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All right. Good afternoon, everyone. 00:00:15
I'd like to welcome you to the April 24th, 2024 meeting of the Historic Resource Committee. 00:00:18
And may the record please reflect that all five members are present. 00:00:27
And we'll move to the item, the second item which is the approval of the agenda and I'd like to move 11A. 00:00:33
To be heard right after the general public comment. So it'd be item number. 00:00:42
5B kind of like. 00:00:48
And that gives Mr. Perrault some time to speak to us. 00:00:52
So with that, may I have a motion to approve the? 00:00:58
Amended agenda please. So moved. Thank you second. 00:01:01
Moved by steers and seconded by greening. 00:01:07
Maybe we have a vote all in favor. 00:01:13
All right. That's A50 vote. Thank you. Let's go on to item 3, committee and staff announcements. Do we have any staff 00:01:18
announcements? 00:01:22
Staff has one announcement. Associate planner Laurel O'halloran announced her retirement after 16 years of service and is no 00:01:27
longer working for the city. 00:01:32
Her last day was on April 18th and she enjoyed her time with the city Pacific Grove and is grateful to have worked with such 00:01:38
wonderful people and wishes all the best. 00:01:43
Hear that? No, Laurel. 00:01:49
Do we have any committee announcements? 00:01:53
All right. Let's move on. We'll go on to item number. 00:01:56
Four, and that would be our council liaison announcements. And Mayor Peak, thank you as always for being present. 00:01:59
You chair Anton committee members and again excellent attendance. I really appreciate you taking the time today. Just a few things 00:02:09
that council recently on took action. On our last meeting we hired Matt Morganson as the incoming City manager. He's currently the 00:02:17
Assistant City manager. 00:02:24
In the city of Marina and will soon be saying goodbye to Mr. Perrault whose last day in the office will be May May 2nd. And he's 00:02:32
assured me that he will be spending more time in the saddle literally in the saddle on his horse in in a knee found retirement. We 00:02:42
thank him for all his efforts. Also council recently heard from public works about the. 00:02:52
Concepts for the five way intersection that's proposed to be upgraded at that Cedar Sunset and Congress and we're going to hear 00:03:03
more about the council asked For more information about the concepts. Also council approved the Chinese pavilion at El Marie **** 00:03:14
Park as to be put on the capital improvement program and also music in the Jewel park to be put on. 00:03:24
As special events upcoming this, this year. And lastly the Coastal Commission, if you haven't heard it's in the newspaper, Coastal 00:03:36
Commission approve the American Tin Cannery hotel and commercial project with additional conditions and in the future. 00:03:45
I feel a little silly saying that the one of the biggest efforts this year is the housing element and we have spearheaded by. 00:03:57
A higher kind of community development department and so we'll be hearing more about that particularly in in June and July and 00:04:08
upcoming it's budget time again and so. 00:04:14
I'll expect to see more. 00:04:22
Talk about. 00:04:23
Helping our infrastructure complete streets safe, safer Routes to School. 00:04:26
That's all. 00:04:32
Thank you very much. 00:04:33
All right, moving to item 5, which is general public comment, This must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the city 00:04:37
and of the Historic Resources Committee, and these have to be items that are not on the regular agenda. 00:04:45
So if you wish to speak, you have 3 minutes and I ask, we have some audience people I ask you to come forward. So is there anybody 00:04:53
that would like to speak under general public comment? 00:04:59
All right. Any virtual speakers? I see, no hands raised. 00:05:07
OK, then I'm going to close general public comment and we'll move now to item 11A, which is our presentation by our City Manager. 00:05:13
So Mr. Prault, it's all yours. 00:05:18
Yes, thank you, Madam Chair. 00:05:24
That you do, it's a great contribution to the city. 00:05:34
And for me, it's a little bit of personal interest, although I have spent nearly 40 years in municipal government and city 00:05:39
management in particular. 00:05:45
My background is actually history. That's what I left college with, is a bachelor's in history. 00:05:52
I thought I was going to be a history teacher, but I got lost along the way and ended up in the municipal management field. 00:06:01
Anyway, what I'm here to do today is to review with you the work program, the community goals, priority setting process that the 00:06:11
Council has continued to do in anticipation of. 00:06:20
The actual budget process, which is currently underway. 00:06:31
Goal setting, as well as the development of priority areas and the work plan are extremely important to the entire organization. 00:06:37
And that by that I mean that the goals and the work, the priority areas and work program that is dotted by the council provides 00:06:49
directions to the city's boards and commissions and employees as to what the council deems as being important and. 00:07:01
To pursue over a two year period of time. 00:07:15
And as a result of that. 00:07:19
The work program and and goals have been developed and used as a guideline for the development of the budget itself. As you all 00:07:23
probably know of, a budget actually is the the road map for how the city is operated during the course of a fiscal year, including 00:07:32
the use of. 00:07:40
Uh, resources of both person power and. 00:07:49
And day-to-day activities to support. 00:07:56
The the goals and work program progress. 00:07:59
About in January of 2023 actually, the Council retained a group that facilitated goal setting and the development of work program 00:08:06
for a two year period of time. It is important that once that is done. 00:08:16
That the Council checks in on the progress of their goals and work program and that is in fact what the Council did on February 00:08:28
28th. 00:08:33
They took a look at the four major areas of. 00:08:39
Priority areas of their work program and took a look as to what progress and miles they made, but with both the goals in 00:08:45
milestones and provided direction to modify those goals and progress programs where necessary to ensure that by the end of that 00:08:53
two year period. 00:09:01
Their work program and goals will be met. I want to say that once a work program is adopted, it, along with the budget really 00:09:10
guide the way for the city's operations as I've noted. But it's important to realize that they are both living documents that as 00:09:21
you go through the operationally or things will come up and obviously items, milestones, even goals themselves. 00:09:32
May need to be adjusted in order to meet the priority areas. 00:09:43
And with that, I just would like to cover briefly what those four priority areas are and what the goals, milestones. 00:09:50
Have been and what kind of progress has been made today made to date. So beginning with that, it's up on the screen. 00:10:01
The first priority area that I'd like to cover is recreation services. This is extremely important for the for the council and as 00:10:10
you can see, the number one goal there was to expand. 00:10:18
Hours and services of the youth center. This was had almost immediately undertaken in 2023, and some of those milestones included 00:10:26
the development of a comprehensive recreation plan for the City Council. 00:10:37
And to include expanded services and activities programs. 00:10:48
And. 00:10:54
To receive counsel and input, I want to say that that report was completed and we're in the process of implementing it right now. 00:10:57
That means increased recreational services at many of our facilities, primarily the youth activity center across the way and that 00:11:07
that has been pretty significant. 00:11:16
We're in the process of continuing to add additional staff to carry out those programs just about every day. They offer some kind 00:11:26
of after school program as you may know. 00:11:32
But in addition to that, they offer special several specialized programs for different interest groups of all ages, including 00:11:39
dance, kickboxing. 00:11:45
Sporting activities and a number of other things. One of the items that was extremely important for the council was they expand 00:11:52
the use of the swimming pool down at Lovers Point and you'll continue to see. 00:12:00
See that this coming year, not only will we be more open for public swim in addition to actually assisting with. 00:12:08
Swimming instruction. So that's that's continuing along and we've made good progress up to this point. 00:12:22
We're kind of in in between. 00:12:33
In that in that final quarter where we're adding more staff in anticipation of this Summers programs, one of the things we have in 00:12:36
process and are yet to complete is to evaluate the fees for use of rental. 00:12:46
And rental of city facilities. This would include Chautauqua Hall and the Community Center, etc. 00:12:56
That report will come back to the City Council before the end of this fiscal year and then we'll hope to receive the direction to 00:13:05
implement that fee schedule. If we can go to the next slide, please see if the. 00:13:15
There we go. The next work area is a big one, an important one. It's infrastructure. 00:13:29
And ultimately, what we're talking about there is to enhance the process prioritization, scheduling and completion of CIP 00:13:35
projects. 00:13:41
