No Bookmarks Exist.
OK. Hi. I'd like to call this meeting to order the Recreation Board regular meeting Thursday, October 22nd. It looks like it's 00:00:00
about 4:02 PM. So we'll start with A roll call, please, Katie. 00:00:07
Chair Goldsmith here. 00:00:19
Member Tully. 00:00:21
Member Smith. 00:00:24
Member Gamble here and member Wise Booth here. 00:00:27
Thank you. 00:00:32
OK. We'll start with approval of the agenda. 00:00:34
And we have. 00:00:40
A motion to approve the agenda. Please Motion to approve the agenda. 00:00:42
I second that. OK, all in favor, please say aye, aye. OK, Board and staff announcements. Katie, do you want to start us off with 00:00:47
some staff announcements, please? 00:00:54
Yes, I have several announcements and then Public Works Director will have a couple announcements as well. OK, thank you. The 00:01:11
first announcement we want to do is we want to introduce Rebecca. She's sitting here with me today. 00:01:17
Lower that. Sorry. She's sitting here with me today. She's one of our recreation coordinators. She oversaw the Elop summer program 00:01:24
with us today and she'll be assisting me in the meeting. 00:01:28
We'd also like to discuss another congratulation to member Wise Bluth for opening her new business downtown. I got a chance to go 00:01:33
see it. It was so packed, I couldn't even get in. I just had to kind of wave and it looked wonderful. And I can't wait to go back 00:01:39
when there's a tiny less crowd and see what it's all about. So congratulations. 00:01:45
And then we have several program announcements for you. 00:01:52
Summer program evaluations were sent out to all participants or the parents and guardians of our youth participants at the end of 00:01:56
summer. They will remain open until Friday, August 30th at 5:00 PM. So for those who have already filled those out, we wanted to 00:02:02
say thank you. For those that still have those sitting in their inbox, if you want to just fill those out, it only takes a few 00:02:07
minutes time and we are reading each and every one of them and we'll be using them for future programming. 00:02:13
And then we'll bring those results as well to a future board meeting. 00:02:20
Recreation Swim will be open on Saturdays through September 28th, so those new September dates went up there on our registration. 00:02:24
So the remaining August dates and the September dates are all on our web page. You can look at those for the swim dates, times the 00:02:30
pre registration, or you can register in person. If you register in person, please just note that it's cash only and we don't have 00:02:36
large chunks of change. 00:02:42
And then a big thank you to our Aquatics Coordinator and our Lifeguard team for making this possible. 00:02:49
Our preschool program has several openings. We do still have 2-3 and five day spaces available. If you're interested, please 00:02:56
contact our recreation coordinator. Elizabeth Cows are at Recreation at 00:03:03
Our Youth Center after School program is now open. It's open for middle school and high school youth. Monday, Tuesday and 00:03:12
Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 to 6:00. Thursday from 2:00 to 6:00. 00:03:17
August and November are fall preview months and they're open on a drop in basis. You can just come on by, We don't. You don't need 00:03:23
to do paperwork or payment during those months. There are preview months. We'd love to see as many people as possible. Please note 00:03:29
that the program will be closed on August 22nd and August 27th as our rec staff will be at both of the PGMS and PGA High School 00:03:35
Open House days. 00:03:41
Our Youth Center Program survey is when it's launched today, so we're seeking valuable feedback to help us improve our 00:03:48
programming. The survey will only take a couple minutes to complete, and it's crucial in shaping our programs moving forward. The 00:03:56
survey opened today at 12:00 PM and closes Friday, September 20th at 5:00 PM. The link can be found on the first part of our web 00:04:03
page and rec staff will be available tonight at the middle School Back to School night and then on next week at the high school. 00:04:10
As well, they'll have a table and they have a link right there. So if you're having to be a parent or a guardian, you're going 00:04:18
past or a youth and you're there, you can click right on the little scan feature take. It takes about like literally maybe 2 00:04:22
minutes. 00:04:26
And then our fall programming is open. Our follow up programming registration, almost all of it was open starting back in May. We 00:04:31
have added a few updated classes. A full list of those classes and the programs are available in the City Manager's report that 00:04:37
will be published tomorrow as well as our online catalog. You can view all of them there. The first Kids Night Out event for 00:04:43
September and our fall Break camp information were also released today as well. 00:04:49
And we have several special events that are occurring between now and our next Rec Board meeting. The last EDC concert put on by 00:04:56
the Economic Development Committee will be September 6th. Walk with Pride, put on by PG Pride, which is a fundraiser to support 00:05:02
the classrooms, is September 21st. The Butterfly Parade will be October 5th, and then the Sunset Celebration, Butterfly Days and 00:05:09
the Croquet Tournament put on by PG Heritage Society will also be October 5th through 6th. 00:05:15
And that's the end of my announcements. Thank you. 00:05:24
Thank you very much. Did you say that public Works Director Dan Go would like to go next? Yes, please. Thank you, Chair Goldsmith. 00:05:27
I just, it's just my pleasure to announce that the First off, thank you for allowing me to be a president at the meeting via Zoom 00:05:36
today. But also it's my pleasure to announce that the playground at George Washington Park construction commenced today. 00:05:44
So we should see that starting in maybe or being concluded in about a month. They were putting up the temporary fencing today. So 00:05:54
it was just the fencing staff. I anticipate touching base with the installers tomorrow or Monday and really determining how long 00:06:00
it's going to take. I think a month or so depending upon delivery of the apparatuses as wanted to announce that to the group. So 00:06:06
thank you very much. 00:06:13
Thank you. That was that's great news. 00:06:21
Any of you have any announcements that you'd like to make? 00:06:29
Yeah, I have an announcement. I. 00:06:35
Due to my new business venture, I regret that I will not be able to serve on the rec board coming after this meeting. It's been 00:06:38
such an honor and I'm sorry it's been a short, a short stint for me. I do hope that in the future I'll be able to come back. It's 00:06:47
just a really, really, really busy time for me and especially on Thursdays, as it turns out. So thank you and. 00:06:55
And this does not I, I continue to. 00:07:05
I will continue to work with the Rec Board on the Community Input Day as a sort of public, public person liaison. 00:07:09
So thank you everybody. 00:07:18
Well, thank you for that. We're going to miss you very much. The opportunities for you to come back in the future, hopefully I 00:07:20
have a few announcements. 00:07:25
I received an e-mail update from our city manager, Mr. Morganson regarding the Morrisville tennis courts and he said a quote for 00:07:30
soundproof fencing around the the pickleball court has been received. But figures for a quote for repainting and re striping the 00:07:38
tennis courts is still pending. And add a little clarification to this item. The far tennis court is the one that we're talking 00:07:45
about. It has been, it's currently being used for. 00:07:53
Ball, but it's going to be restriped in such a way that they'll actually be three pickleball courts on this one, one court. And 00:08:00
this court would also have the soundproofing fencing installed to reduce noise to the residents around the the court. The tennis 00:08:09
courts adjacent to the pickleball court will be restriped. There was one right next to it and that'll be for tennis only. 00:08:17
In addition, there will be striped pickleball courts at the PG High School. 00:08:26
And the adult school will conduct their classes at the high school location starting in September. 00:08:31
The other update I have is from Amy Colony. There was a meeting today about the Chinese Pavilion project. 00:08:37
Amy is an administrative analyst at Public Works and she outlined some of the next steps. City staff is going to promote 00:08:46
fundraising materials on all city platforms, including City Manager report, city website, and social media for the Chinese 00:08:54
Pavilion. Then she is also going to be involved in a physical signage that'll be posted at, I believe the Park Elmarie **** to 00:09:01
provide information and also to let people know how they might want to participate. 00:09:08
Donate. 00:09:16
Monterey Bay Chinese Association is organizing a fundraising banquet October 5th at Chef Lee's restaurant. This will also be 00:09:18
promoted by City of PG. 00:09:24
And finally, the architect for the project will do an on-site physical assessment and develop detailed construction plans. Final 00:09:30
design will be presented to boards and commissions for approval. And that completes my report. 00:09:38
So at this time, we'll go out for general public comment. 00:09:48
General public comment must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the City and the Recreation Board that are not on the 00:09:54
regular agenda. Comments from the public will be limited to three minutes and will not receive Recreation Board action. Comments 00:10:00
regarding items on the regular agenda shall be heard prior to Recreation Board consideration of such items at the time such items 00:10:06
are called. 00:10:12
Whenever possible, written correspondence should be submitted to the Recreation Board in advance of the meeting to provide 00:10:18
adequate time for its consideration. 00:10:23
So do we have any public comments? 00:10:28
And. 00:10:32
Thanks Corinne and other board members. 00:10:40
I'm Charles Cha, the one sponsor actually working on the Chinese Pavilion. 00:10:45
On behalf of a monetary Bay Chinese association and together paneling with city of PG and I'm glad the city of PG and also the 00:10:52
