No Bookmarks Exist.
All right. It is 4:00. So I'm going to go ahead and call this meeting of the Pacific Grove Economic Development. 00:00:00
Commission to Order. 00:00:06
And as we always do, just a quick reminder to everyone if you make a motion for seconded, please state your name so there's be we 00:00:10
can keep track of that for notes. 00:00:15
Let's go ahead and start with roll call. 00:00:20
And actually before before we begin. Also I did receive a. 00:00:26
Message from Commissioner Marquis that he will be pressed. 00:00:30
Oh, OK. 00:00:33
He didn't want to join like last night. No. Yes. Here's another. 00:00:35
OK, I'll do the rule upon them, Commissioner Gibbs. 00:00:44
Present Commissioner Venuti. 00:00:49
Present Vice Chair Jacobs. 00:00:52
Chair upman present. 00:00:55
Jenny McMahon. 00:00:58
Commissioner. 00:01:01
And Commissioner Hoops. 00:01:03
Here so we have everyone present except for. 00:01:05
You know and do approval of the agenda. The agenda and supporting documents in the packet were circulated in advance. Today's 00:01:11
meeting are available for download on the EDC page, Are there any members of the public that would like to make 00:01:16
a comment on today's agenda? 00:01:21
Seeing none so. 00:01:31
Go ahead and move forward with any. 00:01:34
Comments or questions from? 00:01:37
Commissioner members. 00:01:40
Yes. 00:01:42
All right. You're you're still wondering? 00:01:47
I have requested that we do some kind of a staff update, yes. 00:01:51
Will you address that? I will. So regarding the staff update, what we'll do in terms of. 00:01:56
The structure of these meetings make a small change to the approach. The staff updates won't be in as an agenda item, they'll be 00:02:03
part of staff. 00:02:07
So moving forward, that is the plan. We've discussed that. 00:02:13
And so this app will provide that. 00:02:16
During the beginning portion, OK, Specifically I wanted to report public report. 00:02:19
Some of the vacancies down in town, wherever, so that we are aware because I find people ask me, I'm on the EDC and I have no 00:02:27
clue. So I want to be informed. 00:02:32
Secondly, as well, there was a request for Commissioner Gibbs regarding this. 00:02:38
Business update as well. So all of that collectively. 00:02:43
We've determined it's it's best to come from city staff because they have all the most part. 00:02:47
So. 00:02:52
Yes, and I had also requested that we consider. 00:02:55
Encouraging businesses to use the comment period, the three minute comment period. 00:02:58
To give us some insight as to how they're doing. 00:03:03
That they have an audience. We want to hear it. 00:03:06
How can we help? What are your challenges? 00:03:09
And I was hoping we could invite them through an e-mail maybe that Jenny could help us with. 00:03:12
OK. Yeah, that's certainly something. Yeah. Thank you. 00:03:18
OK. So any, any further? 00:03:22
Just reviewing the agenda right now, is there any further comments or questions on the agenda before we approve that? Yeah, Yeah, 00:03:25
Yeah. So about the agenda, the. 00:03:29
Maybe it's a broader comment, but the both the mayor and the Planning Commission. 00:03:35
Create a work plan. It ends upon the agenda, and work plan is future items that will be on the agenda itself. 00:03:40
And I think, to his credit, the chair asked for. 00:03:46
Since we don't have that discussion necessarily, then. 00:03:50
We have a chance to submit with those agenda items would be. 00:03:53
And I don't see it here. So I would suggest and we can talk about this at the end, be great to have the work plan made-up of 00:03:58
everybody's suggestions. 00:04:01
As an agenda item that we can discuss. 00:04:05
At the next session, it's ready to. 00:04:08
Yeah. Do you think that's possible? I think that we can definitely have that. 00:04:10
A reminder to everyone as well, that and. 00:04:16
Which is an update those that weren't present in the last meeting. The intention moving forward is that we have. 00:04:23
Submissions for agenda items Proposed agenda items. 00:04:29
Following this meeting prior to following Tuesday, so that way we're able to. 00:04:32
Vice Chair and I. 00:04:39
Meet with city staff. Go through everything. 00:04:41
So did you? I submitted my list. Did you get my list before on the Tuesday, before the Tuesday after the last meeting? Trying to 00:04:45
remember if we got it before the Tuesday or not. I think you did. I said follow up e-mail. But we did receive, yes. 00:04:51
OK. Did you get a list from anybody else of agenda items? We yes, we got it. OK, request for specifically, we were just 00:04:57
discussing. 00:05:01
And your request for a slower business update, which is again. 00:05:05
And Commissioner Viniz vanities idea of and we've mentioned before getting some businesses in here using a 3 minute comment 00:05:09
period. 00:05:13
To hear from businesses that are new or? 00:05:16
Have something they would tell their story. Let's do it. Let's get them in here. Thank you. 00:05:19
OK. Let's go ahead and move forward with approval of the agenda. 00:05:24
We have a motion to approve the agenda. 00:05:28
We have a second. 00:05:32
All right. 00:05:35
OK, so Commissioner Venuti? 00:05:38
Commissioner Gibbs. Yes, Vice Chair Jacobs. 00:05:41
Chair upman. 00:05:45
Commissioner Richmond and Commissioner Hoops OK the agenda has been approved. Motion pass. 00:05:48
6 to 0. 00:05:55
When absent. 00:05:56
So that moves us on then to Commission and staff announcements. And as I've mentioned, we're altering our format slightly here to 00:05:59
allow cities to have to provide that brief business update at the beginning of each BC meeting. So that's that's the next. 00:06:05
And Laurel, if you'd like to provide us with that overview. 00:06:12
Yeah, I'll give my. 00:06:16
Commercial business update and then we have city manager here to get the budget update. Wonderful. Thank you as requested. 00:06:18
OK, so. 00:06:25
Exciting news, 215 Forest Ave. The Pop and His Retail and Pub is set to open in April 20th, 2024. 00:06:27
So some of our vacant buildings are starting to. 00:06:35
Not be Vacant and 511 Lighthouse, the Hops and Fog Nano Group hub is set to open in late May with a pop-up plan for good old days. 00:06:39
601 Lighthouse The old B of A building was under construction for tenant improvements, and the owner is willing to attend an EDC 00:06:49
meeting to give an update on his vision for the place. 00:06:54
Which is pretty cool. 00:06:59
And 490 Lighthouse, the old Pier One building is still for lease for the main part, and I have interested people who've been in 00:07:01
the office, but. 00:07:05
We haven't secured A tenant yet. 00:07:10
The Grill at Lovers Point is available in the city's developing RFP, and it will be published on the city website soon. 00:07:12
And I don't know if everybody knows about Gallery Nila, formerly Junior Flower Truck, opened earlier this year at 665 Lighthouse. 00:07:20
And there's also art. They actually do painting in there. 00:07:25
Lighthouse Cinemas has been approved. 00:07:32
Sell beer and wine and host events. 00:07:35
318 Grand Ave. Winning Wheels has closed its doors. 00:07:38
So that's kind of sad. 00:07:43
And then 708 Lighthouse, the old ice cream shop, has reopened with a new owner that not much has changed. 00:07:45
And the old Chase building has sold and we have not heard from the owners. Jenny Murdoch has reached out to them. 00:07:52
And Jenny was going to follow up with a few more updates. 00:08:01
Sure. 00:08:04
The what was the your second to last one? I had a comment on it. The old ice cream shop. Oh no, it was actually winning wheels. 00:08:07
Sorry. The there is actually a new tenant that has a lease award-winning meals. We just don't know who they are yet. It will be a 00:08:11
bike shop. 00:08:16
Uh, probably not, because he pretty much did get rid of most of his equipment or put it in storage, unfortunately. 00:08:21
Did you talk about the old Crema property? 00:08:29
No, OK. So the whole criminal property was sold? 00:08:32
Yeah, yeah, across from 481 Lighthouse. Sorry, I should give you the address. 00:08:37
And the new owner is interested in starting something similar to what was there before, which is nice because that, you know, that 00:08:42
end will start to get filled back. Yeah. Which is great. They have called a few times and we've talked. Yeah. And then did you 00:08:47
talk about whimsy? 00:08:52
I can talk about whimsy. Yeah. There's a new boutique that's going into the old Rockstar Dance space. Rockstar Dance just moved 00:08:58
next door in the in the new space. It's a boutique called Whimsy that has it's described with vintage charm. Not exactly sure it's 00:09:05
not a thrift shop. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a it's retail, not resale. 00:09:12
And then the other one is the Beachcomber Inn is doing, they're doing construction. The daughter took over the business. Yeah. And 00:09:19
they're doing, they're not really doing a lot. They're just doing some some surface things, the things that they can do right now. 00:09:25
But they are looking to reopen hopefully by the end of 2025. S that means two hotels I know. Yeah. She was in the office too. 00:09:31
Yeah. 00:09:37
So those are those are the rest of them. I think we hit all of them unless you have questions about any. 00:09:44
That has been annexed by the city. Would you like to answer that one? It's just because it's city, all I can say about the that I 00:09:52
know it's been annexed by the city and. 00:09:58
The the owner of the property hasn't indicated what they want to do with it. There is possibly some issues associated with it from 00:10:05
its former use that would need to be dealt with. 00:10:13
Excellent. No, it's it's it's not one of those. 00:10:23
Yes. 00:10:31
That's not a it's not a commercial zone. 00:10:33
When we were doing the skate park stuff with this city, we looked at that building and at that time, which was over a year ago at 00:10:37
this point, they were saying they might be putting. 00:10:41
Like apartments or something in there. 00:10:47
But it sounds like I don't feel like that's what is being talked about now, so I don't know. That's interesting. 00:10:49
It's on if I. 00:10:55
Chair. It's on the site list I believe, and it was taken off the site list. 00:10:57
For the HCD, the state housing numbers that we have to meet. 00:11:01
But Bob, if I could just ask, I heard you say that it was annexed. 00:11:07
By the city? When? When was the transfer? 00:11:11
OK. 00:11:15
And that. 00:11:17
What you're saying well well, I'm not sure about the ownership change either I I just know the following that it was an annexed by 00:11:20
the city and there has been. 00:11:27
No interest that I'm aware of to move forward with anything, largely because they have some issues from its former use that would 00:11:37
need to be dealt with. 00:11:43
Before any development took place, has there been an assessment on the cleanup? Not as and not as far as I know. 00:11:51
And if I could just follow up one other building, it's on the Pick PG website and I was on the person that was sold at least once, 00:11:59
the Hambrooks Auction building. Where does that stand? 00:12:04
Is it for sale again? 00:12:09
It's on the Pick PG website. It is. It's currently for sale again, yes, because the owners sold it. And then. 00:12:12
OK, yes. 00:12:18
What's the price? It's 2.9 million. 00:12:21
I'd have to look on the Pick PG website. I know I put it on there, I'm not sure. 00:12:24
Now we'll have the city manager give his budget update. 00:12:34
Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the of the Commission. 00:12:39
The budget remains pretty much as it was the last time I reported to you the entire. 00:12:44
EDC budget amounts to 369,815 dollars. 00:12:54
A large part of that is obviously with the. 00:12:59
Monterey. 00:13:06
Bay the hotel. 00:13:08
Association and that's. 00:13:12
Right. It's 164,125. 00:13:14
The the the EDC itself has a contribution earmarked in the budget for 39,900. Out of that, you've spent $20,000 in terms of the. 00:13:20
