No Bookmarks Exist.
Right. Welcome. I will call the Architectural Review Board meeting to order. It is Tuesday, June 11th. And before we have a roll 00:00:00
call, I'll announce that member David Huff is participating remotely. 00:00:07
And I will ask for a motion to approve his remote attendance and participation. So moved. 00:00:14
2nd. 00:00:22
Right, all in favor. 00:00:24
Aye. 00:00:27
OK. 00:00:32
And we will invite him into the room. 00:00:33
Give me a moment to make sure this is. 00:00:39
Good morning, good evening, Good afternoon, everybody. 00:00:43
OK. Hi, David. 00:00:46
OK. So to facilitate your remote attendance, I believe I will just ask if you are alone in the room or if there's anybody over 18 00:00:50
in the room with you. I'm alone. 00:00:57
Sorry, he just got bumped the panel, this all right? 00:01:09
I'm alone in the room. It's a but it's an open conference room and the agenda is posted outside. 00:01:15
Excellent. Thank you. May we have a roll call? 00:01:22
Chair Bornstein. 00:01:30
Member 2nd. 00:01:33
Member Boyle or Vice Chair Boyle here, Secretary Brooks here, and Member Hoff. 00:01:36
Here we have 5 present. We have a quorum. 00:01:42
All right. We'll move on to item number two, approval of the agenda. 00:01:48
Make it a motion to approve the agenda. 00:01:53
So moved. 00:01:58
I'll second that. 00:02:01
All right, maybe get A roll call. 00:02:04
Secretary Brooks. 00:02:07
Hi. 00:02:10
Vice Chair Boyle. 00:02:11
Chair Bornstein, member Sutton and member Huff. 00:02:14
0 nays the agenda is approved. Excellent. We'll now move on to item number three, board and staff announcements. Are there any 00:02:22
board or staff announcements? 00:02:28
None from the board. Any staff announcements? All right. 00:02:37
We'll move on to item number 4, Council liaison announcements. I see Debbie Beck. Welcome, Debbie. Thank you. Good afternoon, 00:02:41
Chair and Commissioners. At our June 5th Council meeting, we had our first reading of an ordinance to adopt fiscal year 2425 00:02:49
budget. The second reading will happen on June 19th and then we also received our quarter three CIP report. 00:02:57
And that's all I have for today. Have a great meeting. 00:03:06
Thank you. 00:03:09
We'll move to general public comment. Are there any members of the public, either on Zoom or in the room, that wish to speak to 00:03:12
items not on the agenda? If so, please raise your hands virtually or step up to the podium. 00:03:19
Seeing no hands raised, we will close general public comment. 00:03:34
And then we don't have any items on the consent agenda. So we will move point of order. May I really quickly remember half I 00:03:39
believe if if available, I believe we have to have this video on for. 00:03:45
For the recording. 00:03:52
Yeah, I'm on a zoom. I can, I don't. 00:03:55
There should be a video here. 00:04:03
One second. 00:04:06
There you go. 00:04:15
Thank you. 00:04:17
Excellent. 00:04:21
OK, we'll move right along to our regular agenda. 00:04:22
Under item A, we'll start with architectural permit AP23-0346 at 206 Lobos Ave. And before we begin, I'll ask board members, is 00:04:27
there anybody that needs to recuse themselves? I do, so I'll be pulling for myself in the room. 00:04:35
All right, Member Stephan will be recusing for this item, so we'll just give for a moment. 00:04:44
May we have this staff report please? 00:05:06
Yes, good afternoon, Chair Bornstein and board members. Today I'm presenting Architectural permit 230346 proposed project at 206 00:05:10
Lobos Ave. 00:05:15
The project was first presented at the May 14th regular meeting and I'd like to actually make a correction for my staff report I 00:05:21
mistakenly wrote March 12th. So for the record, I want to make sure that it's known that it was May 14th. Upon review and and 00:05:28
deciding Architectural Review Guidelines numbers 5728 and 34, the ARB requested a redesign with the primary focus on privacy and 00:05:36
the relocation of the stairway leading from the rooftop terrace to grade. 00:05:43
The applicant agreed to make these revisions based on their comments, and the Board approved a motion to continue the item to 00:05:50
today, June 11th, at the regular meeting. 00:05:55
To recap, it is currently developed with a 1551 square foot two-story duplex, the 400 square foot garage. The dwelling units 00:06:02
consist of a 451 square foot front first floor unit and 1100 square foot two-story unit in the rear. 00:06:10
This project is located in the R4 Zoning district and the General Plan designates this zone is high density residential. It is 00:06:22
developed with the neighborhood is developed with one and two-story residences of varying architectural styles with 400 or 4186 00:06:29
square foot interior. Parcel is located on the West side of Lobos Ave. between Lighthouse Ave. and Short St. The property is not 00:06:36
located in the Coastal zone and is not listed on the city's Historic Resources Inventory. 00:06:43
Before you you have the previously proposed addition, just some other sketches from the top of the revised edition. And the 00:06:54
revised proposal includes the construction of a 358.5 square foot first floor addition to the north side of the existing rear 00:07:01
dwelling unit, which will result in a 1485 square foot residential unit. There will be no change to the front dwelling unit. The 00:07:08
project also includes an additional 2nd floor doorway, a new second floor rooftop terrace. 00:07:15
The new stairway leading to grade. As proposed, the new addition would be in a side yard elevated from Lobos Ave. It's set back 30 00:07:23
feet from the front property line and screened from view from the street by existing fencing vegetation. The public series stairs 00:07:29
to the South of the garage are proposed to be removed and a new exterior lift would be installed for accessibility. Future, 00:07:35
possibly wheelchair accessibility to the rear of the residence. And as mentioned above, the Arab cited Architectural Review 00:07:41
Guidelines 572834. 00:07:47
And requested the ethical revised list. Is the the previously proposed design based on primary primarily on privacy and the 00:07:53
stairway leading to grade? 00:07:58
Just to give you guys a view, these are the. 00:08:08
Previously proposed east elevations. 00:08:12
And the revised east elevation. 00:08:15
We have the previously proposed proposed N elevation. 00:08:19
And the revised N elevation and the stairs here were relocated from the extreme West or rear of the property and moved to the 00:08:24
other side of the proposed bathroom addition, and that Shields the stairs from view from the rear property. 00:08:31
There had been some question and this is intentionally on its side just to to meet what the rest of the design that I'm showing 00:08:43
you. There had been some question about the. 00:08:48
Survey that was conducted and I spoke with the California Certified Land Surveyor, Frank Lucido of Lucido Surveyors. 00:08:55
And he relayed to me that he did meticulous measurements to prepare the site plan, sketch, survey and set markers on the property 00:09:02
by which the builders and the building official can measure distances from the property lines. So you can rest assured, I checked 00:09:08
with him, that this is a valid survey. 00:09:13
Because access to the property is difficult and you can't see too much of the story polls from the street, I did provide some 00:09:21
pictures the the property the applicant allowed me onto the property to and take some pictures I can present to you today. 00:09:29
This is just from the front, just showing where it's difficult to see. 00:09:38
The addition from the street. 00:09:46
And here are the story polls from the northeast corner of the property. 00:09:51
This also from the northeast corner of the property you can see where the netting. Let me see if I can. 00:09:58
This is where the if you can see where my arrow is on both this is where the stairs will be coming down. This is the rear this 00:10:05
this orange netting. Here is the rear bathroom addition and once if if belt would block the stairs from. 00:10:14
The rear of the rear property. 00:10:24
These next few photos show that her architectural review guideline #8 that existing natural vegetation provides privacy screening. 00:10:29
This is taken from the existing balcony. 00:10:40
At the proposed location I. 00:10:45
And you can see that. 00:10:48
Existing these these trees that remain These trees had been planted a while back and will be growing, but they provide. 00:10:51
Privacy screening per architectural review guideline #8. 00:11:01
Colors show that here other properties have used vegetation more because again or for its high density residential that you use 00:11:07
vegetation to block or to to obscure views from their neighbors. That's including everyone. Everyone actually all of the the 00:11:15
surrounding properties have have vegetation. They're doing that. 00:11:24
And as I said, this is high density residential. 00:11:35
And I just also want to demonstrate from this picture, this view from the balcony that. 00:11:38
The properties in the neighborhood are this isn't, it's not an abnormal, it's all dense. These are all properties. This this one 00:11:46
was on the property line. You can see the one in the rear is close to their property line. We have roofs and all of these 00:11:53
properties are bordering. We have another. 00:11:59
Second story balcony that is also at that. So what is being proposed is not abnormal for the R4 district. It is a high density 00:12:07
residential district. 00:12:12
In addition to the privacy concerns, I've spoken with the applicant and they are willing to provide solid or opaque deck guards or 00:12:20
decorative glass. And just to to show this is if if there was opaque, this is the decline these these lines. The top line is is at 00:12:29
the top line of of the the story polls representing the railing and showing that they're willing to do. 00:12:39
Extra measures for. 00:12:51
For privacy views of their neighbors. In addition, that first floor, if you notice the 1st floor addition on either side of the 00:12:55
chimney, on the rear side there are two windows and they are. 00:13:01
They're amenable to using decorative glass, again opaque to allow the sunlight in, but protect views to and from the neighbors. 00:13:07
The materials are proposed to match the existing you have what looks like 9 German or Dutch lap wood siding and and it will all be 00:13:19
complementary to the existing residents. 00:13:25
The existing residences have a non conforming yard setbacks, but as proposed this project would not increase any existing or 00:13:34
create any new nonconformities. The proposed project complies with the zoning regulations and development standards set forth in 00:13:42
in the zoning chapters 23.28 for R4 and 23.64 for general provision provisions and exceptions. The proposed project will require a 00:13:49
use permit for the increase of floor area for a non conforming duplex and that review. 00:13:56
Determination of the use permit and actually the determination also of the architectural permit will be considered concurrently by 00:14:04
the Planning Commission and For these reasons, staff recommends the Architectural Review board recommend approval to the Planning 00:14:11
Commission for architectural permit 230346 subject to the findings conditions of approval and sequel guidelines. 15 three O 1 E 00:14:18
Class 1 categorical exemptions for existing facilities and I am available for available for questions if you have any. 00:14:25
Thank you. 00:14:33
Do we have any questions for staff? 00:14:35
Seeing none, I will invite the applicant up if you'd like to make a presentation or the owner. 00:14:39
And you'll have 10 minutes. 00:14:46
And if you could press the little button so we can hear you. 00:14:50
So yeah, you can hear. 00:15:03
OK, so I'm Barbara Klaus. I, my husband and I are proud owners of the two 06208 Lopez property. I am here today to correct some 00:15:06
misconceptions that were presented to you by a legal firm and the architects that were hired by the Wind Horse. 00:15:18
Hoping to convince you to deny the permit that we need to move on with our plans. 00:15:31
So. 00:15:41
Sorry and I'm a little nervous so. 00:15:46
And I do face it just for this. 00:15:49
OK, so just so you can see what the property looks like now. 00:15:54
OK. 00:16:04
At the May 14th meeting, it was reaffirmed that our plan does meet all the building codes and regulations. 00:16:05
In addition. 00:16:19
Sorry, just. 00:16:28
There in addition, we have received the new site plan, which verifies that our plan is compliant with setbacks and officially 00:16:30
stamped by a surveyor. 00:16:37
Do I aim at this? 00:16:52
There OK, this is a picture which visually demonstrates how close the Winders property is to the property line. It's three inches. 00:16:56
It was a knowledge that the meeting that last meeting that purchasing a property that no longer follows today's required 5 foot 00:17:05
set back can create a burden on the owners. 00:17:13
If for example 206 plants to develop their property. 00:17:22
This burden is now realized as the wind nurse now have issues with our approved plan. 00:17:27
Although our plan follows the five foot set back requirements, their lack of a 5 foot set that creates problems that would 00:17:34
otherwise be non existent. 00:17:40
Which are invasions of privacy, negative impact on views and sunlight, and location of a required emergency exit staircase. 00:17:47
The wind earth's concerns follow falls under good neighbor considerations in the Architectural Review guidelines which are 00:18:07
considered shoulds what one thinks is best, not compulsory or required necessary. 00:18:16
Oh, OK, I'm there. 00:18:36
The Winders claimed that the proposed addition and crouches upon their wait. This is an edge. 00:18:40
I'm so sorry. 00:18:49
So I ended up at this. 00:18:58
All right, thank you. So I need then. 00:19:02
OK, Yeah, that's it back. 00:19:12
Back. 00:19:16
The Winders claim that the proposed addition encroaches upon their privacy and negatively impacts their views. The following 00:19:17
slides will establish that it is actually our privacy that is encroached upon and they're negatively impacted. Views are actually 00:19:25
views of our personal space in our yard. 00:19:33
They claim that we can look directly onto their deck and into their bedroom at their bed. Their master bedroom door sits at the 00:19:46
back of their deck, which is approximately 15 feet away from our shared fence. This area is blocked by our photocarpus, which will 00:19:55
be 20 to 40 feet high and five to six feet wide. 00:20:04
Individually. 00:20:14
At the opposite end of their rooms, the bottom of their windows facing our yard are 6 feet and eight feet above ground level. So 00:20:15
unless we use the ladder, we cannot see into or through into their windows or through their house. 00:20:25
OK. 00:20:36
These slides show photos the Winders provided which demonstrate how they are encroaching our privacy. These are the views which 00:20:38
are being negatively impacted, Not views of the ocean or the golf course or a park or town which in my opinion would be more 00:20:46
interesting, but they are direct sweeping views of our fenced in yard. 00:20:54
The Wind Earths also claim that our new tariffs will encroach on their privacy. 00:21:05
The terrace floor will be at the top of their windows and will be directly facing our Italian buckthorns along the fence. It would 00:21:12
be difficult to look down and then through the windows below the terrace level. 00:21:20
Protocol ****** along their deck also blocks any views from our terrace. And as Aaron said, we would be. 00:21:30
It would be OK for us to get solid railing on the park facing their house. 00:21:40
OK, so we endorse automatically assumed that we will have many windows on their side the 24 foot length of the addition. 00:21:46