support from the recreation board from Corinne and all the others and where supported has been approved. And we're being kick off 00:11:01
the fundraising campaign finally and we have a good start and we have setting up the. 00:11:11
Donation level level for $500 will be your friends and let me see if the others and. 00:11:21
Other $1000 and $5000 and five 5000 dollars $10,000 saying $50,000 so the $50 on the top is the petrol 10,000 it's a sponsor level 00:11:32
and. 00:11:41
I think it's a supporter. I'm not sure the. 00:11:52
What's the Let me give me a second here. 00:11:56
OK. 00:12:00
We're working on. 00:12:05
These actually will be showing and be supportive for 5000 and benefactor for 1000. 00:12:07
And so and we have all the various people are committed to different levels and we're also going after fundraising banquet at 00:12:17
shift Lee October 5th and we're still planning and maybe we sync up or to maybe have auction and people are interested or more 00:12:25
there can go. 00:12:33
Buy the tickets or confirm the ticket. The fundraising ticket will be $100 per person. 00:12:42
And can be contact me or Rachel Ma from NBCA and continue to look forward to work with city of PG and everybody and hope next year 00:12:49
the mid mid autumn festival we can have there at the Chinese pavilion there. 00:12:59
Thank you. Thank you. 00:13:11
Are there public comments please? And there are not online None. OK I neglected item 4. Council is on announcements. 00:13:19
But I don't believe Nyx is Nick Smith here. 00:13:31
OK. 00:13:36
So our liaison is absent today. 00:13:39
We also received written public comment and that was from Carmelita Garcia. It had to do with one of our agenda items and. 00:13:42
She had written to us about the wreck trail, whether that could be included in our Parks Day survey. 00:13:53
Next item is approval of the minutes. Do we have any changes or corrections to the minutes? 00:14:04
If not, I. 00:14:11
Need a motion? 00:14:13
I motion that we approve the minutes. 00:14:15
Thank you. I second all in favor. Please say aye aye. 00:14:18
OK, starting with our regular agenda item 7A. 00:14:27
I think a little background information on this. On July 9th I attended a meeting of all the City board chairpersons, PG, City 00:14:40
Manager and the Mayor to discuss a process to better communicate with the city City Council those proposals and recommendations 00:14:47
that originate within the different commissions. 00:14:53
The consensus of the meeting seemed to be that Commission meeting minutes do not serve as the best means to communicate the work 00:15:01
and issues being discussed at the board level. Minutes are often months late and being forwarded to the City Council members and 00:15:08
may be incomplete, or issues may be discussed with how to formal recommendation commissions. Commissioners might vote on a 00:15:15
recommendation to be forward to the City Council, but lose track of that item afterwards. 00:15:22
So the form that's being introduced today for use by City Commission's formalizes the process whereby the Rec Board as well as 00:15:29
other commissions and task force can bring their recommendations to the City Council for consideration. 00:15:36
Recommendations may include policy work efforts and city resource allocation. 00:15:44
The process as follows is Rec Board approves a recommendation via an agenda item and a vote by the commissioners. 00:15:51
The chair documents the recommendation in the recommendation form, which was part of the agenda package, and there's an example of 00:16:00
that form. The chair and council liaison discuss the next steps, such as placement on City Council agenda or referral back to the 00:16:07
Commission, or identification of issues that could preclude implementation. 00:16:14
Examples of recommendations to the City Council, new and or revised programs, studies, policies, public notices, public meetings 00:16:22
and workshops, and expenditures. Implementation may require legal review and concurrence by the PG City Manager. 00:16:31
And one more suggestion, I believe this was by the mayor that came out of this July 9th meeting, was that when an item is 00:16:42
forwarded to City Council and put on the meeting agenda, it's a value to have a Commission chairperson or Commission members 00:16:48
present at that City Council meeting. 00:16:54
And that concludes my report. Are there any, I guess we need to go out to public comment 1st and then we can discuss it? 00:17:00
And thank you to our City manager for. 00:17:10
Providing this outline. 00:17:13
There are no hands raised online. 00:17:19
Have you had a chance to take a look and any questions or? 00:17:23
Thoughts. Seems like a great idea. 00:17:29
Means, yeah, that that's what I would have to say as well. It does. It really does. For better communication is really key. 00:17:32
Yeah, I think this is going to be very valuable for our Commission, especially because we have a couple of things even on the 00:17:40
agenda today that would be something that we might use this form. 00:17:46
Hey. 00:17:52
Next item on our agenda. 00:17:59
As we're moving along here. 00:18:03
Is recommendation to City Council for CIP projects? Turn that over to Ashley. 00:18:08
Just for some some background, there were some there are items that were on the. 00:18:21
That we had recommended as as a board for capital improvement projects that did not get approved by City Council and we were told 00:18:29
last month by both Dango and. 00:18:39
Nick Smith that we had another opportunity to present those items to City Council. So I thought it would be a good idea if we 00:18:50
discussed those items that we had already recommended and. 00:18:59
My understanding is we would need to make a motion to recommend these items again. 00:19:10
To for confer further consideration. 00:19:18
So I know one of them was the George Washington stormwater improvements. 00:19:23
And that is something I know is really important for the for proper drainage of the George Washington baseball field, so. 00:19:31
My understanding is the way it works is Cynics sits at a little, the Cynics Ave. sits at a little higher elevation. And if you 00:19:44
look at George Washington Park, you'll see that there's a barrier wall and then there's a a drop down and then there's the ball 00:19:53
field. And so when it rains, it creates tons of rain water that pours into the baseball field and. 00:20:01
So kids, obviously, they can't play while it's raining. 00:20:11
But because of this issue, they can't play for days sometimes after it rains. And they're, I know there are several ballparks in 00:20:14
Pacific Grove, but there's actually they're in such high demand. So the softball PG High softball team uses Muni, as does the 00:20:21
Bronco division, the Mustang division, and the Pinto division of PG Pony. So really when one ballpark is out of use, it causes 00:20:29
rescheduling and all kinds of issues. So. 00:20:36
I think that it would be a great idea if we invested at the city, invested in dealing with this storm water. I know PG Pony has 00:20:44
tried so many times to deal with the situation, but I think that it's it's a bigger issue and I think it's. 00:20:53
Sometimes projects like this that are. 00:21:03
Like don't seem that exciting because it's not like new shiny playground equipment and something that we can like drive by and 00:21:07
see. Like yes, we, we made that happen. So this is one of those like invisible projects, but it's really, really important because 00:21:15
it hinders play and, and that's unfortunate. There's obviously a huge desire in this town for. 00:21:22
For kids to play some baseball in this the because of the storm water issue, it's preventing them from from doing that. So I think 00:21:32
it would be. 00:21:36
Great if we would recommend to the city. 00:21:41
That the storm water project is financed. 00:21:46
He wouldn't go out for public comment. 00:21:59
There are no hands raised online. OK, OK. Well, thank you, Ashley. I am in complete agreement with you. 00:22:09
What's the use of having a wonderful baseball diamond if it can't be utilized? And you know, one of our goals as a community, as a 00:22:19
rec board and also as a city is to expand recreational use. 00:22:26
I would add to that, I understand that with the Morris Dill tennis courts, we might need some additional monies also for 00:22:35
pickleball, so. 00:22:41
It would be my recommendation that we put two of these four for the September meeting. I know parks and open space plan is. 00:22:47
Probably a bigger project. I don't know if the funds would be available for that because we, we were just kind of not sure what a 00:22:58
consultant would charge. But I, I do recall that Dan Go said like 60 or 70,000. So it's, it's obviously a very huge expenditure. 00:23:07
It might be something we want to hold off on till next year. Also it'll give us an opportunity to our parks day, so. 00:23:16
Is there any agreement on this and? 00:23:26
I guess my other question would be then this would probably be two projects that I would. 00:23:29
If we agree on these and vote on these, that I will then reach out to our liaison and make sure that this gets on the agenda for 00:23:35
September, right. It's too bad that that Jay totally isn't here tonight because I know he was really the the champion behind the 00:23:44
parks and open space plan. So I wish he could speak about that more. I also think that that is a great project. 00:23:53
To and. 00:24:03
I mean, I would love for both of those to be funded in terms of pickleball. 00:24:07
I wasn't sure how this worked. I had thought that it would that we could recommend these two items. I doubt we can add an item 00:24:14
right to at this point from for capital improvement money to go into pickleball is. 00:24:22
That's a good question. I don't know if Katie would have the answer to that. We had formal recommendations for CIP projects in the 00:24:30
spring. 00:24:35
They didn't get funded. 00:24:39
Are we hindered from adding another CIP project that we're originating today and voting on? 00:24:43
My understanding was that it was projects that had already been put forward and they were reconsidering adding projects we could 00:24:50
confirm with Public Works Director. OK, Dan, are you able to confirm for us? 00:24:56
Members of the recreation board, obviously we have information pertaining to the CIP items that had already been submitted 00:25:07