Two grants that you've given out to the two businesses. You've also allocated an additional if your last meeting. An additional 00:13:35
$10,000 goes to the QR program. 00:13:42
That is still in the development stage. 00:13:49
And so that leaves in that line item about $9900. 00:13:54
The other that is. 00:14:00
Related is is the Facade grant program which is at. 00:14:03
$25,000. 00:14:10
There has been one. 00:14:14
Grant Ream or Grant reimbursement at $5000. 00:14:15
That's been approved and there's two pending. 00:14:22
So that's basically the status report at this time. The other thing I wanted to also mention, I'm certainly available for 00:14:27
questions regarding that, but the other thing I I wanted to mention was that some of you may have seen a week ago the City Council 00:14:34
did its. 00:14:41
Budget workshop. There was a review of the four major priorities and milestones contained on that. 00:14:49
List and I was going to offer that I would be willing to. 00:15:00
If the. 00:15:07
EDC would like to make a presentation regarding the. 00:15:08
Abbreviated form of that presentation. I don't want to take two hours, and I'm sure you don't either, but in a presentation to 00:15:13
update you as to what the council's goals remain, and. 00:15:19
What they are looking to achieve? 00:15:26
And finally, in your last meeting, you did also recommend that the budget, the contribution line item be increased from 39,900 to 00:15:31
50,000. 00:15:38
And I will carry that recommendation as part of the city manager's. 00:15:46
Budget through to the City Council. 00:15:52
When it's presented in April. Thank you. 00:15:55
Is there anything further that's required of us? 00:15:58
You know, I would say that it's always important to be communicating when you can with the Council, so during those budget 00:16:01
deliberations of a member of. 00:16:08
Your Commission may want to be present. 00:16:16
And. 00:16:18
To answer any questions that the Council may have and your reasons for. 00:16:20
Requesting the the increase. 00:16:26
But yeah, if I could just request. 00:16:29
Well, would you be able to enough? Just let us know when those are coming so that we're not, yeah, caught off guard? 00:16:32
Thank you. 00:16:38
Yeah, I just was wondering, we unanimously. 00:16:42
Wanted to propose a grant writing or a full time EDC member staff. Is is Can I just find out where that has gone? 00:16:47
It was the suggestion was made by your council member liaison Chaps Paduri and. 00:16:58
All of the Council's suggestions will be a reviewed as a part of the budget process. 00:17:07
So at this point. 00:17:13
We'll seriously review that suggestion and ultimately make a recommendation. 00:17:17
As a part of the overall budget presentation to the Council. 00:17:25
Thank you. If I may, I just would ask as well. I know that there has been conversation. 00:17:30
Around budget and regard. 00:17:37
The current contract with Agent DL. 00:17:39
And so if you provide any further information, not that I think that. 00:17:42
The services that are provided. 00:17:47
To the city for support. 00:17:50
Are also aligned with what a potential. 00:17:55
Extended role of economic development. 00:18:01
Position within the city staff. 00:18:06
Might be able to. 00:18:08
So I think it would be important to if we are. 00:18:11
Discussing the contract that we. 00:18:15
Look to see if that is an additional reason for justifying. 00:18:19
That city staff role. 00:18:23
We will. 00:18:26
No, not to support the contract, but in lieu of. 00:18:29
So you're saying that that if we're not going to extend HDL, it puts more pressure on the grant writing position. It makes the, 00:18:33
you know, the current? 00:18:37
Part time position. 00:18:42
Even higher, it's a higher tax on right position because. 00:18:44
Yeah, I'd, I'd agree with that. I just wanted to make sure that was. 00:18:48
Mr. Chair, if I could just. 00:18:54
I also want to announce that the handbook. 00:18:57
For committees and commissions. 00:19:04
Is going to be finally reviewed by the Council at their next meeting. 00:19:06
And it will be approved. 00:19:11
I expect that there will be a training session might be good for all Commission members that are interested to participate in 00:19:14
that. 00:19:19
Probably will take place in April, as soon as the final handbook. 00:19:25
Is approved uh. 00:19:30
Both myself and the city attorney will be moving forward. 00:19:32
On developing that training. 00:19:37
Thank you very much. 00:19:40
The question has come up in the past from Commissioner Gibbs, and so I do want to carry this question forward. 00:19:43
Expect to more information there has been. 00:19:48
A conversation about a. 00:19:51
A Commission meeting? I don't recall what the name it was. 00:19:54
Right this. 00:19:59
Are you up to date? OK? 00:20:02
Share the workflow. 00:20:03
Good. 00:20:10
OK, All right, wonderful. Anything further from city staff for updates? 00:20:11
Thank you. 00:20:17
Questions. Sure. Any questions? Sure. Can I just remind the chair, we do have a guest speaker here, so. 00:20:20
That first. 00:20:30
Well, let's go ahead. Yeah, let's let's Commission and stop announcements. 00:20:33
On the staff, that's what about the budget? 00:20:38
So just I I happen to be at the budget meeting. 00:20:42
Most imagine knows that I was there and I also thought of and asked questions about the economic development. 00:20:46
Budget, not admission, but the budget is full. As most of you probably know, the city projected city budget for the next year is 00:20:54
$32 million. 00:20:58
We have a reserve on top of that. On top of the reserve we have about a $2.6 million. 00:21:02
It's looked in other words and then it's about accounted for, but it's sitting. 00:21:08
When they reviewed the budget by some of the city, budgets are going up the attorneys budget. 00:21:12
Is going from, I don't know, four and a half million to over $1,000,000 anticipating I'm guessing. 00:21:17
Some actions that the City Council discussed last night. 00:21:23
I also observed that in that flow there perhaps could be some more money for the economic development of the city. 00:21:28
Right now we are at about one one point 1%. 00:21:35
That is the total technology development budget that Bob mentioned for the city, so about 1.11.2, something like that. 00:21:40
And I did a little bit of research before I went to the City Council meeting and a lot of cities are sizing a little bit larger. 00:21:49
They they're around 2 to 3% they allocate. 00:21:53
2 to 3% of their budget for economic development, including sea monitoring, those kind of things, staff and all that kind of 00:21:58
stuff. 00:22:01
And so I I said to the to the Council that the Council should budget. 00:22:05
An additional at least, you know, half a percent, we're talking $190,000. 00:22:09
For economic. 00:22:13
A chunk of that devoted to some of the line items. 00:22:16
That are on the recovery plan. 00:22:19
Right. The music, the QR code and that sort of. 00:22:22
And the only comment they really can't comment. But Mr. Clady Councilman Lady did say perhaps that some of the HDL. 00:22:25
Would go to that. I don't know how much is left because HDL also supplies services and business closes. 00:22:32
For the big stop. 00:22:38
So, so that request was made. The decisions have not been made by the City Council. So my last comment is if anybody out there or 00:22:41
anybody on the Commission and certainly as a private citizen, write a letter to council. 00:22:47
Suggestion. 00:22:53
The amount. 00:22:55
Because we have a $2.6 million overlayship. 00:22:57
And economic development needs to be a prior. 00:23:01
So additional 100,190 thousand dollars is about a half a percent. 00:23:04
Thank you, Chair. Thank you for that. 00:23:10
All right, Councillor Liaison's. 00:23:14
Councilman Drury let us know that he was going to be able to attend today, so we'll move past. 00:23:18
His announcements. 00:23:23
That opens us to general public comment. 00:23:25
I think someone from the Commission had one announcement. 00:23:27
Go ahead, sorry. 00:23:31
Just real quick. Captain Stoker is doing their birthday bash. Thanks. We're not doing. We're not doing it. Sorry, did I skip over? 00:23:34
I did by my mistake. 00:23:39
OK. Please continue. 00:23:45
The vendor application for any small businesses or local Craftsman or even musicians or food vendors. Drink vendors That's open 00:23:49
for Captain Stoker's Birthday Festival in July, which you can find it on our Instagram and on our website I. 00:23:56
And. 00:24:04
It's in the baseball field outside of the Monterey store, Yeah. 00:24:06
So that'll be open till next month at the end of the month. And then the other thing, since it's going to be becoming more 00:24:10
obvious, I just want to let everyone know that I am pregnant. 00:24:15
And I'm due in August, so I just thought I'd let everyone know here. So you're gonna be full term during your term? Yes. Yes. Yep, 00:24:21
Yep, Yep, there it is. So just wanna let you all know. 00:24:27
Thanks. Thanks. OK, we can move on now any further Commission. 00:24:34
Announcements. People move home. 00:24:42
Yeah. 00:24:44
The bid is. 00:24:47
We don't have a lot of events. We do the Halloween and you know a few little things, but we had to chalk the Block Sidewalk Chalk 00:24:51
Art Festival last year, which was really successful and we're planning another one this year. It's on May the 18th. 00:24:58
And we. 00:25:05
Are trying to organize it a little bit more to to include sponsors. We know that a lot of professional artists want to be involved 00:25:08
this year. We want to do more outreach to nonprofits and to to young people and get young people involved in all levels. So watch 00:25:16
the space, you'll be hearing more about that and the arts district, a group of artists. 00:25:23
Organizing an art week for the week following. So it'll start on the May the 18th and carry on for a week and the. 00:25:31
Brick and mortar businesses involved in the Arts District will be having a resident artist, so it'll just it's just an excuse to 00:25:39
get some footfall downtown, get people walking around and. 00:25:44
You know, schmoozing with. 00:25:50
People who like art and get inspired and support local businesses. So it's like kind of like on the next level up, you know it was 00:25:52
it was just the first one last year and you know hopefully. 00:25:58
It'll. 00:26:06
Continue to grow like that. And then I just want to take one second and say the EDC supported to keep the parklets. And I just 00:26:07
wanted to follow up on that because two weeks ago there was a meeting where that agenda item came up and there was a vote and the 00:26:12
council voted. 00:26:18
To demolish the park list as they are, they've voted in favor of the subcommittee proposal and. 00:26:25
There's however some provisos with that, which is that. 00:26:33
Instead of the targeting just the one corner on Fountain and Lighthouse that there's a plan that's going to be global to cover all 00:26:38
the parklets and. 00:26:43
They will need to include design guidelines. 00:26:49
Or reconstructing the park that's so. 00:26:52
You know. 00:26:57
I think everyone is is happy to consider alternatives and everything and the silver lining in this I think is that there will be a 00:26:58
new design and the amenities will be guaranteed from the discussion, I think the mayor said. Before anything happens, we need to 00:27:05
have guidelines for rebuilding, so. 00:27:11
I just wanted you to know that work in progress still and early days. I think because there's a lot of work also the budget needs 00:27:19
to be done. Also all the stakeholders need to participate, not just. 00:27:25
The few, but you know all ten part of it's in town. So anyway. 00:27:32
That's all I wanted to say on that. 00:27:38
OK. Thank you. Anything further from commissioners before moving on? 00:27:41
Targets. 00:27:44
Yeah, I think the park looks a good thing if just. 00:27:46
Mr. Jacobs, did they not say they're going to try to avoid the? 00:27:49
Main summer season for any kind of construction or extension of the sidewalk. Yeah, yeah. Well, I didn't mention that. I mean, 00:27:53