We are only adding two windows and only one faces their window which is 6 feet above ground level at its base. Again, one would 00:21:59
need a ladder to look into that window. We would consider installing awnings, tinted texture glass or privacy film. 00:22:10
The Winders have a full length of glass French doors at one end of their sunroom and three skylights above the at the opposite 00:22:28
end. Both bring in lots of sunlight. The windows in their sunroom are screened with vegetation. 00:22:37
On as as they were in the wine doors purchased the property. 00:22:46
Our revised required emergency exit staircase will be sandwiched between our 88 bathroom and 48. It will be set further away from 00:22:54
Windorf property and make it less visible and intrusive. 00:23:03
We request that the Board approves our permit enabling us to meet our current and future aging in place needs. The terrace will 00:23:14
provide us with additional outdoor space large enough to navigate with wheelchair Walker if we were confined upstairs. 00:23:23
An emergency exit staircase will provide a required alternate way to move between upstairs and downstairs in case of fire, medical 00:23:34
emergency or loss of power. 00:23:41
Our plants do not encroach on the endorse, privacy view or sunlight. 00:23:49
We've been part of the PG community since the mid 80s, spending every summer and living next door with my parents. Our children 00:24:00
attended Pacific Grove summer school sessions and our primary medical care has always been in PG. 00:24:09
My father, Robert Dees, played an active role in PG. He was a board member and architectural review board. He was in the Heritage 00:24:18
Society of PG, the Building Standards Committee and the 1989 Centennial Committee. He was president and vice president of the 00:24:27
Heritage Society of PG in 91 and 92. 00:24:36
We are excited that we were able to incorporate some of his ideas. 00:24:46
And Zions into our plan. 00:24:50
We are approaching our late 70s. We need a safe, easy access home which will help meet our aging and place needs. So we asked the 00:24:54
board please approve our permit as our plants will address our needs and will not impact our neighbors. 00:25:03
Perfectly on time, well done. 00:25:16
Do we have any questions for? 00:25:19
Not yet. Thank you. Thank you. 00:25:22
All right. With that we will open public comment. Is there anybody? 00:25:28
On Zoom or in the room that wishes to speak. 00:25:33
You're welcome. 00:25:43
Good afternoon. I'm Rebecca Sadoff and I represent Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Alan Weindorf or the neighbors that live next door to this 00:25:49
project. When this project came before the board last month, the board members noted a number of concerns about this design that 00:25:54
it was disproportionate and out of scale. The rest of the building that need to be sensitive to the location of the deck, so is to 00:26:00
avoid impacting neighbors privacy and of course the blockage of light. While the Windo certainly appreciate the relocation of the 00:26:06
stairs in the redesign. 00:26:12
As the board made clear during the last meeting, that was not the only concern. The architectural review guidelines apply to any 00:26:19
project that comes before this board. 00:26:23
And it's important that applicants continue to abide by those, the recommendations and the guidelines that the RB is going to be 00:26:29
evaluating them by. 00:26:33
As a whole, the redesign largely fails to address the board's concerns expressed during the last meeting, and in some ways makes 00:26:38
those concerns worse. 00:26:41
Privacy and lighting has continued to be a major issue with this redesign. It's the same concerns that the Windorf have been 00:26:46
bringing forward in the last meeting. 00:26:50
The privacy of the wonderful still impacted this terror still extends towards the property line and provides viewpoints into. 00:26:56
The majority of the aspects of the Windor's home. While the removal of the stairway does eliminate the view directly into the wine 00:27:04
doors personal bedroom, it doesn't eliminate the views into the first floor rooms all the way through the front of the building as 00:27:09
well as into the second story guest room and office. 00:27:14
Additionally, the currently existing vegetation as you can see in the photos that have been submitted up to this point. Looking 00:27:20
out of the Wendorf's windows as well as in the Staffs photos provided on the on the PowerPoint, you can see that from that terrace 00:27:26
they're going to have a view into. Anybody on that terrace will have a view into the Reinforce living room window, the one that 00:27:32
slightly set off to the side. 00:27:37
The currently existing vegetation doesn't adequately screen, and on top of that, there's no condition of approval contained within 00:27:45
the permit recommendation that would require its upkeep. 00:27:49
The redesign also exacerbates the lighting issue here. Now, I know that you just looked at some photos that were presented that 00:27:55
appear to be staging photos from real estate websites, where lighting is of course going to be emphasized in whatever way the real 00:28:00
estate agent finds proper. 00:28:06
However, as the board noted in the last one to redesign this solid wall, 5 feet outside the window is going to be an issue for any 00:28:12
neighbors in the architectural review guidelines encourage applicants to consider that in their design and. 00:28:19
The redesign will actually extend the solid wall aspect of this design an additional 6 feet, blocking the light further. 00:28:25
There are a lot of solutions available. This is a large lot. In fact, moving it further off the property line would help to 00:28:33
resolve a lot of these issues. We encourage the board to continue requiring a redesign so that this project can meet the classes 00:28:39
needs as well as their harmonious design for the neighborhood. Thank you. 00:28:45
Thank you. 00:28:51
51 virtual hand raised. 00:28:59
You have Inga, Lorenzen, Dahmer. 00:29:06
Thank you. 00:29:12
The board This is one of those things that's really going to create lasting problems and especially as it. 00:29:14
This one is obviously contentious between neighbors. 00:29:26
And when these things happen and they're built anyway, believe me for my situation of being in their age group and having this 00:29:34
done to me back in the directors. 00:29:40
Last tenure here in Pacific Grove. 00:29:47
I I still do not speak to those neighbors 15 years later and they're rebuild three times and suing their architect and their 00:29:53
contractor's. 00:29:58
When you have something like this, and yes the Weindorfs are they bought a house. 00:30:06
Too close to the property line, but interpretations of 15 years ago for what is a second story or anything else is not necessarily 00:30:15
and. 00:30:20
The clauses have a large property that it could have been redesigned as the ARB really requested last time, and instead they did 00:30:27
redesign the staircase. Yes, it's better. 00:30:35
But the same contention is going to continue on. 00:30:44
Forever, until as long as those houses are standing and people are living in them. And that is really, really, really too bad, 00:30:51
because that doesn't contribute to PG. 00:30:57
And our community. 00:31:04
Health at all, so you really have. 00:31:09
Your work cut out for you here to decide what you're going to do Thank you. 00:31:15
Thank you for your comments. Anybody else in the room? Any other public comment? 00:31:23
Right, seeing none, we'll close public comment and bring it back to the board for discussion. 00:31:30
I'd like to begin. 00:31:37
Well, I have many thoughts this is. 00:31:42
Many thoughts. 00:31:48
Continuing on what? 00:31:51
Inga said. I I can relate. I have a neighbor that's in the process of the same thing and. 00:31:55
It's very uncomfortable so I can. 00:32:03
I can relate to what she was saying and it's it's too bad really. 00:32:07
I. 00:32:12
I don't love what? 00:32:14
What the redesign is? 00:32:19
My my key. 00:32:22
Guideline is #35 I just I think what I. 00:32:25
Was. 00:32:33
What I kept thinking to myself was. 00:32:36
You don't really see it from the street. And then I thought. 00:32:40
That's a terrible reason to approve something. 00:32:46
Because what's on the street is wood. And if that is gone offense there's, you know, you don't have to have a front yard fence, 00:32:51
right? And trees. And if there was a fire and they didn't rebuild, I thought to myself. 00:32:59
Would you be happy? And this is relatively close to my neighborhood, would you be happy with this? 00:33:09
Project. 00:33:19
If there was nothing shielding it from the street and the answer was no. 00:33:22
I just think architecturally it's doing a disservice to the. 00:33:27
Original. 00:33:33
Home and I've got a project. 00:33:35
A home across the street from me that has was approved back in the 90s that they put an addition on and it should have never been 00:33:41
approved. 00:33:45
And it's been under construction for like 5 years trying to make it look good and. 00:33:51
I don't, I don't want to have to approve this and then we're approving a problem for the next owner, you know, trying to fix 00:33:59
something that shouldn't have been approved. We have one chance. 00:34:05
To get this right. I can appreciate that. 00:34:12
They're abiding by, you know, the, the, the codes. 00:34:17
That they need to, but I just think that the design was amiss. 00:34:23
And that's it for now. I'll probably have more, but. 00:34:31
I'll stop. 00:34:35
I want to say that I. 00:34:40
Appreciate the applicant coming up here and providing her. 00:34:44
Their thoughts and I can appreciate the concerns and points that they have raised. 00:34:50
I I am likewise still not in favor of the of this project or these plans. I don't think that for for me personally that they. 00:34:59
Abide by our guidelines, particularly for me, Guideline 7. 00:35:13
And while they do appear to comport with our municipal code, obviously you know the. 00:35:20
Purpose of one of our functions here on the board is to review these proposed plans in light of our guidelines and it keeps it's a 00:35:29
bulk of these guidelines is that new construction should enhance and respect neighborhood compatibility and I don't think that 00:35:37
that has been successfully done here. I think from a stepping back. 00:35:46
Just kind of point of order. 00:35:55
I don't think the plan set is complete. 00:36:00
As I think was mentioned at some point earlier on in the presentation, we don't see AI did not see a proposed elevation from the 00:36:02
from the West elevation. I was a bit disappointed in the fact that from what I could tell, there were there were only three new 00:36:08
pages. 00:36:15
For this new redesign to propose elevations and I think a floor floor plan. 00:36:23
And so just on that alone, it's I don't think we have. 00:36:32
Sufficient. 00:36:41
Documentation to adequately review the plan set and to make an appropriate and educated decision, but. 00:36:44
In terms of my comments at the prior meeting, I do think that the current plans do not comport with architectural guideline #7 I 00:36:56
also agree with it. 00:37:02
Remember Boyle in terms of architectural Guideline 35 as well? I think that's a very good point in terms and I also had the same 00:37:10
thought in terms of the. 00:37:15
The plans here, I, I certainly, I don't, I think they are. 00:37:21
I don't think they're as thoughtful as they could be, and I don't think that when I look at the entire new structure, if I looked 00:37:28
at it from. 00:37:35
An exterior vantage point that I would think that this was one home that was built in at one particular date, which I think is all 00:37:43
in my opinion something that we should always be striving for with any sort of addition. It shouldn't look like an addition. It 00:37:49
should look a cohesive part of the original plan and the original project and it it very much does not here and I do think that 00:37:55
while. 00:38:01
I agree with Sarah in terms of it's difficult to see currently from the street. There are trees out front and and a fence. I think 00:38:08
Sarah Spoil makes a an excellent point that that very well might not always be there. 00:38:14
And if it wasn't, looking at the proposed property project from the street. 00:38:20
It would be. 00:38:29
It wouldn't live up to, I think, our talent standards. So that's what I'll say at the moment. And again, I'm currently not in 00:38:31
support of the plans. 00:38:36
Before I invite member Huff for his comments, I do want to just say that, you know, to some remind ourselves this is a duplex and 00:38:44
I think that's another complexity of this project that it is, you know, basically bifurcated and we have, you know, if we're 00:38:51
looking at it just through the lens of Unit 1 and Unit 2. 00:38:58
It's going to be challenging to have that kind of cohesive intentional. 00:39:06
Look as if it were. 00:39:12
Sure, right, Because you have to have two entries, right, Two points of entry and now we're going to have what two points of entry 00:39:15
and one point of egress. But I still think that the I mean, with that being said and the whole housing element issue, I. 00:39:23
I I still think that it could have been. 00:39:33
So much prettier. 00:39:37
And perhaps would you like to share your comments? Thank you. And I think that's an excellent point about this project being a 00:39:41
duplex. I think I'm going to find myself in place of respectfully disagreeing with my colleagues here because I want to commend 00:39:48
the applicant on at least listening to the ARB and coming back with a better effort. I will agree that I don't believe this is 00:39:54
certainly not going to win any awards for design aesthetics. 00:40:00
But at the same time. 00:40:08
1st in time does not create 1st and right? 00:40:12
And I think the applicant was absolutely spot on when she said that just because, you know, it's the it's the house to the rear 00:40:17
that creates really the non conforming condition that gives us some of our cause to pause, or at least some of my cause to pause 00:40:23
that, you know, when I was thinking about this project, the last meeting. But it doesn't that doesn't mean that they don't have 00:40:29
the right to develop their property, you know. 00:40:36
As well and, and there will be some compromises and sacrifices that come along with that. 00:40:43
Exercising that right, but that is the right. I too have a neighbor to the rear that's building a second story addition right on 00:40:50
the property line. And you know, we don't like it, but it was their right to do it. And so it's frankly, it's not my inclination 00:40:56
to say no to this project because I think they did listen, I think they did remove a really unsightly architectural feature in the 00:41:03
form of the way the exterior stair protruded before. 00:41:10
I think they've done their best to incorporate the the egress element that they are required to have from the second story. Given 00:41:17
the kind of the unique nature of this structure that it's a, it's in fact a multi family home and a multi family residence in in 00:41:24
a, in a neighborhood of single family homes. I think that makes it difficult. I. 00:41:31
And I don't know. 00:41:39
I don't know how much better we can make them do. Given the the ingress door of the front unit of the duplex. We can't really push 00:41:42
this project away from the rear yard much further and and make it feasible. 00:41:50
So, and if you push it, you know, you push it more to the north, I think it, you know, you eliminate more green space. I think 00:42:00
there's no doubt that compromises. 00:42:05
Are required in order to allow the applicant to develop this property, and I think it's their right to do so. I think yeah, OK. Is 00:42:11