I think what you'll see is we approach this new budget season, you're going to see a little bit different approach to our capital 00:13:48
improvement programs trying to move to a a more defined multi year approach to capital improvement planning and I think you'll see 00:13:56
that public works will. 00:14:03
Bringing out a a more refined color, capital improvement projects plan during this budget season. 00:14:12
One of the things we've done is, and it's been very important to the council, is to actually select. 00:14:23
And a or develop an assessment of our main city facilities. 00:14:33
The the main city, city facilities obviously include this building, the youth center, the police station, the fire station. 00:14:40
And also the public works corporation Yard. 00:14:49
And we've hired and retained a a professional group to come in and do an assessment of those facilities. 00:14:54
Several of the facilities are beginning to age and we need to take a kind of long term vision approach. 00:15:02
To ensure that those the existing facilities are maintained to serve the not only the cities. 00:15:12
Current needs, but its future needs as well. The other thing that I've expressed to the public Works Director that I hope will be 00:15:23
addressed is you know the city is looking at possibly growing from time to time staff their staff changes and modification of what 00:15:32
directions we go in. So I'm I've asked them to take a look also to. 00:15:42
Come up with some idea as to how we can augment our existing facilities to accommodate accommodate future staff needs. 00:15:52
Perhaps one of the biggest things that we're about to undertake is the Complete streets policy, something that they're spending a 00:16:05
lot of interest in the community about and in fact we are just about to issue a request for qualifications to retain a firm that 00:16:14
will take a look at at getting a comprehensive. 00:16:23
UH, Complete Streets Policy. UH developed and put in place for the entire community. 00:16:34
And then going on to our next slide which is environmental stewardship working and living in this community. I I need not to tell 00:16:41
you how important this priority area is. We have such a tremendous environmental assets within the community that need to be 00:16:51
protected and and preserve this this in would include. 00:17:02
Everything from the the urban forest as well as obviously our parks. Some of our parks are in great pristine conditions, some of 00:17:12
them need additional work. Obviously we have the coastline and all the critters that inhabit the area and their special I know to 00:17:22
this particular. 00:17:31
City and location. So as I've mentioned, we need to do our best to ensure that those assets are maintained. 00:17:42
An important part of that is to initiate and complete a climate action plan. There's a subcommittee of the council and some 00:17:53
members from the BNRC that are working currently on that. 00:18:01
Plan It has been a little bit slow making progress. As you'll note. In the far end of it, it says it's only 50% completed. 00:18:11
I met. 00:18:21
With was was speaking with a couple of members of the subcommittee, and I know that they're very interested in retaining some 00:18:24
professional assistance to help complete the the proposed climate Action plan that in turn would return to the BNRC and then to 00:18:31
the City Council for review and adoption. 00:18:38
2nd is the initiation and completion of the citywide tree improvement and management plan. 00:18:48
A lot of this has focused recently on the. 00:18:58
Comprehensive. 00:19:04
Review of title Title 12 and within the municipal code as it relates to you know, the care and pruning and. 00:19:05
Permitting of trees and the removal of trees when they become necessary this. 00:19:17
Staff and the BNRC have both worked hard on getting to a point where I think they have a. 00:19:25
Final set of recommendations that they're going to forward to the City Council. They had a meeting. 00:19:35
Or they're having a meeting this month that will complete their review and then it'll be forwarded on to the City Council. 00:19:42
For further further review and final action. 00:19:51
Were the goal for us is to plan and maintain 150 native trees on public property and public right of way. 00:19:56
You know, it's been a little bit slow going for us due to some of the staff resources that we've had committed in different 00:20:06
locations, but I will tell you that we're beginning to make progress now. 00:20:15
As some of you may know, there was a great planning program earlier this month of involve 50 volunteers, no more several 00:20:25
volunteers and they accomplished plant the planting of 50 trees out of George Washington Park. We're also going to be bringing on 00:20:33
additional staff. I think we're about ready to make that selection that will help with the nurturing of the staff itself, I mean 00:20:42
of the trees themselves. 00:20:50
In terms of staffing, one of the things that the Council has asked us to look at is actually the retention of a full time arborist 00:20:59
or forester that will be dedicated to the maintenance of a of the urban forest because it is so important and that's something 00:21:08
that will be taken up as a part of the budget. 00:21:16
The protection of wildlife and habitat. 00:21:27
Again, the BNRC has been working with staff on a number of components of this work area, which includes the development of an 00:21:31
actual wildlife protection plan. And I I believe we're at a point where the deck is going to be sent to the BNRC for their review 00:21:41
and final recommendation on to the council as well. 00:21:50
I will say that a major part of that was an off council authorized increase in our community safety officers with a special 00:22:01
emphasis that they will do some of the enforcement along the coastline and some of our forest areas, especially looking out for 00:22:11
wildlife protection. And I'm pleased to report that three of those Csos are out there in the field in each of them do spend. 00:22:22
A portion of their day. 00:22:33
Uh, going into the areas where wildlife is present, it's been especially important during this last popping season, which is 00:22:35
underway as we speak. And the fencing, as you know, has been put up in the signage, I think is helping out there. And the CS OS 00:22:44
have been down there doing some education as well. So I think that's great. We need to still work on the draft and issue an RFQ 00:22:53
for the local coastal plan amendments. 00:23:01
And these amendments deal primarily in in the way they're being looked at. 00:23:10
Is is again to to do what we can to protect wildlife? 00:23:17
We've hired the consultant to conduct a biological assessment of George Washington Park and that's underway. That is a full year 00:23:25
long process. So we won't see the results of that until probably January or February of of next year actually. 00:23:36
And then to our 4th area. 00:23:48
Which is housing. And as you just heard from the mayor, housing, the housing element continues to be a major, major work activity 00:23:54
undertaken by the city. 00:24:01
We're in the process of updating the housing element. At present it's a six year, six cycle. 00:24:10
Each cycle is 8 years long. 00:24:19
I must say that a housing element is one of the required housing element required elements to be updated. 00:24:23
Within the general the. 00:24:33
General Plan. The General Plan document itself doesn't even it isn't even required to be updated as frequently as the Housing 00:24:38
Plan. 00:24:42
The housing plan is essentially tied to regional housing improvement numbers. 00:24:47
That are provided to us from the state and through the the regional organ organization of governments. 00:24:56
Our goal is as you've often heard referred to as the arena numbers. We have to within that eight-year plan be able to demonstrate 00:25:06
that we have the the capacity to to. 00:25:15
Actually provide an additional 1200 units of housing within the city and that's a big jump. It's never been that high in the past. 00:25:26
I think it's important to remember that the housing element is is a planning document. 00:25:37
You know and it it will depend on a lot of factors whether or not those, the 1200 homes actually end up being produced, but we 00:25:44
have to have the capacity. 00:25:51
And in case those opportunities to present themselves and we've been working on that for probably. 00:25:58
Year and a half, at least, maybe two years, We had a requirement to submit the draft of the housing element in November. That's 00:26:07
been completed staff. We received initial comments from the state and we've revised the draft housing element accordingly. We're 00:26:17
doing in a broad environmental document because it is such a sweeping document. 00:26:27
And will ultimately require rezoning of several areas or properties within the city to ensure that we actually have the capacity 00:26:37
to accomplish. 00:26:44
The 1200 units only when we've completed. 00:26:53
The both the EIR and the update to the zoning for the various properties, can we actually stand in line to get certification? 00:27:00
And we're hoping that that will be completed by early next year. 00:27:16
A couple of other areas within housing that we're looking at. Obviously we're trying to grandfather in existing non conforming AD 00:27:24
use. We've got a ways to go with that that will help with the production numbers that were being saddled with and finally. 00:27:35
Made another major goal for the city is the development of an affordable housing project that's kind of at the end down here. 00:27:48
And the council wanted the the city to be assured that that stays on the map. Sometimes affordable housing, a project of that of 00:27:58
