I tell you this because I too can be considered a little old, bitty, and probably has lived here longer than many who consider | 00:42:08 | |
themselves pro grow vans. | 00:42:12 | |
And this biddy is in full support of the proposed popping his company in record shop, venue and bar. Why? | 00:42:17 | |
People have said that music is the language of love. I would argue that music is also the language of community. | 00:42:23 | |
Pacific Grove has a long history of our community embracing live music in an acoustic, acoustic setting. Does anyone really know | 00:42:29 | |
the itinerary at Lovers Point or the Kings Cross station at Forest Hill in the Forest Hill Shopping Center? | 00:42:34 | |
Back in the late 1970s and early 80s, when I was allowed in my 20s, there was a live music venue playing those, There's live music | 00:42:40 | |
playing. | 00:42:44 | |
And those rules? Most, if not every night of the week. And it was acoustic the chairman was demanding of a restaurant and touristy | 00:42:47 | |
spot. | 00:42:50 | |
Was great views, but I'm sure the city coffers appreciated the the revenue as much as I enjoyed listening to music performed by | 00:42:53 | |
one of PG's finest, the late Rex Wheeler. | 00:42:58 | |
Kings Cross station on the other hand was the locals Hangouts Preston PG Trillion providing the Cheers philosophy where everyone | 00:43:03 | |
was your friend. The live music was a major component my meeting some dear friends. | 00:43:08 | |
The venue in their hometown. | 00:43:44 | |
Where they can share their music in an acoustic concert setting the location for popping noises downtown. It will be an acoustic | 00:43:46 | |
venue so humans have no art engine argue regarding noise as spending worries of drunkenness I felt a welcoming sense of community | 00:43:51 | |
is getting would bring precludes any concern. | 00:43:56 | |
Just the once a week open like it's using Java illustrates my point. | 00:44:01 | |
Music brings the community together and our firm belief that Pacific Grove will truly benefit from having the poppiness as a | 00:44:05 | |
fixture in our hometown. Thank you, and thank you for letting me go a little bit longer. | 00:44:10 | |
Stuck on 21 seconds for like a long time. I I have to shave now. Thank you. Alright. | 00:44:15 | |
Next. | 00:44:21 | |
I'm Georgia Hamilton and I am also a homeowner in Pacific Grove. I live about two blocks from where this is going to be and I have | 00:44:25 | |
to say I support the application for this venue. I've known Michaela for a couple of years. I've I'm in the Arts Center where she | 00:44:32 | |
has her classes. | 00:44:38 | |
She's always been respectful of her fellow artists and everything I've never heard. | 00:44:44 | |
Loud crazy stuff coming from from her studios back there, so I know she's respectful of. | 00:44:49 | |
Her neighbors. | 00:44:56 | |
Additionally, I want to add that my daughter, when she was in high school, had the opportunity. | 00:44:58 | |
To play at a small venue much like Michaela's proposing. Here it was a bar and her music teacher arranged to have. | 00:45:03 | |
Their recipe? | 00:45:14 | |
Sorry, I'm as nervous as that young lady. | 00:45:16 | |
To have their recital at this venue and my daughter who would never practice or do anything. | 00:45:19 | |
She When they found out they were going to be doing this at this facility, it became a big deal and she practiced and met with her | 00:45:25 | |
group members. | 00:45:30 | |
Um, her teacher arranged for all the students to be playing. | 00:45:34 | |
Every song from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album. So it was incredible and I was able to enjoy beer while I'm watching my. | 00:45:38 | |
My daughter play and these kind of venues are important for the kids, they're important for the community. I can't see that this | 00:45:47 | |
is going to be some huge crowded thing, I think. | 00:45:52 | |
The permit is only like 80 people and this room is, according to the fire department, fits 100 people, so it's a smaller number of | 00:45:57 | |
people involved in this venue. | 00:46:03 | |
And as far as the kitchen, I know Dust Bowl Brewery has food trucks. It's very common in Portland as well to not have a kitchen on | 00:46:09 | |
the facility, but it sounds like she's working on on including that in her in her permit. I don't, I don't have that information, | 00:46:14 | |
but. | 00:46:20 | |
Food trucks have been very popular and very successful, so thank you. | 00:46:27 | |
TJ. | 00:46:37 | |
Answer. | 00:46:37 | |
Michael's. | 00:46:38 | |
Sir, please please speak into the microphone so those who are online computer. | 00:46:42 | |
Sister and I'm the Kaylan's dad. | 00:46:48 | |
She talked me into moving her from Dallas, TX. I just got here about two months ago. | 00:46:51 | |
Umm. | 00:46:57 | |
Just my background, I was the music director for Glen Campbell for 35 years, so. | 00:46:58 | |
I'm a keyboard player and a music director. | 00:47:03 | |
So I'm hoping I can get a gig from Michael's. | 00:47:06 | |
You know, I was thinking. | 00:47:11 | |
I was playing in Dallas. | 00:47:13 | |
At a little jazz club for. | 00:47:16 | |
I think 6 years. | 00:47:19 | |
And the night that I would play there was a bass player that it would teach all these very talented. | 00:47:21 | |
High school kids and they got a chance to come into these venues. | 00:47:27 | |
And learn their craft, and I can't tell you how important it is now alcohol is sold there. | 00:47:32 | |
It wasn't a real late night venue and it was it was upstairs from a bowling alley. It's it's one of these landmark places. | 00:47:38 | |
But. | 00:47:45 | |
It was so you couldn't really like hear the music. You could hear like there's music up there and it was wonderful jazz music. So | 00:47:46 | |
when these kids would get up. | 00:47:50 | |
They got to play with the pros. They got to learn how to be a musician. | 00:47:55 | |
They were responsible, the place was responsible and I think that would be a wonderful thing to have. | 00:48:00 | |
Plus, you're going to be selling the records from McAllen. I used to listen to records go to record stores and. | 00:48:06 | |
Was one. It was a lot of fun to share music exactly, so I hope she gets it. | 00:48:12 | |
Please come closer to the mic so we can get through the public comment. Thank you. Unfortunately the mic is distorting out here in | 00:48:22 | |
the room so it's difficult for people to understand the wording. | 00:48:27 | |
My name is Kyle Kovalik. I am also a product of Pacific Grove in fact. | 00:48:32 | |
Mr. Hughes and I grew up together and I went to Lighthouse School. Graduated from Pacific Grove in 1975. | 00:48:36 | |
I am a professional musician. | 00:48:41 | |
I'm not here to beg for a gig, although I would love to have a gig with Mr. Ginster anytime. | 00:48:42 | |
Uh. | 00:48:48 | |
And this will sound like bragging. That's not the point. Last year I did 180 gigs. | 00:48:49 | |
In the Monterey area. | 00:48:55 | |
I was written up in Carmel Magazine as the busiest guitar player in Monterey County. | 00:48:56 | |
And I played exactly 0 gigs in Pacific Grove. | 00:49:00 | |
When I graduated from high school in 1975, my focus was on being a musician. | 00:49:04 | |
I couldn't wait to get out of town. | 00:49:08 | |
Why? Because there was no. | 00:49:10 | |
Feeling for me that I had a future here in this town and I didn't really honestly feel like I had a lot of support as someone | 00:49:13 | |
trying to make a living as a musician. | 00:49:17 | |
Michaela to do this to me. I I so wish that this had been here when I was a child. I moved back as an adult after essentially | 00:49:22 | |
retiring. | 00:49:26 | |
Being in music industry for many years. | 00:49:30 | |
And other industries, but. | 00:49:32 | |
And and I've been able to. | 00:49:34 | |
Follow my passion and do this. | 00:49:36 | |
But again. | 00:49:38 | |
I'm not a kid anymore. | 00:49:40 | |
So I've already got my path going and I'm happy for that, but for the children that live in this community. | 00:49:42 | |
And there's so, so many. There's so fewer children there here than than when I was growing up. | 00:49:49 | |
They just have nothing and to have this would be such a blessing for them. | 00:49:54 | |
And that's all I have to say. Thank you. | 00:49:58 | |
Good morning. | 00:50:06 | |
My name is Charles Walton. | 00:50:07 | |
My family has been here for four generations. | 00:50:09 | |
I'm a music aficionado. | 00:50:13 | |
I love nothing better than going to see a small show in a small venue in a small town. | 00:50:15 | |
I've been in every town, Crescent City to San Diego, all the little ones is what we like to do and one of the things I've seen. | 00:50:22 | |
Is this kind of? | 00:50:32 | |
Applicant or this project? | 00:50:35 | |
Has improved. | 00:50:38 | |
The economic. | 00:50:41 | |
Situation in these small towns and have been a revitalization. | 00:50:43 | |