it Is it wobblers? Sure it is when it comes to complying with. 00:42:18
Guideline number 7 and guideline #35 I get it, I see it, but at the same time I see an effort to comply with it. I see. 00:42:26
At least a better effort that was done before and I do I'm completely sympathetic to the need of the applicants in order to to 00:42:36
implement these design changes in order to be able to age in place. So with that said, recognizing that this is again, you know, 00:42:43
unfortunately not the best design aesthetic I've seen come before the board. 00:42:50
I think it meets the minimum standards for us to say yes. Thanks. 00:42:58
Thank you. 00:43:05
Yes, this is a tough one. I'll just state that I do agree that we kind of have limited information in terms of the plan sets and 00:43:07
you know maybe some dimensions and window and door schedules. It is a bit limited. I know this was a quick turn, so well done. I 00:43:15
think it's the fastest that I've seen. But with that said, I feel like we can still we have enough information. 00:43:23
To kind of visualize and and. 00:43:32
Determine what what the impacts would be based on the elevations and the survey and the the description that the applicant 00:43:35
provided. 00:43:40
This is a complex area, right? It's a dense urban environment. You have perpendicular backyards. 00:43:46
And the neighboring property is right up there to the fence line. So I think what what I'm hearing us debate and wrestle over more 00:43:53
is the design versus the privacy impacts. Just to be frank, I think that, you know, we all live in in this city and are and have 00:44:00
to compromise with privacy. And that's why we use vegetation for screening. We try to be considerate with our window placement and 00:44:07
sizing. 00:44:14
But. 00:44:22
The the fact is, you know with any kind of addition or expansion, you're just. 00:44:23
There there will be some impacts to privacy and just to speak to the survey too, I know I. 00:44:30
I'm comfortable with the the boundary survey as is just because at least it will guarantee that 5 foot distance for safety versus 00:44:36
potentially we could be encroaching closer to that to that neighbor. So I'm comfortable with that distance I. 00:44:44
As documented by the the surveyor. 00:44:53
So and I just to expand on my comments about being a duplex. So I was trying to visualize this. I know some other. 00:44:56
Options were provided, but it kind of encroached and on the other units front yard. So I was trying to I kind of cut a line down 00:45:04
the middle and trying to visualize it just one unit. 00:45:08
By itself and what I agree with member Huff it it might not be the most amazing design. I I appreciate the the modifications and 00:45:13
adjustments and I did take note there was a little expansion you gained about 40 square feet and I see it to make the bathroom ADA 00:45:21
accessible. 00:45:28
So bringing it back to the board, I think we might be split here because I with that being said, I also support this project. I 00:45:37
appreciate the redesign and and the intention behind it and just recognize this is a duplex and a dense neighborhood. 00:45:46
Just trying to respect the constraints and design around those and you can't, you know, you're not going to scrap the whole house 00:45:57
and start over. So it's what you know, what do you have to work with and how do you mitigate that with accessibility with the with 00:46:03
the duplex multifamily? 00:46:08
So I am in support of this project also. 00:46:16
Happy to entertain more discussion. Sure, we can keep going. 00:46:21
I. 00:46:28
I am thrilled that they moved the stairs. I guess my my. 00:46:38
Umm umm. 00:46:46
I'm just going to keep going back to. 00:46:51
The the view. 00:46:57
From the street. 00:46:59
The front door. 00:47:03
Would it be helpful to project the photo? Would you mind projecting that photo? I mean sure, the photo or or the new revised 00:47:07
plans? 00:47:12
I guess when I keep coming back to is when you look at an addition of a house, whether you're putting it on top or on the side or 00:47:35
rear or front. 00:47:41
It seems as though if you cover with one hand the original and you look at the addition, it should, it should speak to what's 00:47:48
under your palm. And to me, this just misses that mark. And I, you know, I don't know, do you? 00:47:57
Reduce the amount of the. 00:48:06
Of the deck in order to make you know make more of an impact where you carry a roof line up and. 00:48:10
Raise the actual yes so that you don't see. It's not that I care to see the the rooftop deck where they're railing. It's just that 00:48:26
it looks like an afterthought, like somebody took a modular unit and stuck it on the side of a. 00:48:34
The building. 00:48:43
And I don't understand the the front door and you know, this triangle, is this a little piece of glass that's supposed to mirror 00:48:46
something else? 00:48:53
The back stairs. 00:49:04
Seem very. 00:49:09
Little you know, very narrow. They're the minimum. 00:49:12
Width I think allowed, but it would be nicer. 00:49:18
I don't know, I just feel like the design missed the mark. I. 00:49:24
I. 00:49:32
I mean, I'm happy with the where this stairs are and I, you know, nobody, nobody that I have met in Pacific Grove, unless they 00:49:39
have one, is in favor of a rooftop deck. 00:49:46
Umm. 00:49:53
I do believe that that that like an opaque glass. I mean even if the railing is higher than you know, 42 which I believe is code. 00:49:58
I I. 00:50:10
Would possibly mitigate some of their concerns about. 00:50:14
Privacy. 00:50:21
But it's the. 00:50:24
It's this. What is this facade? What is this elevation? Its proposed elevation to? It's that. 00:50:27
It's that elevation, that is. 00:50:38
Not sitting well with me. 00:50:52
Yeah, that's a challenge because if you just if you. 00:50:56
Truncate that deck and if you bring the stairs closer to the upper. 00:50:59
Level 2 That could look awkward, like there's just a stairwell. 00:51:04
Protruding from the. 00:51:09
Upper level, but even if the stairs remain where they are, but this is it has a a. 00:51:12
Some sort of a facade or you know, so you don't see the railing or this is the front door area. I mean, I believe in plan view is 00:51:24
just just straight. So you're not going to have an awning, you're not going to have dormer, you're just going to have this. 00:51:34
Straight. 00:51:49
Blocky. 00:51:52
Modular is what it looks like to me. 00:52:00
And again, I'm thrilled with the fact that they moved the stairs. I can really appreciate that. 00:52:04
It's just that elevation to that is. 00:52:12
Just not. 00:52:17
Not sitting well with me. 00:52:18
On Wednesday goes through. 00:52:22
If I may, I have to completely agree with you. I think proposed elevation two is a complete disservice, frankly as a drawing, 00:52:27
because I don't think it actually depicts well the dimension of what we're looking at. I think the door is depicted in a very an 00:52:35
artful way on this elevation. You have to really study the. 00:52:43
The schematic the page above if you can scroll up if you don't mind. 00:52:52
To really understand the dimension of what's going on there and that you know, the door is actually set back. 00:52:57
You know quite a bit from the. 00:53:05
The wall with the two windows in it and and proposed proposed elevation two is actually very confusing to me and so I actually do 00:53:09
you know. 00:53:14
Think about this plan, what they're trying to implement a little bit more to get through that kind of boxy modular impression that 00:53:20
proposed elevation two gives a. 00:53:26
I would hope that they could do a little bit with the door as it's set back from those two windows. 00:53:32
But. 00:53:39
I don't quite think the project as constructed will look from the street like what proposed elevation to depends. 00:53:41
By virtue of the. 00:53:53
The way that the door is actually set back from that new wall with the two windows facing the street. 00:53:55
And I appreciate that because nothing looks like a 2D. 00:54:03
Nothing looks 2 dimensional. 00:54:09
Accept architectural drawings? Well, they would have really benefited from a 3D drawing here for sure. 00:54:11
With that said, I still think it could have, you know, a little more. 00:54:22
Interest I I don't know. 00:54:34
I don't know what that is. I'm not an architect, I just. 00:54:39
Yeah. 00:54:48
Again, I always feel like. 00:54:51
The time to do it is when it's in front of you and so I feel like. 00:54:56
I would hate to see a missed opportunity here when we could. 00:55:02
Recommend something I don't know. 00:55:09
I just want to say that I really appreciate the dialogue and thoughts from fellow members. I don't disagree and. 00:55:15
Appreciate the robust discussion. 00:55:26
For me still. 00:55:29
The guideline seven really to me is problematic. 00:55:32
And conclusively so. 00:55:39
I understand and also appreciate the fact that this is a high density neighborhood and certainly appreciate that we have lots of 00:55:41
homes here in Pacific Grove that are very close together also. 00:55:48
Appreciate the. 00:55:55
Argument from the applicant in the sense that. 00:55:58
And mentioned by Mr. Huff in terms of first and right for some time that the wine dorse were purchased this home very close to the 00:56:01
property line and I. 00:56:07
Well, that that's that's something to consider. 00:56:14
Part of. 00:56:19
Part of what makes that a difficult pill for me to swallow is just the circumstance in this case of the fact that there is just. 00:56:20
So much room to work with here. This is a large lot and if it. 00:56:31
It would, I think I might reach a different conclusion if this was a property and a lot that you didn't really have much to work 00:56:38
with and you know, if you wanted this, this amount of floor space. 00:56:45
You needed to build right on the property line, but that really isn't the case here and so I do for me. 00:56:54
I can get past guidelines 7. In this instance that's. 00:57:03
I'll leave it at that. 00:57:08
Yeah, it does look a little disproportionate when we're looking top down. But again with the and there's a lot of open space in 00:57:12
this unit closer to this street. 00:57:17
So I am trying just to evaluate it just as the back unit as one. 00:57:23
Because. 00:57:29
I think that's only fair. I suppose being a duplex we couldn't ask them. I don't think it would be fair to encroach. 00:57:31
Umm. 00:57:39
Unit 1. 00:57:43
But anyway. 00:57:46
As I kind of mentioned, I think last meeting I'm I'm certainly I'm reluctant to. 00:57:48
To provide my own thoughts in terms of how it should be designed that that's not. I'm not qualified to do that. 00:57:54
But that being said, I do think there is a way where you do not encroach on you. You don't have to move the. 00:58:03
East elevation wall further east in order to. 00:58:12
Main in order to keep the growth floor area, but also move it away from the West elevation, meaning you can move that you can move 00:58:19
this this wall in and then. 00:58:25
Reconfigure it, perhaps put some more over here anyway. 00:58:33
Eating like more of an L? Yes, and I thought the same thing. I think there's there are ways to do it. I defer to the architect. 00:58:39
To devise it. Totally agree and I think I am not opposed. 00:58:49
To the rooftop deck. 00:58:55
Again, it's. 00:58:59
No neighbor likes them, you know. 00:59:02
But it's their right. And I'm not saying don't do a rooftop deck. I'm just saying let's just redesign this. 00:59:09
More thoughtfully. 00:59:18
Architecturally. 00:59:25
And there's more space, I think. I think they have more space. 00:59:34
To do. 00:59:41
Something more creative. They don't have more space. They have the space to do something a little more creative in my opinion. 00:59:43
So I'm hearing that. 00:59:54
The staggeredness is actually contributing to the the modular look for you, the staggered, just the fact that it's just all this, 00:59:57
it's just a flat, basically a flat. 01:00:04
Box that they have attached to the building and put a rooftop deck on top of it. 01:00:11
It's other than the windows. 01:00:19
And the siding, there's really nothing else that they have. 01:00:22
We've done architecturally to mitigate the fact that they're doing an addition. In other words, it looks like an addition. 01:00:29
That just. 01:00:39
It's got too much. 01:00:44
Mass messing to me and it should have, you know, it should maybe have a roof line or something that creates just more of a a nod 01:00:46
to. 01:00:52
The architectural style of of the existing home. 01:00:58
If I may, I would just suggest that. 01:01:05
Adding a roofline would result in more massing and more loss of light and air, especially as it faces the windor's. I think this 01:01:08
design, I'll be it again, aesthetically not. 01:01:17
Pleasing. 01:01:27
Reserves the most lightened air. 01:01:30
For the neighbors. 01:01:35
So again. 01:01:37
I don't know. As I thought about it, I don't know what more can be done. 01:01:39
Given the configuration, the nature, the nature that of this property being a duplex giving the the ingress, you know, area of the 01:01:44
front unit. 01:01:49
What else you can do? 01:01:57
Other than add more mass, extend further into the green space. 01:02:00
In order to. 01:02:07
Allow the development of this line. 01:02:10
I appreciate the aesthetic objection, but I don't. 01:02:14
I don't think that. 01:02:19
It's disqualifying given all of the the difficulties that this project presents. 01:02:21
And I appreciate that. I just want to clarify from my own again from reiterate from my perspective that for me the fertile that 01:02:33
I'm not able to leap over is architectural guideline number 7. And that's not really, that's not a aesthetic. 01:02:43
Point, but a good neighborly point. 01:02:55
And I do think. 01:03:01
Again, reiterate again, I don't think this is the right forum for us to. 01:03:04
Design, we don't have the time or the expertise to, you know, try to throw out new designs. That's something I think would be a 01:03:10
disservice for us to do that. Redesigning something should take many, many hours and thought to to do. 01:03:20
But I think that I it seems to me that there is ample opportunity and land. 01:03:30
For a design that would not only meet the applicant's needs, but also appropriately comport with our guidelines. 01:03:38
And I just. 01:03:53
Want to say one last thing. And if there were a roofline, let's say that we added, I certainly would not want it on the rear of 01:03:54
the property. What I was thinking is if the shape was totally different and you had. 01:04:01
More of a well it doesn't matter, but if you if you incorporated some type of a roof line or something that broke up the monotony 01:04:10
of that horizontal. 01:04:15
Box or rectangle? 01:04:21
That to me would would enhance it so. 01:04:28
I don't, we don't, I don't need to be labored anymore. No, I think it is, it is a challenge because there's trade-offs and if we 01:04:34
balance it with a roofline or additional massing, then we're yeah, adding massing. So I think it is just a trade off and I I'm 01:04:40
more inclined. I, I think I'm agreeing with member Huff. Just I'm not sure how much better we're going to get or how many options 01:04:46
will will be enough. 01:04:51
Or. 01:04:57
Just considering the constraints of this of this property in this location, this project the needs the existing dwelling. 01:05:00
Although I do believe in design and design solutions. 01:05:11
I'm inclined to. 01:05:18
To support the project. 01:05:20
But they are a little bit divided here so. 01:05:23
I guess I would. 01:05:28
Someone would like to make a motion. 01:05:32
Move to approve the project. 01:05:37
Point of order, may I just this is a. 01:05:40
No recommendation. So it's you would the motion would be moved to a recommend approval to the Planning Commission. 01:05:44
May I just ask? 01:05:54