this nature, is hard to do. 00:28:05
But the the City Council would still like to. 00:28:12
Pursue it. It generally means that you have to come up with a location and a partner to be able to implement an affordable housing 00:28:18
project, and normally. 00:28:25
The these programs will need a great deal of also financial assistance. 00:28:34
So with that, the city did get, city staff did get direction to go ahead and modify our budget, a couple of areas that the council 00:28:43
wanted us to review, as I've already mentioned the increase of the OR to take a look at. 00:28:54
The addition of a full time Foresters slash. 00:29:07
Arborist and so we're looking at that and other things we're looking at is improving our our fire delivery services delivery 00:29:15
system with the addition of advanced life support. We haven't had that in the past. So we're looking at moving forward there and 00:29:23
there are a number of other areas. 00:29:31
That we will be reviewing at the Council's direction during the budget process. 00:29:40
So my point here was just to share all that with you. It's a very busy time for the entire city. 00:29:49
Certainly doesn't take anything away from what you do. Again, I want to thank you for what you do. Your group is is just slightly 00:29:56
different than some of the others. 00:30:01
You have two capacities. Obviously you're involved in the permitting review process, which is a bit different than some of our 00:30:08
other community commissions and committees, but we also another council looks to you to perform an advisory role as well. 00:30:17
And with that, I'll conclude my presentation and I can answer any questions you might have. 00:30:28
Thank you very much. And do we have any questions? 00:30:35
None that can be. 00:30:42
Dealt with at this time? No. It's a lot of information. Awful lot, yes, but I certainly appreciate your patience with it. 00:30:45
And thank you for taking the time to come in and thank you for just being here for the last, I don't know how long, six months, 00:30:56
six months. I mean we appreciate your help. I know the council's been very pleased with with your help and I you will be missed. 00:31:03
What can I say? Well, I, I, you know and that's very kind, but I've got to say you've got a great professional coming in and I 00:31:10
just think that the partnership between the councils, the. 00:31:18
Committees, commissions and staff that everything is is moving in a very positive direction. 00:31:25
So thank you, thank you for that. And I have to get upstairs for another meeting, so meeting. 00:31:33
All right. Thank you again. All right, well, let's move on now to item number 7, which is reports requiring action has three 00:31:41
parts. 00:31:45
This is on the consent agenda. 00:31:51
Is there anybody on the? 00:31:54
Committee that would like to pull an item from the consent agenda. 00:31:56
Seeing none, is there anybody from the audience that would like to pull an item from the consent agenda? 00:32:03
Seeing none, what about from our virtual audience? I see one hand raised. The next speaker will be Inga Lorenzen Dahmer. 00:32:11
Thank you. Could we get back to a full screen on the other rather than half with the council goals? 00:32:26
The chamber rather than half of the screen. Well, the screen is the council goals anyway. 00:32:36
I would like to pull. 00:32:43
7B please. 00:32:46
448 Gibson. 00:32:50
Thank you. 00:32:53
Anybody else? 00:33:00
Any other members from the public? 00:33:33
Want to pull, and I see no other hands raised. All right, I will take 7B and we will move that to. It'll become new 8B. 00:33:35
That be correct? 00:33:44
Yes. 00:33:50
All right, so 7B becomes 8B. 00:33:52
So with that exception. 00:33:57
Do we have a motion to approve the consent agenda with the? 00:34:00
Removal of. 00:34:06
7D we have a motion. 00:34:08
Hi, Somu. Thank you. 00:34:14
We have a second. 00:34:18
Seconded, Yes, thank you. So it's been moved by Grandison. Seconded by Steers. 00:34:19
To approve the consent agenda with the removal of item number 7B. 00:34:28
May we have a vote please All in favor. 00:34:32
Anybody against? All right, so that was a A50 vote. 00:34:36
So we will move that, then it'll become eight. 00:34:43
All right, that takes us to the regular agenda. 00:34:47
And we have one item. 00:34:51
#8 00:34:53
and we maybe have a staff report please. 00:34:56
Good afternoon Chair Anton and Committee members. The item before you is a historic determination for 1030 Lighthouse Ave. located 00:35:04
in the Fairway Homes Pinehurst Addition Neighborhood. The residence was commonly known as the LaPorte Mansion, and it was a Queen 00:35:12
Anne style building constructed in 1895 by a banker named George Brant. 00:35:20
The house once stood on a six acre lot which has since been subdivided. It was one of the largest residential parcels in the 00:35:29
Fairway Homes neighborhood. The site also includes A gazebo, a garage slash shed, and two accessory rental units. However, these 00:35:36
accessory structures were constructed at a time unrelated to the period of significance, 1873 to 1902, and do not match the 00:35:44
architectural style of the LaPorte Mansion. 00:35:52
On Friday, May on Friday, May 26th 2023, there was a catastrophic fire which severely damaged the LaPorte Mansion. 00:36:00
The condition of the property after the fire was declared unsafe and dangerous by the Chief Building Inspector John Kuehl, The 00:36:10
owner submitted an application for demolition which was filed with the Building Department and issued on July 7th, 2023. The 00:36:16
remaining dangerous and unsafe historic building was demolished with building department final inspections and completed in August 00:36:22
of 2023. 00:36:29
Per Pacific Grove Municipal Code 23.76, point 030, properties may be deleted from the Historic Resources Inventory by initiation 00:36:36
of the Historic Resources Committee or by the owner of the property, and the and the HRC shall determine whether or not the 00:36:46
property should be deleted using the valuation criteria in PGMC section 23.76.025. 00:36:56
In this case, the subject property can no longer meet the evaluation criteria listed in 23.76 point 025 because the structure, 00:37:07
being severely damaged by fire, was legally demolished and no longer exists. Staff recommends that the Historic Resource Committee 00:37:15
initiate the historic Determination for 1030 Lighthouse Ave. and remove the property from the Historic Resources Inventory due to 00:37:22
loss of integrity caused by a catastrophic fire and subsequent demolition. 00:37:30
This does not constitute a project as defined under SEQUEL section 15378, which addresses organizational administrative activities 00:37:39
that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. This concludes my staff presentation. I'm 00:37:46
available for any questions that you may have. Thank you. 00:37:52
And thank you. 00:38:00
And I will open up for the owner of the project if he's present if he'd like to speak to this. 00:38:01
Virtually also if he. 00:38:11
I don't think so. 00:38:15
OK. At that point then I will open up two public comment. 00:38:19
Is there anybody that would wish to speak publicly about virtually? 00:38:26
I see two hands raised. The first speaker will be Lisa Chiani. 00:38:32
Thank you. 00:38:38
I would like to request that you consider retaining the site of the LaPorte mansion on the HRI. 00:38:41
Because of its importance to the to the community, and even if the building's gone, it would be lovely to have a plaque there. 00:38:51
And and so otherwise it kind of just disappears completely. 00:39:06
Of course it's disappeared, but. 00:39:12
But the memory of it disappears in La Jolla. They did this with two wonderful historic properties. 00:39:16
That were illegally demolished 15 years apart, one in 1975 and one in 1991. 00:39:25
And. 00:39:35
It just it's meaningful to the community, I believe and doesn't. 00:39:36
Is shouldn't be any problem for the. 00:39:45
City or for the owner for any future plans. So that that would be my request. I hope you will strongly consider that retaining it 00:39:49
the site itself. 00:39:57
Thank you. 00:40:05
Next speaker will be Angela Ranson Dahmer. 00:40:18
Thank you, Chair and members. It's such a sad state of affairs when it burned down because we did lose a physical piece of 00:40:23
history. I would somehow like it to be remembered in some way because it is. It's gone now, and people in the generations that are 00:40:33
alive now will of course remember it. But it would be nice. 00:40:43
To remember it otherwise too. Anyway, it was. I just wanted to comment on how sad it is. Thank you. 00:40:53
I see no other hands raised. 00:41:08
OK. At that I will close public comment, bring it back for discussion. 00:41:11
We have thoughts. We all feel very sad that it's not there. I'm sure it's a horrible thing, but. 00:41:18
That's not what we're here for, so. 00:41:25
Comments from anybody and and our task here is to decide whether we remove it from the HRI. 00:41:28
I don't think we have any option. It's not there. It would be nice to have something on the site, but I don't think that's 00:41:36
something we can decide on, you know, historic marker or something, but. 00:41:43
This, unfortunately, it's just not there. The building's gone. 00:41:52
So. 00:41:56
I don't see how we can keep it on. 00:41:57
Historic resources. 00:42:00
Yeah, the. 00:42:03
I completely agree that it had historic importance. A couple of mayors, I believe. 00:42:05
And airplane crash and. 00:42:13
The fire, of course, and the movie and all of that should be remembered and recorded and kept on file. I'm sure the Heritage 00:42:18