previously, so it makes it easier, But if there's a recommendation to have the City Council consider a new project, I think that 00:25:14
that's something that could be brought forward. 00:25:21
OK. Because we were just made aware that there would be or could be a funding issue with actually doing that restriping for the 00:25:29
tennis court. 00:25:34
And also if we're just bringing back two CIP projects that were? 00:25:41
Important to the Rec board before that we submitted to the City Council. Do we have to use this new form or is it simply a matter 00:25:48
of resubmission? 00:25:53
In September the cleanest way and the way to receive the the most attention, I would say would have used the new form and submit 00:25:59
it that way. I mean everybody's going to be looking for that right So they're going to see it and it's going to stand out. It's 00:26:07
already anticipated that myself and the city manager will be discussing any associated. 00:26:15
Cost with the restriping of the pickleball. So that's on our radar and we anticipate bringing that forward already. 00:26:24
So if you wanted to submit the drainage and the open plan, I think that's something that would be ideal and prime for this new 00:26:33
format. 00:26:37
All right. Thank you for that. 00:26:44
I think I I just like to add that I. 00:26:48
I fully support both of those and and to Jay's sort of the general plan update, as as important as I think it is, I think that 00:26:52
actionable items that, you know, there's a lot to be said for perception and that the public sees forward momentum is is really 00:27:00
important right now. So I support absolutely for the George Washington and pickleball. 00:27:08
CIP projects. 00:27:17
Would you like to make? Would anybody like to make a motion? 00:27:22
I would but I'm slightly confused. So are we? 00:27:26
Are we putting so we can add pickleball in there? 00:27:29
As well. Or is. 00:27:36
Are we thinking that that needs to go, needs to be a new item of next year? 00:27:39
I think we should add pickleball now. 00:27:47
Do it. I would like to. 00:27:49
To to fund that. 00:27:53
The George Washington. 00:27:59
Storm water improvements and as well as the parks and open space plan and the pickleball. 00:28:01
Restriping and fencing, is that if the soundproof fencing is that part of this or is that something that was I'm not sure. OK, but 00:28:12
but that project yes, yeah, improvements. Should we just say it worded as improvements to the pickleball courts? OK, I would 00:28:18
specify if you don't mind being objecting and I apologize for just interjecting here, but I would specify it as the more still 00:28:25
tennis sports. 00:28:31
The official name because we're looking at also potentially doing some. 00:28:39
A crack filling of the courts and so on and so forth. 00:28:43
OK. Thank you. I appreciate it. So your recommendation is to to say that more still court improvements just so I have it correct. 00:28:48
OK, thank you. 00:28:53
Thank you for that motion. Do we have a second? 00:29:02
OK, all in favor, please vote aye aye aye. 00:29:06
OK, that passes. Thank you. And so I will go ahead and work with our liaison and get the paperwork together so that can be 00:29:10
submitted for the September meeting. Thank you very much. 00:29:17
So the last item on our agenda is the community outreach plan update and there was a subcommittee with Jay Tully and with Hamina 00:29:34
Waste Bluth and Amina is going to provide that report for us. Thank you. Thank you, Chair Goldsmith. So as you may recall, we 00:29:42
discussed having. 00:29:50
A hosting really a community input day where? 00:30:00
The different board members would go to. 00:30:03
Different parks on one day we had proposed September 28th and we'd sort of each select two parks throughout 10:00 AM to about noon 00:30:11
and then I'll meet back up at lovers Point for sort of a picnic and volleyball game with the idea the intention of of community 00:30:18
interaction and. 00:30:25
Bringing the community more into the fold of the works that the programs that we offer as a city. 00:30:33
The existence of the recreation board and what we do and and just getting some more community involvement and engagement. 00:30:40
And when we met, I'm going to cut sort of straight to the chase we did. 00:30:50
Say that we're considering a postponement of the date of the 28th for a couple of reasons. We had originally planned the 28th is 00:30:55
the best option. The weather would be nice, schools back in session. It's before Butterfly parade and before October break. And 00:31:02
this looked good in theory, but we realized that it might be a bit too ambitious in two critical arenas, and that's organizational 00:31:09
and promotional. 00:31:15
Organizationally setting up the survey and one thing and I I wanted to ask Katie about the surveys that you have recently sent out 00:31:24
and we don't want to be redundant and we want to make sure that we I. 00:31:30
We really fine tune the survey to capture the the detailed and general important information that we'd like to to the data that 00:31:37
we'd like to get from everyone. 00:31:43
And then? 00:31:50
Contacting the businesses around Lovers Point regarding picnic donations, discounts, etcetera. That's going to take some time. 00:31:53
Honestly deciding which board members take which parks and, and, and then the board members going to those parks ahead of time and 00:32:01
really taking an observational view with the idea of a surveillance mind and people. And so that's going to take some time people 00:32:08
coming and and discussing the amenities at the park. So with that. 00:32:15
I'm also taking some time and importantly, working with the city staff and City Council will be critical for allocating, possibly 00:32:23
allocating resources and and staff time perhaps and even a small amount of funding at some point. 00:32:31
And then finally, as board members meeting with the public, we'll have to understand our parameters in complying with the Brown 00:32:40
Act, and this might even involve discussions with the city attorney. So this is a new thing that we're doing. 00:32:46
And then I'll say on a personal note, on the promotional level, we really want to get the buzz going. And as many of you know, 00:32:53
with starting hops and fog and having it take so many years to actually get underway, what has really been inspiring is how many 00:33:00
people have come in saying we've been waiting, waiting, waiting for this. We're really excited about it and it's sort of in the 00:33:06
same vein. 00:33:13
We're talking about doing it in the spring and really get the buzz going. 00:33:21
To get as much input as possible from all the different demographics. So there's a lot to be said for anticipation and not rush 00:33:25
this to try and do it in September because there's so much foundational work that we do think needs to be done from a successful 00:33:30
event. 00:33:35
And we talked about this being like the first annual PG Parks and Rec Picnic Community Input day, right, right. Like, so if we 00:33:42
want to do that, it has to be really well thought through. So it would behoove us to create fun buzz around it. And that can only 00:33:48
happen with time. 00:33:54
Another aspect and and commissioner totally just this morning sent me some links to we would not be the only city doing this and 00:34:02
he sent me a link to Austin, TX biannual event called It's My Park day in which it's actually a community LED day of service where 00:34:09
they work to improve parks and open spaces and build community through these projects like tree mulching and invasive species 00:34:16
management. 00:34:23
Kinds of things, so we could combine it to make it that, as well as looking at the park so it's more interactive. 00:34:30
And at some point we can discuss with Commissioner Smith about adding this to the middle school and high school service days to 00:34:38
bring out that young demographic that we're really trying to get at as well and hear their voices about our parks. 00:34:45
Therefore, we would like to offer a mid to late spring option with an exact date to be determined and in the meantime that each 00:34:54
rec board. 00:35:00
Between now and then we could update you or you could be updated on the different steps as we go, as we get towards the the the 00:35:07
day and then we would ask that in the next couple of weeks before the September board meeting. 00:35:15
There's a couple of action items, very simple ones, and that would be that each board member. 00:35:25
Sort of rank orders, the preference of parks that they would like to take and the parks to be clear, include like the Community 00:35:33
Center as well as the youth center. 00:35:37
They'd be most interested in hosting a. 00:35:43
And then honestly, suggestions for best weekends sometime in the spring when we get to back to to nice warm weather again. We'd 00:35:47
love to make this a super. 00:35:53
Successful sort of joyful event I. 00:36:00
And, and I think the best way is, is to to spend more time organizing it and especially promoting it and getting the buzz going on 00:36:04
social media and working with staff to create the Flyers and the survey will will certainly take that amount of time. I. 00:36:13
And I think I'll conclude with that I. 00:36:23
Yeah. So I think that's that's our idea is to make it happen, make it happen. Well, make it happen in the spring and and continue 00:36:29
working with the staff to to promote it. 00:36:35
OK. Thank you for that. Do you have any public comment on this item? 00:36:43
No hands are raised online. OK, thank you. Take that back then to our Commission. 00:36:55
Ashley, did you have any comments? No. OK. OK. So the subcommittee. 00:37:02
Has outlined a process for us, but is now their recommendation that we don't do it September 28th, that because of the amount of 00:37:09
detail and planning we should do this in the spring. So thank you for that recommendation. I have a couple of questions. 00:37:21
And I guess maybe Katie or Dan if he's still on the line can answer that, but maybe Katie can staff needs. Do we have to have one 00:37:35
staff person all right, For instance, if I'm doing. 00:37:43
Three different parks or we're doing 3 different parks at once or five different parks at once. And it's Commission member at each 00:37:51
park. We all have sort of our outline of what it is we're going to discuss. We have our survey questions, we're there to answer 00:37:57