they're in the original report. It said starting in June and that was actually when they presented. They said they were no longer 00:28:00
looking at that time frame. There was talk about November the 1st, but then with all the provisos for a. 00:28:08
Planning next phases and and being a global plan, we'll see what happens with that. I understand that it is not exempt from Sequa, 00:28:16
so there may be a Sequa analysis too, so. 00:28:23
I'm not really sure the plan the the date is not yet known, Mr. Fair, if I could. 00:28:30
The Council gave us very clear direction to move forward as quickly as possible with that. 00:28:38
We will be retaining the professional health that's. 00:28:45
Needed to actually do the design manual and and do the planning first planning estimates for the piece down on Fountain and 00:28:51
Lighthouse and and so we're hoping to have all of that completed. 00:29:01
By the end of this fiscal year and have the actual construction take place in the fall. I I should note that you have Council 00:29:11
Member Coletti that has raised his hand and also wants to comment I think. 00:29:20
Sure. Well, we'll be getting to general public comment in just a moment. Welcome to make a comment at that time. 00:29:29
OK. So just to finish, I just had a couple things that just quickly on the parklets. 00:29:37
The safety issue, I think the Commissioner, Jacobs, would agree. 00:29:42
There's been a reason that has to be solved by this. 00:29:47
This this improvement is not really discussion time, sorry. 00:29:51
The day Lighting Law takes care of that other announcements. 00:30:00
I was just adding information. 00:30:06
About friends. So in walking around town I was looking for a news. 00:30:08
Sure. I usually shop at Target, but I found that there's a new business on Grand. 00:30:13
Fairly new called St. Addiction. 00:30:18
That's down on 178 grand went in there. They have really cool products too cool for me. 00:30:21
So I'm going to go back to Target, but it was really it's set up nice. It's really a cool job. 00:30:27
And you know, they didn't have a lot of Wizards sold. 00:30:32
Maybe we could correct that a little bit. I'm going to go back and buy something. 00:30:36
For myself. 00:30:39
2nd and I did send this information on to. 00:30:42
The chair The City of Monterey has agreed, through Alan Hoffa, to open a Monterey County business center. Who's going to Soledad 00:30:47
also? 00:30:52
And I would, I would love, I could talk about it later. Be cool if there was something like that for an extension of it in Pacific 00:30:58
Grove. 00:31:01
Just a Resource Center. 00:31:04
And we need to have that here. 00:31:06
And Jenny, are you going to mention there's a reception tonight? 00:31:09
Overtruders. 00:31:13
Yeah, I had emailed the the entire council about that. Yeah, I got that, but some people might not have. Sure Charter galleries is 00:31:14
having a chamber mixer from 5:00 to 7:00. In fact, I need to send my intern over there shortly. So I'm hoping to get to general 00:31:21
public comment. But anyone is welcome to to to attend. There's going to be food and drink. 00:31:27
And the last thing is, I think you mentioned the grill. 00:31:36
Is empty. The past owner did not renew the lease. They pulled out the equipment and I think it's a neat opportunity for a catalyst 00:31:40
project. 00:31:44
For the city, you know, like back to the 50s, we get the funds to come serve burgers but a big islands, colorful stuff and connect 00:31:49
it with, you know, our music in the park kind of a situation, yeah. The applications are gonna be open. Like, as I mentioned, an 00:31:56
RFP will go out and a new business will go in. Yeah, yeah. And. And you'll be taking applications shortly. 00:32:03
Yes. OK. Thank you. 00:32:11
Thank you. OK, moving on to general public comment. 00:32:13
We have any members of the public. 00:32:18
Councilman Colletti. 00:32:21
Pardon me, let's, uh, let's give the. 00:32:22
The Members present first please. 00:32:25
Did already unmute OK. 00:32:32
Ready. My name is Aaron Villarreal. I'm currently the membership and development intern with the Pacific Grove Chamber of 00:32:35
Commerce. A little bit about me. I come from the Central Valley, actually the same kind of town. Jenny's from Lemoore. I grew up 00:32:41
in Hanford, went to West Hills a little bit about my academic background and kind of career background. I'm delving into a bit of 00:32:47
higher education there. At West Hills College, I was able. I don't know if I'm supposed to press start to in the three minutes. 00:32:53
OK. 00:32:59
Perfect. But there at West Hills College, I worked my way up to become our Associated Student Government President. I also was on 00:33:05
the Board of Trustees as a student representative, served as a student at trustees for a multi college district. 00:33:12
After my Community College kind of career applied to four different colleges, it was UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley for their high 00:33:21
School of Business, UCLA and CSU of Monterey Bay. 00:33:26
I got into all the programs straight after my Community College career. 00:33:32
But from there, I chose specifically Monterey because you know. 00:33:38
This community and this kind of environment was something I didn't see anywhere else. And so that was a really big thing for me. 00:33:42
And now being in this position there as a CSU and B student, I'm in the business program. I'm currently pursuing finance. Apart 00:33:49
from that, I want to kind of continue my higher education pathway. 00:33:55
But have really benefited just from being here, you know in this little town in little city. And so I really think it has a lot of 00:34:02
different and economical growth. I know a lot of young people are anxious and willing to want to get out there and see what's new 00:34:08
out there some. 00:34:13
And I know CSUMB is a fairly new school. It started in 1994, you know, for or it is, you know, pretty new. We bought the campus 00:34:19
for around a dollar. But you know, it's still in its growing stages. Right now currently I'm actually running for their student 00:34:25
president and Percy is UMB. And so I'll I'll know at the end of March for that. But specifically, yeah, hoping that goes well 00:34:31
specifically. 00:34:37
I just wanted to come introduce myself. You know, I'm a young person. I really enjoy the, the small shops down here downtown is 00:34:43
beautiful. You know, just having those open doors and having that quality over quantity is something that Pacific Grove has. And 00:34:50
so I really believe in that. Lastly, Jenny is an awesome leader. She's an awesome role model. We're really blessed to have her in 00:34:56
the Pacific Grove chamber, so. 00:35:02
No, she's amazing. All of our staff there are real leaders and they're they're really pushing for, you know, a better community 00:35:10
and a better kind of development towards our town. So I'm really proud to be here. Apart from that, I'll be working till the end 00:35:16
of May and we'll see how that goes. But from there, I'm here for another two years. I graduate hopefully in the spring of 2025. 00:35:23
It's looking pretty good so far, so. 00:35:29
Apart from that, I'm. 00:35:36
Still representing an Otter, so go otters. Thank you. 00:35:38
Thank you and welcome and as an alumni myself. 00:35:44
I I'm glad to hear that you chose CMB. 00:35:49
And your book better. 00:35:53
Are you a runner? 00:35:54
All right. That's excellent. 00:35:57
There you go. 00:36:01
All right. 00:36:07
Seen going further in person, let's go ahead and open the Florida Councilman, Camille Colletti. 00:36:08
For public comment. 00:36:14
Yeah. Thank you. Chair. I just want to emphasize or kind of amplify a little bit on what the city manager mentioned as far as 00:36:17
describing. 00:36:21
Perhaps a more accurate description of what occurred at our February 14th meeting regarding parklets. 00:36:27
The the the concept drawing is on the wall there in chambers on the West wall. 00:36:33
And I will send you all a link to the video that will clearly show what the council discussion. 00:36:38
And final action was have a good meeting. Thank you. 00:36:46
Thank you. 00:36:50
Any further public comment before we move on to the regular agenda? 00:36:54
I've seen Miss Dahmer's hand. He's raised. OK, Stommer. 00:36:58
You have the floor very. 00:37:03
I'm really sorry, but chair when you turn your head away. 00:37:05
And your voice goes down. I can't hear the ends of your comments. And unfortunately with you too, Commissioner Gibbs, you back 00:37:11
away or something and your voice goes down and I can't hear you. So just remember, unidirectional Mike, speak into them, please. 00:37:17
Thank you. 00:37:24
You put a. 00:37:33
OK, last up, we have approval of the moments. 00:37:36
Those minutes were distributed in advance and have been. 00:37:40
And that would be agenda packets. Can we do a quick roll call vote on approval of the minutes before moving on to the regular 00:37:45
agenda? 00:37:48
Yes, so sorry, Motion motion to approve. 00:37:51
Yes. 00:37:54
Hey, Commissioner Hoops. 00:37:57
Commissioner Richmond. 00:38:00
Hi. 00:38:02
Chairman. 00:38:04
Vice Chair Jacobs. 00:38:07
Commissioner Venuti? Aye, Commissioner Gibbs. Yes. Motion passes six to zero with one absent. Thank you. 00:38:09
Yeah, that takes us to our regular agenda. 00:38:16
All right. Today we'll be receiving an update from the. 00:38:19
Recipient of the. 00:38:25
Recent grant program that we awarded in November and welcome. Thank you for coming. You have the floor to provide. 00:38:27
Thank you. Can you hear me? OK, we can. 00:38:36
Yes, let me just. 00:38:43
Again. 00:38:48
Just sincerest appreciation for this group and it's actually really fun to be here. 00:38:51
Oh, good. I've never. Actually, I was listening this time. It wasn't the last. 00:38:56
I was so nervous. 00:39:02
To be present so. 00:39:04
It's really neat what you guys do. 00:39:06
So thanks for being here as well. 00:39:09
My goal, as a reminder, M8 Wellness is a. 00:39:12
To enliven our community with health and Wellness and Ioffer multiple modalities. 00:39:18
To do that and. 00:39:30
As a follow up to the grant. 00:39:33
My My biggest goal was to be able to. 00:39:38
Not just grow our business because that's a good thing for sure, but also to reach a bigger audience. 00:39:40
And. 00:39:47
I feel like even just standing here back in N1 of the biggest things that I received besides the lovely check. 00:39:51
Which is still in my house as big as life. 00:39:59
With confidence. 00:40:04
So having the backing of your group. 00:40:05
Really helped me believe in myself even more than I do. You know, when you start a small business, you just you just never know. 00:40:10
You're often, uh. 00:40:18
Revising the plan as you go, so I felt. 00:40:20
Really lucky, but also just really proud that. 00:40:25
What we have is something that. 00:40:29
Is worth sharing. 00:40:31
So immediately following we we took some of the budget aside, and I. 00:40:34
We're part of the parade. 00:40:40
I know that wasn't. It's not like a super big thing. That was fun for us. We actually were part of the PG parade. 00:40:41
And then? 00:40:47
We found out the caramel pine cone offers a Wellness week, so we've been since November. 00:40:49
Part of their Wellness publication. 00:40:56
And in December had. 00:41:01
Inspiration to. 00:41:04
Transform a bit of our studio. My studio space has two floors and we. 00:41:07
Looked at our group of members and clients and wanted to again see if we could broaden the spectrum. 00:41:13
So we redesigned our second floor of the studio to offer more of a space that actually we've begun dance classes as well as a. 00:41:21
More specific, yoga. The main floor of our studio is a lot of Pilates equipment. Pilates is basically the the foundation of what 00:41:33
we do, but it's not only what I want to do, so. 00:41:39
Being able to have like two different, uh. 00:41:45
Modalities even at the same time is. 00:41:48