Society will do that. 00:42:24
But I. 00:42:31
It needs to come off the historic inventory because it's not there anymore. 00:42:33
Jennifer. 00:42:39
You know the HRI is a list, and having the address on a list is not going to signify how important that was to everybody. And I 00:42:44
think it would be nice to be able to do something with the property, but I'd like to see it turned into a park. But anyway, I 00:42:49
agree we should take it off. 00:42:54
I also agree, I I would hope that, you know, somebody would do a fundraiser or put a plaque out there or do something to show that 00:43:02
it was there. But, you know, at this point. 00:43:07
Yeah, it's true. As as the generations go on, you know, we'll only have pictures and things, but it's an empty, it's an empty lot 00:43:13
now, so I think it needs to be taken off. 00:43:18
You know one of the first tasks when when we started looking at the. 00:43:25
Historic inventory was to see how many properties no longer existed and that was probably all done in one fell meeting. You know 00:43:30
when they removed, I think there were 60 properties where the the actual house was no longer there. So it was pretty easy and 00:43:37
unfortunately this is one of our big PG tragedies, but. 00:43:44
I agree with you Jennifer. If the house isn't there then shouldn't be on the inventory. So with that can we we have a motion to? 00:43:53
Remove the property at 1030 Lighthouse Ave. from the historic Sorry, can we add in the HRC initiates? 00:44:03
The words that we, the Historic Resources Committee, initiate the historic determination and the removal. 00:44:13
And the removal of the property from the historic resources inventory. Thank you. 00:44:22
May we have a motion to that effect? 00:44:28
ISO move. 00:44:31
So moved second. Do we have a second? Thank you. So moved by by greening. Seconded by Grannis. May we have a motion, May we have a 00:44:33
vote. I mean, all in favour. Aye, Aye. 00:44:41
Yes, and that would be A50 vote. And again sad to do this, but we had to. 00:44:49
All right, that takes us back to the item that we that we moved. Now I've lost the number 448, sorry, 448 Gibson. No, I know that, 00:44:57
but I'm. I need to have it in front of me. 00:45:03
All that information. 00:45:11
We moved it. 00:45:14
All right. So maybe we have a staff report then on item what the new item 8B? 00:45:16
The subject property is this. The subject property is 448 Gibson Ave. 00:45:42
It is a single family, one story residence on an approximate 5690 square foot lot in the 5th edition neighborhood. 00:45:50
City records indicate that the original 1025 square foot house and 360 square foot garage were built in 1939. 00:46:00
The property is not in an archaeological zone, coastal zone or the Historic Resources Inventory. It is in a area of biological 00:46:09
significance. 00:46:14
Watershed. 00:46:20
The property is not associated with important persons, events or architecture, nor does it exhibit, exhibit unique site or 00:46:23
locational characteristics. Staff recommends that the Historic Resource Committee find the property, known as 448 Gibson Ave. not 00:46:30
eligible for the Historic Resources Inventory. This concludes my staff presentation. I'm available for questions that you may 00:46:37
have. Thank you. 00:46:43
Thank you and I will open up to the owner if the owner is present, wishes to speak. Are you the owner? Please come forward if you 00:46:51
if you wish to speak. 00:46:56
You don't. You don't need to, OK? I'm not. 00:47:03
You're welcome too. 00:47:07
Because a couple of years state your name. 00:47:13
Karen Bushinger. 00:47:16
I've been here in town a couple years. I love it here, and so it's interesting to go through this process and I understand why the 00:47:18
historic screening is so important, but I don't think there's anything terribly important about my property other than I live in 00:47:24
it and I love it. 00:47:30
Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:47:37
Now open to public comment. Do we have any virtual public comment? 00:47:42
I see, one hand raised. 00:47:47
Next speaker will be Inga Lorenzen Dahmer. 00:47:49
Thank you, Chair members. 00:47:54
I'm looking at this and I guess I don't have enough information because it looks pretty much to me like an original 1939 cottage, 00:47:58
the little Workman cottages that are absolutely workforce housing that's totally disappearing. 00:48:07
It's very very similar to mine. In the front I see the same windows. 00:48:18
And looking through the property file, I the only thing in the property file was just the permit to build it in 1939. So I am 00:48:23
really wondering. 00:48:29
I mean, no, I'm not saying that anyone important, important or historically lived there, but these are the cottages that just 00:48:36
disappear into the dust. 00:48:42
Same as the big mansions like LaPorte. And I worry about this because this is a 1930 and this looks like a quintessential I mean, 00:48:48
they've reroofed it from some time, but no permit for that. That shows up. 00:48:57
But it does look like the same windows and everything else, and I really would. 00:49:07
I think it's a great example and looks to be original, so is there more information on it? 00:49:13
Those are just real questions that I would like to ask that it just is easy to put it on a consent agenda and say no historical 00:49:23
importance, get rid of it. 00:49:29
I think it could be very important for the history of our town, so I'm putting that out there for you to consider and I thank you 00:49:36
very much. 00:49:41
As you know, their hands raised. All right, I'll close public comment, bring it back for discussion and I'll start with you, 00:49:55
Jennifer. 00:49:59
Light off. Hi. OK, after looking at this house and I went by to look at it. There are a couple of things that you can't see the 00:50:07
permit information, but for example, the corner window I'm sure was added after the house was originally broke because corner 00:50:15
windows were just not something that were put in houses in 1939. I'm curious about the original siding too. I don't know what that 00:50:23
siding is because I didn't go touch it, but there was nothing that I could see in the permit file that talked about. 00:50:30
Deciding, but I believe just by the corner window that has had alterations that could make it not be a historic building. 00:50:39
Thank you. 00:50:52
Yeah, I'm specifically thinking I'm, I'm not, I'm just not sure that those windows are original. I I agree with Jennifer. I I 00:50:55
think now the siding, I'm not sure it could be back that far, but the windows I definitely think have been added on. 00:51:03
Yes, I've It doesn't seem to be any particular architectural features on it that would. 00:51:16
Give it and the original age. It looks it has been altered to me. 00:51:22
Mr. Steers. 00:51:29
It's a very handsome building and would fit very well on the historic inventory if we could leave it on there, but it's not on. 00:51:31
No, I know that's what we're considering. But the date, the construction date 1939 is way past the. 00:51:42
The cut off date in the historic context statement for. 00:51:53
Homes of historic importance. 00:52:01
And I don't see how we can leave it on. 00:52:06
I think it needs to come off by ordinance, but not because there's anything wrong with it. 00:52:10
So yes, I think maybe we should consider it for the neighborhood. 00:52:17
List, that would be fine. 00:52:22
Put that in the words that we haven't gotten to that neighborhood. 00:52:30
I actually looked in the Heritage Society files and there were there wasn't even a file on it. So that means we have no 00:52:36
information, which probably means there's no more information than what we've been presented with here. 00:52:41
Because we do try to help provide. 00:52:47
So I I I mean, there are a lot of houses that look like this. I realized that. 00:52:52
You know, I listening to Inga that you know, we're losing some cottages, but we also have to move into the 21st century and 00:52:57
sometimes our houses are too small for our families nowadays and I don't see it as you know, as an outstanding example thinking 00:53:05
that we're trying to condense our HRI list. 00:53:12
And keep the the more outstanding houses and so I you know, since there isn't anybody. 00:53:20
What is it? 00:53:30
No, persons important that were associated events architecturally not important particularly all of those things. I don't think 00:53:32
rise raises it to the level that we would put it on the inventory. So I am. 00:53:39
For. 00:53:46
Saying that it's not eligible. 00:53:50
Which is what we're asked to do. 00:53:53
Yes, the Heritage Society doesn't collect information. 00:53:57
Newer than 1926, just because that has always been the city's. 00:54:02
Cut off date for historic we we actually have a lot of information beyond it. It's it may not be used, you know sometimes it 00:54:07
happens by accident or for a particular reason, but oftentimes it just isn't there. 00:54:14
Right. 00:54:23
So do we have a motion to? 00:54:24
To recommend that the property known as 448 Gibson not be eligible for the HRI. 00:54:29
So moved. 00:54:36
2nd. 00:54:38
Steers moved and greening seconded. And maybe we have a vote, please. All in favor, aye? 00:54:40
All right, the vote is 50. 00:54:49
And we've determined that it's not eligible for the HRI. 00:54:52
And we're being thanked over there. All right, that concludes our. 00:54:58
Our. 00:55:05
Agenda for today. 00:55:06
So thank you everybody, for coming. Unless somebody has something to say, I don't see anything. So our meeting is now adjourned. 00:55:09
55. 00:55:20
Thank you. 00:55:24