questions, meet and greet the public. 00:38:04
Do we need one staff person at each of those five parks? And then we go on to the next park and that staff person would then 00:38:11
follow us. 00:38:14
What are the, what are the staff needs? I mean, we can't, can we just go out and do this ourselves or do we need to have staff 00:38:21
people with us in attendance? 00:38:25
Chair Goldsmith, I don't have an answer for you on that right now. I think I would. We would need to see how it looks and then 00:38:32
present it to our City Attorney's office to gain confirmation on compliance with the Brown Act, if that's even necessary, if it 00:38:39
sounds like maybe not all of the board members would be present at a single location at a single time. 00:38:47
So that's something I would have to confirm with our city attorney when we when we figured out exactly how the day looked. 00:38:56
If that makes sense. 00:39:06
OK, so yes, so I'm gonna let Nina ask her question in a minute. But just to follow up, for instance, if you saw the report, and 00:39:08
I'm sure you have it said, for instance, 10:50 Municipal Field, Arnett, George Washington Caterpillar Community Center and Coastal 00:39:16
Trail. So assuming there's five, you know, commissioners, we could each because we're gonna, we're gonna be prepared. So we're 00:39:23
gonna, we're all going to be on the same format of the information. 00:39:31
Information that we're providing so that we have some uniformity. So if we're at 5 different parks, is it anticipated that would 00:39:39
that be the question you would ask the city attorney whether there had to be a staff person at each of those locations in 00:39:45
attendance with a commissioner? 00:39:52
Or would you just ask city attorney whether commissioners can handle this by themselves without having staff present? 00:40:00
I'll be honest with you, there would be a struggle to get five staff members to come in on a Saturday like that to be present with 00:40:10
everybody. I would anticipate myself with being there and if Katie's available, she would be able to be present. But I have a 00:40:18
question for you and this is something that we would like to work with you as we move forward and prepared this day. 00:40:26
Is what if there was a member of the public that wanted to attend all five of those locations, but you're doing it within the hour 00:40:35
and they that's the logistically that's going to be a difficult task. 00:40:40
So I think I would respond that. 00:40:47
We're creating this, the setup or the system, this procedure as is and they would have to choose or they could go for half an hour 00:40:52
to 1/2 an hour to the other. We obviously can't. 00:40:58
You know. 00:41:07
That would, that would, you know, require us doing this for several weekends. We have our limitations as well. So this is how 00:41:08
we're starting off. And, and again, first annual, it could be refined over the years. It's sort of a community gathering, a 00:41:16
community input day. And so we didn't envision needing staff members. We saw it as fairly sort of informal again. 00:41:25
As as Colleen said with. 00:41:35
You know our clipboards and our sort of questionnaire and open to discussion and interaction and then all gather down at lovers 00:41:37
afterwards. But hopefully we would not need actual staff. 00:41:44
And and that's just the way it would be laid out is 10:50 and then 11:00 to 12:15 make it easier for transportation from 1 Park to 00:41:53
another. 00:41:58
Yeah, there's there's one other thing that we could do. 00:42:06
Dan, And that is there's possibility that we could try to team up with one of the other commissions. Maybe the NRC would be 00:42:10
interested in doing this because it also relates to natural resources in the city. That would give us a little more flexibility in 00:42:17
terms of, you know, having better coverage. 00:42:24
Instead of then being a shorter just during the morning, it could almost be an all day thing with with better coverage of the 00:42:33
parks. But I mean that's something that has to be worked out. I don't even know if that's feasible. 00:42:39
But again, I'm planning, I guess my question just was, you know, whether we were required to have staff on site with us or whether 00:42:46
because the city is promoting this and will help with sending out the questionnaire and publicizing this event, whether we needed 00:42:53
to have staff people on site. 00:43:00
And I, I understand that this will probably be something that you're going to have to follow up with, you know, city attorney, 00:43:08
city manager, you know, for some clarification. And that can be done over the next several months too, as we're refining, you 00:43:12
know. 00:43:17
Sort of our game plan for this, that's correct. And I'm very I'm going to start to broach the idea with them. 00:43:23
I would say staff members present at the facilities for sure because somebody's going to need to open and close those facilities 00:43:29
after the event and so on and so forth. So the parks are one thing right, 'cause they're anybody can go to the park, but it like 00:43:35
the facilities. 00:43:41
We would have to make sure that they get properly opened up and then secured afterwards. 00:43:48
OK. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for that clarification. Yeah. So, but that's something that we could, we 00:43:55
could continue to refine as we work through this process and I look forward to working with the group to do that. 00:44:02
OK. One other question, the survey questions. 00:44:11
Do you have any recommendations on that in terms of kind of the general questions that were formatted for community input or are 00:44:17
you thinking of going in another direction and would like to see? 00:44:25
More or less in this survey, I would like to take the survey and, and Katie and I have discussed this and Katie might be able to 00:44:34
elaborate a little bit and ensure that we don't have redundancy with the surveys that Katie's already put out. You know, I talked 00:44:42
to Deputy Director Halaby about the survey questions that were provided and a lot of them are very similar to. 00:44:50
The 2018 survey that we put out and were to the mind where we already have that survey. 00:45:00
That was generated in 2018 when we did that complete wreck assessment and we could almost clear that and resend that out. And I 00:45:06
think that would be a really good Ave. That really hits home with all of the questions that basically were asked in the survey 00:45:12
that was provided to us, though it elaborates a little bit more on the programming and it's set up a little bit more user 00:45:19
friendly. 00:45:25
Right off the bat, because we have it ready to go and I, that's my. 00:45:32
My opinion that maybe we should just work with the subcommittee or the group, the rec board in general, and figure out how we 00:45:36
could tailor the 2018 survey to meet our 2024 goals and launch that. It was a good survey and we got a lot of respondents. I think 00:45:43
we had like 700 at one point. 00:45:50
OK, Thank you. I think that's an excellent idea. That's an excellent idea. Yeah, I appreciate that. We could we could launch that 00:45:59
through our mechanisms that we used in 2018 and and gather that information. I. 00:46:07
Where you're not having an individual put it together, but it's generated, you know, through the software, right, The responses 00:46:16
and stuff. 00:46:20
I think that's the way we should go. 00:46:25
And we can we can work on that and bring it forward to a future rec board meeting. 00:46:28
Excellent. Much appreciated. Yeah, OK. 00:46:34
And the only other thing I saw the request that maybe we can get some of the local restaurants involved which? 00:46:39
I think pops and fog is going to be a great place to end up. I think so too, but I think that's a good idea as well. 00:46:49
I also think that, you know, maybe I could check in with the Chamber and see if there is any interest by RPG Chamber and how they 00:46:58
might want to help support this project. 00:47:05
If we're talking about next spring, I think that's where public works really can give us some data back because. 00:47:14
I know that public works recreation department gets really busy and all of a sudden you're going to be doing a lot of other things 00:47:23
and this will be just a little bit too much to be added to the schedule. So Katie, do you have some ideas kind of knowing what the 00:47:31
annual calendar is like? When would be a good time to maybe hold this, not wanting to do it during the rainy season, but a spring 00:47:38
date. I think ideally we're talking about when, when school is still in session so that families are here. 00:47:45
But yes, I would totally defer to you on when would be. 00:47:53
And we? 00:47:59
We are in the process right now of planning out and mapping out all of the rest of the next year all the way through the end of 00:48:00
next summer. Spring is our typical really, really busy season because it's the lead up to summer with all the planning and staff 00:48:07
hiring. This year we hired we had 47 part time staff members and so all that takes quite a lot of time for all of our staff 00:48:15
including the programming we're running. But we could look at sometimes our dates that would kind of fit in with that. 00:48:22
Bring that back to the next meeting. OK, that would that would be excellent. Let's plan on that for the next meeting. 00:48:30
Looking at the calendar, some dates that could possibly work. I would suggest also that we make sure we review our special events 00:48:38
calendar and make sure that we don't have a large event or something that's occurring in town on the weekend that we want to do 00:48:44
it, you know, so that's going to be a competing interest. 00:48:51
Certainly. 00:48:59
Thank you. 00:49:01
OK. Well, thank you for. 00:49:07
That report. 00:49:09
I think that this is just something that's going to be continued. It's an ongoing project. And thank you for offering to be our 00:49:12
public movement. Absolutely, I'm in, I'm 100% in. 00:49:18
Do we have anything else that we need to discuss? I don't think there's anything else on the agenda. 00:49:27
We have no further public comments. OK. Well, thank you everyone for your attendance and this meeting is adjourned. 00:49:37