Of these small towns, and I think it would be a big advantage because of its. | 00:50:49 | |
Umm. | 00:50:57 | |
Working with the children, selling music. | 00:50:59 | |
Having a small venue for this type of entertainment and I I think it's appropriate for our town. It's been long in need. | 00:51:02 | |
And I think it would be a real economic boost. | 00:51:10 | |
Thank you very much. | 00:51:14 | |
Hi. | 00:51:22 | |
And farewell Eton. | 00:51:23 | |
That is my dad. | 00:51:25 | |
I'm very proud of growing up here. | 00:51:27 | |
In Pacific Grove and in Monterey as well. | 00:51:30 | |
My great grandmother was a science teacher at Monterey High. | 00:51:33 | |
And it's. | 00:51:37 | |
Been a very long as anyone knows uh lots of ups and downs for the area. | 00:51:39 | |
Especially with you know the. | 00:51:46 | |
The changing of Canary row, introducing the big companies and everything. | 00:51:48 | |
Um, I moved back. | 00:51:53 | |
Here and with my with the help of my dad, my concert buddy. | 00:51:55 | |
I've been to all those clubs and venues and everything with him. | 00:51:59 | |
I also have had the privilege of working with some of the. | 00:52:04 | |
Most. | 00:52:09 | |
Intelligent and hard working and diligent. | 00:52:11 | |
And the best integrity of people through wild fish. | 00:52:14 | |
Also with Michaela, I have worked with her personally in a food hospitality setting and I can tell you anything. | 00:52:19 | |
Has only improved. | 00:52:28 | |
Where there is a hole in something that is not done properly, done procedurally perfect. | 00:52:30 | |
It will be fixed and it will be done happily. There will always be if somebody's birthday, there will be a little birthday cake | 00:52:36 | |
doodle on the bottom of their receipt. | 00:52:39 | |
All of the wine will be counted. Everything will be taken, accounted for. | 00:52:44 | |
If there is any issue with? | 00:52:48 | |
Something that somebody is caught. | 00:52:50 | |
Obviously, she would be gladly to take care of it to make sure something like this thrives. | 00:52:52 | |
As a kid who also had problems with public speaking as I'm shaking here now. | 00:52:57 | |
Eight. I cannot tell you how valuable. | 00:53:02 | |
This is. | 00:53:05 | |
For a community, and even in the future, there's going to be a line of people just like they were here to want to take care of | 00:53:06 | |
that place. It'll be an institution for Pacific Grove. | 00:53:11 | |
But thank you. | 00:53:17 | |
Good morning. | 00:53:26 | |
My name is Mark Lavin and I'm really here to speak on behalf of my daughter Catherine Lavin, who is. | 00:53:28 | |
15 year old musician who's been playing in Pacific Grove at various venues over. | 00:53:36 | |
Well, since she was probably 7 or 8 years old. | 00:53:41 | |
Umm. | 00:53:45 | |
My wife and I are are huge. | 00:53:47 | |
Music fans and we we we go to a lot of shows and and I I've actually lived in Pacific Grove for over 27 years and I remember when | 00:53:50 | |
I first. | 00:53:53 | |
Came to Pacific Grove. How challenging and how disappointing it was to find a place to listen to live music. | 00:53:58 | |
That's really started to change. | 00:54:05 | |
Very slowly, but it has changed and it has started to get better. | 00:54:08 | |
My daughter Catherine, His life has been transformed by being able to play live music in front of her peers and in front of other | 00:54:12 | |
people. | 00:54:15 | |
And it's been one of the greatest joys of our life to watch her development as a musician, and we have a family band that gets to | 00:54:19 | |
participate with that as well. | 00:54:23 | |
So when I found out about Michaela's project, I couldn't. I couldn't jump on board any faster than than than I did. I think it's | 00:54:28 | |
an amazing. | 00:54:32 | |
Proposal. | 00:54:38 | |
Uh. | 00:54:40 | |
Aside from the minutia that is involved with the planning of the project, which I'm sure will get worked out because this is | 00:54:41 | |
clearly something that. | 00:54:44 | |
Is needed in town and and. | 00:54:49 | |
And Michaela and her team have already done their due diligence to try and and and make the plan as feasible as in accordance with | 00:54:52 | |
all the laws and regulations. | 00:54:56 | |
And I really look forward to this going through. I think it it needs to happen and I feel like it will. | 00:55:01 | |
And I look forward to supporting it in any way we can and. | 00:55:07 | |
It's a great thing. Thank you. | 00:55:12 | |
There's. | 00:55:24 | |
Well, I'm a retired librarian. I've lived in Pacific Grove for about 20-6 years and. | 00:55:25 | |
In addition to having been a librarian, I live in an apartment building with very thin walls and so I appreciate quiet when I can | 00:55:31 | |
get it. But. | 00:55:34 | |
I also appreciate live music and. | 00:55:39 | |
I've recently became one of the freelance music writers for the Monterey. | 00:55:42 | |
County Weekly. | 00:55:46 | |
And umm. | 00:55:48 | |
I just wanna say that. | 00:55:49 | |
Generally when I wanna go here, live music around here, I find myself going to Seaside, going to Monterey, going to. | 00:55:52 | |
To Carmel, which has an improving music scene, but I rarely. | 00:55:59 | |
Stay on Pacific growth for live music because except on. | 00:56:03 | |
On the 1st Friday, there really isn't much going on here music wise. | 00:56:08 | |
So I just want to say that I approve. | 00:56:12 | |
I I hope you'll approve this this application. Thank you. | 00:56:16 | |
Hi, my name is Bronwyn Van Yolen. I am a musician as well as a bartender, but I want to speak on behalf of. | 00:56:26 | |
The point that the opponent made. | 00:56:33 | |
About the 75% of. | 00:56:36 | |
Sales coming from alcohol first point and that is alcohol has a very large. | 00:56:38 | |
We we mark it up a lot. So that's. | 00:56:44 | |
One of the reasons why the sales of alcohol seems to be out. | 00:56:48 | |
Numbering the sales of food. | 00:56:52 | |
The other point I want to make is that all of us bartenders here in California are. | 00:56:54 | |
Responsible for taking a course in RBS, which is responsible beverage service, we learn. | 00:57:00 | |
The effects of alcohol on the body. We have to study, you know, the consequences of drinking alcohol and the prevention of illegal | 00:57:08 | |
sales. | 00:57:12 | |
In restaurants and bars. | 00:57:17 | |
We also allowed the Assembly bill that was passed I think in 2021 for the RBS program created. | 00:57:22 | |
It was created with the intention of reducing alcohol related harm to the local communities so. | 00:57:30 | |
The only reason I bring this up is because she did mention. | 00:57:35 | |
She didn't mention her issues with the with the ABC. | 00:57:39 | |
Permit and whatnot. So I just wanted to, yeah, reiterate that we are very well trained in what we do as bartenders and. | 00:57:43 | |
We do our best to keep. | 00:57:51 | |
The community safe. | 00:57:53 | |
Good morning. | 00:58:12 | |
Good morning to you, the staff Council. | 00:58:14 | |
City of Pacific Grove and all who came here today from Michaelis. | 00:58:17 | |
Uh. | 00:58:21 | |
I started in 1968. | 00:58:24 | |
And. | 00:58:27 | |
That year. | 00:58:30 | |
A friend of mine said. Would you like to? | 00:58:31 | |
Going to theater. | 00:58:34 | |
And I said sure. And he said, would you like to do some lighting? I said sure. | 00:58:36 | |
And the first concert I did was. | 00:58:41 | |
They came into town for their first paid concert and there was a. | 00:58:44 | |
Uh. | 00:58:49 | |
Simon and Garfunkel. | 00:58:50 | |
In 1967. | 00:58:52 | |
And after them, a week later, was Youngbloods. | 00:58:54 | |
And now that college has a different name. All my schools have different names now. | 00:58:58 | |
Seems that's the way it goes. | 00:59:04 | |
But I turned down the music in a town that was very dry with music. | 00:59:05 | |
Auburn, NY and why? I think it was because it was the 1st President that electrocuted somebody. | 00:59:10 | |
And I used to walk to school past the. | 00:59:17 | |
A 400 yard. | 00:59:20 | |
Prison wall. That's how I went to high school. | 00:59:21 | |
So the town needed music. | 00:59:24 | |
And so that's why I left. | 00:59:26 | |
And I came here finally and. | 00:59:28 | |
After experiencing in music. | 00:59:32 | |
I saw how dry it was. | 00:59:35 | |
But Pacific Globe gave me a chance. | 00:59:37 | |
There are venues here. | 00:59:40 | |
Not enough? | 00:59:43 | |
And that's why we're here. | 00:59:45 | |
And I support all of you. I'm so proud of all of you. | 00:59:48 | |
Who stand up for? | 00:59:51 | |
Leisure that is benefiting the community. | 00:59:53 | |
Some place to go. | 00:59:57 | |
To relax. | 00:59:58 | |
To enjoy. And it's not just the venue. | 00:59:59 | |
It's the people there. | 01:00:02 | |
That you also communicate with. | 01:00:04 | |
It's a social structure. | 01:00:06 | |
Even since time began, there were troubadours going from town to town to tell stories. | 01:00:08 | |