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All right. Good afternoon, everyone. 00:00:15
I'd like to welcome you to the April 24th, 2024 meeting of the Historic Resource Committee. 00:00:18
And may the record please reflect that all five members are present. 00:00:27
And we'll move to the item, the second item which is the approval of the agenda and I'd like to move 11A. 00:00:33
To be heard right after the general public comment. So it'd be item number. 00:00:42
5B kind of like. 00:00:48
And that gives Mr. Perrault some time to speak to us. 00:00:52
So with that, may I have a motion to approve the? 00:00:58
Amended agenda please. So moved. Thank you second. 00:01:01
Moved by steers and seconded by greening. 00:01:07
Maybe we have a vote all in favor. 00:01:13
All right. That's A50 vote. Thank you. Let's go on to item 3, committee and staff announcements. Do we have any staff 00:01:18
announcements? 00:01:22
Staff has one announcement. Associate planner Laurel O'halloran announced her retirement after 16 years of service and is no 00:01:27
longer working for the city. 00:01:32
Her last day was on April 18th and she enjoyed her time with the city Pacific Grove and is grateful to have worked with such 00:01:38
wonderful people and wishes all the best. 00:01:43
Hear that? No, Laurel. 00:01:49
Do we have any committee announcements? 00:01:53
All right. Let's move on. We'll go on to item number. 00:01:56
Four, and that would be our council liaison announcements. And Mayor Peak, thank you as always for being present. 00:01:59
You chair Anton committee members and again excellent attendance. I really appreciate you taking the time today. Just a few things 00:02:09
that council recently on took action. On our last meeting we hired Matt Morganson as the incoming City manager. He's currently the 00:02:17
Assistant City manager. 00:02:24
In the city of Marina and will soon be saying goodbye to Mr. Perrault whose last day in the office will be May May 2nd. And he's 00:02:32
assured me that he will be spending more time in the saddle literally in the saddle on his horse in in a knee found retirement. We 00:02:42
thank him for all his efforts. Also council recently heard from public works about the. 00:02:52
Concepts for the five way intersection that's proposed to be upgraded at that Cedar Sunset and Congress and we're going to hear 00:03:03
more about the council asked For more information about the concepts. Also council approved the Chinese pavilion at El Marie **** 00:03:14
Park as to be put on the capital improvement program and also music in the Jewel park to be put on. 00:03:24
As special events upcoming this, this year. And lastly the Coastal Commission, if you haven't heard it's in the newspaper, Coastal 00:03:36
Commission approve the American Tin Cannery hotel and commercial project with additional conditions and in the future. 00:03:45
I feel a little silly saying that the one of the biggest efforts this year is the housing element and we have spearheaded by. 00:03:57
A higher kind of community development department and so we'll be hearing more about that particularly in in June and July and 00:04:08
upcoming it's budget time again and so. 00:04:14
I'll expect to see more. 00:04:22
Talk about. 00:04:23
Helping our infrastructure complete streets safe, safer Routes to School. 00:04:26
That's all. 00:04:32
Thank you very much. 00:04:33
All right, moving to item 5, which is general public comment, This must deal with matters subject to the jurisdiction of the city 00:04:37
and of the Historic Resources Committee, and these have to be items that are not on the regular agenda. 00:04:45
So if you wish to speak, you have 3 minutes and I ask, we have some audience people I ask you to come forward. So is there anybody 00:04:53
that would like to speak under general public comment? 00:04:59
All right. Any virtual speakers? I see, no hands raised. 00:05:07
OK, then I'm going to close general public comment and we'll move now to item 11A, which is our presentation by our City Manager. 00:05:13
So Mr. Prault, it's all yours. 00:05:18
Yes, thank you, Madam Chair. 00:05:24
That you do, it's a great contribution to the city. 00:05:34
And for me, it's a little bit of personal interest, although I have spent nearly 40 years in municipal government and city 00:05:39
management in particular. 00:05:45
My background is actually history. That's what I left college with, is a bachelor's in history. 00:05:52
I thought I was going to be a history teacher, but I got lost along the way and ended up in the municipal management field. 00:06:01
Anyway, what I'm here to do today is to review with you the work program, the community goals, priority setting process that the 00:06:11
Council has continued to do in anticipation of. 00:06:20
The actual budget process, which is currently underway. 00:06:31
Goal setting, as well as the development of priority areas and the work plan are extremely important to the entire organization. 00:06:37
And that by that I mean that the goals and the work, the priority areas and work program that is dotted by the council provides 00:06:49
directions to the city's boards and commissions and employees as to what the council deems as being important and. 00:07:01
To pursue over a two year period of time. 00:07:15
And as a result of that. 00:07:19
The work program and and goals have been developed and used as a guideline for the development of the budget itself. As you all 00:07:23
probably know of, a budget actually is the the road map for how the city is operated during the course of a fiscal year, including 00:07:32
the use of. 00:07:40
Uh, resources of both person power and. 00:07:49
And day-to-day activities to support. 00:07:56
The the goals and work program progress. 00:07:59
About in January of 2023 actually, the Council retained a group that facilitated goal setting and the development of work program 00:08:06
for a two year period of time. It is important that once that is done. 00:08:16
That the Council checks in on the progress of their goals and work program and that is in fact what the Council did on February 00:08:28
28th. 00:08:33
They took a look at the four major areas of. 00:08:39
Priority areas of their work program and took a look as to what progress and miles they made, but with both the goals in 00:08:45
milestones and provided direction to modify those goals and progress programs where necessary to ensure that by the end of that 00:08:53
two year period. 00:09:01
Their work program and goals will be met. I want to say that once a work program is adopted, it, along with the budget really 00:09:10
guide the way for the city's operations as I've noted. But it's important to realize that they are both living documents that as 00:09:21
you go through the operationally or things will come up and obviously items, milestones, even goals themselves. 00:09:32
May need to be adjusted in order to meet the priority areas. 00:09:43
And with that, I just would like to cover briefly what those four priority areas are and what the goals, milestones. 00:09:50
Have been and what kind of progress has been made today made to date. So beginning with that, it's up on the screen. 00:10:01
The first priority area that I'd like to cover is recreation services. This is extremely important for the for the council and as 00:10:10
you can see, the number one goal there was to expand. 00:10:18
Hours and services of the youth center. This was had almost immediately undertaken in 2023, and some of those milestones included 00:10:26
the development of a comprehensive recreation plan for the City Council. 00:10:37
And to include expanded services and activities programs. 00:10:48
And. 00:10:54
To receive counsel and input, I want to say that that report was completed and we're in the process of implementing it right now. 00:10:57
That means increased recreational services at many of our facilities, primarily the youth activity center across the way and that 00:11:07
that has been pretty significant. 00:11:16
We're in the process of continuing to add additional staff to carry out those programs just about every day. They offer some kind 00:11:26
of after school program as you may know. 00:11:32
But in addition to that, they offer special several specialized programs for different interest groups of all ages, including 00:11:39
dance, kickboxing. 00:11:45
Sporting activities and a number of other things. One of the items that was extremely important for the council was they expand 00:11:52
the use of the swimming pool down at Lovers Point and you'll continue to see. 00:12:00
See that this coming year, not only will we be more open for public swim in addition to actually assisting with. 00:12:08
Swimming instruction. So that's that's continuing along and we've made good progress up to this point. 00:12:22
We're kind of in in between. 00:12:33
In that in that final quarter where we're adding more staff in anticipation of this Summers programs, one of the things we have in 00:12:36
process and are yet to complete is to evaluate the fees for use of rental. 00:12:46
And rental of city facilities. This would include Chautauqua Hall and the Community Center, etc. 00:12:56
That report will come back to the City Council before the end of this fiscal year and then we'll hope to receive the direction to 00:13:05
implement that fee schedule. If we can go to the next slide, please see if the. 00:13:15
There we go. The next work area is a big one, an important one. It's infrastructure. 00:13:29
And ultimately, what we're talking about there is to enhance the process prioritization, scheduling and completion of CIP 00:13:35
projects. 00:13:41
I think what you'll see is we approach this new budget season, you're going to see a little bit different approach to our capital 00:13:48