In terms of appropriate motions that could be made a motion to. 01:05:57
Deny or. 01:06:03
Well, no. A motion to disapprove the the plans to the. 01:06:07
Planning Commission is not an acceptable motion, is that correct? 01:06:14
Well, I actually believe that since it is a recommendation. 01:06:19
That could be made. I'm not as as director, Vaughn had said. 01:06:24
Last meeting is that this is a housing project, so denial of a housing project so that you're not denying you're making a 01:06:32
recommendation. Again, those recommendations should be based on the number of guidelines. 01:06:39
That you would like to use and with specifics to those guidelines. 01:06:48
So if you know if you are going to make a recommendation, I would add those guidelines. 01:06:54
To to your your recommendation one way or the other. But if you do feel that it meets the guidelines or more guidelines than not, 01:07:01
then that recommendation to to approve would also be made. 01:07:08
Thank you. So I guess I paid in our Felice stated my motion if I could restate it. I I I moved to recommend approval of 01:07:19
architectural permit 23-0346 to the Planning Commission. 01:07:26
I will second that motion. 01:07:35
And we'll do roll call because member Huff is remote. 01:07:38
Member Huff. 01:07:45
Aye, member boy. 01:07:46
Aye. 01:07:49
Vice Chair Boyle and Secretary Brooks. 01:07:52
With a tie vote with two eyes and two nays, the vote fails. Another motion can be made. 01:07:59
Through the chair to the chair. 01:08:16
Do we want to consider? 01:08:19
Asking the applicant whether or not they would like to come back to the board another time or what their preferences do. I don't 01:08:22
know if that's something we want to consider or not. Look to staff that is an option to. 01:08:29
There's always an option if there's a potential for redesign if they're if they don't feel that, you know, we have two members who 01:08:39
feel like there's not much more design from that that can be done. And and then two that feels like there are. I think that the 01:08:47
thing that I look at and this is just, you know, is that we have given them guidance and 35 is new. That was that was not. 01:08:55
Seven was was existing, so there were a number of others that were there that are have been eliminated. 01:09:05
So any guidance that you give them to move forward if they have addressed those items that you've asked for doing something new 01:09:10
is, is. 01:09:15
I mean. 01:09:21
This is a new design. So but you're, you're also putting it and I will say one of the reasons why there aren't full sets of plans 01:09:23
for this is because it will be going to the Planning Commission at one point. And since it is. 01:09:29
In essence, in a design review. 01:09:36
You know, putting an extra burden on an applicant to to do full plan set so that you can. 01:09:39
Recommend denial and change, which is fine but but it was requested so that that was we did feel it was enough to to provide so I. 01:09:45
You may ask the the applicant if they want to change design or if they're willing to go without a recommendation from the the ARB 01:09:56
as having a failed recommendation or a failed motion. 01:10:03
Would you like to come up and? 01:10:11
Speak. 01:10:13
We'll invite the applicant, Mr. Gateship. 01:10:15
I'm Jim Gish, that contractor. 01:10:20
I don't know how much more we could do, like with the roof line and things like that. One thing possibly that could be addressed 01:10:23
is the. 01:10:28
You mentioned where that front door, you know, like that set back, maybe that could be pushed out towards Lobos that would make 01:10:35
that wall. 01:10:40
You wouldn't have that chopped up. I think that might be an option, but. 01:10:47
Again for the client that changes you know or cost and time as a critical. 01:10:53
We'd like to get them their access and their. 01:11:04
Wheelchair and access outside. Can't really start anything any of those until this is agreed on. So I. 01:11:08
I think that's all I have to offer. Yeah, thank you. And I did have a question for staff on that actually if a portion of this 01:11:21
project could be a. 01:11:25
I guess heard or just like a building permit the the the lift for the the back entrance of that could be a parallel path or 01:11:32
potentially I mean, one of the things that we always look at not that not in this case a piece mealing project. So we try not to 01:11:40
piece meal projects. There are two we have two, two lifts that are part of this project and 1:00. 01:11:48
Requires the emergency exit, so. 01:11:56
So the interior lift has to wait until there's an approval for the stairs because we need to have the stairs for ingress and 01:12:03
egress. The other we've we've already checked with our building official's. 01:12:09
And he does prefer to have everything at once in this case. 01:12:16
Because it is part of the one application, it's kind of hard to split them up and make them too. 01:12:26
So where we are today, I guess with the failed recommendation is that it would and it was intended to be heard by Planning 01:12:34
Commission and they would just make a decision. 01:12:39
That's. 01:12:46
So, so that is, yes, so I understand the procedural aspects. So no further motion I suppose needs to be made from the board 01:12:50
because there has been a denial or it has never mind, there has been a denial because the motion, the motion has not been 01:12:56
approved, assuming that the applicant doesn't want to. 01:13:02
Redesign and come back to the ARB. This would now just be pushed forward to the Planning Commission. Is that accurate? Essentially 01:13:10
the the other again being a recommendation and there is no permit that's being provided for a recommendation to approve your 01:13:16
recommendation can include. 01:13:22
I would like it to look prettier. I'm sorry I was sitting down, but there were certain things that, you know, writing down the 01:13:29
order or you know, have the PC consider these these things. 01:13:35
Your the other thing that you could be doing as as the board in these recommendations is informing the Planning Commission and we 01:13:43
will I will do that in my report to the Planning Commission to say, you know, I'll list these reasons that I heard today to the 01:13:49
Planning Commission of why there was a tie vote. I'm going to list. 01:13:55
Both on both sides of these and so that is a potential, but you could also make a new motion with a recommendation. We recommend 01:14:03
the Planning Commission add a wall of screens to to protect privacy, but that's not necessarily so you're not. 01:14:11
It's really the next step is really their discretion this for you, this is a lot of time for a recommendation, but you can you're 01:14:20
kind of since it is a recommendation, you're kind of open to to options. Your first of first failed motion doesn't necessarily 01:14:29
have to be the only motion, but it can stand if, if, if you guys are OK moving forward with a timeout. 01:14:38
Is that? 01:14:48
Excuse me, Cher Bernstein, Joe Sidor with CDD the. 01:14:53
Board could choose to not make a recommendation and that would be the recommendation or or the decision going forward to the 01:15:04
Planning Commission that the the board decided to not make a recommendation on this project. If I could, I guess I'm getting a 01:15:10
little. 01:15:17
Confused and hung up when you're using the term recommendation as opposed to motion. I mean if we did a recommendation it would be 01:15:24
through emotion that would need to be approved by at least three of the members. So assuming this may not be the case, but 01:15:33
assuming we don't have a a majority that is willing to approve a motion one way or the other, let's for the sake of argument. 01:15:41
We can't really recommend anything. 01:15:51
Besides what our discussion has already put forth today, and in that case. 01:15:54
There would be nothing further for the board to do. We would just have a failed motion and then it would proceed on to the 01:16:01
Planning Commission. I'm just trying to understand the procedure. That is correct. If you wanted to let it stand right here, 01:16:06
that's what it will take to the Planning Commission if that's what the applicant desires at this point. 01:16:11
Or we could make a recommendation up to the Planning Commission for a redesign of the project, citing Guidelines 35 and Guidelines 01:16:18
7 as the guiding forces. 01:16:24
But it would need to be approved by at least three of the members, right? It's just an alternate motion. 01:16:43
It's your Lawrence, if I may. If no one is willing to make a second motion, you may just say we'll, we'll let that motion stand as 01:17:01
is and and the applicant can take that to the Planning Commission. That is an option. 01:17:08
Yes. 01:17:16
All right then. 01:17:18
Yep, then the motion. 01:17:21
And Carrie as is and. 01:17:23
We'll be going to Planning Commission. 01:17:27
OK. Thank you. 01:17:29
Thank you all. Moving on to agenda item. 01:17:37
Beef. 01:17:43
We'll wait for Member 7 to return. 01:17:46
Welcome back. 01:17:52
All right, we will start. 01:18:01
Now Architectural permit AP and Administrative use permit 24 Dash 00174224 Congress Ave. May we have the staff report? 01:18:04
One second, we're just getting the PowerPoint up. 01:18:16
Good afternoon, Chair Bornstein and board members. The project before you is Architectural Permit Administrative Use Permit 240017 01:18:55
and is located at 224 Congress Ave. and involves a first and second story addition to the existing residence as well as outdoor 01:19:03
improvements to the property. 01:19:10
The 3550 square foot lot is located at the southwest corner of Short St. and Congress Ave. in the area in an area of medium to 01:19:22
large one and two-story single family residences in the second edition neighborhood and R1 zoning district. 01:19:31
The lot is currently developed with the one story single family residence and detached garage totaling 1110 square feet. 01:19:41
The proposed project would include a 119 square foot addition to the rear elevation on the 1st floor. 01:20:00
A 22 square foot addition to the South elevation first floor and a 621 square foot second floor addition resulting in a 1872 01:20:08
square foot two-story residence with an attached garage. 01:20:15
The project would include outdoor improvements that comprise of a 281 square foot patio with a garden trellis and a 14 square foot 01:20:22
wood burning fireplace. 01:20:28
As designed, the project would conform to most applicable development regulations, including but not limited to building height, 01:20:39
gross floor area, and allowable site and building coverage. The existing north side yard set back is non conforming. The proposed 01:20:47
garden trellis would encroach into the set back and the privacy screening in the rear of the yard would exceed the allowed height 01:20:54
limit. However, the applicant has applied for an administrative use permit that would allow for the. 01:21:01
Side yard setbacks which would bring both side yard setbacks into conformance. It would allow a garden structure exceeding the set 01:21:09
back standards and allow privacy screening exceeding the height limits. 01:21:15
A large Cypress tree resides in the southeast portion of the property. However, the additions do not appear to have an impact on 01:21:26
the tree. As a precaution, staff has added a condition to approval a condition of approval to the draft permit to include tree 01:21:33
protection standards during construction. The states prior to issuance of the building permit, the project Arborist, shower view, 01:21:41
grading, drainage, utility building and landscape plans to determine required minimum tree protect. 01:21:48
Standards during construction. 01:21:56
This elevation shows the proposed view from Congress Ave. 01:22:01
Be the front facade. 01:22:06
And staff recommends the Architectural Review Board up. 01:22:12
Approve the architectural permit subject to findings, conditions of approval, and Class One category categorical exemption. Thank 01:22:17
you. 01:22:21
Right. Thank you. 01:22:26
There are no questions for staff. We can invite the applicant up if you'd like to make a presentation. 01:22:28
Welcome. Good afternoon. My name is Anatoly Astridsov. I'm the project architect. 01:22:42
Thank you, Mary, for the presentation. And we work closely for several months with the staff to make some revisions. And you saw 01:22:48
the final version which was brought to all the compliance with ordinances and setbacks and regulations as you noticed, I believe 01:22:57
you all saw the property and what you see is a big tree which is basically blocks the access to the property. 01:23:06
And the other half of the property, if you look from the Congress. 01:23:16
As the house on the right hand side with three foot minimum set back to the north property and driveway to the garage, that's it. 01:23:19
And right now my client, they're using the driveway is an outdoor space. And as a result of the negotiation with the neighbor on 01:23:26
the South there a couple of years ago, maybe last year, they made a lot line adjustment and obtain some additional property which 01:23:34
will be used for outdoor use that's where. 01:23:41
Build with your approval, we will build a trellis which will provide privacy for people who has two-story house on the southwest 01:23:49
corner. So that's as we heard the previous discussion, the privacy is a very big issue in city of Pacific Grove and we try to 01:23:57
address it as much as we could. We maintain existing houses and we build a second Storey edition on the second part of the house, 01:24:04
so. 01:24:11
When you look at the house from the Congress, you will not see this second story edition as a Balkan mass in front of the house. 01:24:19
It will be sitting in the rear, which will provide more gradual architectural appearance within the block and existing garage will 01:24:26
be used as. 01:24:33
Story for the small tower like looking Second story edition, which will be used as an office. 01:24:41
And that's the idea of the project. If you have any questions, I'm ready to answer. 01:24:48
Just have one first. Do you know why it's called the opposite house? 01:24:55
Well, I, I have the owner Barbara, their call is here. She might answer this question better. But as I understand the opposite 01:24:59
house, because it's, it's, it's not as city house, it's very small. You know, the existing square footage is only 940 square feet. 01:25:07
So it's opposite because it's very comfy, very comfortable, cozy, and it brings joy and calm. 01:25:16
Sense compared to the bigger or city like house they. 01:25:25
Thank you for that. Yeah, I have a question as well. I'm looking at drawings a 2.0 and under eaves and gutters there's a photo of 01:25:31
a home. 01:25:37
But it doesn't look like this home. So is that the photo of what the color palette is supposed to be or just the eaves? I'm not 01:25:43
sure what I'm looking. Yeah. He just pulled it up on the screen. Thank you. Yes, if you if you're talking about the house below 01:25:48
Eves and gutters. 01:25:53
Yes, subject, right. So it's an example of the zero Eve gutter because right now they want to make sure yeah, right now they have 01:25:58
Eve like traditional eaves 12 inches long, but it's a city of Pacific Grove doesn't allow any protrusion into three feet set back. 01:26:06
And we if we will build a second story and and we will match existing conditions, we will be violating violating this. 01:26:14
Requirement so we and we don't want to cut. 01:26:23
If the new edition and leave at the old edition. So we would like to bring the whole house in conformity and make it look more 01:26:28
like a Spanish Revival style, Yeah. 01:26:33
OK, thank you. I just got. 01:26:39
I thought that's what I was looking at but I wanted to make sure. Thank you. 01:26:41
I just had one more question. 01:26:46