I'm one of those troubadours. | 01:00:13 | |
I wrote a song called. | 01:00:16 | |
Organ grinder about The organ grinder no longer plays under. OK, I'm sorry. Thank you. Could you please state your name for the | 01:00:18 | |
record? | 01:00:21 | |
Ohh. | 01:00:25 | |
Lexus Christina. | 01:00:26 | |
Thank you. | 01:00:27 | |
Morning. | 01:00:39 | |
Staff members, thank you for giving everybody this chance. It's wonderful to see everybody turn out in support of a new business | 01:00:41 | |
in Pacific Grove. My name is Mike Gibbs. I'm a member of the Economic Development Commission here. | 01:00:47 | |
And I'm speaking as myself. Love music. My wife is a musician. | 01:00:55 | |
She performed on national stages before. | 01:01:00 | |
Can't Sing, but I can certainly appreciate music. Wild fish here in town. | 01:01:03 | |
Is one of the places that has music and. | 01:01:08 | |
It'll 5 into downtown. I'd like to see more of it. | 01:01:11 | |
Close Lighthouse and have a battle of the bands. | 01:01:14 | |
I think it's extremely unfortunate. | 01:01:16 | |
That. | 01:01:18 | |
We happen to be here, right? We have a legitimate application that I think was very poorly. | 01:01:20 | |
Handled very poorly. Communicated. I also walked. | 01:01:25 | |
Like Miss Giles around the site. | 01:01:29 | |
Was sort of surprised to learn that there were actually. | 01:01:31 | |
Two permits or two requests, not one. | 01:01:34 | |
And and the opposition. | 01:01:38 | |
Or the Other Side by Miss Dahmer and Miss Chiles. | 01:01:41 | |
Umm. | 01:01:45 | |
Is necessary and required to help all of us who start new businesses here. | 01:01:46 | |
To have a. | 01:01:51 | |
Swift and efficient process. | 01:01:52 | |
That is clear and open for everybody. | 01:01:55 | |
When they? | 01:01:58 | |
I started a new business. | 01:02:00 | |
If the business was there, I would go. | 01:02:01 | |
I would be part of that for it. | 01:02:04 | |
But I think how this was handled. | 01:02:07 | |
IS is not, is not in the best interest of economic development. | 01:02:09 | |
In Pacific Grove, we're not criticizing anybody in particular. | 01:02:14 | |
And I would just, I would just say the people who who called out. | 01:02:17 | |
Miss Dalmer, I think it's a very unfortunate thing. | 01:02:21 | |
She was simply making a procedural request. | 01:02:24 | |
Where this she lives close to it or not doesn't really matter. | 01:02:26 | |
She's a citizen and has a right to her. She call it very legitimate issues. So thank you very much and I appreciate everybody | 01:02:30 | |
coming. Thank you. | 01:02:34 | |
Hello, my name is Austin Clark and I am a professional music educator. I'm also a professional musician and I live in Pacific | 01:02:45 | |
Grove and I'm also one of the few people I think. | 01:02:49 | |
Of the younger generation near Pacific Grove and I just want to make a note really quick that this meeting is difficult for people | 01:02:54 | |
my age to attend because it is on a Monday morning. | 01:02:59 | |
And we have to work. | 01:03:03 | |
And my music education colleagues obviously have to work. It's the first kind of things at school. So it is a challenge to have | 01:03:04 | |
our voice represented. Episode growth, I think a venue like this is super important and music educator, as someone who's | 01:03:09 | |
performed, I relied on businesses and small. | 01:03:14 | |
Bars and restaurants growing up to host a music venue for me. | 01:03:19 | |
And without those experiences, I would have been at home practicing by myself. | 01:03:24 | |
Not being able to have that valuable feedback and valuable contributions to our community that I've been able to make and and sort | 01:03:27 | |
of. | 01:03:30 | |
Build upon all experience. So it's really important for music that used to exist in our in our culture and exist in Pacific Grove. | 01:03:34 | |
I do not have a car. I live in Pacific Grove and unfortunately a lot of the music venues are in Monterey or in Seaside and you're | 01:03:42 | |
getting Ubers is like taxing. And also I have my own musician my my instruments. | 01:03:48 | |
So being able to lug those around, it gets really complicated and we have to find a venue to play, so having something closer to | 01:03:54 | |
home. | 01:03:57 | |
Is super important to develop the talent. It's already here. | 01:04:01 | |
So you can hear more of it. You're excellent quality talent. | 01:04:04 | |
Not from professionals like myself, but from our young people, from our. | 01:04:06 | |
You know the the little girl was here just a few minutes ago, all the way up to people who. | 01:04:11 | |
Have been playing for a long time. It's really important that we have places for people to attend. | 01:04:15 | |
So thank you so much. Appreciate your time. | 01:04:20 | |
Hi, good morning. My name is Liz Jacobs. | 01:04:36 | |
I'm a resident in Pacific Grove and do a couple of other things too. One of them is that we had a. | 01:04:39 | |
I'm on the board of the newly formed Arts District in Pacific Grove. | 01:04:47 | |
And we had a community meeting in March just to see if. | 01:04:51 | |
There was a need for an arts district and to find out what people would like in Pacific Grove. Around 80 people attended that | 01:04:56 | |
meeting. | 01:05:00 | |
And we. | 01:05:05 | |
Elicited feedback in different ways and small groups in written messages to, you know, a lot of different platforms we used. | 01:05:08 | |
Number one, people wanted to have public art in town and #2 was they wanted to have venues for performing. Especially the | 01:05:15 | |
musicians did. | 01:05:21 | |
And umm. | 01:05:28 | |
Not long after that, Michaela proposed this project and it seemed like absolute serendipity and I was absolutely thrilled to hear | 01:05:30 | |
about it. I know Michaela personally as well. And and. | 01:05:37 | |
Find her a person of very high integrity and amazing creativity. | 01:05:45 | |
I know that she has instructed a lot of young people in town and inspired them. | 01:05:49 | |
And we I one of the other hats say, Where is that I'm a? | 01:05:56 | |
Business owner My husband and I have Wild Fish restaurant on Lighthouse. | 01:06:00 | |
And we have jazz every Friday and Saturday night. | 01:06:05 | |
Last Saturday I just wanted to say a family came along. | 01:06:10 | |
And. | 01:06:14 | |
They they live locally and they're 14 year old, got up and played the keyboard. | 01:06:15 | |
Our 87 year old bandleader led him. | 01:06:23 | |
He stepped aside and let the young fellow come and play. | 01:06:26 | |
And umm. | 01:06:30 | |
It was absolutely lovely and then his 18 year old Big Brother came and played guitar. | 01:06:32 | |
It was extremely inspiring and that is the end of my time. I just want to say young people need positive things to do. | 01:06:38 | |
Thank you. | 01:06:45 | |
Thank you. | 01:06:47 | |
Are are there any more public comments? | 01:06:48 | |
In the chambers. | 01:06:50 | |
OK, let's move on. | 01:06:53 | |
Line please. OK, Daniel Miller. | 01:06:56 | |
Hi, I'm probably coming from a different place than just about anybody else here tonight. I had a nightclub in Salinas, music | 01:07:04 | |
venue that I spent two years getting okayed. | 01:07:09 | |
Went through process like you wouldn't imagine. | 01:07:15 | |
And now I'm looking at a place. I have 53 conditions on that. | 01:07:18 | |
And I look at what the City of Pacific Grove has done on this, and I'm not against this. | 01:07:22 | |
Have promoted concerts for 37 years. Lived in Pacific Grove for 68 years. | 01:07:29 | |
And probably know more about ABC laws than anybody that's currently in the chambers. | 01:07:34 | |
And. | 01:07:39 | |
I'm confused. | 01:07:41 | |
There is nothing that shows us what the layout of this building is. There's no map showing us where the record shop is, where the | 01:07:43 | |
restaurant is. | 01:07:47 | |
The original posting and I imagine as same posting this kind of hidden behind the portable toilet there at the on the Grand Ave. | 01:07:52 | |
Is for a music venue. That means this place cannot be serving food. | 01:08:00 | |
And can only have. | 01:08:07 | |
Alcohol service 2 hours before and an hour after a performance at which there always has to be a cover charge. | 01:08:08 | |
That's not what's being talked about here. Now all of a sudden, we're at something that would actually. | 01:08:17 | |
Necessitate a type 47 license, which costs about $140,000 more than a music venue license. So we have to get some kind of | 01:08:23 | |
information here that explains all of this and this Dahmer Rose raise some of these questions and they haven't been addressed. | 01:08:31 | |
They need to be addressed. They inconsistency and application. | 01:08:39 | |
And the ABC license and what's going on here And again, why we have not seen a floor plan of exactly what's here and if the food | 01:08:48 | |
service is a food truck, doesn't match 47, doesn't match music venue or anything else. | 01:08:55 | |