improvement programs trying to move to a a more defined multi year approach to capital improvement planning and I think you'll see 00:13:56
that public works will. 00:14:03
Bringing out a a more refined color, capital improvement projects plan during this budget season. 00:14:12
One of the things we've done is, and it's been very important to the council, is to actually select. 00:14:23
And a or develop an assessment of our main city facilities. 00:14:33
The the main city, city facilities obviously include this building, the youth center, the police station, the fire station. 00:14:40
And also the public works corporation Yard. 00:14:49
And we've hired and retained a a professional group to come in and do an assessment of those facilities. 00:14:54
Several of the facilities are beginning to age and we need to take a kind of long term vision approach. 00:15:02
To ensure that those the existing facilities are maintained to serve the not only the cities. 00:15:12
Current needs, but its future needs as well. The other thing that I've expressed to the public Works Director that I hope will be 00:15:23
addressed is you know the city is looking at possibly growing from time to time staff their staff changes and modification of what 00:15:32
directions we go in. So I'm I've asked them to take a look also to. 00:15:42
Come up with some idea as to how we can augment our existing facilities to accommodate accommodate future staff needs. 00:15:52
Perhaps one of the biggest things that we're about to undertake is the Complete streets policy, something that they're spending a 00:16:05
lot of interest in the community about and in fact we are just about to issue a request for qualifications to retain a firm that 00:16:14
will take a look at at getting a comprehensive. 00:16:23
UH, Complete Streets Policy. UH developed and put in place for the entire community. 00:16:34
And then going on to our next slide which is environmental stewardship working and living in this community. I I need not to tell 00:16:41
you how important this priority area is. We have such a tremendous environmental assets within the community that need to be 00:16:51
protected and and preserve this this in would include. 00:17:02
Everything from the the urban forest as well as obviously our parks. Some of our parks are in great pristine conditions, some of 00:17:12
them need additional work. Obviously we have the coastline and all the critters that inhabit the area and their special I know to 00:17:22
this particular. 00:17:31
City and location. So as I've mentioned, we need to do our best to ensure that those assets are maintained. 00:17:42
An important part of that is to initiate and complete a climate action plan. There's a subcommittee of the council and some 00:17:53
members from the BNRC that are working currently on that. 00:18:01
Plan It has been a little bit slow making progress. As you'll note. In the far end of it, it says it's only 50% completed. 00:18:11
I met. 00:18:21
With was was speaking with a couple of members of the subcommittee, and I know that they're very interested in retaining some 00:18:24
professional assistance to help complete the the proposed climate Action plan that in turn would return to the BNRC and then to 00:18:31
the City Council for review and adoption. 00:18:38
2nd is the initiation and completion of the citywide tree improvement and management plan. 00:18:48
A lot of this has focused recently on the. 00:18:58
Comprehensive. 00:19:04
Review of title Title 12 and within the municipal code as it relates to you know, the care and pruning and. 00:19:05
Permitting of trees and the removal of trees when they become necessary this. 00:19:17
Staff and the BNRC have both worked hard on getting to a point where I think they have a. 00:19:25
Final set of recommendations that they're going to forward to the City Council. They had a meeting. 00:19:35
Or they're having a meeting this month that will complete their review and then it'll be forwarded on to the City Council. 00:19:42
For further further review and final action. 00:19:51
Were the goal for us is to plan and maintain 150 native trees on public property and public right of way. 00:19:56
You know, it's been a little bit slow going for us due to some of the staff resources that we've had committed in different 00:20:06
locations, but I will tell you that we're beginning to make progress now. 00:20:15
As some of you may know, there was a great planning program earlier this month of involve 50 volunteers, no more several 00:20:25
volunteers and they accomplished plant the planting of 50 trees out of George Washington Park. We're also going to be bringing on 00:20:33
additional staff. I think we're about ready to make that selection that will help with the nurturing of the staff itself, I mean 00:20:42
of the trees themselves. 00:20:50
In terms of staffing, one of the things that the Council has asked us to look at is actually the retention of a full time arborist 00:20:59
or forester that will be dedicated to the maintenance of a of the urban forest because it is so important and that's something 00:21:08
that will be taken up as a part of the budget. 00:21:16
The protection of wildlife and habitat. 00:21:27
Again, the BNRC has been working with staff on a number of components of this work area, which includes the development of an 00:21:31
actual wildlife protection plan. And I I believe we're at a point where the deck is going to be sent to the BNRC for their review 00:21:41
and final recommendation on to the council as well. 00:21:50
I will say that a major part of that was an off council authorized increase in our community safety officers with a special 00:22:01
emphasis that they will do some of the enforcement along the coastline and some of our forest areas, especially looking out for 00:22:11
wildlife protection. And I'm pleased to report that three of those Csos are out there in the field in each of them do spend. 00:22:22
A portion of their day. 00:22:33
Uh, going into the areas where wildlife is present, it's been especially important during this last popping season, which is 00:22:35
underway as we speak. And the fencing, as you know, has been put up in the signage, I think is helping out there. And the CS OS 00:22:44
have been down there doing some education as well. So I think that's great. We need to still work on the draft and issue an RFQ 00:22:53
for the local coastal plan amendments. 00:23:01
And these amendments deal primarily in in the way they're being looked at. 00:23:10
Is is again to to do what we can to protect wildlife? 00:23:17
We've hired the consultant to conduct a biological assessment of George Washington Park and that's underway. That is a full year 00:23:25
long process. So we won't see the results of that until probably January or February of of next year actually. 00:23:36
And then to our 4th area. 00:23:48
Which is housing. And as you just heard from the mayor, housing, the housing element continues to be a major, major work activity 00:23:54
undertaken by the city. 00:24:01
We're in the process of updating the housing element. At present it's a six year, six cycle. 00:24:10
Each cycle is 8 years long. 00:24:19
I must say that a housing element is one of the required housing element required elements to be updated. 00:24:23
Within the general the. 00:24:33
General Plan. The General Plan document itself doesn't even it isn't even required to be updated as frequently as the Housing 00:24:38
Plan. 00:24:42
The housing plan is essentially tied to regional housing improvement numbers. 00:24:47
That are provided to us from the state and through the the regional organ organization of governments. 00:24:56
Our goal is as you've often heard referred to as the arena numbers. We have to within that eight-year plan be able to demonstrate 00:25:06
that we have the the capacity to to. 00:25:15
Actually provide an additional 1200 units of housing within the city and that's a big jump. It's never been that high in the past. 00:25:26
I think it's important to remember that the housing element is is a planning document. 00:25:37
You know and it it will depend on a lot of factors whether or not those, the 1200 homes actually end up being produced, but we 00:25:44
have to have the capacity. 00:25:51
And in case those opportunities to present themselves and we've been working on that for probably. 00:25:58
Year and a half, at least, maybe two years, We had a requirement to submit the draft of the housing element in November. That's 00:26:07
been completed staff. We received initial comments from the state and we've revised the draft housing element accordingly. We're 00:26:17
doing in a broad environmental document because it is such a sweeping document. 00:26:27
And will ultimately require rezoning of several areas or properties within the city to ensure that we actually have the capacity 00:26:37
to accomplish. 00:26:44
The 1200 units only when we've completed. 00:26:53
The both the EIR and the update to the zoning for the various properties, can we actually stand in line to get certification? 00:27:00
And we're hoping that that will be completed by early next year. 00:27:16
A couple of other areas within housing that we're looking at. Obviously we're trying to grandfather in existing non conforming AD 00:27:24
use. We've got a ways to go with that that will help with the production numbers that were being saddled with and finally. 00:27:35
Made another major goal for the city is the development of an affordable housing project that's kind of at the end down here. 00:27:48
And the council wanted the the city to be assured that that stays on the map. Sometimes affordable housing, a project of that of 00:27:58