And you touched on it and I was just kind of curious, but regarding the property line, so obviously there is this fence currently 01:26:50
right next to the garage. Is that so that was the property line at some point. And then this the property to the, the land to the 01:26:58
South was now purchased. And so the property line extends to about about 3 feet from that neighboring garage. 01:27:07
It's it's more like 10 feet, yeah. So they bought probably 10 feet over the S right. But now the, the, the South. 01:27:15
Property line is now at a point where it is 3 feet or so from that neighboring South. 01:27:25
Property, am I making sense? I'm not sure it'd be from where the where the garage, yes, you're making sense, but I don't think it 01:27:34
is and I think Garrett can speak to that, yeah. 01:27:38
Yeah, the lot line adjustment has been approved and recorded with the assessors office and they wouldn't do in a lot line 01:27:44
adjustment. 01:27:48
And make the nonconformity. Sorry, what is the set back of the neighboring garage to the current lot line on the South? Are you 01:27:53
talking about rear set back or side set back? I guess it's the side. 01:28:01
Side set back elevation right. 01:28:10
Of course, sorry point of order, there is no let that fence, there is no lot line there. 01:28:13
So the fence is in the yard, right? OK. So you were asking where the setback is from where? 01:28:19
It's. It doesn't really matter, but. 01:28:27
There is a neighboring garage on the to the South of the house. 01:28:31
A neighboring garage, right? There's a garage if I'm if I'm on the street looking straight at the house to the left, there is 01:28:38
there is a undeveloped plot of land which we're they're going to develop the trellis and this garage, correct? OK, My question is 01:28:45
there is a property line somewhere out there that has been a purchase and bought. 01:28:53
How close to that? 01:29:02
How far from that property line is the neighboring garage? Maybe 11 feet? I don't remember actually right, but when the lot line 01:29:04
adjustment was developed through the staff, they definitely took care of all the required setbacks. 01:29:11
I don't think they purchased the entire. 01:29:20
Yeah, yeah, that's correct. 01:29:24
I can put up a lot line adjustment map for you. It's, it's, it's, it's not important. It's OK, OK. 01:29:30
I think that's it for our question. So we'll invite you back if we have any more. Thank you. Thank you. Actually I had a question. 01:29:40
I'm so sorry, apologize. It's OK. I was just curious about the three foot set back with regard to the the South side of the 01:29:45
trellis. 01:29:51
Is that code compliant or is that going to require a variance of some sort? 01:29:58
Well, the combined set back requires 3 feet on one side and. 01:30:05
The difference between I believe the total is 11 feet. So the the different different size on the other side and since the trail 01:30:10
is free standing structure, we have 3 feet actually we moved it already to four feet. So this would be the averaging of of the 01:30:17
side yard setbacks. 01:30:24
See, it's. 01:30:33
One of the trailers would be that's the the administrative use permit that would allow for encroachment of the the trellis into 01:30:37
the side yard set back. 01:30:43
OK. Because there was a supplemental document that had the Red Cloud and I was trying to understand is have you moved the trellis 01:30:54
to four feet or was it trellis being moved to three feet? I couldn't quite understand that supplemental docket. 01:30:59
I got you so the the trellis eaves were encroaching past the three foot so I had the architect move the post 4 feet. 01:31:06
And then the eve of the the trial list is 3 feet from the property line. Thank you. 01:31:19
Thank you. 01:31:30
Right. Is there any public comment on this item, either virtually or in the room? 01:31:31
We have England wins and Dahmer online. 01:31:44
Thank you. 01:31:50
And thank you for your clarifying questions because boy did I have a lot of lot of questions on that one like that lot line, Yes. 01:31:52
And anything that's asking for a use permit is not conforming to. 01:32:01
What's going on in our codes, however? 01:32:10
This one is. 01:32:15
Pretty similar to the last one in that I don't think this fits into the neighborhood at all. I think that the what they're 01:32:17
proposing as far as. 01:32:22
They're raising above. I think the neighbor to their side has definite concerns about. 01:32:29
Windows. We've got a lot of windows looking down, and we've got. 01:32:37
Well, I'm having trouble ascertaining, but I don't think it blends in the neighborhood, and certainly not that poor little house 01:32:45
next door. 01:32:49
And the only ones that seem to be getting privacy out of this. 01:32:56
Are the ones building so I don't know. 01:33:02
And the distance between the fence heights. 01:33:08
The six and the four and raising it up and. 01:33:12
I think you have a lot of questions to ask ask about this because. 01:33:19
I I don't know. And if they're asking to average too, it's like, well, they're deficient in some way. So it really has too many 01:33:26
windows facing down to their poor little side house that's. 01:33:34
That wrote the letter also. So we have another problematic one here, and it should be thoroughly, thoroughly discussed amongst 01:33:42
you. Thank you very much. 01:33:49
Thank you for your comments. 01:33:58
Being no other virtual hands raised and no one approaching the podium, we will close public comment and bring it back to the board 01:34:05
for discussion. 01:34:10
Oh, oh, pardon. Yes. Welcome. Yeah. 01:34:17
These are our neighbors across the street. They came to Pacific Grove about 10 years ago, and they're delightful people. I'm 01:34:25
sorry. Through the chair. Could you tell us your name? Earl Edmonds. 01:34:30
And they made even the garage, the driveway has been a social point of our whole neighborhood. That's the kind of neighbors these 01:34:37
people are. But then they started having grandchildren and started wondering where are they going to put them? And so who did they 01:34:44
talk to 1st? I think we were one of the first couples they talked to. Then they went around the whole neighborhood and talked to 01:34:51
people and said this is what we're interested in doing. 01:34:59
And what do you think about it? 01:35:06
And they listen to us and I just appreciate that. And they're going to be a wonderful, wonderful welcome couple to the community. 01:35:08
Thank you. 01:35:21
Hello, I'm Jeff Edmonds, neighbor right across the street. 01:35:35
Really appreciate you guys volunteering your time to do a very difficult job. 01:35:39
And you're doing a good job of it. 01:35:44
My only comment about what you're doing right now is if you please just speak into the microphones, you can hear a lot better out. 01:35:47
There's a lot of. 01:35:51
Buzzing. And you know, we just can't hear everything. 01:35:56
I'm totally in favor of the project. I look right at it for my living room window and I think it's going to be really a really 01:35:59
nice project. They're going to look, I have a second story. They're going to have extra bedrooms. We're going to have a much 01:36:04
better floor plan. 01:36:09
And I do love the outside area. 01:36:15
With the fireplace and the patio, really very sunny right there. So that's a good patio for that. 01:36:18
So I have no objections. I don't think anyone in the neighborhood does. I think they should go ahead and build it. So I have to 01:36:26
say thank you. Thank you for your comments and feedback. 01:36:31
All right, bring it back to the board for discussion. Who would like to begin? 01:36:40
Happy to. 01:36:48
It's well, let me just say that it's really, really refreshing to hear. 01:36:50
That commentary from the neighbors, that's always, always excellent to have in this community. I would I would certainly note that 01:36:57
I didn't see any. 01:37:03
Public comment submitted to the board in opposition at all to the project certainly seem to be reiterated and confirmed there. I, 01:37:10
I think the project is beautiful. I, I, I'm very much in support of it. I like the fact that it is step back away from the street. 01:37:22
I think as we were maybe discussing in the previously earlier on. 01:37:35
During the meeting, you know, when I, when I look at this project, it looks as one new home. It doesn't look as any, you know, 01:37:41
some sort of. 01:37:45
Modular second edition. I think it's going to be a fabulous edition. 01:37:51
And. 01:37:58
That's all I had and it's also again refreshing and great to hear that. 01:38:01
If this is the center of the community that this outside trellis and and fireplace, I'm sure that will lend itself to that as 01:38:07
well. And one final point, very much glad to hear that. 01:38:13
They'll be monitoring of that Cypress tree during construction because that tree is just stunning and gorgeous. I spent a lot of 01:38:21
time just looking at that. 01:38:25
Very nice to have on on the property as well, but very much in support of the plans and project. 01:38:30
Thank you. And I just do want to add that we did receive one. 01:38:35
Piece of public comment from the next door neighbor at 222 Congress that did have privacy concerns and their single story home. 01:38:40
Thank you for mentioning that, I must have missed that. 01:38:47
I can go next. Can you guys hear me? 01:38:53
If I'm writing some of the microphone, I. 01:38:57
Thank you for all the comments, that really did help me out when I first saw the drawings it. 01:39:00
Felt like a big suburban home. And then when I stood there on the street and I remember that was the house with the fabulous tree. 01:39:05
I've admired the tree for a long time. All of a sudden I could could see how it how it came together. So it made a lot more sense 01:39:09
to me. 01:39:14
I do appreciate the neighbors concerns. It is a lot of Windows A. 01:39:19
But I I don't see an alternative in the design feels good to me, so I I'm willing to give up my approval. 01:39:23
I'll go. 01:39:42
I echo my colleagues sentiments Neighbors neighborhood support to me is one of the primary factors and and here I hear support 01:39:45
part. I was respectful of the neighbors the the adjacent neighbors views, but again I think that I. 01:39:53
The windows themselves don't present that type of intrusion. There's considerations of light and as well in the static as well. I 01:40:03
think the project overall aesthetically is is going to be a fantastic improvement to the neighborhood and I do absolutely also 01:40:10
appreciate how they are developing the outdoor space as well. I completely AM. 01:40:17
Endorse this project. 01:40:25
I think this is great. 01:40:34
I. 01:40:40
I just really appreciate the thoughtful. 01:40:43
Thoughtfulness and then design the cohesiveness that taking into account the outdoor living space it's it's not. 01:40:48
Maxing out every single last bit of. 01:41:02
Of space. 01:41:08
Thank you for not putting on a rooftop deck. 01:41:13
I, I just, I really think this is beautifully designed. I, I have no other comments other than that I think it's. 01:41:17
They I think they hit it out of the park. 01:41:28
I concur with the members here, very thoughtful, nice design and where we do appreciate all public input and just acknowledging 01:41:32
the neighbors privacy concerns living in a single story home. Again, it's just kind of the trade off of living in our beautiful 01:41:40
dense urban city and I did take note that the upper level rooms that would be. 01:41:49
Over overlooking that property or. 01:41:59
Two bedrooms in a bathroom. So not primary living spaces, more secondary. 01:42:02
But I appreciate how you kind of oriented the outdoor space on the other side too. That's natural with the the layout of the lot. 01:42:08
But that I think will afford that neighbor more privacy too if you're kind of recreating outside. 01:42:15
In this really nicely designed patio. So I think we're all in support of this project and would somebody like to make a motion? 01:42:24
I can make a motion, a motion to approve as it's written. 01:42:33
2nd. 01:42:39
Get A roll call. 01:42:40
Member said aye, Secretary Brooks Aye Chair Bornstein. 01:42:45
The Vice chair Boyle aye and member Huff aye. 01:42:51
With Five Eyes and 0 nays, the motion passes. 01:42:58
Thank you. 01:43:03
All right. Moving on to our last item on the agenda. 01:43:07
Item C. 01:43:12
Architectural permit 24-0051 at 985 Piedmont Ave. 01:43:14
May we have a staff report? 01:43:23
It did. 01:43:32
Yeah. 01:43:39
Good afternoon, Cheryl Bondstone and board members. I'm Joseph Sedo with CDD. 01:43:47
And the project Before You Know is located at 985 Piedmont Ave. in the Del Monte Park neighborhood. 01:43:52
The 53110 square foot interior lot is located on the South side of the intersection of Piedmont and Moreland Avenues in an area of 01:44:01
medium to large multi story single family residences and multifamily apartment buildings in the R1 zoning district. The lot is 01:44:09
currently vacant, yet has an existing water meter connection confirmed by Calam. 01:44:17
As proposed, the project would include the construction of a 2683 square foot two-story single family residence including an 01:44:30
attached 517 square foot garage. The residents would also include a 143 square foot open deck above the lower level which would 01:44:37
overlook the street, and a 228 square foot rear patio. As designed, the project would confine to all applicable development 01:44:44
regulations. 01:44:51
This elevation shows the proposed view from Piedmont Ave. 01:45:00
As well as the proposed exterior colors and materials. 01:45:04
Staff recommends the Architectural Review Board approve the architectural permit subject to the findings, conditions of approval 01:45:11
and Class 3 categorical exemption. This concludes staff presentation and I'm available for questions as well as the applicant. 01:45:17
Thank you. 01:45:22
There are no questions for staff. We'll invite the applicant to make a presentation if they would like. 01:45:30
Hi, my name is Alan Robinson. I've been an architect in the area for about 40 years. 01:45:43
So. 01:45:50
I do. I'm here to answer questions. I would say looking at the elevation says probably more important than looking at the front 01:45:52
color elevation because this is a a really tricky site. Mr. Wilson Senior bought these lots and had the foresight to put water 01:45:58
meters on there. So that's why we're doing this. There's no variances required, no. 01:46:05
Everything fits in there, and it's also a recognizable architectural style. 01:46:13
It's a Craftsman style. 01:46:20
And that was from 1905 to 1920, pretty fomented by the green and green people in Los Angeles was short lived because it happened 01:46:23
to be one of the most expensive kinds of architecture you could do so anyway. Also, I was on architecture board for 12 consecutive 01:46:29
years in Monterey. So I feel your pain and consternation when it comes to something like the early one. Today, however, I would 01:46:36
like to introduce you to this book. This is called. 01:46:43
Field Guide to American homes. Have you seen this before? OK. 01:46:50
Pretty good, right. So if you were to turn to page 435, you would see that I have checked all the the things for Craftsman style, 01:46:54
the bar drafters, the low pitch roof and all that. But more importantly that we have a lot of things going on with building today 01:47:00
and solar is important. We have to have solar. 01:47:06
So I needed to find a way to get that S phasing sun on the front of the house. So if you look at the side elevations, I think it 01:47:13
would pretty much tell a lot more and the building sections than that front elevation for colors only so you can see that. 01:47:20
We are sloping up the hill and this is not an easy site. There's a big cross slope there and there's a Cliff in the back. If you 01:47:28