I have missed. | 01:09:10 | |
Curry. | 01:09:11 | |
Yes, thank you for the opportunity to speak. I hold a unique position because I am a frequent visitor to Pacific Grove and will be | 01:09:16 | |
a future resident in the area and I welcome Michael's. | 01:09:23 | |
Application for Pop and his I think that it is a venue that will draw visitors to your area and help to maintain the downtown | 01:09:31 | |
environment. I myself am also planning a business. | 01:09:37 | |
In the area in the future when I relocate to that area. | 01:09:43 | |
I would specifically like to speak to the opposition to this proposal and I would say instead of obstructing this process or | 01:09:47 | |
criticizing. | 01:09:51 | |
The process, you know, people are saying that they they want to, you know, they're criticizing how Michael's application was put | 01:09:56 | |
together or how what it reflects. | 01:10:01 | |
And I would think that you would. | 01:10:06 | |
Maybe want to advise. | 01:10:08 | |
Her on. | 01:10:09 | |
How to ensure that this business goes through if there's so many concerns about that? | 01:10:11 | |
I was saddened to see. | 01:10:15 | |
A fellow business owner criticizing. | 01:10:17 | |
This process and I was very sad and to see Miss Dahmer's. | 01:10:21 | |
You know opposition as well. If there is a concern about the procedural request, then let's make it about that and not make it | 01:10:27 | |
about the venue because as many people before me have said, this venue is going to bring jazz and. | 01:10:34 | |
Classical and pop and R&B hopefully and young people and create a lot of exposure for Pacific Grove to keep the dollars in your | 01:10:41 | |
community as opposed to the dollars going out of your community. | 01:10:47 | |
And that's, that's what I'm excited about for this, for this venue. So I would hope that instead of. | 01:10:53 | |
Umm. | 01:11:02 | |
Holding Michaela's idea. | 01:11:03 | |
Umm. | 01:11:06 | |
Itself to the fire that maybe the people with so-called experience would actually help her to be successful as opposed to. | 01:11:07 | |
You know, beating this down. | 01:11:14 | |
So thank you. | 01:11:16 | |
And. | 01:11:17 | |
Sorry. | 01:11:20 | |
That's OK. I just want to say the toilet, you know, obviously is the bad guy in the situation. | 01:11:23 | |
Hey, Miss Sanders. | 01:11:33 | |
Hello, my name is Gabriel Sanders. I'm a resident of the peninsula and I used to live in Pacific Grove when I was a student here, | 01:11:39 | |
I can say. | 01:11:42 | |
Well, hardly. If there was a music venue when I was a resident, I would have frequented it. I think all of the arguments around | 01:11:47 | |
the alcohol license have been pretty well articulated. | 01:11:51 | |
And I just want to say, you know. | 01:11:56 | |
Conversely, if you're familiar with the Streisand Effect, when you call attention to something like this, in opposition of it, | 01:12:00 | |
you're actually bringing all this positive attention to the venue. So in that way, I'm actually grateful to Miss Dahmer. | 01:12:05 | |
For bringing the community together to support. | 01:12:12 | |
Michaela's Venue. This is a tremendous opportunity for everybody to learn more about procedure, for better or for worse. | 01:12:15 | |
And I think it's also a wonderful opportunity for us to learn just how important. | 01:12:22 | |
This cultural institution will be and. | 01:12:27 | |
Putting on my other hat, I am a I'm the director of Housing Community Development for the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership, and | 01:12:31 | |
this venue represents. | 01:12:36 | |
Something that we would wholeheartedly support. | 01:12:41 | |
It will provide not only community development in all the ways that a lot of these commenters have articulated very eloquently | 01:12:43 | |
and. | 01:12:47 | |
Umm. | 01:12:51 | |
It'll also bring economic workforce to to a small part of PG that is clearly suffering with all of those. | 01:12:52 | |
Close to up shops, so. | 01:12:59 | |
From the perspective of a resident, from the perspective of a public policy professional, I'm really happy to see that this is | 01:13:02 | |
going to go through, really happy to see all the support from the community. | 01:13:07 | |
And I'm sure that any administrative issues can be resolved. | 01:13:12 | |
Without much incident, so thank you to all the city staff working on it. | 01:13:17 | |
And thank you to Miss Dummer for bringing so much positive attention to this venue. And thank you everybody else who showed up. | 01:13:22 | |
And thank you Michaela for proposing it. | 01:13:28 | |
Thank you. | 01:13:33 | |
I see no other hands raised. | 01:13:39 | |
Thank you. | 01:13:44 | |
Ohh sorry. | 01:13:45 | |
Mr. Bradley just raised his hand. | 01:13:47 | |
Hmm. | 01:13:49 | |
Good morning, everybody. | 01:13:56 | |
I'm Jason Bradley. I'm the owner of Bradley Prince Services and Photographic Center. | 01:13:58 | |
Excuse me, I'm also on. | 01:14:03 | |
On the Board of directors for the newly forming Arts district, Pacific Grove as Liz, as Liz as well, who just spoke to you guys so | 01:14:05 | |
I can attest to. | 01:14:10 | |
What she was talking about in terms of the the big turnout that we've had for the public interest and and having venues like this | 01:14:15 | |
come. | 01:14:19 | |
Excuse me, come to PG. | 01:14:24 | |
But I would like to start by admitting that I can't speak well to the intricacies of red tape and bureaucratic procedure regarding | 01:14:26 | |
permits, But I know that. | 01:14:30 | |
I know that they can be worked through if people care, and maybe those bringing this up have a point that procedure matters, but | 01:14:34 | |
procedure is. | 01:14:39 | |
Is beside the point whether or not our community should get behind this intended business and an intended business that is trying | 01:14:43 | |
to fill a spot. | 01:14:48 | |
That's been vacant for a year. | 01:14:53 | |
And that matters a lot. It matters because this is one of the many storefronts that are currently vacant, and having a handful of | 01:14:56 | |
vacant buildings does not paint the picture of a vibrant business community. And that does need to change. | 01:15:03 | |
But here is what matters most to me as a local business owner. Pacific Grove needs more art. | 01:15:10 | |
It's in the growth needs more fun, and Pacific growth needs more fun. That's family friendly. | 01:15:17 | |
Sadly, there isn't much of in this town that is family friendly. | 01:15:23 | |
Civic Grove needs businesses that add lively, energetic vibe that will bring people into this community like wild fish and the | 01:15:28 | |
music they play there and like what Michaela is hoping to build. | 01:15:33 | |
I ask that this use permit be approved if there is a will to do so. Bureaucratic red tape can be worked through. | 01:15:38 | |
We can be business friendly more than bureaucratic obstructionists. Let's help Michaela create something successful here in PG. | 01:15:46 | |
Thank you. | 01:15:53 | |
Thank you. And I now have Marie Adams. | 01:15:56 | |
Thank you. | 01:16:10 | |
I am very heartened to see the support for this project that will include our youth into the life and fabric of our downtown. | 01:16:11 | |
I note with great interest the complainants comment that her complaint is quote shedding light on the machinations of the City | 01:16:20 | |
Planning Department. UN quote the complainant by the way, who inserts the fact that her low income senior status in almost every | 01:16:26 | |
one of her many public comments. | 01:16:31 | |
Note the fee for this hearing is nearly $1200. Most intriguing. | 01:16:38 | |
It seems to me that light is being shed on the machinations of those. Wendy, excuse me, who would obstruct? | 01:16:44 | |
Economic development and are clearly struggling downtown. I hope to see this project approved. Thank you very much. | 01:16:54 | |
Thank you. | 01:17:03 | |
I've missed Dahmer. | 01:17:07 | |
Is this my time for rebuttal? I was waiting for that, of course. | 01:17:14 | |
Miss Summer, I would. You will have rebuttal time as soon as we're finished with public comment. | 01:17:18 | |
Wait, can you please let her? | 01:17:26 | |
Sorry Miss Summer we're going to, I I wanted to hear the end of your comment there. | 01:17:29 | |
Miss Dahmer. | 01:17:37 | |
Ohh, I only had my hand raised just for when the rebuttal is. I was not planning, you know, I understand that procedure. Thank you | 01:17:39 | |
very much. Just let me know. Thank you. | 01:17:45 | |
Thank you. I will notify you when it's time for rebuttal. | 01:17:50 | |
Thank you. | 01:17:54 | |
I see no other hands raised for public comment. | 01:17:58 | |
OK. Thank you. Miss Dahmer, it sounds like you're ready for rebuttal, so I will let you go first on the rebuttal. | 01:18:02 | |
Thank you. That's fine. | 01:18:10 | |
So interesting that people. I mean, I I am not against the venue. I am. I've been a musician myself, too. I have a lovely Haynes | 01:18:14 | |
