No Bookmarks Exist.
Press. 00:00:03
OK. Good afternoon. Welcome to the Traffic and Safety Commission. 00:00:07
Meeting for. 00:00:11
July the 25th. 00:00:13
It's 4:00 o'clock. 00:00:14
The meeting is being held virtually. It's also being. 00:00:16
Held on zoom. 00:00:20
And. 00:00:22
Welcome, Welcome to our meeting. 00:00:25
Chief, will you please? 00:00:27
Do a roster? Sure. Chair Munoz Flores present. 00:00:29
Commissioners, Proc. 00:00:33
Screening. 00:00:36
Brown. 00:00:41
Present. 00:00:42
Stern. 00:00:44
Present. 00:00:46
Zombie. 00:00:46
Here. 00:00:47
Chaos. 00:00:48
Ohh here. 00:00:51
Alright. 00:00:52
Thank you, Chief President accounted for. 00:00:53
Thank you, Chief. First, second item on our agenda is approval. 00:00:56
Of the agenda. 00:01:00
Any comments on the agenda? 00:01:02
Do you have a motion to approve? 00:01:08
I move to approve. 00:01:10
I'll second. 00:01:11
OK, we have a motion any. 00:01:13
Discussion. 00:01:16
And it was Brown and Gumby. 00:01:19
OK, so roll call. 00:01:21
Yes, please. 00:01:23
Commissioner Brown. 00:01:24
Yes. 00:01:25
Mr. Gumby, I. 00:01:26
Chair Munoz Flores Yes. 00:01:28
Commissioners Prock. 00:01:31
Greeting. 00:01:33
Yes, Stern. Yes, Jermas. 00:01:34
Yes. 00:01:37
Got. 00:01:37
OK. Item 3 on our agenda is approval of the Minutes. 00:01:39
Of the prior meetings, one is for April the 25th. 00:01:42
And the other is for May the 23rd. 00:01:47
That I prepared. 00:01:50
I do note we have received. 00:01:52
A couple of comments. 00:01:56
About some omissions. 00:01:57
And corrections and that will be. 00:01:59
Handled. 00:02:02
By me. 00:02:03
They they have been changed already. Thank you, Chief. 00:02:05
Umm. 00:02:09
Any discussion? I just had a correction for April 25th. 00:02:11
It's very minor. Put at the bottom, it says. Our next meeting was March 28th. 00:02:17
It should be stating May 23rd I believe. 00:02:22
OK. 00:02:27
OK. We'll make a note of that. Thank you. 00:02:29
Anybody else? 00:02:31
Since I was not a Commissioner at that. 00:02:35
Thank you for meeting. 00:02:37
Still vote on these minute. 00:02:39
You you can vote if you review them or you can abstain, whichever you choose. OK, because we have enough. We have a quorum. So 00:02:42
right, I just your vote, yeah. 00:02:46
Proper. Thank you, Chief. You're welcome. 00:02:51
Any other comments? 00:02:55
No, I have a motion to approve both minutes. 00:02:57
I'll move that. We approve the Minutes as corrected. 00:03:02
Road company chief? Yes, Sir, Commissioner Gumby, aye, Commissioner Prock. 00:03:08
Chair Munoz Flores Yes. 00:03:14
Commissioners greening, Commissioner Brown Stern, yes, and Shamus, yes. 00:03:16
70. 00:03:23
OK. 00:03:24
A general public comment. 00:03:29
2nd. 00:03:32
General public comment must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the City. 00:03:33
And the traffic. 00:03:38
Safety Commission that are not on the regular agenda. 00:03:39
Comments from the public will be limited to 3 minutes and will not receive Traffic Safety Commission action. 00:03:43
Comments regarding items on the regular agenda shall be heard. 00:03:48
Prior to Traffic Safety commissions considerations. 00:03:51
Of such items at the time. 00:03:54
Such items are called whenever possible. 00:03:57
Written correspondence should be submitted to the Traffic Safety Commission. 00:03:59
In advance of the meeting. 00:04:03
To provide adequate time. 00:04:04
For its consideration. 00:04:06
And we have. 00:04:09
9 emails that we received since. 00:04:10
Our last meeting. 00:04:14
And the comments. 00:04:17
And be directed to them during the. 00:04:19
Open discussion by the public. 00:04:22
Any comments on that? 00:04:25
Chief beyond what I just said. 00:04:27
I just like to thank the community for the emails that they do send in to the Commission. They are very helpful. 00:04:29
So I appreciate their support and their cooperation and input. 00:04:35
Great. 00:04:40
Thank you, Chief. 00:04:41
Umm. 00:04:43
Alright, and we have one hand raised online. Anybody in the public would like to speak. 00:04:44
Wanna come up first? 00:04:49
Miss Garcia? 00:04:52
Bro this. 00:05:00
Either late this morning I think I emailed all of you my comment for this meeting and. 00:05:02
I I do my comments as though it were a PowerPoint presentation only because it's easy for me to do the text and get the 00:05:11
photographs and stuff so that people can really visually see what I'm talking about. So I'm just here just to talk about the 00:05:18
intersection of Congress, Lighthouse and Central Ave. that little hub right around the. 00:05:25
Post Office and Toasties and Grove St. 00:05:33
To ask consideration. 00:05:37
For either signage to alert the drivers that there are pedestrians and what have you. 00:05:40
And in my little document I sent you at Grove St. that that round circular area people do take advantage of. 00:05:46
Or have inclination to do their U turns right there. 00:05:57
Which is, you know, pretty dangerous because they're doing it with oncoming traffic. 00:06:01
And also, you know, there are the curb cuts. There are four of them. None of them are marked. 00:06:06
And again, I don't think there is really a a knowledge that. 00:06:12
The curb cuts are used for people with disabilities, whether it be the use of a cane, a Walker or in a wheelchair, people who are 00:06:19
visually impaired and so on. 00:06:26
And whether or not there can be markings like a crosswalk or something similar to that. 00:06:34
I don't know. 00:06:40
But anyway, I think it's a. 00:06:42
Simple solution, you know. Again, I'm just talking about signage and markings and what have you. We have a lot of children around 00:06:44
there because. 00:06:48
Caledonia Park is used for special events. 00:06:53
And there are also programs down there. I know moms with their babies go down there and do exercises and and what have you. 00:06:56
And the post office has that rear entrance where people will cross Central Ave. to get their mail and what have you and and that 00:07:03
corner going around Central again. I sent in a photograph of the blind spot because of that hedge. 00:07:11
And folks who want to cross the street right there really have to step out and look to see whether or not there are automobiles 00:07:19
coming around. 00:07:23
So you know, at some point in time would be great for you to consider, you know, doing something I think is very much needed and 00:07:27
it is a busy corner when you look at all the business establishment establishments that surround it. So thank you very much. Thank 00:07:33
you very much. 00:07:38
Did anyone receive the e-mail? No, I I didn't. Yeah, we we get the emails too. So I didn't get one this morning. So can you resend 00:07:45
that please for us? Yeah, I appreciate it. Maybe check your sent box. Maybe didn't go out. 00:07:51
Accept. 00:07:56
No worries. Thank you. 00:08:00
OK. 00:08:02
Thank you for your presentation and. 00:08:02
Really forward to receiving the e-mail. 00:08:05
Appreciate it. Thank you. 00:08:07
OK. 00:08:11
OK, now we'll go online. 00:08:12
Miss Dahmer. 00:08:15
You have the floor. 00:08:17
Thank you very much. 00:08:19
I will agree with Miss Garcia Carmelita about. 00:08:21
Coming around on Central for the post op Well, coming from the post office. Going around on Central and. 00:08:26
The Caledonia Park, it really needs something else because they're kids and bikes and everything else. 00:08:34
And it is one of those. 00:08:41
Strange intersection, so I agree with that. 00:08:43
The thing I raised my hand for is, I'm going to say please, new Commissioners, make sure your Mics are turned on and that you 00:08:47