went and saw the flagging, did you see the flagging? So we kind of were sort of limited to where we could site the house. But 01:47:34
anyway, I hope you found it pleasing. And we worked hard on this. We got the civil engineers to give us a plan because I wasn't 01:47:41
going to try to tackle that site myself. 01:47:47
So Mr. Wilson would like to be here today, except he is birthing his grandchild today and the people there are going to be living 01:47:54
in this house so. 01:47:59
If we could birth this project today, he'd have A2 Fer and so that would be great. Any questions, I'm here to answer them if you 01:48:04
need be and I appreciate. 01:48:09
Approval this project. Thank you. I I do have one question, nobody else does. Just a question about the materials, the windows, 01:48:15
the mill guard. I think it's the V400 series, Tuscany series. 01:48:22
Ricardi in Suburbano, which is I think OK in this area. But the the divided lights, will those be simulated divided lights? 01:48:31
Actually they're going to be, I'm working. Maybe we're not going to use Milgard. We're going to maybe use something else because 01:48:38
Milgard is changing their product right now. It's big time changes without they got rid of them. 01:48:45
Some of the lines are doing, so we may be doing something else, but we're going to reach that aesthetic there and so. 01:48:53
On Windows schedule to get the Title 24 completed, but this is our first attempt at the sings. There's going to be some shopping 01:49:02
involved probably, but I think we're going to go with the style. So I'd like to true divided lights myself. OK, Yes, I think 01:49:07
that's where I was getting that versus. I want to be consistent with the thing. I don't like the little millions inside the air 01:49:13
bucket thing. They look kind of hokey. Neither do we. Yeah. Thank you. 01:49:19
The same. Thank you for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Any other questions? 01:49:25
I think we're good. We'll invite you back if we. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. 01:49:30
That any public comment online or in the room. 01:49:37
We have Inga, Lorenston, Dahmer. 01:49:45
Thank you. 01:49:50
I think it's a design that actually fits the lot. I wish the garage door weren't so prominent in the front, but. 01:49:53
That is a tricky lot and I think the architect did a good job. 01:50:05
As I said, my only comment would be the garage door being so prominent, so thank you very much. 01:50:11
Thank you. 01:50:22
Any other public comments? 01:50:25
All right, seeing none, we'll close public comment and bring it back to the board for discussion. 01:50:28
Love it. 01:50:38
I think it's. 01:50:40
Yeah, I think it's really nice. I. 01:50:41
It's, I don't know, to me, it's always exciting to. 01:50:48
Take an empty lot and have a family live there. I think the architectural style is wonderful and I'm excited about this project. 01:50:53
I can go next. I enjoy the style a lot. I did not realize that lot was there so it's fascinating to drive up to it. And I was 01:51:10
anticipating what the neighbors would say with the heights and then I realized that that Cliff is so ridiculously hall it was a 01:51:16
non issue. So no, Nicely done, it's good house. 01:51:22
Echo. 01:51:33
Colleagues Statements No. 01:51:35
It complies with the municipal codes. There's no conflicts with any of our guidelines that I can see and I didn't see any concerns 01:51:39
raised by the public, so in support of the project. 01:51:44
I agree, difficult lot, great improvement to the neighborhood. Completely support the project. 01:51:52
I agree as well. 01:52:00
Very nice layout, very strategic, the way you were able to fit the bedrooms in. And then I always like to review the plans before 01:52:03
I see the site. And so I thought that was kind of an interesting. 01:52:08
You know, the the lines of the house and then it's you go by the side. It's like, oh, just plug right in. Yeah, it just fits that 01:52:15
site so well and able to get 4 bedrooms and just the proportion. 01:52:22
All of it is just really thoughtful and. 01:52:31
I support this project. 01:52:37
Who would care to make a motion? 01:52:41
I can do that. I move to approve it as written. 01:52:44
2nd. 01:52:50
All right, maybe get A roll call. 01:52:53
Members open. 01:52:56
Secretary Brooks. 01:52:59
Aye, member enough. 01:53:01
Hi strip oil. 01:53:03
Aye, and Chair Bornstein, Aye. 01:53:07
With Five Eyes 0 nays, the motion passes. 01:53:10
Thank you. And with that, I'll adjourn the meeting 453 and our next meeting is July 9th. 01:53:14
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Right. Welcome. I will call the Architectural Review Board meeting to order. It is Tuesday, June 11th. And before we have a roll 00:00:00
call, I'll announce that member David Huff is participating remotely. 00:00:07
And I will ask for a motion to approve his remote attendance and participation. So moved. 00:00:14
2nd. 00:00:22
Right, all in favor. 00:00:24
Aye. 00:00:27
OK. 00:00:32
And we will invite him into the room. 00:00:33
Give me a moment to make sure this is. 00:00:39
Good morning, good evening, Good afternoon, everybody. 00:00:43
OK. Hi, David. 00:00:46
OK. So to facilitate your remote attendance, I believe I will just ask if you are alone in the room or if there's anybody over 18 00:00:50
in the room with you. I'm alone. 00:00:57
Sorry, he just got bumped the panel, this all right? 00:01:09
I'm alone in the room. It's a but it's an open conference room and the agenda is posted outside. 00:01:15
Excellent. Thank you. May we have a roll call? 00:01:22
Chair Bornstein. 00:01:30
Member 2nd. 00:01:33
Member Boyle or Vice Chair Boyle here, Secretary Brooks here, and Member Hoff. 00:01:36
Here we have 5 present. We have a quorum. 00:01:42
All right. We'll move on to item number two, approval of the agenda. 00:01:48
Make it a motion to approve the agenda. 00:01:53
So moved. 00:01:58
I'll second that. 00:02:01
All right, maybe get A roll call. 00:02:04
Secretary Brooks. 00:02:07
Hi. 00:02:10
Vice Chair Boyle. 00:02:11
Chair Bornstein, member Sutton and member Huff. 00:02:14
0 nays the agenda is approved. Excellent. We'll now move on to item number three, board and staff announcements. Are there any 00:02:22
board or staff announcements? 00:02:28
None from the board. Any staff announcements? All right. 00:02:37
We'll move on to item number 4, Council liaison announcements. I see Debbie Beck. Welcome, Debbie. Thank you. Good afternoon, 00:02:41
Chair and Commissioners. At our June 5th Council meeting, we had our first reading of an ordinance to adopt fiscal year 2425 00:02:49
budget. The second reading will happen on June 19th and then we also received our quarter three CIP report. 00:02:57
And that's all I have for today. Have a great meeting. 00:03:06
Thank you. 00:03:09
We'll move to general public comment. Are there any members of the public, either on Zoom or in the room, that wish to speak to 00:03:12
items not on the agenda? If so, please raise your hands virtually or step up to the podium. 00:03:19
Seeing no hands raised, we will close general public comment. 00:03:34
And then we don't have any items on the consent agenda. So we will move point of order. May I really quickly remember half I 00:03:39
believe if if available, I believe we have to have this video on for. 00:03:45
For the recording. 00:03:52
Yeah, I'm on a zoom. I can, I don't. 00:03:55
There should be a video here. 00:04:03
One second. 00:04:06
There you go. 00:04:15
Thank you. 00:04:17
Excellent. 00:04:21
OK, we'll move right along to our regular agenda. 00:04:22
Under item A, we'll start with architectural permit AP23-0346 at 206 Lobos Ave. And before we begin, I'll ask board members, is 00:04:27
there anybody that needs to recuse themselves? I do, so I'll be pulling for myself in the room. 00:04:35
All right, Member Stephan will be recusing for this item, so we'll just give for a moment. 00:04:44
May we have this staff report please? 00:05:06
Yes, good afternoon, Chair Bornstein and board members. Today I'm presenting Architectural permit 230346 proposed project at 206 00:05:10
Lobos Ave. 00:05:15
The project was first presented at the May 14th regular meeting and I'd like to actually make a correction for my staff report I 00:05:21
mistakenly wrote March 12th. So for the record, I want to make sure that it's known that it was May 14th. Upon review and and 00:05:28
deciding Architectural Review Guidelines numbers 5728 and 34, the ARB requested a redesign with the primary focus on privacy and 00:05:36
the relocation of the stairway leading from the rooftop terrace to grade. 00:05:43
The applicant agreed to make these revisions based on their comments, and the Board approved a motion to continue the item to 00:05:50
today, June 11th, at the regular meeting. 00:05:55
To recap, it is currently developed with a 1551 square foot two-story duplex, the 400 square foot garage. The dwelling units 00:06:02
consist of a 451 square foot front first floor unit and 1100 square foot two-story unit in the rear. 00:06:10
This project is located in the R4 Zoning district and the General Plan designates this zone is high density residential. It is 00:06:22
developed with the neighborhood is developed with one and two-story residences of varying architectural styles with 400 or 4186 00:06:29
square foot interior. Parcel is located on the West side of Lobos Ave. between Lighthouse Ave. and Short St. The property is not 00:06:36
located in the Coastal zone and is not listed on the city's Historic Resources Inventory. 00:06:43
Before you you have the previously proposed addition, just some other sketches from the top of the revised edition. And the 00:06:54
revised proposal includes the construction of a 358.5 square foot first floor addition to the north side of the existing rear 00:07:01
dwelling unit, which will result in a 1485 square foot residential unit. There will be no change to the front dwelling unit. The 00:07:08
project also includes an additional 2nd floor doorway, a new second floor rooftop terrace. 00:07:15
The new stairway leading to grade. As proposed, the new addition would be in a side yard elevated from Lobos Ave. It's set back 30 00:07:23
feet from the front property line and screened from view from the street by existing fencing vegetation. The public series stairs 00:07:29
to the South of the garage are proposed to be removed and a new exterior lift would be installed for accessibility. Future, 00:07:35
possibly wheelchair accessibility to the rear of the residence. And as mentioned above, the Arab cited Architectural Review 00:07:41
Guidelines 572834. 00:07:47
And requested the ethical revised list. Is the the previously proposed design based on primary primarily on privacy and the 00:07:53
stairway leading to grade? 00:07:58
Just to give you guys a view, these are the. 00:08:08
Previously proposed east elevations. 00:08:12
And the revised east elevation. 00:08:15
We have the previously proposed proposed N elevation. 00:08:19
And the revised N elevation and the stairs here were relocated from the extreme West or rear of the property and moved to the 00:08:24
other side of the proposed bathroom addition, and that Shields the stairs from view from the rear property. 00:08:31
There had been some question and this is intentionally on its side just to to meet what the rest of the design that I'm showing 00:08:43
you. There had been some question about the. 00:08:48
Survey that was conducted and I spoke with the California Certified Land Surveyor, Frank Lucido of Lucido Surveyors. 00:08:55
And he relayed to me that he did meticulous measurements to prepare the site plan, sketch, survey and set markers on the property 00:09:02
by which the builders and the building official can measure distances from the property lines. So you can rest assured, I checked 00:09:08
with him, that this is a valid survey. 00:09:13
Because access to the property is difficult and you can't see too much of the story polls from the street, I did provide some 00:09:21
pictures the the property the applicant allowed me onto the property to and take some pictures I can present to you today. 00:09:29
This is just from the front, just showing where it's difficult to see. 00:09:38
The addition from the street. 00:09:46
And here are the story polls from the northeast corner of the property. 00:09:51
This also from the northeast corner of the property you can see where the netting. Let me see if I can. 00:09:58
This is where the if you can see where my arrow is on both this is where the stairs will be coming down. This is the rear this 00:10:05
this orange netting. Here is the rear bathroom addition and once if if belt would block the stairs from. 00:10:14
The rear of the rear property. 00:10:24
These next few photos show that her architectural review guideline #8 that existing natural vegetation provides privacy screening. 00:10:29
This is taken from the existing balcony. 00:10:40
At the proposed location I. 00:10:45
And you can see that. 00:10:48
Existing these these trees that remain These trees had been planted a while back and will be growing, but they provide. 00:10:51
Privacy screening per architectural review guideline #8. 00:11:01
Colors show that here other properties have used vegetation more because again or for its high density residential that you use 00:11:07
vegetation to block or to to obscure views from their neighbors. That's including everyone. Everyone actually all of the the 00:11:15
surrounding properties have have vegetation. They're doing that. 00:11:24
And as I said, this is high density residential. 00:11:35
And I just also want to demonstrate from this picture, this view from the balcony that. 00:11:38
The properties in the neighborhood are this isn't, it's not an abnormal, it's all dense. These are all properties. This this one 00:11:46
was on the property line. You can see the one in the rear is close to their property line. We have roofs and all of these 00:11:53
properties are bordering. We have another. 00:11:59
Second story balcony that is also at that. So what is being proposed is not abnormal for the R4 district. It is a high density 00:12:07
residential district. 00:12:12
In addition to the privacy concerns, I've spoken with the applicant and they are willing to provide solid or opaque deck guards or 00:12:20
decorative glass. And just to to show this is if if there was opaque, this is the decline these these lines. The top line is is at 00:12:29
the top line of of the the story polls representing the railing and showing that they're willing to do. 00:12:39
Extra measures for. 00:12:51
For privacy views of their neighbors. In addition, that first floor, if you notice the 1st floor addition on either side of the 00:12:55
chimney, on the rear side there are two windows and they are. 00:13:01
They're amenable to using decorative glass, again opaque to allow the sunlight in, but protect views to and from the neighbors. 00:13:07
The materials are proposed to match the existing you have what looks like 9 German or Dutch lap wood siding and and it will all be 00:13:19
complementary to the existing residents. 00:13:25
The existing residences have a non conforming yard setbacks, but as proposed this project would not increase any existing or 00:13:34
create any new nonconformities. The proposed project complies with the zoning regulations and development standards set forth in 00:13:42
in the zoning chapters 23.28 for R4 and 23.64 for general provision provisions and exceptions. The proposed project will require a 00:13:49
use permit for the increase of floor area for a non conforming duplex and that review. 00:13:56
Determination of the use permit and actually the determination also of the architectural permit will be considered concurrently by 00:14:04
the Planning Commission and For these reasons, staff recommends the Architectural Review board recommend approval to the Planning 00:14:11
Commission for architectural permit 230346 subject to the findings conditions of approval and sequel guidelines. 15 three O 1 E 00:14:18