flute. I've had lessons all my life. And yes, I'm a senior citizen now. I've gone to rock concerts starting from the 60 sevens. I | 01:18:21 | |
mean, my goodness, Rolling Stones when Tina Turner opened for them. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix. I mean, I've had a wonderful music | 01:18:28 | |
the last. | 01:18:36 | |
I'd go support with the Golden State Theater too. I love those. And Kings Cross Station was one of the most wonderful venues here | 01:18:43 | |
in Pacific Grove. It had a full service restaurant that when the restaurant finished their dinner service, then we'd have the | 01:18:49 | |
wonderful. | 01:18:54 | |
Groups that came. I remember one in particular. It was called Oso. | 01:19:00 | |
Anyway. | 01:19:06 | |
Yes, I think that Pacific Grove probably needs. | 01:19:07 | |
A downtown venue of this. | 01:19:12 | |
And as I stated in the beginning, I am not. | 01:19:14 | |
Talking about noise. | 01:19:18 | |
Music, a music store, anything. I'm talking about being consistent. Any any business that wants to thrive needs to have a clear | 01:19:20 | |
process. | 01:19:25 | |
To get there. | 01:19:31 | |
From our planners and from our municipal code. | 01:19:33 | |
Because we can't have illegal businesses. And yes, please work out what the codes should be. | 01:19:37 | |
The correct AUP for the nomenclature for the correct license, whatever it's going to be for the ABC, because in the AUP it says | 01:19:45 | |
they must apply an ABC license. | 01:19:52 | |
That has a is a bona fide eating place license OK. | 01:20:00 | |
I want you to work all these things out. Unfortunately the only way to do that and have a public hearing. | 01:20:07 | |
Is to appeal it. | 01:20:14 | |
So that is why we are here today. I love the fact that the town really wants it, but it can't be at the expense of our municipal | 01:20:16 | |
code, our laws that govern us. | 01:20:22 | |
Like we do not have a standalone bar. We do not allow certain things. We don't have a nightclub we don't have. If you want to | 01:20:28 | |
change it, you're all citizens. | 01:20:33 | |
Start a process to change it. | 01:20:40 | |
But what's on the books is on the books, so things must conform within that. | 01:20:43 | |
Process. | 01:20:48 | |
And if it takes a public hearing to bring it out? | 01:20:49 | |
That's wonderful. | 01:20:52 | |
So This is why we're here today. | 01:20:54 | |
And I thank you for your time. | 01:20:57 | |
Thank you. | 01:21:01 | |
Michaela, if you would like to provide rebuttal, you have 3. | 01:21:02 | |
And a half minutes. I believe that Miss Dahmer received a little more than 3 minutes, so we'll provide you the same amount of time | 01:21:06 | |
if you'd like to come up. | 01:21:10 | |
So. | 01:21:20 | |
Well. | 01:21:21 | |
The ABC license that I applied for there is actually drawings I want to I heard that point from the Mr. Sir. That said there | 01:21:23 | |
weren't any layout drawings. There are actually and in fact in Ingas letter that she. | 01:21:31 | |
Provided to them in the packet that you guys could see there are major things there showing exactly what the layouts will be and | 01:21:38 | |
and all the businesses around and what's going on inside where the bathrooms are where everything. The point that was made that | 01:21:45 | |
said on those particular drawings there wasn't a kitchen drawn in the in the venue. Well that's because the ABC license didn't | 01:21:51 | |
when I applied for it did not require me to show that so. | 01:21:57 | |
I didn't draw it as I was drawn a bunch of other stuff. | 01:22:04 | |
But there is, you know I'm compliant in the code. As per the city there will be food. | 01:22:08 | |
Um, I'm going to operate within the hours and I'm going to just reiterate that I'm just I'm following the code as it is written. | 01:22:14 | |
There is a little bit weirdness only because there isn't something like this listed as a. | 01:22:22 | |
Use prior. | 01:22:27 | |
You know, I'm kind of trying to. | 01:22:29 | |
Find my little spot there. But I'm going. I'm doing everything that the city has advised me to do as far as. | 01:22:31 | |
How to work within that and and I'm I again I checked all those boxes. | 01:22:36 | |
Those two, you know, the city is one thing and the ABC is a different thing. And they both require different, different things on | 01:22:42 | |
their own. They've got their own jams. Either way, I'm doing both. | 01:22:46 | |
I'm covering those bases. | 01:22:51 | |
Umm. | 01:22:54 | |
I don't know what else. | 01:22:55 | |
Umm. | 01:22:57 | |
I guess that's what else was people mad about, just the permit stuff. I mean, it's just hard to write music venue when there | 01:22:59 | |
hasn't ever been a music venue as far as I can. | 01:23:04 | |
Find and you know. | 01:23:10 | |
Nothing in the rulebook says a dog can't play football. I don't know. Sorry. Air Bud. Joke anybody? No. | 01:23:11 | |
I don't know. | 01:23:19 | |
So I I I just wanted to say I'm I'm, I'm following all the rules that were that are in place currently. | 01:23:20 | |
To do to make this happen and I'm happy to talk to anybody about anything and. | 01:23:27 | |
Show my drawings and you know like they're they're they're there in the packet actually on the ABC license. Those are different | 01:23:32 | |
from the ones that are in the city because they're those are more like super technical, you know with all the electrical outlets | 01:23:37 | |
and all that stuff. So that's where you can see some kitchen components, but. | 01:23:42 | |
For the ABC, they just needed to see like what the building was going to lay out, like so. Anyway, you can see those drawings in | 01:23:48 | |
the packet, but. | 01:23:52 | |
I don't know. | 01:23:56 | |
I'm just spiraling out. OK. I'll no. Thank you. Bye. | 01:23:57 | |
Hey. | 01:24:03 | |
Miss O'halloran, I have a couple of questions for staff. | 01:24:04 | |
I'd like to start with. | 01:24:07 | |
Miss O'halloran, I did notice that there was a discrepancy between the. | 01:24:12 | |
Noticing that calls this a pub and the. | 01:24:18 | |
Administrative use permit that was posted on site. | 01:24:24 | |
Does call this. | 01:24:28 | |
Restaurant. | 01:24:30 | |
And umm. | 01:24:31 | |
Is there any, do you have any comment on that? | 01:24:34 | |
The applicant has confirmed that it will be a pub, not a restaurant. Originally the. | 01:24:37 | |
As. | 01:24:43 | |
An application had called it a restaurant. | 01:24:44 | |
But it's been confirmed that it will be a pub. | 01:24:47 | |
So. | 01:24:50 | |
The administrative use permit. | 01:24:51 | |
On. | 01:24:53 | |
The last condition can. | 01:24:55 | |
Be corrected to pub instead of restaurant and it can be re noticed. | 01:24:57 | |
OK. | 01:25:04 | |
And when I look at. | 01:25:05 | |
The city code it could meet and I do understand that there has been some. | 01:25:07 | |
It is difficult when. | 01:25:14 | |
As. | 01:25:17 | |
Michaela had said that this is a use, that she's trying to fit a lot of different uses in one. | 01:25:18 | |
Ox and I do understand that maybe the the city is trying to. | 01:25:25 | |
Find what is the appropriate use. I think we all know even jobs today. | 01:25:30 | |
We some of the job descriptions of today don't even meet. | 01:25:36 | |
What our degrees are and we have to kind of live with an ever changing world where we we have a A use that. | 01:25:39 | |
I think it was trying to fit all these boxes. You want to have some, retail you want to have some. | 01:25:48 | |
Mute live music. You want, a place for children to perform, you want, and adults who seem to want to do all these exciting things. | 01:25:54 | |
And how do we fit this into our? | 01:26:03 | |
Sometimes outdated municipal code. | 01:26:06 | |
So. | 01:26:08 | |
It does sound like this could be either a pub brew pub. | 01:26:09 | |
Or a restaurant. I just want to go ahead and. | 01:26:15 | |
And state a little bit about restaurants and specialty restaurants, they both fall. | 01:26:18 | |
Under 23 point 64.29 O under alcoholic beverage sales. | 01:26:23 | |
We did speak with our City attorney today and our City attorney confirmed that we as the city today are not. | 01:26:29 | |
We are not approving the this. | 01:26:36 | |
ABC license. We are here today about the zoning of this project. We do not have the authority to enforce state and or county | 01:26:39 | |
licenses, only to make sure that we have them and that they are part of the project. | 01:26:46 | |
Uh. | 01:26:54 | |
And we also are here with our building official, Mr. Keel, I'm. | 01:26:55 | |
I I believe that you reviewed the conditions of approval on this permit and part of the conditions of approval on this permit | 01:27:00 | |
state that it would be a bona fide eating place. Could you please confirm how you will ensure that that happens? | 01:27:08 | |
Sure. This is John Keel. I am the building official. | 01:27:18 | |