this nature, is hard to do. 00:28:05
But the the City Council would still like to. 00:28:12
Pursue it. It generally means that you have to come up with a location and a partner to be able to implement an affordable housing 00:28:18
project, and normally. 00:28:25
The these programs will need a great deal of also financial assistance. 00:28:34
So with that, the city did get, city staff did get direction to go ahead and modify our budget, a couple of areas that the council 00:28:43
wanted us to review, as I've already mentioned the increase of the OR to take a look at. 00:28:54
The addition of a full time Foresters slash. 00:29:07
Arborist and so we're looking at that and other things we're looking at is improving our our fire delivery services delivery 00:29:15
system with the addition of advanced life support. We haven't had that in the past. So we're looking at moving forward there and 00:29:23
there are a number of other areas. 00:29:31
That we will be reviewing at the Council's direction during the budget process. 00:29:40
So my point here was just to share all that with you. It's a very busy time for the entire city. 00:29:49
Certainly doesn't take anything away from what you do. Again, I want to thank you for what you do. Your group is is just slightly 00:29:56
different than some of the others. 00:30:01
You have two capacities. Obviously you're involved in the permitting review process, which is a bit different than some of our 00:30:08
other community commissions and committees, but we also another council looks to you to perform an advisory role as well. 00:30:17
And with that, I'll conclude my presentation and I can answer any questions you might have. 00:30:28
Thank you very much. And do we have any questions? 00:30:35
None that can be. 00:30:42
Dealt with at this time? No. It's a lot of information. Awful lot, yes, but I certainly appreciate your patience with it. 00:30:45
And thank you for taking the time to come in and thank you for just being here for the last, I don't know how long, six months, 00:30:56
six months. I mean we appreciate your help. I know the council's been very pleased with with your help and I you will be missed. 00:31:03
What can I say? Well, I, I, you know and that's very kind, but I've got to say you've got a great professional coming in and I 00:31:10
just think that the partnership between the councils, the. 00:31:18
Committees, commissions and staff that everything is is moving in a very positive direction. 00:31:25
So thank you, thank you for that. And I have to get upstairs for another meeting, so meeting. 00:31:33
All right. Thank you again. All right, well, let's move on now to item number 7, which is reports requiring action has three 00:31:41
parts. 00:31:45
This is on the consent agenda. 00:31:51
Is there anybody on the? 00:31:54
Committee that would like to pull an item from the consent agenda. 00:31:56
Seeing none, is there anybody from the audience that would like to pull an item from the consent agenda? 00:32:03
Seeing none, what about from our virtual audience? I see one hand raised. The next speaker will be Inga Lorenzen Dahmer. 00:32:11
Thank you. Could we get back to a full screen on the other rather than half with the council goals? 00:32:26
The chamber rather than half of the screen. Well, the screen is the council goals anyway. 00:32:36
I would like to pull. 00:32:43
7B please. 00:32:46
448 Gibson. 00:32:50
Thank you. 00:32:53
Anybody else? 00:33:00
Any other members from the public? 00:33:33
Want to pull, and I see no other hands raised. All right, I will take 7B and we will move that to. It'll become new 8B. 00:33:35
That be correct? 00:33:44
Yes. 00:33:50
All right, so 7B becomes 8B. 00:33:52
So with that exception. 00:33:57
Do we have a motion to approve the consent agenda with the? 00:34:00
Removal of. 00:34:06
7D we have a motion. 00:34:08
Hi, Somu. Thank you. 00:34:14
We have a second. 00:34:18
Seconded, Yes, thank you. So it's been moved by Grandison. Seconded by Steers. 00:34:19
To approve the consent agenda with the removal of item number 7B. 00:34:28
May we have a vote please All in favor. 00:34:32
Anybody against? All right, so that was a A50 vote. 00:34:36
So we will move that, then it'll become eight. 00:34:43
All right, that takes us to the regular agenda. 00:34:47
And we have one item. 00:34:51
#8 00:34:53
and we maybe have a staff report please. 00:34:56
Good afternoon Chair Anton and Committee members. The item before you is a historic determination for 1030 Lighthouse Ave. located 00:35:04
in the Fairway Homes Pinehurst Addition Neighborhood. The residence was commonly known as the LaPorte Mansion, and it was a Queen 00:35:12
Anne style building constructed in 1895 by a banker named George Brant. 00:35:20
The house once stood on a six acre lot which has since been subdivided. It was one of the largest residential parcels in the 00:35:29
Fairway Homes neighborhood. The site also includes A gazebo, a garage slash shed, and two accessory rental units. However, these 00:35:36
accessory structures were constructed at a time unrelated to the period of significance, 1873 to 1902, and do not match the 00:35:44
architectural style of the LaPorte Mansion. 00:35:52
On Friday, May on Friday, May 26th 2023, there was a catastrophic fire which severely damaged the LaPorte Mansion. 00:36:00
The condition of the property after the fire was declared unsafe and dangerous by the Chief Building Inspector John Kuehl, The 00:36:10
owner submitted an application for demolition which was filed with the Building Department and issued on July 7th, 2023. The 00:36:16
remaining dangerous and unsafe historic building was demolished with building department final inspections and completed in August 00:36:22
of 2023. 00:36:29
Per Pacific Grove Municipal Code 23.76, point 030, properties may be deleted from the Historic Resources Inventory by initiation 00:36:36
of the Historic Resources Committee or by the owner of the property, and the and the HRC shall determine whether or not the 00:36:46
property should be deleted using the valuation criteria in PGMC section 23.76.025. 00:36:56
In this case, the subject property can no longer meet the evaluation criteria listed in 23.76 point 025 because the structure, 00:37:07
being severely damaged by fire, was legally demolished and no longer exists. Staff recommends that the Historic Resource Committee 00:37:15
initiate the historic Determination for 1030 Lighthouse Ave. and remove the property from the Historic Resources Inventory due to 00:37:22
loss of integrity caused by a catastrophic fire and subsequent demolition. 00:37:30
This does not constitute a project as defined under SEQUEL section 15378, which addresses organizational administrative activities 00:37:39
that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. This concludes my staff presentation. I'm 00:37:46
available for any questions that you may have. Thank you. 00:37:52
And thank you. 00:38:00
And I will open up for the owner of the project if he's present if he'd like to speak to this. 00:38:01
Virtually also if he. 00:38:11
I don't think so. 00:38:15
OK. At that point then I will open up two public comment. 00:38:19
Is there anybody that would wish to speak publicly about virtually? 00:38:26
I see two hands raised. The first speaker will be Lisa Chiani. 00:38:32
Thank you. 00:38:38
I would like to request that you consider retaining the site of the LaPorte mansion on the HRI. 00:38:41
Because of its importance to the to the community, and even if the building's gone, it would be lovely to have a plaque there. 00:38:51
And and so otherwise it kind of just disappears completely. 00:39:06
Of course it's disappeared, but. 00:39:12
But the memory of it disappears in La Jolla. They did this with two wonderful historic properties. 00:39:16
That were illegally demolished 15 years apart, one in 1975 and one in 1991. 00:39:25
And. 00:39:35
It just it's meaningful to the community, I believe and doesn't. 00:39:36
Is shouldn't be any problem for the. 00:39:45
City or for the owner for any future plans. So that that would be my request. I hope you will strongly consider that retaining it 00:39:49
the site itself. 00:39:57
Thank you. 00:40:05
Next speaker will be Angela Ranson Dahmer. 00:40:18
Thank you, Chair and members. It's such a sad state of affairs when it burned down because we did lose a physical piece of 00:40:23
history. I would somehow like it to be remembered in some way because it is. It's gone now, and people in the generations that are 00:40:33
alive now will of course remember it. But it would be nice. 00:40:43
To remember it otherwise too. Anyway, it was. I just wanted to comment on how sad it is. Thank you. 00:40:53
I see no other hands raised. 00:41:08
OK. At that I will close public comment, bring it back for discussion. 00:41:11
We have thoughts. We all feel very sad that it's not there. I'm sure it's a horrible thing, but. 00:41:18
That's not what we're here for, so. 00:41:25
Comments from anybody and and our task here is to decide whether we remove it from the HRI. 00:41:28
I don't think we have any option. It's not there. It would be nice to have something on the site, but I don't think that's 00:41:36
something we can decide on, you know, historic marker or something, but. 00:41:43
This, unfortunately, it's just not there. The building's gone. 00:41:52
So. 00:41:56
I don't see how we can keep it on. 00:41:57
Historic resources. 00:42:00
Yeah, the. 00:42:03
I completely agree that it had historic importance. A couple of mayors, I believe. 00:42:05
And airplane crash and. 00:42:13
The fire, of course, and the movie and all of that should be remembered and recorded and kept on file. I'm sure the Heritage 00:42:18