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OK. Hi. I'd like to call this meeting to order the Recreation Board regular meeting Thursday, October 22nd. It looks like it's 00:00:00
about 4:02 PM. So we'll start with A roll call, please, Katie. 00:00:07
Chair Goldsmith here. 00:00:19
Member Tully. 00:00:21
Member Smith. 00:00:24
Member Gamble here and member Wise Booth here. 00:00:27
Thank you. 00:00:32
OK. We'll start with approval of the agenda. 00:00:34
And we have. 00:00:40
A motion to approve the agenda. Please Motion to approve the agenda. 00:00:42
I second that. OK, all in favor, please say aye, aye. OK, Board and staff announcements. Katie, do you want to start us off with 00:00:47
some staff announcements, please? 00:00:54
Yes, I have several announcements and then Public Works Director will have a couple announcements as well. OK, thank you. The 00:01:11
first announcement we want to do is we want to introduce Rebecca. She's sitting here with me today. 00:01:17
Lower that. Sorry. She's sitting here with me today. She's one of our recreation coordinators. She oversaw the Elop summer program 00:01:24
with us today and she'll be assisting me in the meeting. 00:01:28
We'd also like to discuss another congratulation to member Wise Bluth for opening her new business downtown. I got a chance to go 00:01:33
see it. It was so packed, I couldn't even get in. I just had to kind of wave and it looked wonderful. And I can't wait to go back 00:01:39
when there's a tiny less crowd and see what it's all about. So congratulations. 00:01:45
And then we have several program announcements for you. 00:01:52
Summer program evaluations were sent out to all participants or the parents and guardians of our youth participants at the end of 00:01:56
summer. They will remain open until Friday, August 30th at 5:00 PM. So for those who have already filled those out, we wanted to 00:02:02
say thank you. For those that still have those sitting in their inbox, if you want to just fill those out, it only takes a few 00:02:07
minutes time and we are reading each and every one of them and we'll be using them for future programming. 00:02:13
And then we'll bring those results as well to a future board meeting. 00:02:20
Recreation Swim will be open on Saturdays through September 28th, so those new September dates went up there on our registration. 00:02:24
So the remaining August dates and the September dates are all on our web page. You can look at those for the swim dates, times the 00:02:30
pre registration, or you can register in person. If you register in person, please just note that it's cash only and we don't have 00:02:36
large chunks of change. 00:02:42
And then a big thank you to our Aquatics Coordinator and our Lifeguard team for making this possible. 00:02:49
Our preschool program has several openings. We do still have 2-3 and five day spaces available. If you're interested, please 00:02:56
contact our recreation coordinator. Elizabeth Cows are at Recreation at 00:03:03
Our Youth Center after School program is now open. It's open for middle school and high school youth. Monday, Tuesday and 00:03:12
Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 to 6:00. Thursday from 2:00 to 6:00. 00:03:17
August and November are fall preview months and they're open on a drop in basis. You can just come on by, We don't. You don't need 00:03:23
to do paperwork or payment during those months. There are preview months. We'd love to see as many people as possible. Please note 00:03:29
that the program will be closed on August 22nd and August 27th as our rec staff will be at both of the PGMS and PGA High School 00:03:35
Open House days. 00:03:41
Our Youth Center Program survey is when it's launched today, so we're seeking valuable feedback to help us improve our 00:03:48
programming. The survey will only take a couple minutes to complete, and it's crucial in shaping our programs moving forward. The 00:03:56
survey opened today at 12:00 PM and closes Friday, September 20th at 5:00 PM. The link can be found on the first part of our web 00:04:03
page and rec staff will be available tonight at the middle School Back to School night and then on next week at the high school. 00:04:10
As well, they'll have a table and they have a link right there. So if you're having to be a parent or a guardian, you're going 00:04:18
past or a youth and you're there, you can click right on the little scan feature take. It takes about like literally maybe 2 00:04:22
minutes. 00:04:26
And then our fall programming is open. Our follow up programming registration, almost all of it was open starting back in May. We 00:04:31
have added a few updated classes. A full list of those classes and the programs are available in the City Manager's report that 00:04:37
will be published tomorrow as well as our online catalog. You can view all of them there. The first Kids Night Out event for 00:04:43
September and our fall Break camp information were also released today as well. 00:04:49
And we have several special events that are occurring between now and our next Rec Board meeting. The last EDC concert put on by 00:04:56
the Economic Development Committee will be September 6th. Walk with Pride, put on by PG Pride, which is a fundraiser to support 00:05:02
the classrooms, is September 21st. The Butterfly Parade will be October 5th, and then the Sunset Celebration, Butterfly Days and 00:05:09
the Croquet Tournament put on by PG Heritage Society will also be October 5th through 6th. 00:05:15
And that's the end of my announcements. Thank you. 00:05:24
Thank you very much. Did you say that public Works Director Dan Go would like to go next? Yes, please. Thank you, Chair Goldsmith. 00:05:27
I just, it's just my pleasure to announce that the First off, thank you for allowing me to be a president at the meeting via Zoom 00:05:36
today. But also it's my pleasure to announce that the playground at George Washington Park construction commenced today. 00:05:44
So we should see that starting in maybe or being concluded in about a month. They were putting up the temporary fencing today. So 00:05:54
it was just the fencing staff. I anticipate touching base with the installers tomorrow or Monday and really determining how long 00:06:00
it's going to take. I think a month or so depending upon delivery of the apparatuses as wanted to announce that to the group. So 00:06:06
thank you very much. 00:06:13
Thank you. That was that's great news. 00:06:21
Any of you have any announcements that you'd like to make? 00:06:29
Yeah, I have an announcement. I. 00:06:35
Due to my new business venture, I regret that I will not be able to serve on the rec board coming after this meeting. It's been 00:06:38
such an honor and I'm sorry it's been a short, a short stint for me. I do hope that in the future I'll be able to come back. It's 00:06:47
just a really, really, really busy time for me and especially on Thursdays, as it turns out. So thank you and. 00:06:55
And this does not I, I continue to. 00:07:05
I will continue to work with the Rec Board on the Community Input Day as a sort of public, public person liaison. 00:07:09
So thank you everybody. 00:07:18
Well, thank you for that. We're going to miss you very much. The opportunities for you to come back in the future, hopefully I 00:07:20
have a few announcements. 00:07:25
I received an e-mail update from our city manager, Mr. Morganson regarding the Morrisville tennis courts and he said a quote for 00:07:30
soundproof fencing around the the pickleball court has been received. But figures for a quote for repainting and re striping the 00:07:38
tennis courts is still pending. And add a little clarification to this item. The far tennis court is the one that we're talking 00:07:45
about. It has been, it's currently being used for. 00:07:53
Ball, but it's going to be restriped in such a way that they'll actually be three pickleball courts on this one, one court. And 00:08:00
this court would also have the soundproofing fencing installed to reduce noise to the residents around the the court. The tennis 00:08:09
courts adjacent to the pickleball court will be restriped. There was one right next to it and that'll be for tennis only. 00:08:17
In addition, there will be striped pickleball courts at the PG High School. 00:08:26
And the adult school will conduct their classes at the high school location starting in September. 00:08:31
The other update I have is from Amy Colony. There was a meeting today about the Chinese Pavilion project. 00:08:37
Amy is an administrative analyst at Public Works and she outlined some of the next steps. City staff is going to promote 00:08:46
fundraising materials on all city platforms, including City Manager report, city website, and social media for the Chinese 00:08:54
Pavilion. Then she is also going to be involved in a physical signage that'll be posted at, I believe the Park Elmarie **** to 00:09:01
provide information and also to let people know how they might want to participate. 00:09:08
Donate. 00:09:16
Monterey Bay Chinese Association is organizing a fundraising banquet October 5th at Chef Lee's restaurant. This will also be 00:09:18
promoted by City of PG. 00:09:24
And finally, the architect for the project will do an on-site physical assessment and develop detailed construction plans. Final 00:09:30
design will be presented to boards and commissions for approval. And that completes my report. 00:09:38
So at this time, we'll go out for general public comment. 00:09:48
General public comment must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the City and the Recreation Board that are not on the 00:09:54
regular agenda. Comments from the public will be limited to three minutes and will not receive Recreation Board action. Comments 00:10:00
regarding items on the regular agenda shall be heard prior to Recreation Board consideration of such items at the time such items 00:10:06
are called. 00:10:12
Whenever possible, written correspondence should be submitted to the Recreation Board in advance of the meeting to provide 00:10:18
adequate time for its consideration. 00:10:23
So do we have any public comments? 00:10:28
And. 00:10:32
Thanks Corinne and other board members. 00:10:40
I'm Charles Cha, the one sponsor actually working on the Chinese Pavilion. 00:10:45
On behalf of a monetary Bay Chinese association and together paneling with city of PG and I'm glad the city of PG and also the 00:10:52