speak directly in them, because. 00:08:52
Umm. 00:08:57
A couple of you, I couldn't even hear you say yes for being present. So thank you very much. 00:08:59
OK. Thank you for your comment. 00:09:07
Hey Miss Gianni, you have the floor. 00:09:14
Thank you. I wanted to express my appreciation for for two things. One, it is the new striping for the crosswalk at on the West 00:09:17
side of the intersection at. 00:09:25
Where Del, Monte and. 00:09:33
And Alder and Lighthouse come together that seems much more visible than than what was there before. I still don't feel 00:09:35
comfortable crossing and that at that. 00:09:42
Crosswalk but. 00:09:50
But it looks a lot bit safer and and I do hope. 00:09:51
Someday we will be able to get a stop sign there because I I that that's a very tricky intersection for cars. 00:09:55
And people and and then also I wanted to express my appreciation for the, the, the new stenciling on the rec trail for the 00:10:05
bicycles with the. 00:10:12
With the speed limit. 00:10:19
On there. 00:10:21
Umm. 00:10:22
I'm I'm hearing a lot of conversation about that because. 00:10:23
People can't believe that. 00:10:27
That people, that they bicyclists are all going 12 mph. 00:10:29
And and even. 00:10:36
Some people I'm, I'm out there monitoring wildlife. 00:10:39
Daily and so people will just stop and talk to me and and someone who is a PG resident. 00:10:45
I was just sure that the paved. 00:10:55
Paved part of the rec trail was intended for pedestrians whilst bicycles. 00:10:59
And other motorized vehicles, so. 00:11:05
Anyway, I think it's fabulous that we at least have something there that's getting people to pay some kind of attention and I do 00:11:08
hope that soon we will have. 00:11:13
A community service officer. 00:11:19
On a bike? 00:11:22
Who can really see what's going on down there? I it would just, I think. 00:11:23
Bring about a lot safer conditions. 00:11:31
Down there and we have so many wildlife issues that community service officers can be taken care of down there, which I know is in 00:11:34
the works. I don't know what the bicycles in the works and I think that's the only way they can really tell. 00:11:40
Ohh that. 00:11:48
I. 00:11:49
It could give progress that's being made. These are nice. 00:11:51
Big bold bicycle stencils with with with the speed limit. Fine on the ground where people see it. So thank you. 00:11:55
Thank you for your comment. 00:12:06
Thank you. And if I can, thank Mr. Go and his team for doing all that work that we're just. 00:12:08
Gave praise for us. So thank you very much. I see your team out there. Appreciate it. 00:12:14
I'm a freaking almost daily use user of that area. 00:12:19
I really think the speed limit and. 00:12:23
There's all this other. 00:12:25
Umm. 00:12:27
Markets, I think have been very, very much appreciated. 00:12:28
And hopefully uh. 00:12:32
We'll address the problem. 00:12:34
Hey, any other comments? 00:12:37
No. 00:12:39
OK, item 4, Commission and staff announcements. 00:12:41
The minutes for the July meeting for this meeting will be. 00:12:44
Prepared by Commissioner Shamus. 00:12:47
And we thank you for your service. 00:12:49
Subsection B Staff and commissioner meetings and attendance and items of interest. 00:12:53
To this Commission Council member. 00:12:58
Amelia. 00:13:01
It's like pulling up here. 00:13:12
Since I'm kind of short. 00:13:13
I think think the traffic commissioners for all your service appreciate all that. 00:13:16
So let me just tell you real quick on the. 00:13:22
There was a first reading amending the city. 00:13:27
Salary classification. 00:13:32
That was approved a 70 vote Accessory Dwelling units ordinance was going to be continued to August 2nd. 00:13:34
Requests for proposals for the coastal wild. 00:13:45
Life protection. 00:13:49
This was continued actually from July 5th. 00:13:52
That was approved. 00:13:55
The small. 00:13:58
This business recovery action plan was also. 00:13:59
Tables. 00:14:04
The energy savings assessment and resiliency was also tabled. 00:14:06
Umm. 00:14:11
The Sub City Public information and Community Engagement. 00:14:13
Was also tabled. 00:14:18
Umm. 00:14:20
The League of California Cities representatives was going to be approved by Councilman Nick Smith. Was going to be. 00:14:22
The one to represent us in the California League of California Cities, and I'm going to be the alternate. 00:14:32
To that meeting and actually in September, I believe it's 2020. 00:14:37
There won't be a council meeting on that time because all of us will be attending the League of California Cities. 00:14:44
Umm. 00:14:50
Also. 00:14:52
The concept review of the housing proposal. 00:14:53
In regards to the city, parking lot between Lighthouse and Laurel was continued. 00:14:56
Table. 00:15:02
And umm. 00:15:03
The Pacific Growth Public Transportation past, present and future looking also was just presented by Councilman Luke Colletti, and 00:15:05
I joined in on that conversation. 00:15:11
And the reason why things were so, so many were tabled as we had some personnel closed session items. 00:15:19
At the beginning. 00:15:26
And at the end of the. 00:15:27
Council meeting in the that's what. That's why, well a lot of things were continued. 00:15:29
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. 00:15:34
Commissioners. 00:15:37
Thank you very much. OK. Thank you. 00:15:39
Any amount C. 00:15:44
Biking pedestrian committee. 00:15:45
Commissioner Stern. 00:15:47
So TAMC did not have a bike and pedestrian committee meeting in June, so no updates this month. 00:15:49
Thank you so much. 00:15:58
Discussion on written public comment agenda procedure Chief. 00:15:59
Yes. So thank you, Mr. Chair. So moving forward, Commissioners, just wanted to point out and to the community that you may see a 00:16:05
change in how our agenda looks. 00:16:10
We're going to streamline and streamline it, Oh my God, streamline it and make it similar to the other boards and commissions. So 00:16:15
it'll be public written, public comments and it'll be all in one link. 00:16:20
Not all separate like we do it now. 00:16:27
Thank you, Chief. Thank you. 00:16:29
Discussion on Joint Commission working group concept. 00:16:31
Chief Yes, thank you again, Mr. Chair. So. 00:16:34
This was brought up. 00:16:38
At one of our subcommittee meetings for the goals subcommittee about a potential for communicating better with other board 00:16:40
members, so. 00:16:45
I floated the idea with the city manager and he was supportive of it and then we I vetted it with the city attorney. 00:16:50
So the idea of the concept is it's on a voluntary basis that one member. 00:16:58
From each board or Commission. 00:17:03
We'll meet at a cadence of the group's choosing. 00:17:05
And they'll discuss programs, projects, issues, or concerns that are being discussed on their individual boards. 00:17:08
And then that individual board member will bring it back to like so for example, if Mr. Gumby was our representative here, he 00:17:15
would go to that meeting and then bring back any of the issues from the other boards and commissions that are relating to Traffic 00:17:20
Safety Commission here. 00:17:25
And again, it would be voluntary. 00:17:31
I did meet with each of the staff liaisons and they're going to bring bringing this concept to their boards to see who would like 00:17:33
to participate. 00:17:37
And once we have that set of people that are interested. 00:17:42
We will. I will host one meeting, the first meeting. 00:17:48
And then turn it over to the group of individuals so it's only one person from each Commission, so there's no Brown Act violation. 00:17:51