Is really helpful. So we with the help of my husband who was here the last time he did all the he's my construction person. 00:41:53
He helped design A studio upstairs and. 00:42:00
With that idea, we've also launched some online programs, so. 00:42:06
We have been doing teacher training already before the meeting last year. 00:42:14
I'm redesigning it to be more of an online program as well, so that more people can attend at their own level at their own time. 00:42:20
Just makes it a little bit easier than. 00:42:25
Showing up in person to a class. 00:42:31
And then as of. 00:42:35
Mid February I spent quite a lot of time creating a. 00:42:36
A Wellness online program that was a 40 day program that we're offering about 3 * a year. 00:42:41
That we had pretty good. 00:42:47
Uh, success. We have at least 12 people. 00:42:48
Join us for that, and that's a lot from a zero to. 00:42:51
12 and that has offered us the ability to expand our. 00:42:55
Our program to more nutrition and things like meditation at home and doing home things as well. So coming to the studio, yes, but 00:43:02
then the home programs as well. 00:43:08
And. 00:43:14
With the transformation of the upstairs space. 00:43:17
We have. 00:43:22
Inspired a younger audience, so with this dance program we are now working with teenagers and that has been. 00:43:25
Wonderful, my. 00:43:36
My daughter is included in that I was a ballet dancer, so it's been fun as well, but also. 00:43:38
What I'd love for that. 00:43:47
Upstairs is to really. 00:43:50
Include boys and girls of. 00:43:52
Younger ages to come and. 00:43:56
Move their bodies in a inclusive environment. And so we've been receiving new teens coming to the studio, which previously as a 00:43:59
Pilates studio that was annoyed the case, but. 00:44:05
On a larger long term, like really long term goal, I would love to. 00:44:12
Start using some of the funds. I've saved a lot a lot of the funds aside for this, but really Ioffer like a sliding scale for 00:44:19
teens so they they're not having to. 00:44:24
Ask their parents. Or come and pay for classes. A lot of them pay themselves, so they pay what they can and. 00:44:29
Just inspire them to move. I feel like our. 00:44:36
Our younger generations are quite sedentary and or injured from doing sports in high school and watching it with my own teenagers, 00:44:39
so. 00:44:44
So that's been it's another. 00:44:49
Long term plan, a little bit of a work in progress, but it's been really lovely to see the the community, a younger community 00:44:52
coming into the studio and moving and and feeling accepted to do it so. 00:44:59
And then on the other side of that. 00:45:08
When we applied for the grant last year, we were just introducing A therapeutic program to the to the work inside the studio and 00:45:10
we were able to add multiple more props and some equipment attachments for our Pilates equipment. 00:45:18
So that clients who can't necessarily get up and down off the floor with ease now can come to this therapeutic class and it's it's 00:45:27
a sold out class, it's always full. So I feel like we're growing in our ages which is lovely to see and then with the 40 day 00:45:34
program. 00:45:40
Expanding to more nutrition and. 00:45:47
Those home home classes as well. 00:45:51
We're growing and. 00:45:55
You guys were a big part of that. 00:45:58
And I also would I felt like when I was sitting there listening. So I don't know how much time I have any questions for me 00:46:01
specifically because I wasn't sure like what were your goals for this? 00:46:06
Grant, sure. So I'll open it up to commissioners for any questions, but first we have to open for any questions or comments from 00:46:12
the public and then we'll. 00:46:18
Open the floor with a bridge price. 00:46:24
Seeing none. 00:46:26
I see no hands raised, OK? 00:46:28
Commissioners, any questions? 00:46:31
Comments. 00:46:33
Feedback. 00:46:34
And that reminds me, I was trying to remember all of the things I wrote it down, but I'm not even looking at menace. But. 00:47:07
Doing things thank you so quickly like I'm just impressed how how fast you've moved already. So yeah I know it's it's it has been 00:47:47
a lot but it's a lot of it was just inspired by that initial like OK we're going to do this and. 00:47:53
You know it might not be on the financially sound yet in terms of like all those projects that they. 00:48:01
They're getting good feedback, yeah, and that's good. 00:48:08
It's a great base. And you've you're already. I don't know, you're already killing it to me. So great job. Thank you. Thank you. 00:48:11
Any other questions? 00:48:19
Well, thank you for being here, right? 00:48:22
I feel good just after. 00:48:24
Hearing what you have to say and and and how you're. 00:48:26
You know, you're being conscious about the budget, you thought about it, You're thinking forward. 00:48:30
And you're doing a very practical but but. 00:48:34
You know, I think it's going to be very effective. I just have two questions. Since we're sort of on the record, could you repeat 00:48:37
for everybody what your website is? Oh, yes, so M as in Mary, the number 8. 00:48:43 OK MA Wellness and. 00:48:49
I love the education component. That's what really attracted me when you applied. 00:48:54
I can talk more about that too. Yeah. And the 40 day Wellness program. 00:48:58
Is that a self-paced program or it is. We had an initial group gathering and we're going to have an ending group gathering. So 00:49:03
we've added. So along with that space upstairs I have room to have more people for like workshop based material and it is 00:49:09
self-paced. 00:49:15
This particular version, they get 8 chapters. It's been quite a lot of content that I. 00:49:22
It off a lot to get it going but I have two more chapters to write and it'll be over. But they it's learning about. 00:49:28
Learning about food, but in an Ayurvedic standpoint. So how nature and you know what you put into your body, how you sleep and all 00:49:40
those things that just go along with a healthy, balanced life. 00:49:45
There's tools to the. 00:49:52
To the 40 days that they can get, they can use it as much as they want. It includes recipes and all that kind of stuff, and 00:49:54
they'll have it forever. They don't lose their access. 00:49:59
Congratulations, Keep it going. Thank you. And you mentioned the education, so we did do. I have been doing teacher training for 00:50:05
quite a long time. Most of the teachers who graduate from my program if they want to. 00:50:10
They work with us. 00:50:17
And that included we had we hired. When I I looked back actually an application from last year and I'm like what did I write and. 00:50:18
A lot of the things that I'd written last year in January, I believe I had done. So I had hired more teachers and and all of that. 00:50:28
Since then we've had another teacher training program and. 00:50:33
Three of those students had graduated, two of them are. 00:50:40
Working with me now, one is an apprentice to work with me. 00:50:45
I've lost Emma because she is pregnant. I don't have I lost your nerves? 00:50:48
Yeah, so. 00:50:54
So we are still and that's another thing. 00:50:55
That I'm working on is creating the teacher training program as well to be a bit more. 00:50:58
Online So. 00:51:05
My website has offered. 00:51:07
More like online courses. So that's been really helpful, like the whole. 00:51:10
Being able to give more. 00:51:15
At a self pace I think is. 00:51:17
Hopeful to people as well. 00:51:19
I just want to say wow. I mean, seriously, you are killing it. You are really amazing. I'm so impressed with the diversity of ages 00:51:24
that you're addressing. 00:51:28
The young teams, young people, teens have a place to go. I mean, the youth center is something, but it's not doesn't offer dance. 00:51:32
It's it's just brilliant. The whole thing is brilliant. 00:51:40
And honestly? 00:51:44
I have a lot of dreams and a lot of desires, but when I was offered this grant, it really did. 00:51:47
It really helped me. 00:51:53
Because it's hard, you know? You think I'm gonna do this? 00:51:55
Then you have to pay for it. 00:52:00
And have and and you know. 00:52:03
I didn't know how much time I had, but I was going to say if I had gotten this grant in January last year, it would have been a 00:52:06
completely different. 00:52:09
Story. 00:52:12
Only because I had a plan for it. Then by the time we got to November, so much had changed. And in a way, I learned so much just 00:52:14
about my business. And I've had a similar business before, but. 00:52:20
New to the Pacific Grove area. 00:52:28
I learned a lot about my community and the time I learned about a lot about my own values. 00:52:30
And that helped me move forward. And so I feel like the timing was perfect because it really. 00:52:35
It's going to go a lot farther. 00:52:43
So I'm happy about that, yeah. 00:52:46
Congratulations. 00:52:50
I do have one question for you, and that's as a Commission. 00:52:52
Looking towards the city. 00:52:57
Do you have any? 00:52:58
Feedback as a business owner that we can. 00:53:00
Receive and is there anything that you're experiencing as a small business in the community that would be? 00:53:03
Useful for us to to know about to potentially help to support you and your growth. 00:53:12
Well, you know, like I said when I was listening, it was actually quite interesting to be here. I was especially my ears were 00:53:21
perked when you guys were talking about all the vacancies and just different. 00:53:26
I don't think we know each other. 00:53:32
And that could be on my. 00:53:35
My side as well, I started my business at the beginning of 2022 or. 00:53:38
Rented the space 2021, so it was like a very strange time. But I don't know a lot of the other local businesses unless I 00:53:43
personally reach out. So I don't know if there's any way for you to get us all together, even with like a. 00:53:50
An e-mail list. 00:53:57
I know. And that and when you're working, it's hard, like I would be teaching right now. So you never get to go to the. 00:54:00
To the mixers. But yeah, so other ways just to get us together, I had tried a. 00:54:07
When I first opened, I created like a Wellness event in the studio. 00:54:14
But my landlord didn't like it. 00:54:21
To stop doing that, I was trying to get our Wellness community together and have people come and small vendors, things like you're 00:54:24
in the ballpark. I did it in our parking lot and. 00:54:30
Didn't go over so well, so looking for things to do like that. Like I'd love to be able to get more groups of us together somehow 00:54:36
to. 00:54:40
Collaborate. 00:54:45
Work with each other. I think that would help us all because then people like to go to those events. 00:54:47
And then they meet new vendors and. 00:54:54
I don't know if there's more of that or maybe. 00:54:57
Direct like come do this type of thing. 00:55:02
Actually, one of the ideas that the committee for the Chalk the Block Chalk Art Festival is to have local businesses involved and 00:55:08
to pair up with an artist to do some chalk work for you and something that highlights your business and be able to stand there and 00:55:15
talk to. All because it's going to be hundreds of people and you know, to talk to people as they come by because whatever the 00:55:22
Chalk art is could be reflective of your business. So that would be neat. So just a thought. 00:55:29
After there's many other forums, but that's that's one that we just talked about recently, so OK. 00:55:37
Thank you. 00:55:43
Thanks for taking the time to come and give us an update. We really appreciate it. 00:55:46
Yeah, yeah. We'll reach out again. 00:55:54
Thanks. 00:55:57
OK. Well then that takes us to the next item on the agenda, PG website update and Laurel, you have some updates for us on the site 00:56:04
and progress on. 00:56:08
So Paul, our IT management. 00:56:14
Analyst is going to give this update. 00:56:18
Hello. 00:56:29
Can you hear me? 00:56:30
Hi, I'm Paul. I'm the IT management analyst here. And. 00:56:33
Yeah, thanks for that list. We we kind of went through it and. 00:56:36