support from the recreation board from Corinne and all the others and where supported has been approved. And we're being kick off 00:11:01
the fundraising campaign finally and we have a good start and we have setting up the. 00:11:11
Donation level level for $500 will be your friends and let me see if the others and. 00:11:21
Other $1000 and $5000 and five 5000 dollars $10,000 saying $50,000 so the $50 on the top is the petrol 10,000 it's a sponsor level 00:11:32
and. 00:11:41
I think it's a supporter. I'm not sure the. 00:11:52
What's the Let me give me a second here. 00:11:56
OK. 00:12:00
We're working on. 00:12:05
These actually will be showing and be supportive for 5000 and benefactor for 1000. 00:12:07
And so and we have all the various people are committed to different levels and we're also going after fundraising banquet at 00:12:17
shift Lee October 5th and we're still planning and maybe we sync up or to maybe have auction and people are interested or more 00:12:25
there can go. 00:12:33
Buy the tickets or confirm the ticket. The fundraising ticket will be $100 per person. 00:12:42
And can be contact me or Rachel Ma from NBCA and continue to look forward to work with city of PG and everybody and hope next year 00:12:49
the mid mid autumn festival we can have there at the Chinese pavilion there. 00:12:59
Thank you. Thank you. 00:13:11
Are there public comments please? And there are not online None. OK I neglected item 4. Council is on announcements. 00:13:19
But I don't believe Nyx is Nick Smith here. 00:13:31
OK. 00:13:36
So our liaison is absent today. 00:13:39
We also received written public comment and that was from Carmelita Garcia. It had to do with one of our agenda items and. 00:13:42
She had written to us about the wreck trail, whether that could be included in our Parks Day survey. 00:13:53
Next item is approval of the minutes. Do we have any changes or corrections to the minutes? 00:14:04
If not, I. 00:14:11
Need a motion? 00:14:13
I motion that we approve the minutes. 00:14:15
Thank you. I second all in favor. Please say aye aye. 00:14:18
OK, starting with our regular agenda item 7A. 00:14:27
I think a little background information on this. On July 9th I attended a meeting of all the City board chairpersons, PG, City 00:14:40
Manager and the Mayor to discuss a process to better communicate with the city City Council those proposals and recommendations 00:14:47
that originate within the different commissions. 00:14:53
The consensus of the meeting seemed to be that Commission meeting minutes do not serve as the best means to communicate the work 00:15:01
and issues being discussed at the board level. Minutes are often months late and being forwarded to the City Council members and 00:15:08
may be incomplete, or issues may be discussed with how to formal recommendation commissions. Commissioners might vote on a 00:15:15
recommendation to be forward to the City Council, but lose track of that item afterwards. 00:15:22
So the form that's being introduced today for use by City Commission's formalizes the process whereby the Rec Board as well as 00:15:29
other commissions and task force can bring their recommendations to the City Council for consideration. 00:15:36
Recommendations may include policy work efforts and city resource allocation. 00:15:44
The process as follows is Rec Board approves a recommendation via an agenda item and a vote by the commissioners. 00:15:51
The chair documents the recommendation in the recommendation form, which was part of the agenda package, and there's an example of 00:16:00
that form. The chair and council liaison discuss the next steps, such as placement on City Council agenda or referral back to the 00:16:07
Commission, or identification of issues that could preclude implementation. 00:16:14
Examples of recommendations to the City Council, new and or revised programs, studies, policies, public notices, public meetings 00:16:22
and workshops, and expenditures. Implementation may require legal review and concurrence by the PG City Manager. 00:16:31
And one more suggestion, I believe this was by the mayor that came out of this July 9th meeting, was that when an item is 00:16:42
forwarded to City Council and put on the meeting agenda, it's a value to have a Commission chairperson or Commission members 00:16:48
present at that City Council meeting. 00:16:54
And that concludes my report. Are there any, I guess we need to go out to public comment 1st and then we can discuss it? 00:17:00
And thank you to our City manager for. 00:17:10
Providing this outline. 00:17:13
There are no hands raised online. 00:17:19
Have you had a chance to take a look and any questions or? 00:17:23
Thoughts. Seems like a great idea. 00:17:29
Means, yeah, that that's what I would have to say as well. It does. It really does. For better communication is really key. 00:17:32
Yeah, I think this is going to be very valuable for our Commission, especially because we have a couple of things even on the 00:17:40
agenda today that would be something that we might use this form. 00:17:46
Hey. 00:17:52
Next item on our agenda. 00:17:59
As we're moving along here. 00:18:03
Is recommendation to City Council for CIP projects? Turn that over to Ashley. 00:18:08
Just for some some background, there were some there are items that were on the. 00:18:21
That we had recommended as as a board for capital improvement projects that did not get approved by City Council and we were told 00:18:29
last month by both Dango and. 00:18:39
Nick Smith that we had another opportunity to present those items to City Council. So I thought it would be a good idea if we 00:18:50
discussed those items that we had already recommended and. 00:18:59
My understanding is we would need to make a motion to recommend these items again. 00:19:10
To for confer further consideration. 00:19:18
So I know one of them was the George Washington stormwater improvements. 00:19:23
And that is something I know is really important for the for proper drainage of the George Washington baseball field, so. 00:19:31
My understanding is the way it works is Cynics sits at a little, the Cynics Ave. sits at a little higher elevation. And if you 00:19:44
look at George Washington Park, you'll see that there's a barrier wall and then there's a a drop down and then there's the ball 00:19:53
field. And so when it rains, it creates tons of rain water that pours into the baseball field and. 00:20:01
So kids, obviously, they can't play while it's raining. 00:20:11
But because of this issue, they can't play for days sometimes after it rains. And they're, I know there are several ballparks in 00:20:14
Pacific Grove, but there's actually they're in such high demand. So the softball PG High softball team uses Muni, as does the 00:20:21
Bronco division, the Mustang division, and the Pinto division of PG Pony. So really when one ballpark is out of use, it causes 00:20:29
rescheduling and all kinds of issues. So. 00:20:36
I think that it would be a great idea if we invested at the city, invested in dealing with this storm water. I know PG Pony has 00:20:44
tried so many times to deal with the situation, but I think that it's it's a bigger issue and I think it's. 00:20:53
Sometimes projects like this that are. 00:21:03
Like don't seem that exciting because it's not like new shiny playground equipment and something that we can like drive by and 00:21:07
see. Like yes, we, we made that happen. So this is one of those like invisible projects, but it's really, really important because 00:21:15
it hinders play and, and that's unfortunate. There's obviously a huge desire in this town for. 00:21:22
For kids to play some baseball in this the because of the storm water issue, it's preventing them from from doing that. So I think 00:21:32
it would be. 00:21:36
Great if we would recommend to the city. 00:21:41
That the storm water project is financed. 00:21:46
He wouldn't go out for public comment. 00:21:59
There are no hands raised online. OK, OK. Well, thank you, Ashley. I am in complete agreement with you. 00:22:09
What's the use of having a wonderful baseball diamond if it can't be utilized? And you know, one of our goals as a community, as a 00:22:19
rec board and also as a city is to expand recreational use. 00:22:26
I would add to that, I understand that with the Morris Dill tennis courts, we might need some additional monies also for 00:22:35
pickleball, so. 00:22:41
It would be my recommendation that we put two of these four for the September meeting. I know parks and open space plan is. 00:22:47
Probably a bigger project. I don't know if the funds would be available for that because we, we were just kind of not sure what a 00:22:58
consultant would charge. But I, I do recall that Dan Go said like 60 or 70,000. So it's, it's obviously a very huge expenditure. 00:23:07
It might be something we want to hold off on till next year. Also it'll give us an opportunity to our parks day, so. 00:23:16
Is there any agreement on this and? 00:23:26
I guess my other question would be then this would probably be two projects that I would. 00:23:29
If we agree on these and vote on these, that I will then reach out to our liaison and make sure that this gets on the agenda for 00:23:35
September, right. It's too bad that that Jay totally isn't here tonight because I know he was really the the champion behind the 00:23:44
parks and open space plan. So I wish he could speak about that more. I also think that that is a great project. 00:23:53
To and. 00:24:03
I mean, I would love for both of those to be funded in terms of pickleball. 00:24:07
I wasn't sure how this worked. I had thought that it would that we could recommend these two items. I doubt we can add an item 00:24:14
right to at this point from for capital improvement money to go into pickleball is. 00:24:22
That's a good question. I don't know if Katie would have the answer to that. We had formal recommendations for CIP projects in the 00:24:30
spring. 00:24:35
They didn't get funded. 00:24:39
Are we hindered from adding another CIP project that we're originating today and voting on? 00:24:43
My understanding was that it was projects that had already been put forward and they were reconsidering adding projects we could 00:24:50
confirm with Public Works Director. OK, Dan, are you able to confirm for us? 00:24:56
Members of the recreation board, obviously we have information pertaining to the CIP items that had already been submitted 00:25:07