And so that's needs to be made clear and I will do this probably in October to give all of the other staff liaisons the 00:17:59
opportunity to come before their boards. 00:18:03
So I don't if there's any comments or questions about that. May wanna go out to public comment for this one as well. 00:18:08
And this is for information only or should we any selection at this time? 00:18:15
If we would like to do it, yeah, this would be something we would could discuss and then select somebody here so I can move 00:18:20
forward with it, OK. 00:18:24
Please, sorry, would you like to go to public comment for the public? Yes, public comment. 00:18:30
Please. 00:18:35
Anybody here miss Garcia? 00:18:37
No, OK. 00:18:39
Miss Dahmer. 00:18:41
Yes, thank you, Chief. I think you came up with an excellent idea because the boards. 00:18:43
Commissions and. 00:18:50
And committees do not. 00:18:51
Speak with each other and they really should. So I think that that's an excellent idea. There should be more. 00:18:55
Communication between them because they do have. 00:19:02
Have items that come before, one that really concerns many others and. 00:19:06
To have just one member of each one meet and discuss them would be a step forward, I think. 00:19:12
So kudos. Thank you. 00:19:20
Thank you. 00:19:23
Any other public comment? 00:19:27
I see no other hands raised, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Chief. 00:19:29
Councillor. 00:19:32
For sure, yeah. Again, a brilliant idea by our Chief who's constantly thinking about these cool things. 00:19:33
One of the things I wanted to ask you chief in it and just to emphasize this, this body will not be making any decisions, correct? 00:19:40
That is correct. And the meetings will there. They are going to be a, it's a working group. They'll be called a working group. 00:19:46
It won't be agendized. There will. They will not be. 00:19:53
Televised or anything like that, it's just gonna be. 00:19:57
A group that meets together. 00:20:00
At a location that may be the library or a place of their choosing. 00:20:02
Yeah, I thought that would be important for the record. So thank you. Thank you. 00:20:06
Any other comment? 00:20:12
No. 00:20:15
OK and. 00:20:15
Brown at e-mail Reminders Chief. 00:20:18
Is anyone interested in serving on that position for this board? 00:20:20
Share I I thought nobody was going to discuss it today. 00:20:26
Anybody interested in serving on this important? 00:20:31
Opportunity. 00:20:34
I nominate Commissioner Gumby as it was his idea and I think he has some interest in it. 00:20:36
If you want to accept, not sure. 00:20:44
I I would. 00:20:47
Participate. Yes. 00:20:49
OK. 00:20:50
Any other? Anyone else interested? 00:20:52
In battling it out with Commissioner Cumby. 00:20:54
No. Alright, we should help me. Got it. Thank you. Thank you. 00:20:56
OK, Brown, act e-mail reminders. 00:21:02
Yes. So thank you again, Mr. Chair. So we have a new member, so I know she has to go through some training, although she's very 00:21:06
well versed in the Brown Act, but just a reminder that when we are sending emails. 00:21:12
You need to send it to the Traffic Safety Commission e-mail. 00:21:18
Everyone will see it, but nobody else can reply back and forth so. 00:21:21
Be careful on the communications that we're having back and forth. 00:21:25
Thank you very much, Chief. 00:21:32
Seeing public hearings? None. 00:21:35
Unfinished business discussion of the requested and prohibit overnight parking on the seaward side. 00:21:38
Ocean view from 17th St. to Asilomar Commander. 00:21:45
Thank you. 00:21:51
This is why I believe it was on the May 23rd meeting. Unfortunately, the chief and I were unable to attend on that. 00:21:52
Uh. 00:21:58
This was brought up then and what we were really looking for was to present the information to the Traffic Safety Commission. 00:21:59
To let you know that that was something that we were looking into moving forward with. 00:22:06
Because as written, the the municipal codes are a little confusing. 00:22:10
And it ends up creating. We do get a lot of complaints into the department, especially at night with overnight camping along there 00:22:14
and certain areas. As it stands right now, you actually can park there overnight. 00:22:20
Not necessarily camp, but you can park there overnight. 00:22:26
And enforcing some of these issues when you have. 00:22:30
Someone parked in one of the smaller campers. If they don't answer the door or come out and let officers know, we can't. 00:22:33
We can issue a parking citation, but we can't eliminate them from camping if they just don't come to the door. We can't, like 00:22:42
break in and make them leave or towed away. 00:22:46
So if we eliminate the parking along. 00:22:50
The C word side. 00:22:53
And make it even throughout the entire city. Instead of just having these little pockets, we eliminate that issue altogether, and 00:22:54
it would be from midnight to five. 00:22:58
So we are aware that this will we will be going to the Planning Commission. 00:23:02
And then potentially with the LCP that we may need to get with this. 00:23:07
And we'll be working, Mr. Sidor, with that. 00:23:11
So we just wanted to give that update, make sure that traffic Commission was aware because it is a parking issue within the city. 00:23:14
Thank you, Commander. 00:23:20
Any public. 00:23:22
Public. 00:23:24
If I could just make a comment, so one of the other comments that we had during that meeting. 00:23:26
Was that we were made aware of the city of Santa Cruz and a there. 00:23:33
Parking prohibition that had just been approved by the Coastal Commission there had gone a lot of back and forth. 00:23:39
And one of our concerns and one of our suggestions, was to try to emulate, you know, work with or see. 00:23:47
The ordinance that the city of Santa Cruz was able to come up with, that was something that the Coastal Commission was OK with. 00:23:55
So we don't keep going through the try to reinvent the wheel again. 00:24:04
Sorry, just a comment. 00:24:09
Thank you. 00:24:10
OK. Thank you. 00:24:12
Any public comment? 00:24:13
Miss Garcia, anything here? No. OK, Miss. 00:24:15
Miss Dahmer. 00:24:18
Thank you. 00:24:21
And thank you for. 00:24:22
I mean, I wrote another e-mail dealing with because this one really does need a CDP and approval of the Coastal Commission to 00:24:25
limit any kind of. 00:24:29
Coastal access. 00:24:34
Even if it's at night time. 00:24:35
And that is why I sent you all the city of Santa Cruz information too, because it had passed. One very interesting thing if you 00:24:37
didn't go through. 00:24:42
All of that Coastal Commission hearing was they had because. 00:24:46
Unfortunately, those overnight campers are. 00:24:52
That park there and put their refuse and everything else. 00:24:55
Are also their low income coastal access. 00:24:59
And So what the city of Santa Cruz did is a mitigating measure is they have several safe parking spaces. Like We haven't starve 1 00:25:04
Starfish that only takes care of like 5 women in their cars or something. 00:25:11
Well, they. 00:25:19
Have a whole lot. 00:25:20
And over 20 some odd spaces that has services and things for that. So if you haven't read that Santa Cruz. 00:25:21
The Coastal Commission because they had to amend their LCP. 00:25:30
Their local coastal program. 00:25:33
And it had to be accepted so. 00:25:36
Very definitely look through that material because obviously Pacific Grove doesn't have. 00:25:39
A safe space for these people. 00:25:45
An alternative. 00:25:49
And that is going to have to be worked out too, I would imagine. 00:25:51