Look at the updates that we could make changes to and ones that kind of made sense. And I have a file. In fact, what I'll do is 00:56:42
I'll just share my screen. 00:56:47
Here, take over. Here, just make myself a. 00:56:53
Panelist. 00:56:57
I I can comment on #10 Paul that we did talk about the videos. They came from the chamber. 00:58:00
And we know they're old and that was a request we had put in to make new videos, but this is a budget issue that. 00:58:08
Maybe Bob has some input on? 00:58:17
Paul, did you have anything that you were going to speak to or are we just reading through this? 00:58:32
Are you muted? 00:58:38
OK. Sorry, but we haven't heard anything that you said. 00:58:43
Can you hear me now? 00:58:49
Yeah, hello. 00:58:51
Yes, we can hear you. So maybe we can do a reset here because we we didn't hear any voice from you. 00:58:55
This entire time, I apologize. 00:59:00
OK, well. 00:59:03
I don't know if I want to go through all of these, but for the most part these design changes were. 00:59:05
Some of them were were valid, such as the responsive UI issue at the front page. 00:59:11
Umm, we did make some changes to. 00:59:17
The design of the page to consolidate a few pages down, splitting some pages up and and combining content in them. 00:59:21
But for the. 00:59:30
For the few items that I could not fix, such as what? 00:59:31
Laurel just mentioned the marketing issue with the videos. 00:59:36
I've marked those in the in the document. In this document the yellow. 00:59:40
Rows are the ones that I was able to resolve in any of the larger print. Those are things I couldn't resolve. 00:59:46
So for the homepage most of this was either resolved with an explanation. 00:59:52
Such as a removing page links from the footer. 00:59:57
That's part of the revised site design. They they have a unique purpose and. 01:00:00
For the most part, they. 01:00:05
Government page has sort of ethical web design concerns that we have to follow and best practices. 01:00:07
Like the floating alt tag at the video, which was one of the first suggestions. 01:00:13
So those kinds of things we have to kind of leave alone. 01:00:18
But some things, like the small description that's likely not going to be read because it's underneath so many other things. 01:00:22
That was a good point. So we converted that into a link that takes you to the white Pacific Grove page. 01:00:28
Like I said, I'll send this to the council members and you can review the changes that we made and the progress that we're at at 01:00:37
the moment. 01:00:40
As we continue to go through these, this is the home page. 01:00:44
As far as the white Pacific Grove page goes. 01:00:49
I haven't made, I haven't resolved too many of those issues or any of these issues. These require content or we're going to have 01:00:53
to refer to the makers of the community profile. 01:00:58
And the market analysis maps. 01:01:03
For explanations as to why. 01:01:05
These items aren't aren't in there. 01:01:08
The one thing on this page that I can work on though is for the PG districts. It would be helpful to have a map showing the exact 01:01:11
locations of different districts. 01:01:15
As the app next door does, it's a valid design change. That's something we can work on. 01:01:19
But some of these I would I would need some more info on like the business directories. Bad if you could explain. 01:01:25
More of that. 01:01:30
And the parklet program we did find is very out of date. 01:01:32
So we've taken that. I've hidden that for the moment on the site. 01:01:37
There's no reference to it, and we could come up with a. 01:01:42
Marketing, I would imagine would come up with a more recent, more up-to-date flyer for where we are on the Parkland program. 01:01:45
On the resources page. 01:01:53
We took care of the couple of the items. We simplified the. 01:01:55
Everything under taxes and licenses. 01:01:59
And we updated the government office. 01:02:01
A flyer. 01:02:05
But for the. 01:02:08
Links the fact that. 01:02:10
This was a good point. A lot of our pages on there looks like it looked like they were meant to be expanded, so they were just a. 01:02:12
Left NAV of links and then in the middle the content was just the same. Links doubled up. 01:02:20
So I've taken care of a few of those, but a lot of those, they really just need content and. 01:02:25
I can hide them, but I prefer if we could. 01:02:30
Possibly go to the source of the original content and maybe get content in there. 01:02:34
As a as a web designer I can't produce that content, but I can certainly post it once we have it. 01:02:39
Any graphic design or verbiage that we want to put on the site? 01:02:44
For this. 01:02:49
Same with the start of business section and the final location. I went ahead and removed that from that area. 01:02:52
As far as the last two pages go. 01:03:00
I'm so look looking into these but the. 01:03:05
This page has exactly the same problem I. 01:03:08
This is the BD page and I forget what that stands for, but it's the same thing. It's a bunch of links and the left NAV. 01:03:11
We're working on. 01:03:18
Possibly getting more content for that. 01:03:19
And the there's a map on there that needs to be updated. 01:03:21
I'll have to refer to. 01:03:26
Laurel possibly on that as far as the source of that map originally. 01:03:27
And there the More info button under each property listed. 01:03:33
So this is a description of the property. More info and it takes you to another page that shows you. 01:03:39
Less info than the original page showed you, but it's different info that looks like it's a design. 01:03:45
From that vendor, whoever we got it from, we could talk to them about maybe moving that same info into the same page. 01:03:51
But as far as more info goes, it is technically more info, it's just. 01:03:58
Less than the original page showed, it's just a different set of information. 01:04:02
So again, thanks for this list. It was a. 01:04:07
There were there were good suggestions and we made some of the changes. 01:04:10
That were listed so far and hopefully we'll get through the rest of it. 01:04:14
In the next month or so. 01:04:17
No, it's for Councilman. Councilmember Richmond appreciate it. 01:04:22
Commissioner. 01:04:26
So before we move on to Commissioner comments and questions quickly just to open up to public comment, any public comment on this. 01:04:28
Seen Oh. 01:04:37
OK. Stormer, you have the floor. 01:04:40
Thank you. I'm sorry, was this the questions and answers and the responses? Was this published on the agenda item? 01:04:45
Umm. And is it going to be on the Minutes so that it's available to the public to look at also? 01:04:55
That's just my question because it explains a lot. 01:05:05
Thank you very much. 01:05:09
Thank you. And perhaps Paul, you can provide a bit more background on this as well because the document that you're sharing here. 01:05:12
It sounds as though this was feedback that was provided directly. 01:05:20
Yes, I received an e-mail from Well, we received an e-mail from Commissioner Richmond. 01:05:24
Regarding some of the changes and we just converted it into a small project. 01:05:29
To take care of overtime, the document is. 01:05:35
Created from the that list of of. 01:05:39
Requests. 01:05:42
OK, so I. 01:05:45
Going forward, I think my first question before we open the floor to everyone else is. 01:05:48
Two questions. One is ownership of the site here and where? 01:05:55
Responsibilities fall for maintenance. 01:06:01
And secondly. 01:06:03
A schedule for maintenance on the site. I would like to hear more just on what the plan is going forward because. 01:06:06
I want to thank Commissioner Richmond for taking the time to put together this spreadsheet that was incredibly helpful. 01:06:13
But as it currently stands, there is. 01:06:19
That I'm aware of, no. 01:06:24
Structure to maintaining the site or schedule around that, that I'm familiar with. So can you speak to that a bit? Is there a 01:06:26
plan? 01:06:30
That's a very good question. From my perspective, I just simply took this on as the. 01:06:37
IT person who handles any of the CMS changes. 01:06:42
This site is separate from our main site and the library site in that it was started by the previous city manager. 01:06:46
He was kind of managing it and had a schedule and I. 01:06:53
I've kind of just been brought in, but I can certainly. 01:06:58
Set set it up so that we do have a scheduled maintenance on this. That's. 01:07:01
That follows because yes, a few things have been left behind. 01:07:06
As a result of a lack of maintenance. 01:07:09
We I can meet with Laurel and and City Manager Bob about that. 01:07:13
And we'll come up with a better schedule going forward. 01:07:21
And and that's not to suggest by any means Paul that that's something that's a reflection on you. I just I think that it would be 01:07:25
very helpful for us to have that information. 01:07:29
Oh yeah, thank you updates. 01:07:33
Any further questions, comments from the Commission? 01:07:37
I did well, it's not, it's more a comment. I do have a login to add. 01:07:40
New properties that become available, but my login broke. So I need to get a new login for it, but that's the only piece of it 01:07:47
that I have the ability to add. And I don't think I have the ability to delete anything. I can just add new content I believe, but 01:07:54
I'll talk to the new IT person. So Paul, I'll be giving you a call. Thank you. 01:08:00
I actually have one other question and that's based off of. 01:08:08
Some historical knowledge that I have coming from sitting on the Commission, from prior terms. 01:08:12
Laurel, you may be able to speak to this, or maybe not, but at one point we had allocated. 01:08:18
Advertising funding to support this page and promote it. 01:08:23
Have we utilized all those funds? Have they been? 01:08:28
Fully spent. 01:08:31
I would have to look into that because that was when we had the previous city manager and we had. 01:08:34
Like a group we were working with that didn't social media. 01:08:42
That we don't have a. 01:08:46
We don't work with them anymore. 01:08:49
So. 01:08:51
If I could. 01:08:55
I absolutely understand. 01:08:58
There has been transition, obviously. 01:09:01
In in my position. 01:09:06
And as a part of that transmission. 01:09:07
I can say that I think we need to do a better job of not only. 01:09:12
Of the city's website, as as well as anything that the EDC has on board here, and I've asked at least in the interim. 01:09:17
To establish a staff working group. 01:09:30
Rather than. 01:09:33
Taking this outside. 01:09:35
That we can periodically review and identify what needs to be updated or changed or corrected. So we're aware of the problem and 01:09:38
attempting to work out a process to deal with it. 01:09:45
That's great. Thank you very much. 01:09:54
Anything further? 01:09:57
Commissioner good. 01:09:58
So this is to the city manager, thank you chair. The previous city manager had discretionary budget up to 39,000. 01:09:59
$999 Does it? Does the interim city manager have a discretionary budget? 01:10:07
That could be used to make some of the more. 01:10:13
Obvious fixes or. 01:10:16
Allocate the advertising. 01:10:19
Well, it it certainly is something that I would look at. Ultimately the the city manager department or the city manager is the 01:10:22
authority to actually write the checks per se. 01:10:30
So I would have to review, you know, what was originally budgeted, how much is left? 01:10:39
And if we were able to dedicate. 01:10:45
Any of that in such a way you know. 01:10:49
So, so good. So we could. 01:10:52
I'm not asking you to do it. 01:10:55
If you look into it, could you report back and let us know? I will. We'll keep this on the agenda and come back with it next 01:10:57
month. Got it. And. 01:11:02
So I just had a couple things that they more maybe on the list. 01:11:11
Commissioner Richmond put together, uh, maybe not so. Just a couple of more. It seemed to me to be important the the. 01:11:15
Customer for this website isn't the internal community it could be, but. 01:11:23
I always thought it was directed towards somebody. 01:11:28