previously, so it makes it easier, But if there's a recommendation to have the City Council consider a new project, I think that 00:25:14
that's something that could be brought forward. 00:25:21
OK. Because we were just made aware that there would be or could be a funding issue with actually doing that restriping for the 00:25:29
tennis court. 00:25:34
And also if we're just bringing back two CIP projects that were? 00:25:41
Important to the Rec board before that we submitted to the City Council. Do we have to use this new form or is it simply a matter 00:25:48
of resubmission? 00:25:53
In September the cleanest way and the way to receive the the most attention, I would say would have used the new form and submit 00:25:59
it that way. I mean everybody's going to be looking for that right So they're going to see it and it's going to stand out. It's 00:26:07
already anticipated that myself and the city manager will be discussing any associated. 00:26:15
Cost with the restriping of the pickleball. So that's on our radar and we anticipate bringing that forward already. 00:26:24
So if you wanted to submit the drainage and the open plan, I think that's something that would be ideal and prime for this new 00:26:33
format. 00:26:37
All right. Thank you for that. 00:26:44
I think I I just like to add that I. 00:26:48
I fully support both of those and and to Jay's sort of the general plan update, as as important as I think it is, I think that 00:26:52
actionable items that, you know, there's a lot to be said for perception and that the public sees forward momentum is is really 00:27:00
important right now. So I support absolutely for the George Washington and pickleball. 00:27:08
CIP projects. 00:27:17
Would you like to make? Would anybody like to make a motion? 00:27:22
I would but I'm slightly confused. So are we? 00:27:26
Are we putting so we can add pickleball in there? 00:27:29
As well. Or is. 00:27:36
Are we thinking that that needs to go, needs to be a new item of next year? 00:27:39
I think we should add pickleball now. 00:27:47
Do it. I would like to. 00:27:49
To to fund that. 00:27:53
The George Washington. 00:27:59
Storm water improvements and as well as the parks and open space plan and the pickleball. 00:28:01
Restriping and fencing, is that if the soundproof fencing is that part of this or is that something that was I'm not sure. OK, but 00:28:12
but that project yes, yeah, improvements. Should we just say it worded as improvements to the pickleball courts? OK, I would 00:28:18
specify if you don't mind being objecting and I apologize for just interjecting here, but I would specify it as the more still 00:28:25
tennis sports. 00:28:31
The official name because we're looking at also potentially doing some. 00:28:39
A crack filling of the courts and so on and so forth. 00:28:43
OK. Thank you. I appreciate it. So your recommendation is to to say that more still court improvements just so I have it correct. 00:28:48
OK, thank you. 00:28:53
Thank you for that motion. Do we have a second? 00:29:02
OK, all in favor, please vote aye aye aye. 00:29:06
OK, that passes. Thank you. And so I will go ahead and work with our liaison and get the paperwork together so that can be 00:29:10
submitted for the September meeting. Thank you very much. 00:29:17
So the last item on our agenda is the community outreach plan update and there was a subcommittee with Jay Tully and with Hamina 00:29:34
Waste Bluth and Amina is going to provide that report for us. Thank you. Thank you, Chair Goldsmith. So as you may recall, we 00:29:42
discussed having. 00:29:50
A hosting really a community input day where? 00:30:00
The different board members would go to. 00:30:03
Different parks on one day we had proposed September 28th and we'd sort of each select two parks throughout 10:00 AM to about noon 00:30:11
and then I'll meet back up at lovers Point for sort of a picnic and volleyball game with the idea the intention of of community 00:30:18
interaction and. 00:30:25
Bringing the community more into the fold of the works that the programs that we offer as a city. 00:30:33
The existence of the recreation board and what we do and and just getting some more community involvement and engagement. 00:30:40
And when we met, I'm going to cut sort of straight to the chase we did. 00:30:50
Say that we're considering a postponement of the date of the 28th for a couple of reasons. We had originally planned the 28th is 00:30:55
the best option. The weather would be nice, schools back in session. It's before Butterfly parade and before October break. And 00:31:02
this looked good in theory, but we realized that it might be a bit too ambitious in two critical arenas, and that's organizational 00:31:09
and promotional. 00:31:15
Organizationally setting up the survey and one thing and I I wanted to ask Katie about the surveys that you have recently sent out 00:31:24
and we don't want to be redundant and we want to make sure that we I. 00:31:30
We really fine tune the survey to capture the the detailed and general important information that we'd like to to the data that 00:31:37
we'd like to get from everyone. 00:31:43
And then? 00:31:50
Contacting the businesses around Lovers Point regarding picnic donations, discounts, etcetera. That's going to take some time. 00:31:53
Honestly deciding which board members take which parks and, and, and then the board members going to those parks ahead of time and 00:32:01
really taking an observational view with the idea of a surveillance mind and people. And so that's going to take some time people 00:32:08
coming and and discussing the amenities at the park. So with that. 00:32:15
I'm also taking some time and importantly, working with the city staff and City Council will be critical for allocating, possibly 00:32:23
allocating resources and and staff time perhaps and even a small amount of funding at some point. 00:32:31
And then finally, as board members meeting with the public, we'll have to understand our parameters in complying with the Brown 00:32:40
Act, and this might even involve discussions with the city attorney. So this is a new thing that we're doing. 00:32:46
And then I'll say on a personal note, on the promotional level, we really want to get the buzz going. And as many of you know, 00:32:53
with starting hops and fog and having it take so many years to actually get underway, what has really been inspiring is how many 00:33:00
people have come in saying we've been waiting, waiting, waiting for this. We're really excited about it and it's sort of in the 00:33:06
same vein. 00:33:13
We're talking about doing it in the spring and really get the buzz going. 00:33:21
To get as much input as possible from all the different demographics. So there's a lot to be said for anticipation and not rush 00:33:25
this to try and do it in September because there's so much foundational work that we do think needs to be done from a successful 00:33:30
event. 00:33:35
And we talked about this being like the first annual PG Parks and Rec Picnic Community Input day, right, right. Like, so if we 00:33:42
want to do that, it has to be really well thought through. So it would behoove us to create fun buzz around it. And that can only 00:33:48
happen with time. 00:33:54
Another aspect and and commissioner totally just this morning sent me some links to we would not be the only city doing this and 00:34:02
he sent me a link to Austin, TX biannual event called It's My Park day in which it's actually a community LED day of service where 00:34:09
they work to improve parks and open spaces and build community through these projects like tree mulching and invasive species 00:34:16
management. 00:34:23
Kinds of things, so we could combine it to make it that, as well as looking at the park so it's more interactive. 00:34:30
And at some point we can discuss with Commissioner Smith about adding this to the middle school and high school service days to 00:34:38
bring out that young demographic that we're really trying to get at as well and hear their voices about our parks. 00:34:45
Therefore, we would like to offer a mid to late spring option with an exact date to be determined and in the meantime that each 00:34:54
rec board. 00:35:00
Between now and then we could update you or you could be updated on the different steps as we go, as we get towards the the the 00:35:07
day and then we would ask that in the next couple of weeks before the September board meeting. 00:35:15
There's a couple of action items, very simple ones, and that would be that each board member. 00:35:25
Sort of rank orders, the preference of parks that they would like to take and the parks to be clear, include like the Community 00:35:33
Center as well as the youth center. 00:35:37
They'd be most interested in hosting a. 00:35:43
And then honestly, suggestions for best weekends sometime in the spring when we get to back to to nice warm weather again. We'd 00:35:47
love to make this a super. 00:35:53
Successful sort of joyful event I. 00:36:00
And, and I think the best way is, is to to spend more time organizing it and especially promoting it and getting the buzz going on 00:36:04
social media and working with staff to create the Flyers and the survey will will certainly take that amount of time. I. 00:36:13
And I think I'll conclude with that I. 00:36:23
Yeah. So I think that's that's our idea is to make it happen, make it happen. Well, make it happen in the spring and and continue 00:36:29
working with the staff to to promote it. 00:36:35
OK. Thank you for that. Do you have any public comment on this item? 00:36:43
No hands are raised online. OK, thank you. Take that back then to our Commission. 00:36:55
Ashley, did you have any comments? No. OK. OK. So the subcommittee. 00:37:02
Has outlined a process for us, but is now their recommendation that we don't do it September 28th, that because of the amount of 00:37:09
detail and planning we should do this in the spring. So thank you for that recommendation. I have a couple of questions. 00:37:21
And I guess maybe Katie or Dan if he's still on the line can answer that, but maybe Katie can staff needs. Do we have to have one 00:37:35
staff person all right, For instance, if I'm doing. 00:37:43
Three different parks or we're doing 3 different parks at once or five different parks at once. And it's Commission member at each 00:37:51
park. We all have sort of our outline of what it is we're going to discuss. We have our survey questions, we're there to answer 00:37:57