So I'm very glad that the planning department well Joe Sidor. 00:25:55
Is involved in this now and yes, it needs to go to the Planning Commission, so thank you very much. 00:25:59
Thank you. 00:26:09
If I could make a comment, we did. We did discuss that and and while we won't go into detail now, but we believe we have at least 00:26:11
one location. 00:26:16
That is potential. 00:26:22
And and maybe some other other locations too. So it's something that we did, we did address. 00:26:24
Are also this specifically is on ocean view. Does this also include sunset too? OK just to confirm. Thank you. 00:26:30
Any other public comment? 00:26:41
I see no other hands, but may we go backwards? I do have a couple more staff announcements if that's possible, so just wanted to 00:26:43
let the community know that. 00:26:48
We have the Summer Lights program coming up. 00:26:53
February. 00:26:56
I'm sorry. Friday, July 28th, this Friday coming up is the pet parade that starts at 2:00. O'clock starts at Caledonia Park. So 00:26:58
that's a great fun event. 00:27:02
This Thursday night we have our our first. 00:27:07
Jewel in the park or park music and the jewel Boots and Blazers barn dance. That's from 6:00 to 9:00 o'clock at. 00:27:11
No, don't take that back. 00:27:19
That's from 5:30. 00:27:22
There's also a line dancing at Chautauqua Hall on Friday the 28th. 00:27:25
6:00 to 9:00 o'clock, that's. 00:27:29
That is the boots and Blazers. 00:27:32
Barn dance. 00:27:34
There'll be a line dancing Snacks, Emerge Dice on Saturday the 29th. There will be a an event at Lovers Point. 00:27:36
That starts at 11:00 o'clock and ends at. 00:27:45
5:00 o'clock or 9:00 O'clock. We have two different times, and then it will culminate with a light show at Lovers Point Park on 00:27:48
the pier. 00:27:52
In addition to that, we have. 00:27:57
National Night Out, which is the police event that's August 1st from 5:00 to 7:00 at Caledonia Park. 00:27:59
And this year, our theme is Coastal Wildlife Awareness. 00:28:06
So we invite the community to come out for a night out on crime and August 15th to the 18th is the events we have for Car week. 00:28:09
We have 4 events in the city, so those are fun events. We'll invite the community out and finally moving forward, Commander 00:28:19
Santos, who is going to be the staff liaison to this board. 00:28:24
We are getting a new commander, so. 00:28:30
I took this, so take it off his plate. But we'll be dispersing some additional responsibilities now, and so he'll be your liaison. 00:28:32
I will absolutely be here if you need me and and be here to fill in for the Commander. So thank you for all of you. I appreciate 00:28:39
all of your hard work and your commitment and your dedication and all of the hours of volunteer. Really. Really. 00:28:46
Appreciate all of you. Thank you. 00:28:53
Thank you, Chief. 00:28:55
Comments from. 00:28:58
Commissioners. 00:28:59
Yeah, I just wanted to add a comment, I think. 00:29:01
Commander and chief. 00:29:04
We had a very robust discussion about this issue. 00:29:06
With regard to parking. 00:29:10
Along the coastal areas in the last meeting and it might be advisable if you don't recall that to. 00:29:12
You know. 00:29:19
Listen to or watch the last meetings discussion. 00:29:19
We are all very concerned about that and do realize that. 00:29:24
We we don't have to reinvent the wheel here. 00:29:28
And we won't be in a good position if we do. 00:29:31
Given the attitude that was taken by the Coastal Commission plus. 00:29:34
Taking in consideration, you know, the importance of protecting access to the coastal zone. 00:29:38
So thank you very much and thank you very much, Chief. 00:29:45
For all of your work, it's been fantastic. Thank you. I appreciate it. 00:29:48
Commissioners, any other comment? 00:29:54
No. 00:29:58
OK, umm. 00:29:59
Let's see. New business? None. 00:30:01
Report from the subcommittee Commissioner Gumby. 00:30:04
Yes, we, we last meeting we actually had a great discussion. 00:30:07
And public works director Mr. Go was able to attend. And I think we. 00:30:13
Able to solve a lot of our concerns we were still in our process of creating. 00:30:19
Or fulfilling our goals through many objectives, both for vehicle traffic, bicycle traffic and pedestrians. 00:30:27
And we're in the process of. 00:30:39
Getting those in a in a hierarchical order and A and calling them down to the most. 00:30:44
The most. 00:30:51
Concerning for us and so we're still in that process and hope to bring. 00:30:53
The document to the to the Commission. 00:30:57
Yeah. Maybe in a couple of months. We'll we'll see. Anyway, thank you. OK. Thank you. 00:31:02
Any other comments, Commissioners? 00:31:07
Yes. 00:31:09
Mr. Schiller. 00:31:10
Can you just describe what that is? Your subcommittee? Sure. So made-up of a subcommittee to. 00:31:12
In the overall overarching. 00:31:23
Goal of safety within Pacific Grove. 00:31:26
We broke it down into 3 categories, Vehicle Safety, Bicycle Safety and Pedestrian safety. 00:31:29
And. 00:31:36
Then. 00:31:37
To accomplish each of those goals, those goals we came up with various objectives for in each category. So we discussed those we 00:31:39
we looked at ways of. 00:31:45
Of completing those those objectives many there there are some that are it may be an enforcement issue, there may be a public 00:31:51
works maintenance issue that we were able actually to resolve. Many of those just working with with public works and the police. 00:31:59
So anyway so we're we're in the process of. 00:32:07
Compiling those, coming up with a like I said, a a group. 00:32:16
For each and trying to pare it down to to bite sized pieces and. 00:32:21
Vote to bring that to the full Commission. 00:32:28
Umm. 00:32:30
Near, you know, the next few months. 00:32:32
And hopefully we can agree on on those objectives and I would imagine the next step was present those. 00:32:34
Objectives to the City Council for hopefully their. 00:32:44
Endorsement. 00:32:48
And go from there. 00:32:49
I don't think that's necessary, but you can if you choose to. It's your board, it's your Commission, so you know you. This is a 00:32:54
something I presented. 00:32:58
To this body, I think it was back in February when the new Commission came on. 00:33:03
Is to create a goal for the Traffic Safety Commission. And So what happened was we created a subcommittee of three members, which 00:33:08
is. 00:33:12
Commissioner Stern, Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Gumby. 00:33:16
And they've been meeting with the commander, myself and Mr. Go to go over and try to create a a goal. We we we pretty much have 00:33:18
one. 00:33:22
Overarching goal safety and with different like Commissioner Gummy said, different subsets of it for traffic. 00:33:27
For vehicles, for pedestrians and for cyclists. 00:33:34
And so we created tasks and. 00:33:37
And and I think. 00:33:40
I think you guys are pretty close to coming back to the Commission to bring it forward and. 00:33:41
And to present it. 00:33:45
So they've been doing fantastic work. 00:33:47
So thank you all for the extra work you've been doing. 00:33:49
I I. 00:33:53
Personally, I would like to present it to the City Council and. 00:33:54
If nothing else at least gets their endorsement of it, whether or not it goes anywhere. 00:34:00
Beyond that, we'll see. 00:34:05
Chief. 00:34:11
Commander. 00:34:12
Directly go any comments? 00:34:13
You have. 00:34:16
No. 00:34:17
OK, that is the end of our agenda adjournment at. 00:34:18
434. 00:34:22
Thank you. Thank you all. Thanks. 00:34:23
Thanks all. 00:34:25
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Press. 00:00:03