Society will do that. 00:42:24
But I. 00:42:31
It needs to come off the historic inventory because it's not there anymore. 00:42:33
Jennifer. 00:42:39
You know the HRI is a list, and having the address on a list is not going to signify how important that was to everybody. And I 00:42:44
think it would be nice to be able to do something with the property, but I'd like to see it turned into a park. But anyway, I 00:42:49
agree we should take it off. 00:42:54
I also agree, I I would hope that, you know, somebody would do a fundraiser or put a plaque out there or do something to show that 00:43:02
it was there. But, you know, at this point. 00:43:07
Yeah, it's true. As as the generations go on, you know, we'll only have pictures and things, but it's an empty, it's an empty lot 00:43:13
now, so I think it needs to be taken off. 00:43:18
You know one of the first tasks when when we started looking at the. 00:43:25
Historic inventory was to see how many properties no longer existed and that was probably all done in one fell meeting. You know 00:43:30
when they removed, I think there were 60 properties where the the actual house was no longer there. So it was pretty easy and 00:43:37
unfortunately this is one of our big PG tragedies, but. 00:43:44
I agree with you Jennifer. If the house isn't there then shouldn't be on the inventory. So with that can we we have a motion to? 00:43:53
Remove the property at 1030 Lighthouse Ave. from the historic Sorry, can we add in the HRC initiates? 00:44:03
The words that we, the Historic Resources Committee, initiate the historic determination and the removal. 00:44:13
And the removal of the property from the historic resources inventory. Thank you. 00:44:22
May we have a motion to that effect? 00:44:28
ISO move. 00:44:31
So moved second. Do we have a second? Thank you. So moved by by greening. Seconded by Grannis. May we have a motion, May we have a 00:44:33
vote. I mean, all in favour. Aye, Aye. 00:44:41
Yes, and that would be A50 vote. And again sad to do this, but we had to. 00:44:49
All right, that takes us back to the item that we that we moved. Now I've lost the number 448, sorry, 448 Gibson. No, I know that, 00:44:57
but I'm. I need to have it in front of me. 00:45:03
All that information. 00:45:11
We moved it. 00:45:14
All right. So maybe we have a staff report then on item what the new item 8B? 00:45:16
The subject property is this. The subject property is 448 Gibson Ave. 00:45:42
It is a single family, one story residence on an approximate 5690 square foot lot in the 5th edition neighborhood. 00:45:50
City records indicate that the original 1025 square foot house and 360 square foot garage were built in 1939. 00:46:00
The property is not in an archaeological zone, coastal zone or the Historic Resources Inventory. It is in a area of biological 00:46:09
significance. 00:46:14
Watershed. 00:46:20
The property is not associated with important persons, events or architecture, nor does it exhibit, exhibit unique site or 00:46:23
locational characteristics. Staff recommends that the Historic Resource Committee find the property, known as 448 Gibson Ave. not 00:46:30
eligible for the Historic Resources Inventory. This concludes my staff presentation. I'm available for questions that you may 00:46:37
have. Thank you. 00:46:43
Thank you and I will open up to the owner if the owner is present, wishes to speak. Are you the owner? Please come forward if you 00:46:51
if you wish to speak. 00:46:56
You don't. You don't need to, OK? I'm not. 00:47:03
You're welcome too. 00:47:07
Because a couple of years state your name. 00:47:13
Karen Bushinger. 00:47:16
I've been here in town a couple years. I love it here, and so it's interesting to go through this process and I understand why the 00:47:18
historic screening is so important, but I don't think there's anything terribly important about my property other than I live in 00:47:24
it and I love it. 00:47:30
Thank you. All right. Thank you. 00:47:37
Now open to public comment. Do we have any virtual public comment? 00:47:42
I see, one hand raised. 00:47:47
Next speaker will be Inga Lorenzen Dahmer. 00:47:49
Thank you, Chair members. 00:47:54
I'm looking at this and I guess I don't have enough information because it looks pretty much to me like an original 1939 cottage, 00:47:58
the little Workman cottages that are absolutely workforce housing that's totally disappearing. 00:48:07
It's very very similar to mine. In the front I see the same windows. 00:48:18
And looking through the property file, I the only thing in the property file was just the permit to build it in 1939. So I am 00:48:23
really wondering. 00:48:29
I mean, no, I'm not saying that anyone important, important or historically lived there, but these are the cottages that just 00:48:36
disappear into the dust. 00:48:42
Same as the big mansions like LaPorte. And I worry about this because this is a 1930 and this looks like a quintessential I mean, 00:48:48
they've reroofed it from some time, but no permit for that. That shows up. 00:48:57
But it does look like the same windows and everything else, and I really would. 00:49:07
I think it's a great example and looks to be original, so is there more information on it? 00:49:13
Those are just real questions that I would like to ask that it just is easy to put it on a consent agenda and say no historical 00:49:23
importance, get rid of it. 00:49:29
I think it could be very important for the history of our town, so I'm putting that out there for you to consider and I thank you 00:49:36
very much. 00:49:41
As you know, their hands raised. All right, I'll close public comment, bring it back for discussion and I'll start with you, 00:49:55
Jennifer. 00:49:59
Light off. Hi. OK, after looking at this house and I went by to look at it. There are a couple of things that you can't see the 00:50:07
permit information, but for example, the corner window I'm sure was added after the house was originally broke because corner 00:50:15
windows were just not something that were put in houses in 1939. I'm curious about the original siding too. I don't know what that 00:50:23
siding is because I didn't go touch it, but there was nothing that I could see in the permit file that talked about. 00:50:30
Deciding, but I believe just by the corner window that has had alterations that could make it not be a historic building. 00:50:39
Thank you. 00:50:52
Yeah, I'm specifically thinking I'm, I'm not, I'm just not sure that those windows are original. I I agree with Jennifer. I I 00:50:55
think now the siding, I'm not sure it could be back that far, but the windows I definitely think have been added on. 00:51:03
Yes, I've It doesn't seem to be any particular architectural features on it that would. 00:51:16
Give it and the original age. It looks it has been altered to me. 00:51:22
Mr. Steers. 00:51:29
It's a very handsome building and would fit very well on the historic inventory if we could leave it on there, but it's not on. 00:51:31
No, I know that's what we're considering. But the date, the construction date 1939 is way past the. 00:51:42
The cut off date in the historic context statement for. 00:51:53
Homes of historic importance. 00:52:01
And I don't see how we can leave it on. 00:52:06
I think it needs to come off by ordinance, but not because there's anything wrong with it. 00:52:10
So yes, I think maybe we should consider it for the neighborhood. 00:52:17
List, that would be fine. 00:52:22
Put that in the words that we haven't gotten to that neighborhood. 00:52:30
I actually looked in the Heritage Society files and there were there wasn't even a file on it. So that means we have no 00:52:36
information, which probably means there's no more information than what we've been presented with here. 00:52:41
Because we do try to help provide. 00:52:47
So I I I mean, there are a lot of houses that look like this. I realized that. 00:52:52
You know, I listening to Inga that you know, we're losing some cottages, but we also have to move into the 21st century and 00:52:57
sometimes our houses are too small for our families nowadays and I don't see it as you know, as an outstanding example thinking 00:53:05
that we're trying to condense our HRI list. 00:53:12
And keep the the more outstanding houses and so I you know, since there isn't anybody. 00:53:20
What is it? 00:53:30
No, persons important that were associated events architecturally not important particularly all of those things. I don't think 00:53:32
rise raises it to the level that we would put it on the inventory. So I am. 00:53:39
For. 00:53:46
Saying that it's not eligible. 00:53:50
Which is what we're asked to do. 00:53:53
Yes, the Heritage Society doesn't collect information. 00:53:57
Newer than 1926, just because that has always been the city's. 00:54:02
Cut off date for historic we we actually have a lot of information beyond it. It's it may not be used, you know sometimes it 00:54:07
happens by accident or for a particular reason, but oftentimes it just isn't there. 00:54:14
Right. 00:54:23
So do we have a motion to? 00:54:24
To recommend that the property known as 448 Gibson not be eligible for the HRI. 00:54:29
So moved. 00:54:36
2nd. 00:54:38
Steers moved and greening seconded. And maybe we have a vote, please. All in favor, aye? 00:54:40
All right, the vote is 50. 00:54:49
And we've determined that it's not eligible for the HRI. 00:54:52
And we're being thanked over there. All right, that concludes our. 00:54:58
Our. 00:55:05
Agenda for today. 00:55:06
So thank you everybody, for coming. Unless somebody has something to say, I don't see anything. So our meeting is now adjourned. 00:55:09
55. 00:55:20
Thank you. 00:55:24
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