questions, meet and greet the public. 00:38:04
Do we need one staff person at each of those five parks? And then we go on to the next park and that staff person would then 00:38:11
follow us. 00:38:14
What are the, what are the staff needs? I mean, we can't, can we just go out and do this ourselves or do we need to have staff 00:38:21
people with us in attendance? 00:38:25
Chair Goldsmith, I don't have an answer for you on that right now. I think I would. We would need to see how it looks and then 00:38:32
present it to our City Attorney's office to gain confirmation on compliance with the Brown Act, if that's even necessary, if it 00:38:39
sounds like maybe not all of the board members would be present at a single location at a single time. 00:38:47
So that's something I would have to confirm with our city attorney when we when we figured out exactly how the day looked. 00:38:56
If that makes sense. 00:39:06
OK, so yes, so I'm gonna let Nina ask her question in a minute. But just to follow up, for instance, if you saw the report, and 00:39:08
I'm sure you have it said, for instance, 10:50 Municipal Field, Arnett, George Washington Caterpillar Community Center and Coastal 00:39:16
Trail. So assuming there's five, you know, commissioners, we could each because we're gonna, we're gonna be prepared. So we're 00:39:23
gonna, we're all going to be on the same format of the information. 00:39:31
Information that we're providing so that we have some uniformity. So if we're at 5 different parks, is it anticipated that would 00:39:39
that be the question you would ask the city attorney whether there had to be a staff person at each of those locations in 00:39:45
attendance with a commissioner? 00:39:52
Or would you just ask city attorney whether commissioners can handle this by themselves without having staff present? 00:40:00
I'll be honest with you, there would be a struggle to get five staff members to come in on a Saturday like that to be present with 00:40:10
everybody. I would anticipate myself with being there and if Katie's available, she would be able to be present. But I have a 00:40:18
question for you and this is something that we would like to work with you as we move forward and prepared this day. 00:40:26
Is what if there was a member of the public that wanted to attend all five of those locations, but you're doing it within the hour 00:40:35
and they that's the logistically that's going to be a difficult task. 00:40:40
So I think I would respond that. 00:40:47
We're creating this, the setup or the system, this procedure as is and they would have to choose or they could go for half an hour 00:40:52
to 1/2 an hour to the other. We obviously can't. 00:40:58
You know. 00:41:07
That would, that would, you know, require us doing this for several weekends. We have our limitations as well. So this is how 00:41:08
we're starting off. And, and again, first annual, it could be refined over the years. It's sort of a community gathering, a 00:41:16
community input day. And so we didn't envision needing staff members. We saw it as fairly sort of informal again. 00:41:25
As as Colleen said with. 00:41:35
You know our clipboards and our sort of questionnaire and open to discussion and interaction and then all gather down at lovers 00:41:37
afterwards. But hopefully we would not need actual staff. 00:41:44
And and that's just the way it would be laid out is 10:50 and then 11:00 to 12:15 make it easier for transportation from 1 Park to 00:41:53
another. 00:41:58
Yeah, there's there's one other thing that we could do. 00:42:06
Dan, And that is there's possibility that we could try to team up with one of the other commissions. Maybe the NRC would be 00:42:10
interested in doing this because it also relates to natural resources in the city. That would give us a little more flexibility in 00:42:17
terms of, you know, having better coverage. 00:42:24
Instead of then being a shorter just during the morning, it could almost be an all day thing with with better coverage of the 00:42:33
parks. But I mean that's something that has to be worked out. I don't even know if that's feasible. 00:42:39
But again, I'm planning, I guess my question just was, you know, whether we were required to have staff on site with us or whether 00:42:46
because the city is promoting this and will help with sending out the questionnaire and publicizing this event, whether we needed 00:42:53
to have staff people on site. 00:43:00
And I, I understand that this will probably be something that you're going to have to follow up with, you know, city attorney, 00:43:08
city manager, you know, for some clarification. And that can be done over the next several months too, as we're refining, you 00:43:12
know. 00:43:17
Sort of our game plan for this, that's correct. And I'm very I'm going to start to broach the idea with them. 00:43:23
I would say staff members present at the facilities for sure because somebody's going to need to open and close those facilities 00:43:29
after the event and so on and so forth. So the parks are one thing right, 'cause they're anybody can go to the park, but it like 00:43:35
the facilities. 00:43:41
We would have to make sure that they get properly opened up and then secured afterwards. 00:43:48
OK. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for that clarification. Yeah. So, but that's something that we could, we 00:43:55
could continue to refine as we work through this process and I look forward to working with the group to do that. 00:44:02
OK. One other question, the survey questions. 00:44:11
Do you have any recommendations on that in terms of kind of the general questions that were formatted for community input or are 00:44:17
you thinking of going in another direction and would like to see? 00:44:25
More or less in this survey, I would like to take the survey and, and Katie and I have discussed this and Katie might be able to 00:44:34
elaborate a little bit and ensure that we don't have redundancy with the surveys that Katie's already put out. You know, I talked 00:44:42
to Deputy Director Halaby about the survey questions that were provided and a lot of them are very similar to. 00:44:50
The 2018 survey that we put out and were to the mind where we already have that survey. 00:45:00
That was generated in 2018 when we did that complete wreck assessment and we could almost clear that and resend that out. And I 00:45:06
think that would be a really good Ave. That really hits home with all of the questions that basically were asked in the survey 00:45:12
that was provided to us, though it elaborates a little bit more on the programming and it's set up a little bit more user 00:45:19
friendly. 00:45:25
Right off the bat, because we have it ready to go and I, that's my. 00:45:32
My opinion that maybe we should just work with the subcommittee or the group, the rec board in general, and figure out how we 00:45:36
could tailor the 2018 survey to meet our 2024 goals and launch that. It was a good survey and we got a lot of respondents. I think 00:45:43
we had like 700 at one point. 00:45:50
OK, Thank you. I think that's an excellent idea. That's an excellent idea. Yeah, I appreciate that. We could we could launch that 00:45:59
through our mechanisms that we used in 2018 and and gather that information. I. 00:46:07
Where you're not having an individual put it together, but it's generated, you know, through the software, right, The responses 00:46:16
and stuff. 00:46:20
I think that's the way we should go. 00:46:25
And we can we can work on that and bring it forward to a future rec board meeting. 00:46:28
Excellent. Much appreciated. Yeah, OK. 00:46:34
And the only other thing I saw the request that maybe we can get some of the local restaurants involved which? 00:46:39
I think pops and fog is going to be a great place to end up. I think so too, but I think that's a good idea as well. 00:46:49
I also think that, you know, maybe I could check in with the Chamber and see if there is any interest by RPG Chamber and how they 00:46:58
might want to help support this project. 00:47:05
If we're talking about next spring, I think that's where public works really can give us some data back because. 00:47:14
I know that public works recreation department gets really busy and all of a sudden you're going to be doing a lot of other things 00:47:23
and this will be just a little bit too much to be added to the schedule. So Katie, do you have some ideas kind of knowing what the 00:47:31
annual calendar is like? When would be a good time to maybe hold this, not wanting to do it during the rainy season, but a spring 00:47:38
date. I think ideally we're talking about when, when school is still in session so that families are here. 00:47:45
But yes, I would totally defer to you on when would be. 00:47:53
And we? 00:47:59
We are in the process right now of planning out and mapping out all of the rest of the next year all the way through the end of 00:48:00
next summer. Spring is our typical really, really busy season because it's the lead up to summer with all the planning and staff 00:48:07
hiring. This year we hired we had 47 part time staff members and so all that takes quite a lot of time for all of our staff 00:48:15
including the programming we're running. But we could look at sometimes our dates that would kind of fit in with that. 00:48:22
Bring that back to the next meeting. OK, that would that would be excellent. Let's plan on that for the next meeting. 00:48:30
Looking at the calendar, some dates that could possibly work. I would suggest also that we make sure we review our special events 00:48:38
calendar and make sure that we don't have a large event or something that's occurring in town on the weekend that we want to do 00:48:44
it, you know, so that's going to be a competing interest. 00:48:51
Certainly. 00:48:59
Thank you. 00:49:01
OK. Well, thank you for. 00:49:07
That report. 00:49:09
I think that this is just something that's going to be continued. It's an ongoing project. And thank you for offering to be our 00:49:12
public movement. Absolutely, I'm in, I'm 100% in. 00:49:18
Do we have anything else that we need to discuss? I don't think there's anything else on the agenda. 00:49:27
We have no further public comments. OK. Well, thank you everyone for your attendance and this meeting is adjourned. 00:49:37
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