Was thinking of coming to Pacific Roll or creating a business exploring the area. I want to know more about the community, the 01:11:31
market, data, etc. 01:11:34
So the links should be helpful and they should be working. So if I'm looking to open a business, one of the most important 01:11:39
questions you get is do you have water, do you need water? You know is there water credits? And I it's maybe it's fixed today, I 01:11:45
tried it yesterday. 01:11:50
The links to the water credits do not work. 01:11:56
What do you mean linked to water credits doesn't mean each building has their own. 01:12:02
And each landlord knows that answer. So I guess I'm curious, I I don't remember seeing that on the website. 01:12:06
Are you talking about our entitlement letter? 01:12:14
Commissioner, good, so on the on the peak on the PG. 01:12:17
If I'm exploring opening a business. 01:12:21
I know that water credits are important. 01:12:23
And there are two links on the Pick PG website on, you know, open the business in PG. 01:12:26
And you click on them to see what the process is. 01:12:31
You know what? What's going on with the water credits? Are they available, and what the process is if I need them? 01:12:35
Those links for information or you know, links to other sources that can tell me that. 01:12:40
When you click on the link on the Pick PG website. 01:12:46
It comes up with an error message. 01:12:49
OK. Well, Paul? 01:12:51
Is listening and we can work on that. 01:12:54
OK, yeah, I'm just I I've mentioned it before. I mentioned it a couple times. The link still didn't work. Yes, So I. 01:12:56
The market analysis which I understand was provided by HDL. 01:13:05
I and I think some of the problems with the maps were identified. 01:13:10
If it was up to me and I would make the recommendation. 01:13:15
The maps aren't that useful. The market data analysis is useful. The maps. 01:13:18
Are useless if I could just say that. 01:13:23
So, for example, doesn't show any places to eat on Forest Hill. 01:13:26
But it shows in Monterey and Marina. There's no green dots on Lighthouse, which indicate, you know, restaurants. 01:13:30
So. 01:13:38
I would just remove the maps. I think they're separate and distinct from the data. 01:13:39
Itself. There are also maps. 01:13:44
For restaurants, there's also one for markets, so the market map. 01:13:48
Shows Costco and Target. 01:13:52
But Grove Market? 01:13:54
Is not on the map. 01:13:55
Local markets are not on the map, so I think rather than fix it, I don't think it's that useful, I recommend you just take them 01:13:57
down. Leave the market data up there, but take the map down because there is an introductory map that is fully functional. You can 01:14:03
zoom in, you can zoom out, and most of the businesses are there at the top of the page. I would just leave that map there or refer 01:14:09
to that map. 01:14:14
If somebody's looking for the the information. 01:14:21
There's a page that has logos, so there's still a logo on there for Kelly Moore. 01:14:25
Jersey Mike's isn't on there, right? So some of the business logos and I don't know how that works, maybe they're not supposed to 01:14:30
be on there, but it's not been updated and it and it should be, and I agree the product page needs to be updated. 01:14:38
And the last thing I have is that the. 01:14:46
There's some information dedicated to the new Kimpton Hotel. 01:14:49
And the information on there says it actually it hasn't broken. 01:14:54
Ground yet? 01:14:58
Unless the meteor hit that site and left a great big hole. 01:14:59
You know there is some work going on and it would be nice to have. 01:15:03
Updated pictures, at least that show I want to check. 01:15:07
Yesterday I think it was. The real progress has been made. They got the returning wall up, They've got the ground smoothed out and 01:15:10
they're getting ready to lay the foundation, it looks like. So it's very exciting. We should reflect that on the big PG website. 01:15:16
Yeah, thank you for that because we do have a. 01:15:22
PG hotel website that we made and all can just link. 01:15:28
To that where we in that we are keeping that update that yes, groundspoken, we've been adding photos there and yes, you didn't see 01:15:34
him, I just didn't see him on the Pick PG website, OK. So it just take if there's a length just take down what's on the Pick BG 01:15:38
website. 01:15:43
And just, you know, refer to the link. 01:15:48
I'm trying to speak better for Mr. Olive. Thank you. 01:15:51
OK. 01:15:54
Have a business in PG, so that was kind of something I mentioned as well. So I think a lot of your concerns, they were things that 01:16:31
I had mentioned. So it looks like Paul's working on quite a few of them. So I guess once Paul's kind of through those, I can 01:16:37
probably take another look and see kind of how those things flow afterwards. 01:16:43
Could be helpful. 01:16:49
Like to? 01:16:51
Thank you. I apologize so the interest of time and also just trying to consolidate feedback as best as possible here I. 01:17:08
I'd like to make a motion to see if we want to have a subcommittee take a review of the site in its current form and work with. 01:17:17
With Paul or someone at City TO. 01:17:26
Recommend any further updates so that we can. 01:17:29
We can have all of that collected in one place. 01:17:33
I would suggest instead of another subcommittee meeting, that you have one person on this Commission. I'm assuming that would be 01:17:36
Kelsey, where everything gets funneled to her and she serves as the staff liaison liaison to the staff. 01:17:43
If she's willing to do it, I'm I'm fine with that if the rest of the Commission is comfortable providing one person. 01:17:50
You know the power to do that. 01:17:56
Yeah. I mean, you can have a subcommittee with one person, yeah. 01:17:59
Because he's most knowledgeable about that. 01:18:02
And me more efficient, so we'll just get a second and then. 01:18:05
Motion seconded. 01:18:11
I'll do a vote. 01:18:13
Commissioner, the nudie. 01:18:17
Aye, Commissioner Gibbs. Yes, Vice Chair Jacobs. Aye, Chair Upman. 01:18:19
Commissioner Richmond Aye and Commissioner Hoops Aye motion passes six to zero with one absent to form a sub committee consisting 01:18:24
of. 01:18:29
Commissioner Richmond to work with our IT staff. 01:18:35
On Pick PG website. Thank you. And if we would that I know a matter of the fact that have a maintenance schedule as part of. 01:18:40
Of this process that we could review? 01:18:48
Every time would be good. 01:18:51
Yeah, we'll see. I'm not. We'll see how often that is. I don't know if I can take on a whole job of maintenance single. 01:18:53
Website, but yes. 01:19:01
No, I think you mean just that they're not that you have to do it, but just no, no, I'm not just that the city would have a main 01:19:04
schedule. Yes, That would just be one of your things to ask about. Yes, there you go. 01:19:10
Yeah. All right. 01:19:17
Let's go ahead and move on to the QR Code Business Information Program update. Commissioner Hoops, do you have? 01:19:19
Any updates to provide on the QR code? 01:19:26
Yeah, briefly. 01:19:29
Subcommittee consisting of myself and Commissioner Richmond did meet. 01:19:32
And discuss ideas. 01:19:36
To create. 01:19:39
The the sort of. 01:19:40
Request facing information for for like. 01:19:43
Business that would get involved in this in this program. 01:19:46
So one of the things this is working with city Staff Laurel to. 01:19:50
Create some kind of flyer or some sort of informative thing, much like the facade program that. 01:19:56
We put out two businesses to get them involved, so I. 01:20:01
Came up with a name. 01:20:06
Kind of. You know bullet points what it is. Here's what's the program is, this is how it works. And then submitted all that to 01:20:08
Laurel and then. 01:20:12
That's sort of on its way, I guess, into the ether of city staff, I guess. 01:20:16
I don't know how what the timeline is on on your end or how back those things are. Yeah. So I can make the flyer similar to the 01:20:22
facade program and and application and I'll get all working on all that and bring it to the next meeting. Yeah, OK. 01:20:28
And when did we end up calling it local business discovery program? 01:20:35
Sounds a lot better than QR code program. 01:20:40
So we kind of wanted it to have something that people. 01:20:43
Understood. The basis of the program just from hearing the title like about. 01:20:47
You know this thing is going to have people understand. 01:20:50
The businesses that are in town, So that was sort of the idea, umm. 01:20:54
Yeah, that's where we're at. Anything to add? 01:20:59
And also before we met as a subcommittee, I just reached out to a handful of businesses to see if they'd be interested because I 01:21:02
said I would do that last time. And if I'm including wild Fish, 'cause I'm assuming Liz will be down, we've got at least nine 01:21:08
already. And that's just for me directly asking. I haven't put it out to the public. So I mean, we already have. 01:21:14
We're already doing our whole budget already at the budget if the if, all those. 01:21:21
You know theoretical yeses or yeses, and then the budget is more or less spent and. 01:21:26
Yeah. So, so proof of concept a little bit. We're we're there. So we got to you know. 01:21:32
Do the do all, check all the boxes here formally and get it going and then we'll be off the races here so. 01:21:36
I do want to add that Amber Russell from Over the Moon is interested in learning more as well. There you go. And I'm sure M8 01:21:44
Wellness and Lucy's, you know, like, I'm sure. Yeah. Easy. Yeah. And that's like, I mean a perfect addition for, you know, the 01:21:48
little. 01:21:52
Place on lighthouse there that that would be great you know. 01:21:56
Diversity to add to that program too, so it's perfect. 01:22:01
Have any public comment on the program? 01:22:06
Great. Any further comments or questions from Commission? 01:22:14
I just had one question, sorry. I did have one question. Do you know about a timeline for when the applications might be 01:22:19
available? 01:22:23
Like a month, two months. They said bring them to the next meeting. OK. Sorry I didn't hear that. Yeah. So once that's. 01:22:28
Once the pliers created and we see that at the next meeting, then I mean what? So I guess that's a question of the Commission then 01:22:34
is like what is? 01:22:37
Considering we you know we have some tentative people involved here like what do we want to issue as a timeline for we're 01:22:42
accepting you know applicants type of thing. Is this should we put it up for 60 days or? 01:22:48
Or open-ended and just say the budget is spent at this time and you're in, you're on the wait list type of thing Or like I mean, 01:22:56
I'd welcome some input here. 01:23:00
I think at the last meeting you were saying similar to the facade program, which we don't do a weightless, we just say. 01:23:05
It's the budgets done for this fiscal year. 01:23:13
And then relaunch it. 01:23:16
And the next fiscal year if more money is allocated. So the other part of that discussion was? 01:23:18
Well, we'll get firm yeses from people once the program is going. But then the other thing that we discussed when this was when we 01:23:24
allocated the original 10,000 was that. 01:23:28
You know, there's opportunity to revisit that gets spent. So I guess let's see March, April, May, June, yeah, we should have be 01:23:32
able to come in under the wire there and. 01:23:37
Throw a couple more bucks at it if there's if there's people that are interested. So that was gonna be my question is we've got 01:23:43
the 9 grand sitting on the table so sure if we need to spend it, let's. 01:23:47
Make sure that we're keeping track of that. 01:23:52
Commissioner Getz, you know, I've said before I love the program and I one of the things I like about it is that it's not just 01:23:54
business oriented. We have assets in town. We have things that people come to see from all over the world. I'd like to see at 01:23:59
least one, whether it's a lighthouse. 01:24:05