One challenge that we have is the the zoning code has a certain set of definitions which. | 01:27:22 | |
Don't always match up with the building code. | 01:27:29 | |
When this application when when this applicant came to us? | 01:27:32 | |
We we did review. | 01:27:36 | |
What would be required? | 01:27:38 | |
If and when it did become. | 01:27:41 | |
An application to the building department, which would be a kitchen. | 01:27:43 | |
And the elements of the kitchen. | 01:27:48 | |
Would be reviewed. | 01:27:50 | |
As part of the building permit application, so. | 01:27:52 | |
Umm. | 01:27:55 | |
Bona fide kitchen is not a definition in the building code. It is a kitchen. So. | 01:27:56 | |
We we also coordinate with the Monterey County Environmental Health. | 01:28:02 | |
Division which? | 01:28:07 | |
The applicant will be required to get a health permit. | 01:28:09 | |
And so they will be required to meet both the. | 01:28:13 | |
The requirements The building code for the building permit. | 01:28:16 | |
Which one of those, that condition will be to get a health permit and they'll meet those conditions. So they're. | 01:28:20 | |
Will be a kitchen. | 01:28:27 | |
And Mr. Killer, you'll be sure to make. | 01:28:30 | |
Make sure that this condition of approval. | 01:28:32 | |
Is. | 01:28:34 | |
Happens. | 01:28:36 | |
Of course, the action that we we always do when there is a. | 01:28:39 | |
Conditional use permit that is associated with the building permit. | 01:28:43 | |
Prior to issuance. | 01:28:47 | |
Staff will verify that all the conditions as set forth. | 01:28:49 | |
In the conditional use permit or any type of use permit. | 01:28:54 | |
Are incorporated into the building set. So when we issue a plan. | 01:28:58 | |
One of the things that we do is we ask for the conditions of approval to be printed on the plan. | 01:29:03 | |
So they become a part of the building permit. | 01:29:10 | |
Thank you, Mr. Keel. | 01:29:13 | |
So in my review of all of the information on the application. | 01:29:16 | |
And the use permit. | 01:29:23 | |
My review of the use permit shows that. | 01:29:25 | |
This administrative use permit was for the poppin hiss. | 01:29:29 | |
Restaurant. I do see in the code that it could be either a restaurant or a pub looking at both of the. | 01:29:33 | |
The requirements. They both have the same requirements. | 01:29:41 | |
In the 23 point 64.290 requirement. | 01:29:45 | |
D. | 01:29:51 | |
Uh. | 01:29:52 | |
Has any alcoholic beverage sales shall be subordinate to the primary use and this was part of the I know part of the issue of | 01:29:53 | |
Michaela's been having is that she must serve food in order to have alcohol there, and that is why the kitchen is a necessity. | 01:30:01 | |
Amplified music. | 01:30:09 | |
And entertainment are allowed indoors and shall not exceed noise and excess of 70 decibels between 10:00 and 7:00 AM. | 01:30:11 | |
And entertainment is allowed outdoors between the hours of seven and 10:00 PM. | 01:30:21 | |
So. | 01:30:27 | |
Their outdoor seating is also allowed under the restaurant. | 01:30:28 | |
And specialty restaurant requirements, both. | 01:30:33 | |
Both restaurants and pubs are under. | 01:30:36 | |
This code section. | 01:30:39 | |
And for a pub it is very similar where alcoholic beverage and food service shall be discontinued. So it does allow for a little A | 01:30:41 | |
pub allows for more time of service there. | 01:30:47 | |
And or discontinuing it's it's very similar to. | 01:30:55 | |
What is required under a restaurant? | 01:30:59 | |
So I think. | 01:31:02 | |
Looking at this maybe we can talk to you Michaela a little bit more and clarify and make sure what your. | 01:31:04 | |
Meeting and it sounds like you've spoken with our. | 01:31:11 | |
Building official in the planner and if anything needs to be, we can repost the administrative use permit. | 01:31:15 | |
I believe and you can I I'm. | 01:31:23 | |
To me it looks like you could fall under either one of those with what you're proposing. | 01:31:26 | |
And we would just leave this. | 01:31:31 | |
Leave it to Robbie posting renouncing. | 01:31:34 | |
Uh, clarifying just that restaurant. | 01:31:38 | |
Or pub. | 01:31:41 | |
And that should address the concerns of. | 01:31:42 | |
That I heard here today we. | 01:31:46 | |
Also. | 01:31:51 | |
Looking at the permit, I don't believe anything on the permit needs to change, besides whether to clarify if it's a restaurant or | 01:31:52 | |
a pub and the accompanying noticing shall match that. | 01:31:58 | |
It does look like all of the findings and the facts on the permit that were posted. | 01:32:06 | |
Detail that the sale of alcohol is allowed in the commercial district and the CD district. | 01:32:13 | |
And that is. | 01:32:21 | |
Consistent with. | 01:32:23 | |
Allowing any administrative use permit. | 01:32:25 | |
And this should conform to the provisions of the general plan and the commercial district downtown commercial district. I just | 01:32:28 | |
want to clarify that this district provides for a range of uses including retail, restaurant, services, entertainment. | 01:32:37 | |
Upper floor residential and other compatible uses. | 01:32:46 | |
So this project is consistent with our zoning code and. | 01:32:50 | |
And our general plan? | 01:32:55 | |
So the only thing that seems to be needing any clarification, I don't see any changes in the conditions of approval that need to | 01:32:57 | |
happen. | 01:33:02 | |
They all seem to be consistent with what? | 01:33:07 | |
Our Chief Building Officer. | 01:33:10 | |
Said would be. | 01:33:13 | |
Enforced. And so I am. | 01:33:15 | |
Going to. | 01:33:19 | |
Move forward with requesting staff. | 01:33:22 | |
To clarify with Michaela. | 01:33:24 | |
Whether this really should be a a restaurant or a brew pub. | 01:33:28 | |
And then re notice. | 01:33:32 | |
And send out. | 01:33:34 | |
The Flyers. | 01:33:36 | |
Uh, do you have any? | 01:33:38 | |
Further comment there. | 01:33:39 | |
Restaurant or pub? Not a brew pub. | 01:33:42 | |
Thank you. That's correct. | 01:33:45 | |
That's a whole nother. | 01:33:47 | |
Section. | 01:33:49 | |
Of the code. | 01:33:49 | |
So. | 01:33:51 | |
That is my determination based on this hearing. | 01:34:00 | |
On this item. | 01:34:04 | |
To move forward with be noticing reposting and confirm with the applicant for a P23-0179 that. | 01:34:06 | |
Was part of our regular agenda. | 01:34:18 | |
I would like to move forward then with continued and ongoing business of which we have none. | 01:34:21 | |
We also have no new business that we need to cover. | 01:34:28 | |
No presentations and the next meeting is to be determined. | 01:34:32 | |
And I move for adjournment. Thank you. | 01:34:38 | |
Thank you. | 01:34:42 |
* you need to log in to manage your favorites
Good morning, everyone. | 00:00:06 | |
I'd like to call the meeting of the zoning administrator to order. | 00:00:08 | |
It is Monday, August 21st, 10 AM. | 00:00:13 | |
And we are here in the City Council chambers of the. | 00:00:16 | |
Pacific Grove City Hall. | 00:00:20 | |
So I call the meeting to order. | 00:00:22 | |
Staff Would you do a roll call? | 00:00:25 | |
We have an institution, Wyatt Zoning Administrator here. | 00:00:29 | |
I'm here. Thanks. | 00:00:32 | |
OK. I'd like to move forward with the agenda. | 00:00:35 | |
An approved. | 00:00:39 | |
The. | 00:00:41 | |
Agenda. | 00:00:42 | |
And then we can open for general public comment. Yeah, I'd like to open now. | 00:00:47 | |
For general public comment, comments from the audience will. | 00:00:51 | |
Not receive zoning administrator action. Comments must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the zoning administrator. | 00:00:55 | |
And will be limited to 3 minutes. | 00:01:04 | |
Comments regarding agenda items. | 00:01:06 | |
Shall not be heard. | 00:01:08 | |
Or shall be heard at the time such as items are called. | 00:01:10 | |
Whenever possible, letters should be submitted to the zoning administrator. | 00:01:14 | |
In advance of the meeting, I just would like to note that I did receive. | 00:01:18 | |
Many public comments. Thank you. | 00:01:22 | |
So any items related to the zoning administrator and not the item on the agenda are open for public comment. | 00:01:24 | |
I see no hands raised virtually and I see no one in the audience. | 00:01:38 | |
And please come up to the podium and state your name. | 00:01:45 | |
If you're if you're going to speak. | 00:01:48 | |
So these are just not related to the items on the agenda. If you just have other zoning issues you'd like to talk about? | 00:01:54 | |
Thank you. | 00:02:00 | |
OK. I'm moving forward with the consent agenda. | 00:02:06 | |
The consent agenda deals with routine and non controversial matters and may include actions. | 00:02:09 | |
On resolutions, ordinances. | 00:02:14 | |
Or other public hearings for which test testimony is not anticipated. | 00:02:17 | |