OK. Good afternoon. Welcome to the Traffic and Safety Commission. 00:00:07
Meeting for. 00:00:11
July the 25th. 00:00:13
It's 4:00 o'clock. 00:00:14
The meeting is being held virtually. It's also being. 00:00:16
Held on zoom. 00:00:20
And. 00:00:22
Welcome, Welcome to our meeting. 00:00:25
Chief, will you please? 00:00:27
Do a roster? Sure. Chair Munoz Flores present. 00:00:29
Commissioners, Proc. 00:00:33
Screening. 00:00:36
Brown. 00:00:41
Present. 00:00:42
Stern. 00:00:44
Present. 00:00:46
Zombie. 00:00:46
Here. 00:00:47
Chaos. 00:00:48
Ohh here. 00:00:51
Alright. 00:00:52
Thank you, Chief President accounted for. 00:00:53
Thank you, Chief. First, second item on our agenda is approval. 00:00:56
Of the agenda. 00:01:00
Any comments on the agenda? 00:01:02
Do you have a motion to approve? 00:01:08
I move to approve. 00:01:10
I'll second. 00:01:11
OK, we have a motion any. 00:01:13
Discussion. 00:01:16
And it was Brown and Gumby. 00:01:19
OK, so roll call. 00:01:21
Yes, please. 00:01:23
Commissioner Brown. 00:01:24
Yes. 00:01:25
Mr. Gumby, I. 00:01:26
Chair Munoz Flores Yes. 00:01:28
Commissioners Prock. 00:01:31
Greeting. 00:01:33
Yes, Stern. Yes, Jermas. 00:01:34
Yes. 00:01:37
Got. 00:01:37
OK. Item 3 on our agenda is approval of the Minutes. 00:01:39
Of the prior meetings, one is for April the 25th. 00:01:42
And the other is for May the 23rd. 00:01:47
That I prepared. 00:01:50
I do note we have received. 00:01:52
A couple of comments. 00:01:56
About some omissions. 00:01:57
And corrections and that will be. 00:01:59
Handled. 00:02:02
By me. 00:02:03
They they have been changed already. Thank you, Chief. 00:02:05
Umm. 00:02:09
Any discussion? I just had a correction for April 25th. 00:02:11
It's very minor. Put at the bottom, it says. Our next meeting was March 28th. 00:02:17
It should be stating May 23rd I believe. 00:02:22
OK. 00:02:27
OK. We'll make a note of that. Thank you. 00:02:29
Anybody else? 00:02:31
Since I was not a Commissioner at that. 00:02:35
Thank you for meeting. 00:02:37
Still vote on these minute. 00:02:39
You you can vote if you review them or you can abstain, whichever you choose. OK, because we have enough. We have a quorum. So 00:02:42
right, I just your vote, yeah. 00:02:46
Proper. Thank you, Chief. You're welcome. 00:02:51
Any other comments? 00:02:55
No, I have a motion to approve both minutes. 00:02:57
I'll move that. We approve the Minutes as corrected. 00:03:02
Road company chief? Yes, Sir, Commissioner Gumby, aye, Commissioner Prock. 00:03:08
Chair Munoz Flores Yes. 00:03:14
Commissioners greening, Commissioner Brown Stern, yes, and Shamus, yes. 00:03:16
70. 00:03:23
OK. 00:03:24
A general public comment. 00:03:29
2nd. 00:03:32
General public comment must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the City. 00:03:33
And the traffic. 00:03:38
Safety Commission that are not on the regular agenda. 00:03:39
Comments from the public will be limited to 3 minutes and will not receive Traffic Safety Commission action. 00:03:43
Comments regarding items on the regular agenda shall be heard. 00:03:48
Prior to Traffic Safety commissions considerations. 00:03:51
Of such items at the time. 00:03:54
Such items are called whenever possible. 00:03:57
Written correspondence should be submitted to the Traffic Safety Commission. 00:03:59
In advance of the meeting. 00:04:03
To provide adequate time. 00:04:04
For its consideration. 00:04:06
And we have. 00:04:09
9 emails that we received since. 00:04:10
Our last meeting. 00:04:14
And the comments. 00:04:17
And be directed to them during the. 00:04:19
Open discussion by the public. 00:04:22
Any comments on that? 00:04:25
Chief beyond what I just said. 00:04:27
I just like to thank the community for the emails that they do send in to the Commission. They are very helpful. 00:04:29
So I appreciate their support and their cooperation and input. 00:04:35
Great. 00:04:40
Thank you, Chief. 00:04:41
Umm. 00:04:43
Alright, and we have one hand raised online. Anybody in the public would like to speak. 00:04:44
Wanna come up first? 00:04:49
Miss Garcia? 00:04:52
Bro this. 00:05:00
Either late this morning I think I emailed all of you my comment for this meeting and. 00:05:02
I I do my comments as though it were a PowerPoint presentation only because it's easy for me to do the text and get the 00:05:11
photographs and stuff so that people can really visually see what I'm talking about. So I'm just here just to talk about the 00:05:18
intersection of Congress, Lighthouse and Central Ave. that little hub right around the. 00:05:25
Post Office and Toasties and Grove St. 00:05:33
To ask consideration. 00:05:37
For either signage to alert the drivers that there are pedestrians and what have you. 00:05:40
And in my little document I sent you at Grove St. that that round circular area people do take advantage of. 00:05:46
Or have inclination to do their U turns right there. 00:05:57
Which is, you know, pretty dangerous because they're doing it with oncoming traffic. 00:06:01
And also, you know, there are the curb cuts. There are four of them. None of them are marked. 00:06:06
And again, I don't think there is really a a knowledge that. 00:06:12
The curb cuts are used for people with disabilities, whether it be the use of a cane, a Walker or in a wheelchair, people who are 00:06:19
visually impaired and so on. 00:06:26
And whether or not there can be markings like a crosswalk or something similar to that. 00:06:34
I don't know. 00:06:40
But anyway, I think it's a. 00:06:42
Simple solution, you know. Again, I'm just talking about signage and markings and what have you. We have a lot of children around 00:06:44
there because. 00:06:48
Caledonia Park is used for special events. 00:06:53
And there are also programs down there. I know moms with their babies go down there and do exercises and and what have you. 00:06:56
And the post office has that rear entrance where people will cross Central Ave. to get their mail and what have you and and that 00:07:03
corner going around Central again. I sent in a photograph of the blind spot because of that hedge. 00:07:11
And folks who want to cross the street right there really have to step out and look to see whether or not there are automobiles 00:07:19
coming around. 00:07:23
So you know, at some point in time would be great for you to consider, you know, doing something I think is very much needed and 00:07:27
it is a busy corner when you look at all the business establishment establishments that surround it. So thank you very much. Thank 00:07:33
you very much. 00:07:38
Did anyone receive the e-mail? No, I I didn't. Yeah, we we get the emails too. So I didn't get one this morning. So can you resend 00:07:45
that please for us? Yeah, I appreciate it. Maybe check your sent box. Maybe didn't go out. 00:07:51
Accept. 00:07:56
No worries. Thank you. 00:08:00
OK. 00:08:02
Thank you for your presentation and. 00:08:02
Really forward to receiving the e-mail. 00:08:05
Appreciate it. Thank you. 00:08:07
OK. 00:08:11
OK, now we'll go online. 00:08:12
Miss Dahmer. 00:08:15
You have the floor. 00:08:17
Thank you very much. 00:08:19
I will agree with Miss Garcia Carmelita about. 00:08:21
Coming around on Central for the post op Well, coming from the post office. Going around on Central and. 00:08:26
The Caledonia Park, it really needs something else because they're kids and bikes and everything else. 00:08:34
And it is one of those. 00:08:41
Strange intersection, so I agree with that. 00:08:43
The thing I raised my hand for is, I'm going to say please, new Commissioners, make sure your Mics are turned on and that you 00:08:47