You know QR code on the whale down by the Natural History Museum, but at least one non business or one not-for-profit included in 01:24:10
the initial round somehow, as you say, if that's possible. 01:24:16
Yeah, I mean that would be, I mean maybe you want to take that on yourself to go to some. 01:24:23
Organization you know the Save the Barn organization I'm sure has some sort of funds that they I knew they fundraising. So I don't 01:24:28
know what you know if they've got a little bit I mean it's it's a pretty low cost input for I think it's very generous on on 01:24:33
behalf of the city and this program to. 01:24:38
To do that. So I think that like there is opportunity for sort of a non profit to to join the ranks. I mean I'm, I'm. 01:24:44
I have no dog in the fight about who does it. The more the better. 01:24:51
Yeah, I mean if if you know people or if you want to solicit one of the the local, I mean I would like their. I think the caveat 01:24:57
would be I think for the initial round it's. 01:25:01
Visibility is important, so maybe all the way out to the White House. 01:25:05
Not the greatest idea to launch the program, but like the barn right here in the center of PG or the Natural History Museum or 01:25:09
something like this that's a non profit I think would be a great idea to include. 01:25:14
With the program, because I do, I do really like that. Yeah. Yeah. And the. 01:25:20
Natural History, excuse me, Natural History Museum's got a new director, so. 01:25:24
Yeah, I don't mind reaching out, but Jenny, maybe you would be the better person. Yeah, Rachel is start. Actually, she started. So 01:25:29
she's new. And I was gonna invite her actually to come to EDC in April just to introduce herself. Yeah, good idea. I just have 01:25:36
wrong. If I could just. I just have one more thought and then I'll be done in the city manager's report. 01:25:43
There was a paragraph about the QR code and how excited everybody was. I'd like to see that again. Maybe Aaron you could write 01:25:51
something, a short paragraph to describe kind of where we are with it and and City Manager, would you think that would be possible 01:25:56
to? 01:26:01
Having the report. 01:26:07
Certainly an update. 01:26:08
I'm sorry for asking, but no, it's, I mean it's fine. I mean I think we we have, I mean basically essentially the minutes are the 01:26:10
update, right. We just received the report and we're in. 01:26:14
We're in process. So uh, yeah, maybe after the next meeting that might be more appropriate to say. 01:26:19
This is now launched and go find the flyer on the website. It's kind of. 01:26:26
I think a little premature to announce and then have nowhere to point anybody so. 01:26:31
But happy to do it and I think that's a great idea. Thank you. 01:26:37
Yeah, I really want to bring up the question of the purpose of these funds in the EDC in relation to the nonprofit sector. 01:26:42
I think the purpose of this program is to build business. 01:26:51
And I think, I mean, I was in the nonprofit sector for 40 years. So it's not that I don't support that idea, but I think the 01:26:55
purpose of this Commission. 01:26:59
Is to help businesses. 01:27:03
And I'm not sure that the Natural History Museum is a business. 01:27:06
So I question whether we should include them at this time. 01:27:11
I think that's a really valid point for discussion. I think that the. 01:27:14
The counter that I would say would be sort of the rising tide lifts all boats argument is that. 01:27:21
You know, this is designed for people that are here to stay here. 01:27:26
And and you know go to local businesses and patronize them and and I think that there is. 01:27:32
There's an argument to be made that if there is. 01:27:38
Information that exists in a place that people are going already like the museum and things like this that draws people and they 01:27:41
might come to town specifically for that and then leave if we can capture some of those people to then. 01:27:46
Patronize businesses there. There is an argument to be made for that. However, I completely understand you know your comment and 01:27:52
that there there is, you know, a little bit. 01:27:57
Where is our money best spent? Question I. 01:28:02
But I think that there is. 01:28:05
There is value in supporting. 01:28:07
Foot traffic drawing nonprofits with this program. 01:28:13
Because that just. 01:28:16
By the nature of extension of more people in town and then hitting them with information like, there will be impact on business, 01:28:18
however indirect. 01:28:23
So measuring that return on investment is difficult, but I think it. 01:28:27
Probably is pretty easy to agree that there will be an impact, but maybe, yeah, there I'm not again. 01:28:33
At this point, like it's not it's it's the commission's baby, it's not my baby. So like, I'm perfectly happy to to. 01:28:40
Concede the argument that. 01:28:47
Our money is better spent directly on business, so. 01:28:49
At least in the first, you know, launch period I guess if you. 01:28:53
Want to call it that, so I would just. 01:28:56
Just a It's a valid point. I would point out that nonprofit businesses are still a business. 01:28:59
They have. 01:29:07
They draw clients and customers to town, whether it's a Natural History Museum or an organization that does training for. 01:29:08
You know, hundreds of kids and the parents come to town. So. And nonprofits can also be members of the Chamber of Commerce. 01:29:16
And I would say if you said you didn't do it. 01:29:22
And I had a non profit, I'd ask the question. 01:29:25
You know why was I not eligible for this program? And I think it would be. 01:29:28
That could be. I wouldn't want to have to explain that myself. Is there? 01:29:33
Is there, is there a way to bridge both and say it's X price for you know for profit institutions and X you know price for non 01:29:40
profit institutions? I mean does that does that help? Yeah, I don't think it's the price like the medicine go down if you got 10 01:29:46
in the first nine in the first pass. 01:29:52
You know, a high, a high traffic nonprofit. One out of nine is doesn't seem to be, you know, unfair. Sure, but I mean to marry. 01:30:00
Commissioner Van Duty's point is that it's like if we're saying you know. 01:30:10
If we're going to land on the total cost being about $2000 per. 01:30:14
For, you know, business. 01:30:18
And the city you know is going to fund 90% of that. Would it be easier to then say OK, the city is only going to fund 50% for a 01:30:21
non profit business or like a point of interest type thing, I mean is that? 01:30:26
Does that does that matter to your viewpoint or is that OK? No, it's a business. They should meet the same rules as everybody 01:30:32
else. So I I don't think it would be different and you should include one. That's what my point is. 01:30:38
Thank you. All right, we have a couple of questions. Here's Commissioner, Vice Chair Jacobs. Yeah. So I just wanted to say that 01:30:46
whatever the cost like you know as a business I can do it for solid improvement, whatever I want. I can spend 2010 thousand, 01:30:52
whatever. But the city facade program I could apply for if I wanted to have some subsidy for it. I think that to let all the 01:30:59
businesses know that hey, if you want to go ahead and do this, you can pay the full price, you know and we do have this program 01:31:05
that. 01:31:12
You know, we will help to subsidize some of it, so maybe, maybe we need to. 01:31:18
Allow an Ave. for people that that aren't awarded A subsidy, but they still want to do it anyway, is there. So let me. 01:31:25
To ask Laurel was there. 01:31:33
In the information sent that's going to be included in the program, sort of. 01:31:35
Announcement Flyer would have you. 01:31:40
Is there a cost share stipulation in that? 01:31:43
Like, do we say we'll cover this much? 01:31:49
Well, are you going to cover? So this is the question I guess like maybe question to the Commission, is that like? 01:31:52
You know, if 50 people want to do this right away, is there money better spent? 01:31:58
Commissioner McMurdo has. 01:32:02
Well, the way the facade improvement program works is it's first come, first serve and if your application is approved then you're 01:32:06
you're in line and that's to make it fair for all. And so technically yes, it could be kind of any of these things I know that we 01:32:12
had said. 01:32:17
Businesses and or. 01:32:24
Profits have to just have an actual brick and mortar. That's kind of the the number one thing that they have in a physical space 01:32:26
here in PGS that someone can come up and actually use the QR code. But as far as how it gets picked, there's no criteria except 01:32:34
for the criteria that we have for the program and it is first come, first serve. So whoever ends up in that slew of the 1st 10. 01:32:41
Get it? The funds are used and then we can put more funds into it if we try to do that. Does that make sense? 01:32:49
OK, it makes sense. My question is then like. 01:32:57
If this is now like if this runs away and is generating way more interest than we thought, like, does it behoove us? 01:33:02
To to like. 01:33:09
To back off on the subsidy and spread it to more people or just say these are the 10 people that are going to get subsidy and the 01:33:12
rest of you pay full price. Yeah. Do you mind if I just jump in? Because we don't really know what we're going to get either. So I 01:33:17
feel like we're kind of jumping the gun just a little bit because we don't know how many people are actually going to sign up for 01:33:22
it. 01:33:27
I think it would be. It'll be wonderful if we get tons of people, but I kind of feel like we don't know yet what how successful it 01:33:33
will be. So I absolutely agree. My point is that. 01:33:38
Like when we put this thing out to the two business owners. 01:33:44
Are we gonna say what the subsidy is or are we gonna collect? 01:33:48
How many applications we get and then decide. 01:33:53
What's best to for the program viability in terms of subsidy? 01:33:56
Like if we think we should say it first, because that's how the facade program works, so you know what you're signing up for. I 01:34:02
would feel a little duped if I signed up for something and then they're like, oh, but you have to do this and it's not what I was 01:34:06
expecting. 01:34:10
I would rather know ahead of time. Can I make a suggestion too? 01:34:14
Maybe you two meet one more time and kind of iron out some of those things and then when we come in April with the application 01:34:19
inside. 01:34:24
You'll present it. 01:34:29
Instead of discussing OK and Mr. through the Chair, if I recall when you discussed this last. 01:34:31
You did discuss uh some participation coming from. 01:34:40
The business, if I recall and I would suggest and I agree with Commissioner Richmond, you want to be upfront about that so that 01:34:46
they know what the requirements are of them and I think it does help. 01:34:55
To have that to kind of a formula in place because that means the vendor or business is really going to buy in. 01:35:04
And participate if they're putting a little bit more on the line. So I just think that's a healthy decision to make and that in 01:35:16
and of itself will help that. 01:35:22
$10,000, go a little further. 01:35:27
Read OK. 01:35:31
One final question, just so when we do meet as a subcommittee again I understand, I know this is something we talked about and I 01:35:35
felt like we talked about it forever but then didn't really understand the answer at the end. How so is this, does this have to 01:35:41
work similar to similarly? 01:35:46
To the facade program, where the money has to come up front first and then we as the city are paying the film guys. Or like, how? 01:35:52
Do we know how that has to work? Well, that's this is different than the facade, because the Facade is like specific and it comes 01:36:02
from a specific account, and this is your EDC money that you're choosing. 01:36:08
Correct. And I would suggest that once you've got the program together and you know what that universe is. 01:36:15