The vote on the consent agenda shall apply to each item that has not had that has not been removed. | 00:02:21 | |
The items we have on the consent agenda today requiring action. | 00:02:28 | |
We have no reports for information only. | 00:02:33 | |
And only report requiring action of the minutes of the last zoning administrator meeting. | 00:02:35 | |
That was held March 23rd, 2021. | 00:02:41 | |
I move to approve the consent agenda as it stands. | 00:02:46 | |
Was there public comment on the consent agenda? Let's go ahead and open it up for public comment. | 00:02:56 | |
On the Minutes. | 00:03:01 | |
Of the last consent agenda. | 00:03:03 | |
Items. | 00:03:05 | |
I see no virtual hands raised and I see no one from the public wishing to speak. | 00:03:07 | |
All right. We will move forward then. | 00:03:12 | |
With the regular agenda items. | 00:03:14 | |
This is a public hearing regarding. | 00:03:17 | |
So for public hearings involving a quasi judicial determination by the zoning administrator. | 00:03:21 | |
The proponent of any item may be given 10 minutes to speak. | 00:03:26 | |
And others in support of the proponents position. | 00:03:31 | |
Position. | 00:03:34 | |
Maybe given 3 minutes each. | 00:03:35 | |
A designated spokesperson for opposition to the item may be given 10 minutes to speak. | 00:03:37 | |
And all others in opposition. | 00:03:42 | |
Maybe given 3 minutes each. | 00:03:44 | |
Very brief rebuttal and Sir rebuttal. | 00:03:47 | |
May be allowed in the sole discretion of the zoning administrator. I will allow that today. | 00:03:49 | |
And I will provide 3 minutes to. | 00:03:54 | |
Both parties to provide rebuttal. | 00:03:58 | |
In public hearings not involving a quasi. | 00:04:01 | |
Judicial determination by the Zoning Administrator Administrator. All persons may be given 3 minutes to speak on the matter. | 00:04:04 | |
So we will move forward with. | 00:04:11 | |
The staff. | 00:04:14 | |
Staff. | 00:04:18 | |
Presentation. | 00:04:19 | |
Laurel. | 00:04:21 | |
Thank you. Good morning, zoning administrator and members of the public. I'm Laurel O'halloran, the planner for this | 00:04:22 | |
administrative use permit. An application for an administrative use permit was submitted on June 28th, 2023. Staff reviewed the | 00:04:28 | |
application and determined the request met the requirements to be approved. | 00:04:34 | |
Her municipal code 23.31. On July 17th, 2023, the CDC director approved the administrative use permit. | 00:04:40 | |
#23-0179 to allow a restaurant pub with food service. This is an allowable use per. | 00:04:49 | |
Our municipal code 23.31 dot O3O. | 00:04:56 | |
The public may request a hearing within the 10 day posting period. A zoning administrative hearing for the administrative use | 00:05:00 | |
permit was requested on July 25th, 2023. | 00:05:04 | |
The Zoning Administrator hearing has been set for today, August 21st. | 00:05:09 | |
2023 and has been noticed. | 00:05:13 | |
Per our municipal Code 23.86 Notice of Public Hearings. | 00:05:15 | |
The proposed project includes retail, a pub with food and alcohol service and music. | 00:05:21 | |
The proposed use also allows an enclosed, approximately 1450 square foot beer garden on the Grand Ave. side with food service open | 00:05:27 | |
during business hours. | 00:05:32 | |
The administrative use permit allows for alcohol, alcohol, service and music. | 00:05:37 | |
A building permit will be would be required, if approved, to build the kitchen providing the food service and bathrooms for | 00:05:42 | |
customers. | 00:05:45 | |
The approximately 4320 square foot parcel is currently developed with a 2640 square foot vacant commercial building. | 00:05:50 | |
This building has been vacant for over a year and has recently sold to a new owner. | 00:05:57 | |
The former use was a retail screen shop selling clothing items. The subject parcel is located in the commercial downtown. Nearby | 00:06:02 | |
uses consist of mixed-use, commercial buildings and residential. | 00:06:08 | |
Staff has received over 75 letters of support for the proposed use and for letters not in support of the proposed establishment. | 00:06:14 | |
Staff recommends approval of the administrative use permit subject to the recommended findings, conditions of approval for a pub | 00:06:23 | |
with food and alcohol service and a category exemption. | 00:06:28 | |
15301 existing facilities. This concludes my staff report and I'm available for questions. Thank you. | 00:06:33 | |
Thank you, Miss O'halloran. | 00:06:41 | |
I'd like to move forward. | 00:06:44 | |
And allow. | 00:06:47 | |
The. | 00:06:48 | |
Proponent. | 00:06:50 | |
Project proponent to give her presentation. | 00:06:51 | |
Yes, and please press the button menu. | 00:07:07 | |
Yes. | 00:07:10 | |
And allow you to Do I hold it or do it? Nope. I was on. Hello Hello and please introduce yourself. Ohh yes. | 00:07:11 | |
Boy, a podium man. Makes your hands sweat. Kind of. | 00:07:18 | |
Well, hello, I'm Michaela. | 00:07:24 | |
Hi. Hi. Some of you guys know me from the Arts Center or from piano lessons or maybe from Poppy Hall? | 00:07:27 | |
RIP. | 00:07:36 | |
But yeah, I'm just trying to open a. Am I supposed to talk to them or to you or to how you. OK. It's really hard. There's a bunch | 00:07:38 | |
of them over there. And thank you, everyone for coming. Thank you. And thanks for having me. OK. So I'm just trying to open a | 00:07:43 | |
record store and with a. | 00:07:49 | |
Little music performance area in the back. | 00:07:55 | |
That will have food available. | 00:07:58 | |
And. | 00:08:00 | |
An outdoor space. | 00:08:02 | |
It's going to be all within the code you know. Music is allowed in that code from until outside until 10:00 PM, at a decibel level | 00:08:03 | |
of 70 at the property line which isn't very loud, and then after 10 until midnight it can be indoors. | 00:08:12 | |
At the decibel level of 65. | 00:08:23 | |
I don't even intend to be that late. | 00:08:25 | |
Who even goes out that late, You know, it's I'll be like it's like a 10:00 kind of a thing, you know, in this town. And I'm fine | 00:08:28 | |
with that. And that's part of the fabric of this town is, is it is the sleepiness that everybody loves. But there needs to be a | 00:08:34 | |
few things for for kids and families. And I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to make the Viper room. | 00:08:40 | |
Or the Hollywood Bowl. It's not going to be. | 00:08:47 | |
Hundreds of cars clogging up the neighborhoods for parking. It's not going to be super late night. Really crazy. | 00:08:49 | |
You know rock and or roll, it's going to be more low key and and all ages. That's the whole point of. | 00:08:56 | |
The venue is to give my students. I'm a piano teacher and I know a lot of other music teachers in in the town and and in the area | 00:09:05 | |
and they all are saying that they don't have anywhere for their kids to. | 00:09:10 | |
Cut their chops. You know you can't just play an open mic and then jump straight to the catalyst. You know you need those little | 00:09:15 | |
stepping stone venues. Small, welcoming, safe. | 00:09:20 | |
Your buddies can come, you know, as a kid going to. | 00:09:25 | |
Shows. I wasn't old enough to go to a bar, but I could go to a show and see a band and you know, that opens. | 00:09:29 | |
Horizons and then, you know, like culturally in your mind and I don't know, I'm really rambling. I made this whole thing on next | 00:09:37 | |
door, like, I guess I could read it. I have 10 minutes. I. | 00:09:41 | |
I don't have to do 10 minutes though, right? | 00:09:47 | |
You know, it's. Yeah, I'm the building is zoned downtown commercial and yes, there are some residences above some buildings in | 00:09:50 | |
town. But you know, that's part of the game, right? Isn't that what's cool about living downtown? You get to have some of that | 00:09:55 | |
lively. | 00:10:00 | |
Stuff, You know, the music and the. | 00:10:05 | |
You know until 10 and then everything goes goes quiet. Don't worry. | 00:10:07 | |
And it's not going to be, it's yeah, it's going to be like. | 00:10:12 | |
Just family oriented. | 00:10:15 | |
Easy. | 00:10:17 | |
Bring your kids, bring your dogs. There's going to be a high school band on a Sunday afternoon playing, you know, and then later | 00:10:19 | |
on maybe maybe Tallman and Magenta Screen will play. Or, you know, it's a jazz band. Peter Martin, I don't know. Some it's going | 00:10:23 | |
to be. | 00:10:28 | |
TG OK, what I'm saying PG and PG. | 00:10:34 | |
Umm. | 00:10:39 | |
And I just feel like we need that in this town. | 00:10:40 | |
Something to do besides you know there's lots of cool things to do here but I'm I'm you know I like. | 00:10:43 | |
Music and indoor activities and and that's to me what this would be and. | 00:10:50 | |
I don't know, this is really weird. Guys, I'm sorry, I don't know how to. | 00:10:55 | |