speak directly in them, because. 00:08:52
Umm. 00:08:57
A couple of you, I couldn't even hear you say yes for being present. So thank you very much. 00:08:59
OK. Thank you for your comment. 00:09:07
Hey Miss Gianni, you have the floor. 00:09:14
Thank you. I wanted to express my appreciation for for two things. One, it is the new striping for the crosswalk at on the West 00:09:17
side of the intersection at. 00:09:25
Where Del, Monte and. 00:09:33
And Alder and Lighthouse come together that seems much more visible than than what was there before. I still don't feel 00:09:35
comfortable crossing and that at that. 00:09:42
Crosswalk but. 00:09:50
But it looks a lot bit safer and and I do hope. 00:09:51
Someday we will be able to get a stop sign there because I I that that's a very tricky intersection for cars. 00:09:55
And people and and then also I wanted to express my appreciation for the, the, the new stenciling on the rec trail for the 00:10:05
bicycles with the. 00:10:12
With the speed limit. 00:10:19
On there. 00:10:21
Umm. 00:10:22
I'm I'm hearing a lot of conversation about that because. 00:10:23
People can't believe that. 00:10:27
That people, that they bicyclists are all going 12 mph. 00:10:29
And and even. 00:10:36
Some people I'm, I'm out there monitoring wildlife. 00:10:39
Daily and so people will just stop and talk to me and and someone who is a PG resident. 00:10:45
I was just sure that the paved. 00:10:55
Paved part of the rec trail was intended for pedestrians whilst bicycles. 00:10:59
And other motorized vehicles, so. 00:11:05
Anyway, I think it's fabulous that we at least have something there that's getting people to pay some kind of attention and I do 00:11:08
hope that soon we will have. 00:11:13
A community service officer. 00:11:19
On a bike? 00:11:22
Who can really see what's going on down there? I it would just, I think. 00:11:23
Bring about a lot safer conditions. 00:11:31
Down there and we have so many wildlife issues that community service officers can be taken care of down there, which I know is in 00:11:34
the works. I don't know what the bicycles in the works and I think that's the only way they can really tell. 00:11:40
Ohh that. 00:11:48
I. 00:11:49
It could give progress that's being made. These are nice. 00:11:51
Big bold bicycle stencils with with with the speed limit. Fine on the ground where people see it. So thank you. 00:11:55
Thank you for your comment. 00:12:06
Thank you. And if I can, thank Mr. Go and his team for doing all that work that we're just. 00:12:08
Gave praise for us. So thank you very much. I see your team out there. Appreciate it. 00:12:14
I'm a freaking almost daily use user of that area. 00:12:19
I really think the speed limit and. 00:12:23
There's all this other. 00:12:25
Umm. 00:12:27
Markets, I think have been very, very much appreciated. 00:12:28
And hopefully uh. 00:12:32
We'll address the problem. 00:12:34
Hey, any other comments? 00:12:37
No. 00:12:39
OK, item 4, Commission and staff announcements. 00:12:41
The minutes for the July meeting for this meeting will be. 00:12:44
Prepared by Commissioner Shamus. 00:12:47
And we thank you for your service. 00:12:49
Subsection B Staff and commissioner meetings and attendance and items of interest. 00:12:53
To this Commission Council member. 00:12:58
Amelia. 00:13:01
It's like pulling up here. 00:13:12
Since I'm kind of short. 00:13:13
I think think the traffic commissioners for all your service appreciate all that. 00:13:16
So let me just tell you real quick on the. 00:13:22
There was a first reading amending the city. 00:13:27
Salary classification. 00:13:32
That was approved a 70 vote Accessory Dwelling units ordinance was going to be continued to August 2nd. 00:13:34
Requests for proposals for the coastal wild. 00:13:45
Life protection. 00:13:49
This was continued actually from July 5th. 00:13:52
That was approved. 00:13:55
The small. 00:13:58
This business recovery action plan was also. 00:13:59
Tables. 00:14:04
The energy savings assessment and resiliency was also tabled. 00:14:06
Umm. 00:14:11
The Sub City Public information and Community Engagement. 00:14:13
Was also tabled. 00:14:18
Umm. 00:14:20
The League of California Cities representatives was going to be approved by Councilman Nick Smith. Was going to be. 00:14:22
The one to represent us in the California League of California Cities, and I'm going to be the alternate. 00:14:32
To that meeting and actually in September, I believe it's 2020. 00:14:37
There won't be a council meeting on that time because all of us will be attending the League of California Cities. 00:14:44
Umm. 00:14:50
Also. 00:14:52
The concept review of the housing proposal. 00:14:53
In regards to the city, parking lot between Lighthouse and Laurel was continued. 00:14:56
Table. 00:15:02
And umm. 00:15:03
The Pacific Growth Public Transportation past, present and future looking also was just presented by Councilman Luke Colletti, and 00:15:05
I joined in on that conversation. 00:15:11
And the reason why things were so, so many were tabled as we had some personnel closed session items. 00:15:19
At the beginning. 00:15:26
And at the end of the. 00:15:27
Council meeting in the that's what. That's why, well a lot of things were continued. 00:15:29
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. 00:15:34
Commissioners. 00:15:37
Thank you very much. OK. Thank you. 00:15:39
Any amount C. 00:15:44
Biking pedestrian committee. 00:15:45
Commissioner Stern. 00:15:47
So TAMC did not have a bike and pedestrian committee meeting in June, so no updates this month. 00:15:49
Thank you so much. 00:15:58
Discussion on written public comment agenda procedure Chief. 00:15:59
Yes. So thank you, Mr. Chair. So moving forward, Commissioners, just wanted to point out and to the community that you may see a 00:16:05
change in how our agenda looks. 00:16:10
We're going to streamline and streamline it, Oh my God, streamline it and make it similar to the other boards and commissions. So 00:16:15
it'll be public written, public comments and it'll be all in one link. 00:16:20
Not all separate like we do it now. 00:16:27
Thank you, Chief. Thank you. 00:16:29
Discussion on Joint Commission working group concept. 00:16:31
Chief Yes, thank you again, Mr. Chair. So. 00:16:34
This was brought up. 00:16:38
At one of our subcommittee meetings for the goals subcommittee about a potential for communicating better with other board 00:16:40
members, so. 00:16:45
I floated the idea with the city manager and he was supportive of it and then we I vetted it with the city attorney. 00:16:50
So the idea of the concept is it's on a voluntary basis that one member. 00:16:58
From each board or Commission. 00:17:03
We'll meet at a cadence of the group's choosing. 00:17:05
And they'll discuss programs, projects, issues, or concerns that are being discussed on their individual boards. 00:17:08
And then that individual board member will bring it back to like so for example, if Mr. Gumby was our representative here, he 00:17:15
would go to that meeting and then bring back any of the issues from the other boards and commissions that are relating to Traffic 00:17:20
Safety Commission here. 00:17:25
And again, it would be voluntary. 00:17:31
I did meet with each of the staff liaisons and they're going to bring bringing this concept to their boards to see who would like 00:17:33
to participate. 00:17:37
And once we have that set of people that are interested. 00:17:42
We will. I will host one meeting, the first meeting. 00:17:48
And then turn it over to the group of individuals so it's only one person from each Commission, so there's no Brown Act violation. 00:17:51