Class 1 categorical exemptions for existing facilities and I am available for available for questions if you have any. 00:14:25
Thank you. 00:14:33
Do we have any questions for staff? 00:14:35
Seeing none, I will invite the applicant up if you'd like to make a presentation or the owner. 00:14:39
And you'll have 10 minutes. 00:14:46
And if you could press the little button so we can hear you. 00:14:50
So yeah, you can hear. 00:15:03
OK, so I'm Barbara Klaus. I, my husband and I are proud owners of the two 06208 Lopez property. I am here today to correct some 00:15:06
misconceptions that were presented to you by a legal firm and the architects that were hired by the Wind Horse. 00:15:18
Hoping to convince you to deny the permit that we need to move on with our plans. 00:15:31
So. 00:15:41
Sorry and I'm a little nervous so. 00:15:46
And I do face it just for this. 00:15:49
OK, so just so you can see what the property looks like now. 00:15:54
OK. 00:16:04
At the May 14th meeting, it was reaffirmed that our plan does meet all the building codes and regulations. 00:16:05
In addition. 00:16:19
Sorry, just. 00:16:28
There in addition, we have received the new site plan, which verifies that our plan is compliant with setbacks and officially 00:16:30
stamped by a surveyor. 00:16:37
Do I aim at this? 00:16:52
There OK, this is a picture which visually demonstrates how close the Winders property is to the property line. It's three inches. 00:16:56
It was a knowledge that the meeting that last meeting that purchasing a property that no longer follows today's required 5 foot 00:17:05
set back can create a burden on the owners. 00:17:13
If for example 206 plants to develop their property. 00:17:22
This burden is now realized as the wind nurse now have issues with our approved plan. 00:17:27
Although our plan follows the five foot set back requirements, their lack of a 5 foot set that creates problems that would 00:17:34
otherwise be non existent. 00:17:40
Which are invasions of privacy, negative impact on views and sunlight, and location of a required emergency exit staircase. 00:17:47
The wind earth's concerns follow falls under good neighbor considerations in the Architectural Review guidelines which are 00:18:07
considered shoulds what one thinks is best, not compulsory or required necessary. 00:18:16
Oh, OK, I'm there. 00:18:36
The Winders claimed that the proposed addition and crouches upon their wait. This is an edge. 00:18:40
I'm so sorry. 00:18:49
So I ended up at this. 00:18:58
All right, thank you. So I need then. 00:19:02
OK, Yeah, that's it back. 00:19:12
Back. 00:19:16
The Winders claim that the proposed addition encroaches upon their privacy and negatively impacts their views. The following 00:19:17
slides will establish that it is actually our privacy that is encroached upon and they're negatively impacted. Views are actually 00:19:25
views of our personal space in our yard. 00:19:33
They claim that we can look directly onto their deck and into their bedroom at their bed. Their master bedroom door sits at the 00:19:46
back of their deck, which is approximately 15 feet away from our shared fence. This area is blocked by our photocarpus, which will 00:19:55
be 20 to 40 feet high and five to six feet wide. 00:20:04
Individually. 00:20:14
At the opposite end of their rooms, the bottom of their windows facing our yard are 6 feet and eight feet above ground level. So 00:20:15
unless we use the ladder, we cannot see into or through into their windows or through their house. 00:20:25
OK. 00:20:36
These slides show photos the Winders provided which demonstrate how they are encroaching our privacy. These are the views which 00:20:38
are being negatively impacted, Not views of the ocean or the golf course or a park or town which in my opinion would be more 00:20:46
interesting, but they are direct sweeping views of our fenced in yard. 00:20:54
The Wind Earths also claim that our new tariffs will encroach on their privacy. 00:21:05
The terrace floor will be at the top of their windows and will be directly facing our Italian buckthorns along the fence. It would 00:21:12
be difficult to look down and then through the windows below the terrace level. 00:21:20
Protocol ****** along their deck also blocks any views from our terrace. And as Aaron said, we would be. 00:21:30
It would be OK for us to get solid railing on the park facing their house. 00:21:40
OK, so we endorse automatically assumed that we will have many windows on their side the 24 foot length of the addition. 00:21:46
We are only adding two windows and only one faces their window which is 6 feet above ground level at its base. Again, one would 00:21:59
need a ladder to look into that window. We would consider installing awnings, tinted texture glass or privacy film. 00:22:10
The Winders have a full length of glass French doors at one end of their sunroom and three skylights above the at the opposite 00:22:28
end. Both bring in lots of sunlight. The windows in their sunroom are screened with vegetation. 00:22:37
On as as they were in the wine doors purchased the property. 00:22:46
Our revised required emergency exit staircase will be sandwiched between our 88 bathroom and 48. It will be set further away from 00:22:54
Windorf property and make it less visible and intrusive. 00:23:03
We request that the Board approves our permit enabling us to meet our current and future aging in place needs. The terrace will 00:23:14
provide us with additional outdoor space large enough to navigate with wheelchair Walker if we were confined upstairs. 00:23:23
An emergency exit staircase will provide a required alternate way to move between upstairs and downstairs in case of fire, medical 00:23:34
emergency or loss of power. 00:23:41
Our plants do not encroach on the endorse, privacy view or sunlight. 00:23:49
We've been part of the PG community since the mid 80s, spending every summer and living next door with my parents. Our children 00:24:00
attended Pacific Grove summer school sessions and our primary medical care has always been in PG. 00:24:09
My father, Robert Dees, played an active role in PG. He was a board member and architectural review board. He was in the Heritage 00:24:18
Society of PG, the Building Standards Committee and the 1989 Centennial Committee. He was president and vice president of the 00:24:27
Heritage Society of PG in 91 and 92. 00:24:36
We are excited that we were able to incorporate some of his ideas. 00:24:46
And Zions into our plan. 00:24:50
We are approaching our late 70s. We need a safe, easy access home which will help meet our aging and place needs. So we asked the 00:24:54
board please approve our permit as our plants will address our needs and will not impact our neighbors. 00:25:03
Perfectly on time, well done. 00:25:16
Do we have any questions for? 00:25:19
Not yet. Thank you. Thank you. 00:25:22
All right. With that we will open public comment. Is there anybody? 00:25:28
On Zoom or in the room that wishes to speak. 00:25:33
You're welcome. 00:25:43
Good afternoon. I'm Rebecca Sadoff and I represent Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Alan Weindorf or the neighbors that live next door to this 00:25:49
project. When this project came before the board last month, the board members noted a number of concerns about this design that 00:25:54
it was disproportionate and out of scale. The rest of the building that need to be sensitive to the location of the deck, so is to 00:26:00
avoid impacting neighbors privacy and of course the blockage of light. While the Windo certainly appreciate the relocation of the 00:26:06
stairs in the redesign. 00:26:12
As the board made clear during the last meeting, that was not the only concern. The architectural review guidelines apply to any 00:26:19
project that comes before this board. 00:26:23
And it's important that applicants continue to abide by those, the recommendations and the guidelines that the RB is going to be 00:26:29
evaluating them by. 00:26:33
As a whole, the redesign largely fails to address the board's concerns expressed during the last meeting, and in some ways makes 00:26:38
those concerns worse. 00:26:41
Privacy and lighting has continued to be a major issue with this redesign. It's the same concerns that the Windorf have been 00:26:46
bringing forward in the last meeting. 00:26:50
The privacy of the wonderful still impacted this terror still extends towards the property line and provides viewpoints into. 00:26:56
The majority of the aspects of the Windor's home. While the removal of the stairway does eliminate the view directly into the wine 00:27:04
doors personal bedroom, it doesn't eliminate the views into the first floor rooms all the way through the front of the building as 00:27:09
well as into the second story guest room and office. 00:27:14
Additionally, the currently existing vegetation as you can see in the photos that have been submitted up to this point. Looking 00:27:20
out of the Wendorf's windows as well as in the Staffs photos provided on the on the PowerPoint, you can see that from that terrace 00:27:26
they're going to have a view into. Anybody on that terrace will have a view into the Reinforce living room window, the one that 00:27:32
slightly set off to the side. 00:27:37
The currently existing vegetation doesn't adequately screen, and on top of that, there's no condition of approval contained within 00:27:45
the permit recommendation that would require its upkeep. 00:27:49
The redesign also exacerbates the lighting issue here. Now, I know that you just looked at some photos that were presented that 00:27:55
appear to be staging photos from real estate websites, where lighting is of course going to be emphasized in whatever way the real 00:28:00
estate agent finds proper. 00:28:06
However, as the board noted in the last one to redesign this solid wall, 5 feet outside the window is going to be an issue for any 00:28:12
neighbors in the architectural review guidelines encourage applicants to consider that in their design and. 00:28:19
The redesign will actually extend the solid wall aspect of this design an additional 6 feet, blocking the light further. 00:28:25
There are a lot of solutions available. This is a large lot. In fact, moving it further off the property line would help to 00:28:33
resolve a lot of these issues. We encourage the board to continue requiring a redesign so that this project can meet the classes 00:28:39
needs as well as their harmonious design for the neighborhood. Thank you. 00:28:45
Thank you. 00:28:51
51 virtual hand raised. 00:28:59
You have Inga, Lorenzen, Dahmer. 00:29:06
Thank you. 00:29:12
The board This is one of those things that's really going to create lasting problems and especially as it. 00:29:14
This one is obviously contentious between neighbors. 00:29:26
And when these things happen and they're built anyway, believe me for my situation of being in their age group and having this 00:29:34
done to me back in the directors. 00:29:40
Last tenure here in Pacific Grove. 00:29:47
I I still do not speak to those neighbors 15 years later and they're rebuild three times and suing their architect and their 00:29:53
contractor's. 00:29:58
When you have something like this, and yes the Weindorfs are they bought a house. 00:30:06
Too close to the property line, but interpretations of 15 years ago for what is a second story or anything else is not necessarily 00:30:15
and. 00:30:20
The clauses have a large property that it could have been redesigned as the ARB really requested last time, and instead they did 00:30:27
redesign the staircase. Yes, it's better. 00:30:35
But the same contention is going to continue on. 00:30:44
Forever, until as long as those houses are standing and people are living in them. And that is really, really, really too bad, 00:30:51
because that doesn't contribute to PG. 00:30:57
And our community. 00:31:04
Health at all, so you really have. 00:31:09
Your work cut out for you here to decide what you're going to do Thank you. 00:31:15
Thank you for your comments. Anybody else in the room? Any other public comment? 00:31:23
Right, seeing none, we'll close public comment and bring it back to the board for discussion. 00:31:30
I'd like to begin. 00:31:37
Well, I have many thoughts this is. 00:31:42
Many thoughts. 00:31:48
Continuing on what? 00:31:51
Inga said. I I can relate. I have a neighbor that's in the process of the same thing and. 00:31:55
It's very uncomfortable so I can. 00:32:03
I can relate to what she was saying and it's it's too bad really. 00:32:07
I. 00:32:12
I don't love what? 00:32:14
What the redesign is? 00:32:19
My my key. 00:32:22
Guideline is #35 I just I think what I. 00:32:25
Was. 00:32:33
What I kept thinking to myself was. 00:32:36
You don't really see it from the street. And then I thought. 00:32:40
That's a terrible reason to approve something. 00:32:46
Because what's on the street is wood. And if that is gone offense there's, you know, you don't have to have a front yard fence, 00:32:51
right? And trees. And if there was a fire and they didn't rebuild, I thought to myself. 00:32:59
Would you be happy? And this is relatively close to my neighborhood, would you be happy with this? 00:33:09
Project. 00:33:19
If there was nothing shielding it from the street and the answer was no. 00:33:22
I just think architecturally it's doing a disservice to the. 00:33:27
Original. 00:33:33
Home and I've got a project. 00:33:35
A home across the street from me that has was approved back in the 90s that they put an addition on and it should have never been 00:33:41
approved. 00:33:45
And it's been under construction for like 5 years trying to make it look good and. 00:33:51
I don't, I don't want to have to approve this and then we're approving a problem for the next owner, you know, trying to fix 00:33:59
something that shouldn't have been approved. We have one chance. 00:34:05
To get this right. I can appreciate that. 00:34:12
They're abiding by, you know, the, the, the codes. 00:34:17
That they need to, but I just think that the design was amiss. 00:34:23
And that's it for now. I'll probably have more, but. 00:34:31
I'll stop. 00:34:35
I want to say that I. 00:34:40
Appreciate the applicant coming up here and providing her. 00:34:44
Their thoughts and I can appreciate the concerns and points that they have raised. 00:34:50
I I am likewise still not in favor of the of this project or these plans. I don't think that for for me personally that they. 00:34:59
Abide by our guidelines, particularly for me, Guideline 7. 00:35:13
And while they do appear to comport with our municipal code, obviously you know the. 00:35:20
Purpose of one of our functions here on the board is to review these proposed plans in light of our guidelines and it keeps it's a 00:35:29
bulk of these guidelines is that new construction should enhance and respect neighborhood compatibility and I don't think that 00:35:37
that has been successfully done here. I think from a stepping back. 00:35:46
Just kind of point of order. 00:35:55
I don't think the plan set is complete. 00:36:00
As I think was mentioned at some point earlier on in the presentation, we don't see AI did not see a proposed elevation from the 00:36:02
from the West elevation. I was a bit disappointed in the fact that from what I could tell, there were there were only three new 00:36:08
pages. 00:36:15
For this new redesign to propose elevations and I think a floor floor plan. 00:36:23
And so just on that alone, it's I don't think we have. 00:36:32
Sufficient. 00:36:41
Documentation to adequately review the plan set and to make an appropriate and educated decision, but. 00:36:44
In terms of my comments at the prior meeting, I do think that the current plans do not comport with architectural guideline #7 I 00:36:56
also agree with it. 00:37:02
Remember Boyle in terms of architectural Guideline 35 as well? I think that's a very good point in terms and I also had the same 00:37:10