You know it's the record store too. | 00:10:59 | |
It's not just bar. It's not going to. The bar is not even the focus. There will be a little bar because you know. | 00:11:01 | |
Fun, but but not, you know, it's not going to be like. | 00:11:07 | |
Let's do shots and listen to Slayer till 2:00 AM. You know it's not going to be that at all. | 00:11:12 | |
You know the the little beer garden area in the back, it'll be it'll be contained. | 00:11:19 | |
It'll just be a nice outdoor, indoor, outdoor for our few nice days we get, you know. | 00:11:24 | |
I don't know. | 00:11:30 | |
Umm. | 00:11:32 | |
I guess, yeah. I just. I don't know what else to say I'm going to do. I've I've dotted all my T's and crossed all my eyes and | 00:11:34 | |
like, I just don't. | 00:11:37 | |
I I feel as though I've met with the city enough and all of the departments within, I've gotten all the information and I've | 00:11:41 | |
followed their. | 00:11:44 | |
Followed their guidance and. | 00:11:48 | |
As for the ABC, I've done everything they said to I've done all of their all done all my papers, you know? | 00:11:50 | |
And it's all it's. It's allowed. Music is allowed in the code and alcohol, it's all baked into this these. | 00:11:57 | |
Uses and I'm not going to overstep that. I'm not trying to. I just want to make. | 00:12:04 | |
I just wanna add to the town I'm not trying to like. | 00:12:10 | |
Bulldozing and change everything. I love it here. I moved here because I love it here, You know I. | 00:12:13 | |
I've been involved and I have no, I didn't grow up here, but I've been here for five years and then as soon as I got here, I got | 00:12:19 | |
super involved in everything I could and. | 00:12:23 | |
I just saw a need for something like this, so and then. | 00:12:27 | |
I kind of figured out. I finally kind of figured out how I could maybe do it, how I could contribute. | 00:12:31 | |
So yeah, I'm not trying to rip apart the fabric of PG, I'm just trying to. | 00:12:37 | |
Add a square to the quilt you know and give. | 00:12:42 | |
Add add something. | 00:12:46 | |
Else to do something more, just add to and not take away. | 00:12:48 | |
Umm. | 00:12:53 | |
And still work within the the nature of the town and the needs of. | 00:12:54 | |
The people, OK? | 00:12:57 | |
And I think that's. | 00:12:59 | |
Ohh do I do like a little. | 00:13:01 | |
Like, but anyway, thank you so much to the city has been amazing and super helpful. Thank you for having me. Thank you everyone | 00:13:04 | |
who came and wrote letters. I'm like. | 00:13:08 | |
But OK, Thank you. | 00:13:14 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:17 | |
Please, please try and refrain from clapping during this hearing. | 00:13:22 | |
I would like to recognize the project opponent. | 00:13:27 | |
And Inga, Lawrence and Dahmer, and she will also be provided 10 minutes to provide her presentation. | 00:13:32 | |
And speak. I do believe she is virtual today. | 00:13:40 | |
Laura, will you please? | 00:13:44 | |
Allow her to speak. | 00:13:46 | |
Yes, Inga. | 00:13:49 | |
Welcome. Thank you. | 00:13:51 | |
And. | 00:13:53 | |
Contrary to public comment letters, the media and social media this has this appeal has nothing to do with. | 00:13:56 | |
Traffic noise killing fun? | 00:14:04 | |
The arts or denying music? | 00:14:07 | |
Umm. | 00:14:10 | |
And would you, I'm queuing up the slide, Laurel, first slide please. | 00:14:12 | |
I'm working on that. | 00:14:16 | |
Then I'll wait. | 00:14:21 | |
Please put it full screen because I am not. | 00:14:35 | |
My cameras never enabled. | 00:14:40 | |
Thank you, Laurel. | 00:14:53 | |
The inconsistencies of this project needed a public hearing to address the many ambiguities. | 00:14:55 | |
Exhibited. | 00:15:02 | |
In the administrative use permit. | 00:15:04 | |
Granted by staff. Unfortunately, administrative use permits issued do not do this. | 00:15:07 | |
There seem to be two addresses for this project. | 00:15:15 | |
215 Forest, which was the address on the issued. | 00:15:18 | |
And posted a UP notice. | 00:15:23 | |
And 220 Grand Ave. | 00:15:26 | |
Which is where the ABC liquor license application was first posted, with no AUP notice. | 00:15:28 | |
A Porta potty blocked this notice from view at times. | 00:15:36 | |
This split noticing with different streets and addresses, obscures public transparency and scrutiny. I mean, it really doesn't | 00:15:42 | |
allow, unless you walk around the back to see what's really going on. | 00:15:48 | |
The initial application. | 00:15:56 | |
For this use permit. | 00:15:58 | |
To sell alcohol was made to Laurel O'halloran at CD for a pub. | 00:16:00 | |
Food service. Alcohol. Music. | 00:16:07 | |
Pacific Grove Municipal Code 23 Dash .64 dot. | 00:16:11 | |
290. | 00:16:16 | |
Addresses alcohol service and a bonafide. | 00:16:18 | |
Public eating place in this code. | 00:16:22 | |
Any sale of alcoholic beverages. | 00:16:26 | |
Shall be subordinate. | 00:16:29 | |
To the primary use. | 00:16:32 | |
And shall comply with the State Alcoholic Beverage Control ABC license requirements for a Bonafide. | 00:16:34 | |
Public eating place. | 00:16:46 | |
Pacific Grove Municipal Code. | 00:16:49 | |
Has no definition. | 00:16:52 | |
Or use permit for a music venue nor a standalone bar without food service. | 00:16:53 | |
The only type of license. | 00:17:01 | |
The ABC issues for this use is Type 47 on sale general eating place or type 75 brew pub restaurant. | 00:17:04 | |
These allow miners on the premises. | 00:17:13 | |
The AUP was issued. | 00:17:17 | |
To pop in his restaurant. | 00:17:19 | |
Located at 215 Forest Ave. under these rules. | 00:17:21 | |
There is no mention. | 00:17:26 | |
Of an included architectural permit issued by the city. | 00:17:28 | |
Which showed up on the noticing for this hearing. | 00:17:32 | |
And in Laurel O'halloran's agenda report. | 00:17:37 | |
Yeah, only today's hearing. | 00:17:44 | |
And it also inserts the restaurant slash pub. | 00:17:46 | |
With food service nomenclature. | 00:17:51 | |
In the agenda report. | 00:17:54 | |
The end of the project states. | 00:17:55 | |
A building permit. | 00:17:58 | |
Would be required to build the kitchen. | 00:18:00 | |
Providing the food service and bathrooms for customers if the use is approved. | 00:18:03 | |
All health and safety aspects of this operation. | 00:18:09 | |
Would be addressed during the building phase. | 00:18:12 | |
Could you queue up the second slide, please? | 00:18:21 | |
Which is which city code is this? Is it a restaurant and specialty restaurant? | 00:18:31 | |
Which is what the AUP was issued to D1. | 00:18:37 | |
Or. | 00:18:41 | |
Is it as? | 00:18:42 | |
She applied for. | 00:18:43 | |
What is noticed on the? | 00:18:46 | |
Agenda report. | 00:18:48 | |
And the agenda? | 00:18:51 | |
And that's what was noticed is the pub and brew pub. | 00:18:53 | |
Which is D2, not D1. | 00:18:56 | |
So there's inconsistencies right there. | 00:19:00 | |
In the muni code addressed. | 00:19:03 | |
Landru Halloran. | 00:19:10 | |
Oh, by the way, the the pop in his premises at 220 Grand Ave. The mailing address is on 2/15. | 00:19:11 | |
And this was. | 00:19:20 | |
The application to the alcohol, the ABC. | 00:19:22 | |
Which was not for a bona fide eating place. | 00:19:26 | |
But for a Type 90 music venue? | 00:19:29 | |
For which we have no AUP in Pacific Grove Municode. | 00:19:32 | |
Included in this application is a lovely artistically hand drawn diagram. | 00:19:36 | |
Depicting the interior and exterior dimensions and layout of the entire project. | 00:19:42 | |
There is no kitchen included. | 00:19:48 | |
Only a space titled Food Trailer. | 00:19:51 | |
Situated on Grand Ave. | 00:19:54 | |
Which now is the parking lot. | 00:19:56 | |
The proposed use. | 00:19:59 | |
Describe the Laurel Halloran describes this in her agenda report, as the proposed use also includes an inclosed, approximately | 00:20:01 | |
1450 square foot beer garden on the Grand Ave. side, with food service open during business hours. | 00:20:09 | |
Planner, planner, O'halloran's description starts with the proposed project includes retail, a restaurant slash pub. | 00:20:19 | |
Food service and alcohol service. | 00:20:28 | |
There is no mention of kitchen. | 00:20:31 | |
Only service. | 00:20:33 | |
This leads me to believe that there is no kitchen planned. | 00:20:35 | |
This is just this backed food trailer depicted in the ABC license. | 00:20:40 | |
Application. | 00:20:48 | |
They're type 90. | 00:20:50 | |
ABC license application states that. | 00:20:52 | |
75% of sales. | 00:20:56 | |
Will come from alcohol. | 00:20:59 | |
Sales with minimal. | 00:21:02 | |
Food service. | 00:21:04 | |
It's on a marked on a secondary St. | 00:21:07 | |
And food service is from a food truck. | 00:21:09 | |
Yet there is no food service lessee. | 00:21:15 | |
That would be running this truck market. | 00:21:18 | |
Also, there's no parking lot anymore. | 00:21:21 |