And so that's needs to be made clear and I will do this probably in October to give all of the other staff liaisons the 00:17:59
opportunity to come before their boards. 00:18:03
So I don't if there's any comments or questions about that. May wanna go out to public comment for this one as well. 00:18:08
And this is for information only or should we any selection at this time? 00:18:15
If we would like to do it, yeah, this would be something we would could discuss and then select somebody here so I can move 00:18:20
forward with it, OK. 00:18:24
Please, sorry, would you like to go to public comment for the public? Yes, public comment. 00:18:30
Please. 00:18:35
Anybody here miss Garcia? 00:18:37
No, OK. 00:18:39
Miss Dahmer. 00:18:41
Yes, thank you, Chief. I think you came up with an excellent idea because the boards. 00:18:43
Commissions and. 00:18:50
And committees do not. 00:18:51
Speak with each other and they really should. So I think that that's an excellent idea. There should be more. 00:18:55
Communication between them because they do have. 00:19:02
Have items that come before, one that really concerns many others and. 00:19:06
To have just one member of each one meet and discuss them would be a step forward, I think. 00:19:12
So kudos. Thank you. 00:19:20
Thank you. 00:19:23
Any other public comment? 00:19:27
I see no other hands raised, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Chief. 00:19:29
Councillor. 00:19:32
For sure, yeah. Again, a brilliant idea by our Chief who's constantly thinking about these cool things. 00:19:33
One of the things I wanted to ask you chief in it and just to emphasize this, this body will not be making any decisions, correct? 00:19:40
That is correct. And the meetings will there. They are going to be a, it's a working group. They'll be called a working group. 00:19:46
It won't be agendized. There will. They will not be. 00:19:53
Televised or anything like that, it's just gonna be. 00:19:57
A group that meets together. 00:20:00
At a location that may be the library or a place of their choosing. 00:20:02
Yeah, I thought that would be important for the record. So thank you. Thank you. 00:20:06
Any other comment? 00:20:12
No. 00:20:15
OK and. 00:20:15
Brown at e-mail Reminders Chief. 00:20:18
Is anyone interested in serving on that position for this board? 00:20:20
Share I I thought nobody was going to discuss it today. 00:20:26
Anybody interested in serving on this important? 00:20:31
Opportunity. 00:20:34
I nominate Commissioner Gumby as it was his idea and I think he has some interest in it. 00:20:36
If you want to accept, not sure. 00:20:44
I I would. 00:20:47
Participate. Yes. 00:20:49
OK. 00:20:50
Any other? Anyone else interested? 00:20:52
In battling it out with Commissioner Cumby. 00:20:54
No. Alright, we should help me. Got it. Thank you. Thank you. 00:20:56
OK, Brown, act e-mail reminders. 00:21:02
Yes. So thank you again, Mr. Chair. So we have a new member, so I know she has to go through some training, although she's very 00:21:06
well versed in the Brown Act, but just a reminder that when we are sending emails. 00:21:12
You need to send it to the Traffic Safety Commission e-mail. 00:21:18
Everyone will see it, but nobody else can reply back and forth so. 00:21:21
Be careful on the communications that we're having back and forth. 00:21:25
Thank you very much, Chief. 00:21:32
Seeing public hearings? None. 00:21:35
Unfinished business discussion of the requested and prohibit overnight parking on the seaward side. 00:21:38
Ocean view from 17th St. to Asilomar Commander. 00:21:45
Thank you. 00:21:51
This is why I believe it was on the May 23rd meeting. Unfortunately, the chief and I were unable to attend on that. 00:21:52
Uh. 00:21:58
This was brought up then and what we were really looking for was to present the information to the Traffic Safety Commission. 00:21:59
To let you know that that was something that we were looking into moving forward with. 00:22:06
Because as written, the the municipal codes are a little confusing. 00:22:10
And it ends up creating. We do get a lot of complaints into the department, especially at night with overnight camping along there 00:22:14
and certain areas. As it stands right now, you actually can park there overnight. 00:22:20
Not necessarily camp, but you can park there overnight. 00:22:26
And enforcing some of these issues when you have. 00:22:30
Someone parked in one of the smaller campers. If they don't answer the door or come out and let officers know, we can't. 00:22:33
We can issue a parking citation, but we can't eliminate them from camping if they just don't come to the door. We can't, like 00:22:42
break in and make them leave or towed away. 00:22:46
So if we eliminate the parking along. 00:22:50
The C word side. 00:22:53
And make it even throughout the entire city. Instead of just having these little pockets, we eliminate that issue altogether, and 00:22:54
it would be from midnight to five. 00:22:58
So we are aware that this will we will be going to the Planning Commission. 00:23:02
And then potentially with the LCP that we may need to get with this. 00:23:07
And we'll be working, Mr. Sidor, with that. 00:23:11
So we just wanted to give that update, make sure that traffic Commission was aware because it is a parking issue within the city. 00:23:14
Thank you, Commander. 00:23:20
Any public. 00:23:22
Public. 00:23:24
If I could just make a comment, so one of the other comments that we had during that meeting. 00:23:26
Was that we were made aware of the city of Santa Cruz and a there. 00:23:33
Parking prohibition that had just been approved by the Coastal Commission there had gone a lot of back and forth. 00:23:39
And one of our concerns and one of our suggestions, was to try to emulate, you know, work with or see. 00:23:47
The ordinance that the city of Santa Cruz was able to come up with, that was something that the Coastal Commission was OK with. 00:23:55
So we don't keep going through the try to reinvent the wheel again. 00:24:04
Sorry, just a comment. 00:24:09
Thank you. 00:24:10
OK. Thank you. 00:24:12
Any public comment? 00:24:13
Miss Garcia, anything here? No. OK, Miss. 00:24:15
Miss Dahmer. 00:24:18
Thank you. 00:24:21
And thank you for. 00:24:22
I mean, I wrote another e-mail dealing with because this one really does need a CDP and approval of the Coastal Commission to 00:24:25
limit any kind of. 00:24:29
Coastal access. 00:24:34
Even if it's at night time. 00:24:35
And that is why I sent you all the city of Santa Cruz information too, because it had passed. One very interesting thing if you 00:24:37
didn't go through. 00:24:42
All of that Coastal Commission hearing was they had because. 00:24:46
Unfortunately, those overnight campers are. 00:24:52
That park there and put their refuse and everything else. 00:24:55
Are also their low income coastal access. 00:24:59
And So what the city of Santa Cruz did is a mitigating measure is they have several safe parking spaces. Like We haven't starve 1 00:25:04
Starfish that only takes care of like 5 women in their cars or something. 00:25:11
Well, they. 00:25:19
Have a whole lot. 00:25:20
And over 20 some odd spaces that has services and things for that. So if you haven't read that Santa Cruz. 00:25:21
The Coastal Commission because they had to amend their LCP. 00:25:30
Their local coastal program. 00:25:33
And it had to be accepted so. 00:25:36
Very definitely look through that material because obviously Pacific Grove doesn't have. 00:25:39
A safe space for these people. 00:25:45
An alternative. 00:25:49
And that is going to have to be worked out too, I would imagine. 00:25:51