thought in terms of the. 00:37:15
The plans here, I, I certainly, I don't, I think they are. 00:37:21
I don't think they're as thoughtful as they could be, and I don't think that when I look at the entire new structure, if I looked 00:37:28
at it from. 00:37:35
An exterior vantage point that I would think that this was one home that was built in at one particular date, which I think is all 00:37:43
in my opinion something that we should always be striving for with any sort of addition. It shouldn't look like an addition. It 00:37:49
should look a cohesive part of the original plan and the original project and it it very much does not here and I do think that 00:37:55
while. 00:38:01
I agree with Sarah in terms of it's difficult to see currently from the street. There are trees out front and and a fence. I think 00:38:08
Sarah Spoil makes a an excellent point that that very well might not always be there. 00:38:14
And if it wasn't, looking at the proposed property project from the street. 00:38:20
It would be. 00:38:29
It wouldn't live up to, I think, our talent standards. So that's what I'll say at the moment. And again, I'm currently not in 00:38:31
support of the plans. 00:38:36
Before I invite member Huff for his comments, I do want to just say that, you know, to some remind ourselves this is a duplex and 00:38:44
I think that's another complexity of this project that it is, you know, basically bifurcated and we have, you know, if we're 00:38:51
looking at it just through the lens of Unit 1 and Unit 2. 00:38:58
It's going to be challenging to have that kind of cohesive intentional. 00:39:06
Look as if it were. 00:39:12
Sure, right, Because you have to have two entries, right, Two points of entry and now we're going to have what two points of entry 00:39:15
and one point of egress. But I still think that the I mean, with that being said and the whole housing element issue, I. 00:39:23
I I still think that it could have been. 00:39:33
So much prettier. 00:39:37
And perhaps would you like to share your comments? Thank you. And I think that's an excellent point about this project being a 00:39:41
duplex. I think I'm going to find myself in place of respectfully disagreeing with my colleagues here because I want to commend 00:39:48
the applicant on at least listening to the ARB and coming back with a better effort. I will agree that I don't believe this is 00:39:54
certainly not going to win any awards for design aesthetics. 00:40:00
But at the same time. 00:40:08
1st in time does not create 1st and right? 00:40:12
And I think the applicant was absolutely spot on when she said that just because, you know, it's the it's the house to the rear 00:40:17
that creates really the non conforming condition that gives us some of our cause to pause, or at least some of my cause to pause 00:40:23
that, you know, when I was thinking about this project, the last meeting. But it doesn't that doesn't mean that they don't have 00:40:29
the right to develop their property, you know. 00:40:36
As well and, and there will be some compromises and sacrifices that come along with that. 00:40:43
Exercising that right, but that is the right. I too have a neighbor to the rear that's building a second story addition right on 00:40:50
the property line. And you know, we don't like it, but it was their right to do it. And so it's frankly, it's not my inclination 00:40:56
to say no to this project because I think they did listen, I think they did remove a really unsightly architectural feature in the 00:41:03
form of the way the exterior stair protruded before. 00:41:10
I think they've done their best to incorporate the the egress element that they are required to have from the second story. Given 00:41:17
the kind of the unique nature of this structure that it's a, it's in fact a multi family home and a multi family residence in in 00:41:24
a, in a neighborhood of single family homes. I think that makes it difficult. I. 00:41:31
And I don't know. 00:41:39
I don't know how much better we can make them do. Given the the ingress door of the front unit of the duplex. We can't really push 00:41:42
this project away from the rear yard much further and and make it feasible. 00:41:50
So, and if you push it, you know, you push it more to the north, I think it, you know, you eliminate more green space. I think 00:42:00
there's no doubt that compromises. 00:42:05
Are required in order to allow the applicant to develop this property, and I think it's their right to do so. I think yeah, OK. Is 00:42:11
it Is it wobblers? Sure it is when it comes to complying with. 00:42:18
Guideline number 7 and guideline #35 I get it, I see it, but at the same time I see an effort to comply with it. I see. 00:42:26
At least a better effort that was done before and I do I'm completely sympathetic to the need of the applicants in order to to 00:42:36
implement these design changes in order to be able to age in place. So with that said, recognizing that this is again, you know, 00:42:43
unfortunately not the best design aesthetic I've seen come before the board. 00:42:50
I think it meets the minimum standards for us to say yes. Thanks. 00:42:58
Thank you. 00:43:05
Yes, this is a tough one. I'll just state that I do agree that we kind of have limited information in terms of the plan sets and 00:43:07
you know maybe some dimensions and window and door schedules. It is a bit limited. I know this was a quick turn, so well done. I 00:43:15
think it's the fastest that I've seen. But with that said, I feel like we can still we have enough information. 00:43:23
To kind of visualize and and. 00:43:32
Determine what what the impacts would be based on the elevations and the survey and the the description that the applicant 00:43:35
provided. 00:43:40
This is a complex area, right? It's a dense urban environment. You have perpendicular backyards. 00:43:46
And the neighboring property is right up there to the fence line. So I think what what I'm hearing us debate and wrestle over more 00:43:53
is the design versus the privacy impacts. Just to be frank, I think that, you know, we all live in in this city and are and have 00:44:00
to compromise with privacy. And that's why we use vegetation for screening. We try to be considerate with our window placement and 00:44:07
sizing. 00:44:14
But. 00:44:22
The the fact is, you know with any kind of addition or expansion, you're just. 00:44:23
There there will be some impacts to privacy and just to speak to the survey too, I know I. 00:44:30
I'm comfortable with the the boundary survey as is just because at least it will guarantee that 5 foot distance for safety versus 00:44:36
potentially we could be encroaching closer to that to that neighbor. So I'm comfortable with that distance I. 00:44:44
As documented by the the surveyor. 00:44:53
So and I just to expand on my comments about being a duplex. So I was trying to visualize this. I know some other. 00:44:56
Options were provided, but it kind of encroached and on the other units front yard. So I was trying to I kind of cut a line down 00:45:04
the middle and trying to visualize it just one unit. 00:45:08
By itself and what I agree with member Huff it it might not be the most amazing design. I I appreciate the the modifications and 00:45:13
adjustments and I did take note there was a little expansion you gained about 40 square feet and I see it to make the bathroom ADA 00:45:21
accessible. 00:45:28
So bringing it back to the board, I think we might be split here because I with that being said, I also support this project. I 00:45:37
appreciate the redesign and and the intention behind it and just recognize this is a duplex and a dense neighborhood. 00:45:46
Just trying to respect the constraints and design around those and you can't, you know, you're not going to scrap the whole house 00:45:57
and start over. So it's what you know, what do you have to work with and how do you mitigate that with accessibility with the with 00:46:03
the duplex multifamily? 00:46:08
So I am in support of this project also. 00:46:16
Happy to entertain more discussion. Sure, we can keep going. 00:46:21
I. 00:46:28
I am thrilled that they moved the stairs. I guess my my. 00:46:38
Umm umm. 00:46:46
I'm just going to keep going back to. 00:46:51
The the view. 00:46:57
From the street. 00:46:59
The front door. 00:47:03
Would it be helpful to project the photo? Would you mind projecting that photo? I mean sure, the photo or or the new revised 00:47:07
plans? 00:47:12
I guess when I keep coming back to is when you look at an addition of a house, whether you're putting it on top or on the side or 00:47:35
rear or front. 00:47:41
It seems as though if you cover with one hand the original and you look at the addition, it should, it should speak to what's 00:47:48
under your palm. And to me, this just misses that mark. And I, you know, I don't know, do you? 00:47:57
Reduce the amount of the. 00:48:06
Of the deck in order to make you know make more of an impact where you carry a roof line up and. 00:48:10
Raise the actual yes so that you don't see. It's not that I care to see the the rooftop deck where they're railing. It's just that 00:48:26
it looks like an afterthought, like somebody took a modular unit and stuck it on the side of a. 00:48:34
The building. 00:48:43
And I don't understand the the front door and you know, this triangle, is this a little piece of glass that's supposed to mirror 00:48:46
something else? 00:48:53
The back stairs. 00:49:04
Seem very. 00:49:09
Little you know, very narrow. They're the minimum. 00:49:12
Width I think allowed, but it would be nicer. 00:49:18
I don't know, I just feel like the design missed the mark. I. 00:49:24
I. 00:49:32
I mean, I'm happy with the where this stairs are and I, you know, nobody, nobody that I have met in Pacific Grove, unless they 00:49:39
have one, is in favor of a rooftop deck. 00:49:46
Umm. 00:49:53
I do believe that that that like an opaque glass. I mean even if the railing is higher than you know, 42 which I believe is code. 00:49:58
I I. 00:50:10
Would possibly mitigate some of their concerns about. 00:50:14
Privacy. 00:50:21
But it's the. 00:50:24
It's this. What is this facade? What is this elevation? Its proposed elevation to? It's that. 00:50:27
It's that elevation, that is. 00:50:38
Not sitting well with me. 00:50:52
Yeah, that's a challenge because if you just if you. 00:50:56
Truncate that deck and if you bring the stairs closer to the upper. 00:50:59
Level 2 That could look awkward, like there's just a stairwell. 00:51:04
Protruding from the. 00:51:09
Upper level, but even if the stairs remain where they are, but this is it has a a. 00:51:12
Some sort of a facade or you know, so you don't see the railing or this is the front door area. I mean, I believe in plan view is 00:51:24
just just straight. So you're not going to have an awning, you're not going to have dormer, you're just going to have this. 00:51:34
Straight. 00:51:49
Blocky. 00:51:52
Modular is what it looks like to me. 00:52:00
And again, I'm thrilled with the fact that they moved the stairs. I can really appreciate that. 00:52:04
It's just that elevation to that is. 00:52:12
Just not. 00:52:17
Not sitting well with me. 00:52:18
On Wednesday goes through. 00:52:22
If I may, I have to completely agree with you. I think proposed elevation two is a complete disservice, frankly as a drawing, 00:52:27
because I don't think it actually depicts well the dimension of what we're looking at. I think the door is depicted in a very an 00:52:35
artful way on this elevation. You have to really study the. 00:52:43
The schematic the page above if you can scroll up if you don't mind. 00:52:52
To really understand the dimension of what's going on there and that you know, the door is actually set back. 00:52:57
You know quite a bit from the. 00:53:05
The wall with the two windows in it and and proposed proposed elevation two is actually very confusing to me and so I actually do 00:53:09
you know. 00:53:14
Think about this plan, what they're trying to implement a little bit more to get through that kind of boxy modular impression that 00:53:20
proposed elevation two gives a. 00:53:26
I would hope that they could do a little bit with the door as it's set back from those two windows. 00:53:32
But. 00:53:39
I don't quite think the project as constructed will look from the street like what proposed elevation to depends. 00:53:41
By virtue of the. 00:53:53
The way that the door is actually set back from that new wall with the two windows facing the street. 00:53:55
And I appreciate that because nothing looks like a 2D. 00:54:03
Nothing looks 2 dimensional. 00:54:09
Accept architectural drawings? Well, they would have really benefited from a 3D drawing here for sure. 00:54:11
With that said, I still think it could have, you know, a little more. 00:54:22
Interest I I don't know. 00:54:34
I don't know what that is. I'm not an architect, I just. 00:54:39
Yeah. 00:54:48
Again, I always feel like. 00:54:51
The time to do it is when it's in front of you and so I feel like. 00:54:56
I would hate to see a missed opportunity here when we could. 00:55:02
Recommend something I don't know. 00:55:09
I just want to say that I really appreciate the dialogue and thoughts from fellow members. I don't disagree and. 00:55:15
Appreciate the robust discussion. 00:55:26
For me still. 00:55:29
The guideline seven really to me is problematic. 00:55:32
And conclusively so. 00:55:39
I understand and also appreciate the fact that this is a high density neighborhood and certainly appreciate that we have lots of 00:55:41
homes here in Pacific Grove that are very close together also. 00:55:48
Appreciate the. 00:55:55
Argument from the applicant in the sense that. 00:55:58
And mentioned by Mr. Huff in terms of first and right for some time that the wine dorse were purchased this home very close to the 00:56:01
property line and I. 00:56:07
Well, that that's that's something to consider. 00:56:14
Part of. 00:56:19
Part of what makes that a difficult pill for me to swallow is just the circumstance in this case of the fact that there is just. 00:56:20
So much room to work with here. This is a large lot and if it. 00:56:31
It would, I think I might reach a different conclusion if this was a property and a lot that you didn't really have much to work 00:56:38
with and you know, if you wanted this, this amount of floor space. 00:56:45
You needed to build right on the property line, but that really isn't the case here and so I do for me. 00:56:54
I can get past guidelines 7. In this instance that's. 00:57:03
I'll leave it at that. 00:57:08
Yeah, it does look a little disproportionate when we're looking top down. But again with the and there's a lot of open space in 00:57:12
this unit closer to this street. 00:57:17
So I am trying just to evaluate it just as the back unit as one. 00:57:23
Because. 00:57:29
I think that's only fair. I suppose being a duplex we couldn't ask them. I don't think it would be fair to encroach. 00:57:31
Umm. 00:57:39
Unit 1. 00:57:43
But anyway. 00:57:46
As I kind of mentioned, I think last meeting I'm I'm certainly I'm reluctant to. 00:57:48
To provide my own thoughts in terms of how it should be designed that that's not. I'm not qualified to do that. 00:57:54
But that being said, I do think there is a way where you do not encroach on you. You don't have to move the. 00:58:03
East elevation wall further east in order to. 00:58:12
Main in order to keep the growth floor area, but also move it away from the West elevation, meaning you can move that you can move 00:58:19
this this wall in and then. 00:58:25
Reconfigure it, perhaps put some more over here anyway. 00:58:33
Eating like more of an L? Yes, and I thought the same thing. I think there's there are ways to do it. I defer to the architect. 00:58:39
To devise it. Totally agree and I think I am not opposed. 00:58:49
To the rooftop deck. 00:58:55
Again, it's. 00:58:59
No neighbor likes them, you know. 00:59:02