So I'm very glad that the planning department well Joe Sidor. 00:25:55
Is involved in this now and yes, it needs to go to the Planning Commission, so thank you very much. 00:25:59
Thank you. 00:26:09
If I could make a comment, we did. We did discuss that and and while we won't go into detail now, but we believe we have at least 00:26:11
one location. 00:26:16
That is potential. 00:26:22
And and maybe some other other locations too. So it's something that we did, we did address. 00:26:24
Are also this specifically is on ocean view. Does this also include sunset too? OK just to confirm. Thank you. 00:26:30
Any other public comment? 00:26:41
I see no other hands, but may we go backwards? I do have a couple more staff announcements if that's possible, so just wanted to 00:26:43
let the community know that. 00:26:48
We have the Summer Lights program coming up. 00:26:53
February. 00:26:56
I'm sorry. Friday, July 28th, this Friday coming up is the pet parade that starts at 2:00. O'clock starts at Caledonia Park. So 00:26:58
that's a great fun event. 00:27:02
This Thursday night we have our our first. 00:27:07
Jewel in the park or park music and the jewel Boots and Blazers barn dance. That's from 6:00 to 9:00 o'clock at. 00:27:11
No, don't take that back. 00:27:19
That's from 5:30. 00:27:22
There's also a line dancing at Chautauqua Hall on Friday the 28th. 00:27:25
6:00 to 9:00 o'clock, that's. 00:27:29
That is the boots and Blazers. 00:27:32
Barn dance. 00:27:34
There'll be a line dancing Snacks, Emerge Dice on Saturday the 29th. There will be a an event at Lovers Point. 00:27:36
That starts at 11:00 o'clock and ends at. 00:27:45
5:00 o'clock or 9:00 O'clock. We have two different times, and then it will culminate with a light show at Lovers Point Park on 00:27:48
the pier. 00:27:52
In addition to that, we have. 00:27:57
National Night Out, which is the police event that's August 1st from 5:00 to 7:00 at Caledonia Park. 00:27:59
And this year, our theme is Coastal Wildlife Awareness. 00:28:06
So we invite the community to come out for a night out on crime and August 15th to the 18th is the events we have for Car week. 00:28:09
We have 4 events in the city, so those are fun events. We'll invite the community out and finally moving forward, Commander 00:28:19
Santos, who is going to be the staff liaison to this board. 00:28:24
We are getting a new commander, so. 00:28:30
I took this, so take it off his plate. But we'll be dispersing some additional responsibilities now, and so he'll be your liaison. 00:28:32
I will absolutely be here if you need me and and be here to fill in for the Commander. So thank you for all of you. I appreciate 00:28:39
all of your hard work and your commitment and your dedication and all of the hours of volunteer. Really. Really. 00:28:46
Appreciate all of you. Thank you. 00:28:53
Thank you, Chief. 00:28:55
Comments from. 00:28:58
Commissioners. 00:28:59
Yeah, I just wanted to add a comment, I think. 00:29:01
Commander and chief. 00:29:04
We had a very robust discussion about this issue. 00:29:06
With regard to parking. 00:29:10
Along the coastal areas in the last meeting and it might be advisable if you don't recall that to. 00:29:12
You know. 00:29:19
Listen to or watch the last meetings discussion. 00:29:19
We are all very concerned about that and do realize that. 00:29:24
We we don't have to reinvent the wheel here. 00:29:28
And we won't be in a good position if we do. 00:29:31
Given the attitude that was taken by the Coastal Commission plus. 00:29:34
Taking in consideration, you know, the importance of protecting access to the coastal zone. 00:29:38
So thank you very much and thank you very much, Chief. 00:29:45
For all of your work, it's been fantastic. Thank you. I appreciate it. 00:29:48
Commissioners, any other comment? 00:29:54
No. 00:29:58
OK, umm. 00:29:59
Let's see. New business? None. 00:30:01
Report from the subcommittee Commissioner Gumby. 00:30:04
Yes, we, we last meeting we actually had a great discussion. 00:30:07
And public works director Mr. Go was able to attend. And I think we. 00:30:13
Able to solve a lot of our concerns we were still in our process of creating. 00:30:19
Or fulfilling our goals through many objectives, both for vehicle traffic, bicycle traffic and pedestrians. 00:30:27
And we're in the process of. 00:30:39
Getting those in a in a hierarchical order and A and calling them down to the most. 00:30:44
The most. 00:30:51
Concerning for us and so we're still in that process and hope to bring. 00:30:53
The document to the to the Commission. 00:30:57
Yeah. Maybe in a couple of months. We'll we'll see. Anyway, thank you. OK. Thank you. 00:31:02
Any other comments, Commissioners? 00:31:07
Yes. 00:31:09
Mr. Schiller. 00:31:10
Can you just describe what that is? Your subcommittee? Sure. So made-up of a subcommittee to. 00:31:12
In the overall overarching. 00:31:23
Goal of safety within Pacific Grove. 00:31:26
We broke it down into 3 categories, Vehicle Safety, Bicycle Safety and Pedestrian safety. 00:31:29
And. 00:31:36
Then. 00:31:37
To accomplish each of those goals, those goals we came up with various objectives for in each category. So we discussed those we 00:31:39
we looked at ways of. 00:31:45
Of completing those those objectives many there there are some that are it may be an enforcement issue, there may be a public 00:31:51
works maintenance issue that we were able actually to resolve. Many of those just working with with public works and the police. 00:31:59
So anyway so we're we're in the process of. 00:32:07
Compiling those, coming up with a like I said, a a group. 00:32:16
For each and trying to pare it down to to bite sized pieces and. 00:32:21
Vote to bring that to the full Commission. 00:32:28
Umm. 00:32:30
Near, you know, the next few months. 00:32:32
And hopefully we can agree on on those objectives and I would imagine the next step was present those. 00:32:34
Objectives to the City Council for hopefully their. 00:32:44
Endorsement. 00:32:48
And go from there. 00:32:49
I don't think that's necessary, but you can if you choose to. It's your board, it's your Commission, so you know you. This is a 00:32:54
something I presented. 00:32:58
To this body, I think it was back in February when the new Commission came on. 00:33:03
Is to create a goal for the Traffic Safety Commission. And So what happened was we created a subcommittee of three members, which 00:33:08
is. 00:33:12
Commissioner Stern, Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Gumby. 00:33:16
And they've been meeting with the commander, myself and Mr. Go to go over and try to create a a goal. We we we pretty much have 00:33:18
one. 00:33:22
Overarching goal safety and with different like Commissioner Gummy said, different subsets of it for traffic. 00:33:27
For vehicles, for pedestrians and for cyclists. 00:33:34
And so we created tasks and. 00:33:37
And and I think. 00:33:40
I think you guys are pretty close to coming back to the Commission to bring it forward and. 00:33:41
And to present it. 00:33:45
So they've been doing fantastic work. 00:33:47
So thank you all for the extra work you've been doing. 00:33:49
I I. 00:33:53
Personally, I would like to present it to the City Council and. 00:33:54
If nothing else at least gets their endorsement of it, whether or not it goes anywhere. 00:34:00
Beyond that, we'll see. 00:34:05
Chief. 00:34:11
Commander. 00:34:12
Directly go any comments? 00:34:13
You have. 00:34:16
No. 00:34:17
OK, that is the end of our agenda adjournment at. 00:34:18
434. 00:34:22
Thank you. Thank you all. Thanks. 00:34:23
Thanks all. 00:34:25
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