And you have a specific vendor that you've already selected. If I remember correctly it it would be just a matter that the city 01:36:25
would write. 01:36:31
One check to the vendor. 01:36:36
And then collect whatever the remaining whatever is the business. 01:36:39
Yeah, that's easy. That's, that's what I was hoping for. That makes what we have to meet about a lot easier. So OK. 01:36:47
I feel good. I I would just my two cents on that matter from a business perspective is that we we collect. 01:36:54
As many participants as we can when we write that one check, and we write that one check for the number of participants that we 01:37:01
have. So it might be less than the total that's allocated towards. I just hate to write the total allocation over to a vendor and 01:37:07
then have to ask for it back. 01:37:12
Yeah. 01:37:20
OK, that takes us to Commissioner Richmond, an update on the. 01:37:23
Concert series. 01:37:28
I don't have an update because they still haven't told me anything. So I don't know. I think I was hoping I could have a quick 01:37:29
update. I know they met, right? Well, yeah. So I don't think you guys have met again, you've given us an update. We just kind of 01:37:36
kept it on the agenda so we don't forget about it. This item will be going to the March 14th Planning Commission meeting. The 01:37:43
other, the earlier one got cancelled due to power outages, so March 14th. 01:37:50
The special. 01:37:57
Concert series will go to the Planning Commission meeting 6:00. 01:37:59
I left it on here and I didn't mention I think, 'cause I do, I still want to discuss something about it. So thank you. Yeah. 01:38:03
Should I? Yeah, I should say before we bring her in. I guess what I wanted to know, because, I mean, let's say they do approve it. 01:38:12
That means it's already April by the time I'm hearing about it, Which means what? I've got a month to figure it out, so. 01:38:20
We never really figured, like finalized or figured out where the funds might be coming from for this and who exactly like am I? 01:38:29
Like, I know this is my idea and I put it on the agenda, but like who was actually running this? Is it me? Is it somebody else? 01:38:37
Like where the funds coming from for that? So I guess those things we should probably talk about in our final 20 minutes because I 01:38:42
need to be ready. 01:38:47
Mentally to figure this out if it is approved and we know by our next meeting. 01:38:54
So those are those are all fair questions. Let's open it for public comment and then let's get into that conversation. 01:38:59
Tell him where you have the floor. 01:39:09
Thank you, Chair and and Kelsey, my, my first question kind of is and yes, you're not home free just with the Planning Commission. 01:39:10
That's only for the CDP because it's in the coastal zone. 01:39:17
The next one is going to City Council and getting them approved, the special events calendar approved by that. So it's a two step 01:39:25
process there and I'm wondering kind of well, First off, why isn't the chamber involved in this? Because this really is a business 01:39:33
thing and this is what they were doing before and so I'm still wondering why the chamber isn't involved in this one. 01:39:42
And then in looking at dates, I have a question, Kelsey about Commissioner Richmond, about the July 5th date that you have. I 01:39:51
mean, obviously this special events calendar is not on the city website anymore. It comes and goes, but this was a tentative one 01:40:00
that I did print out and your EDC dates was for July 5th. 01:40:09
Well, we've already got the street closed for July 4th celebration at Jewel Park and you're proposing to do it another day, the 01:40:18
day after the July 4th celebration. So I'm just wondering about your dates too. And it's just these little things. And yeah, so 01:40:27
March 14th at at the Planning Commission, that'll be the first step here on on the CDP, but I've got the questions and I'll be 01:40:35
asking them again, but. 01:40:43
Think about them and maybe discuss them. 01:40:53
Thank you very much. 01:40:55
Just regarding the dates, thank you Miss Dahmer. We were just going with along with good Fridays and I don't. 01:41:01
First Fridays, yes, first Fridays. So that's just what we're going along with. Since that's something people are kind of already 01:41:09
aware of, we just wanted to continue. 01:41:13
People in our community walking around downtown and that was kind of the idea. And since it's not located anywhere here, I did 01:41:18
want to mention that we were actually hoping for this concert series to be earlier in the evening, so more like 5:00 to 7:00, so 01:41:24
that afterwards people go downtown and kind of eat dinner or something or go shopping. I. 01:41:30
So that's that's in regards to the dates, but I'll let Jenny mention about the Chamber comment. 01:41:38
Sure. Actually, this is Commissioner McMurdo. I I I actually talked to Kelsey about this quite a bit. We had an internal 01:41:44
discussion. 01:41:49
We, our staff was just getting really. 01:41:55
Really worn out by doing these every month because there's really only three of us and we were hauling all the barricades out and 01:41:58
hauling all the barricades in and setting stuff up. It just became a bit of a strain on my staff on a Friday night. So that's why 01:42:05
we decided not to do it again for the on the chamber side and that's why I was trying to. 01:42:12
Give Kelsey some of the, you know, the do's and don'ts that we learned last year. So we're definitely in. You know, we've been in 01:42:20
communication from the very beginning of it, so we'll be supportive of it. Obviously it just wasn't something that we could take 01:42:25
on again this year. 01:42:29
So if I can chime in. 01:42:36
My two cents on this and Commissioner Richmond. 01:42:38
I applaud you for your dedication to the community. 01:42:43
And your willingness to come up with really great ideas and and fun activities. 01:42:47
I personally. 01:42:53
I'm not at all comfortable with this falling on you. 01:42:55
If there is a cost associated with. 01:43:00
Creating this. 01:43:03
Ongoing event then it should also include staffing costs. 01:43:05
And we can as a. 01:43:10
Commission provide support but this is not something that I think there's any expectation on any of our parts for you to run this 01:43:13
or. 01:43:18
Staff this. 01:43:24
I have a feeling you would. 01:43:26
But. 01:43:29
You are just like my wife and I. You are wonderful and I thank you for it. But I'm trying to protect you from yourself, so. 01:43:33
Yeah, I I would say let's look at this and the cost, let's take it to council and let's make sure that it's an all in cost for 01:43:43
staffing and everything else that's required and if we can't. 01:43:49
Make that happen, then that's a conversation we have to have. 01:43:54
We also talked about hiring a coordinator, if you remember. 01:43:59
Umm, yeah. You're going to be very pregnant, just to remind you. I know. That's the other thing is like how much you can be able 01:44:03
to take on, because I do want to be involved because I'm super excited about it. But yeah, I do know that. I don't want to 01:44:09
overwhelm myself because that would lead to any a little bit of disorganization, which none of us want. But I do know that we 01:44:14
could probably utilize the local's. 01:44:19
What are their names? I wouldn't say sound engineers. Maybe they are sound engineers, but the people that do that job that I have 01:44:26
worked with personally, they might be interested in doing that. Like if they are local, which I believe we have two sets that are 01:44:31
local. So maybe that's something that they would be really interested in doing because then they can organize it and be the sound 01:44:36
people that are there that night. And that's a really good combination to have in somebody. And it is that simple, like we're not 01:44:42
trying to go. 01:44:47
As hard as the Chamber did with serving alcohol and all that. So it is a lot simpler than previous. And I think we talked about it 01:44:53
going from 4:00 to 6:00. So four to six, OK, Yeah, My bad. Four to six, yeah. 01:44:59
And and also with that like I. 01:45:05
I can definitely be part of, but yeah, I know I can't have it all on me, so hopefully we can figure that out. 01:45:38
And do you think we haven't met as a committee and David's been out, but do you think, to Mr. Almost point, do you think perhaps a 01:45:46
concert in September? 01:45:52
Where it's Indian summer. 01:45:58
Would be fun or acceptable. 01:46:00
I think so. I I when we were originally talking, I mean, that sounded nice to me, but at this point, I know I can't. 01:46:03
Request any new dates, considering how long this took, I don't think, but maybe for next year. I think this year we'll keep it 01:46:10
small. Hopefully we get approved for the dates that we do have and then next year maybe we can add on a month. 01:46:15
Sounds great. Thank you. 01:46:22
Questions. Comments. 01:46:25
Yeah. All right. Well, thank you. Thank you for your effort on this and. 01:46:27
Lastly, the one other question is as this goes before. 01:46:31
You know the very approval, various approvals that are necessary. Do we have a plan on? 01:46:35
Representation. 01:46:39
At the upcoming meetings. 01:46:41
Anyone from the subcommittee going to attend. 01:46:45
Planning Commission. 01:46:50
It's at 6:00. 01:46:54
You can join in remotely also. 01:46:56
I I can, if you're thinking Robin of I can. 01:46:59
Give you the agenda so you'll kind of know a time frame so you're not just sitting there, OK. 01:47:04
All right, so. 01:47:20
That didn't brings us to the the final. 01:47:23
Ongoing business, we're going to go ahead and make sure that we list out items. 01:47:28
From commissioners that have been recommended. 01:47:33
For the agenda on this list, Commissioner Gibbs raised a good point of making sure that's included here, so we'll go forward with. 01:47:36
Including those that are. 01:47:44
Upcoming. 01:47:46
A reminder to everyone if you have recommendations for the upcoming agenda. 01:47:48
Please provide those to us prior to this upcoming Tuesday. 01:47:52
And I'll be meeting with. 01:47:57
Mr. Jacobs and city staff to walk through. 01:47:58
Plans for the meetings. 01:48:02
Upcoming meeting. 01:48:03
And that wraps it up for us. So I please, if you are available to join the chamber over at Trotters next door, that would be 01:48:07
fantastic. Otherwise, have a wonderful evening. 01:48:12
And thank you for joining us. 01:48:18
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All right. It is 4:00. So I'm going to go ahead and call this meeting of the Pacific Grove Economic Development. 00:00:00
Commission to Order. 00:00:06
And as we always do, just a quick reminder to everyone if you make a motion for seconded, please state your name so there's be we 00:00:10
can keep track of that for notes. 00:00:15
Let's go ahead and start with roll call. 00:00:20
And actually before before we begin. Also I did receive a. 00:00:26
Message from Commissioner Marquis that he will be pressed. 00:00:30
Oh, OK. 00:00:33
He didn't want to join like last night. No. Yes. Here's another. 00:00:35
OK, I'll do the rule upon them, Commissioner Gibbs. 00:00:44
Present Commissioner Venuti. 00:00:49
Present Vice Chair Jacobs. 00:00:52
Chair upman present. 00:00:55
Jenny McMahon. 00:00:58
Commissioner. 00:01:01
And Commissioner Hoops. 00:01:03
Here so we have everyone present except for. 00:01:05
You know and do approval of the agenda. The agenda and supporting documents in the packet were circulated in advance. Today's 00:01:11
meeting are available for download on the EDC page, Are there any members of the public that would like to make 00:01:16
a comment on today's agenda? 00:01:21
Seeing none so. 00:01:31
Go ahead and move forward with any. 00:01:34
Comments or questions from? 00:01:37
Commissioner members. 00:01:40
Yes. 00:01:42
All right. You're you're still wondering? 00:01:47
I have requested that we do some kind of a staff update, yes. 00:01:51
Will you address that? I will. So regarding the staff update, what we'll do in terms of. 00:01:56
The structure of these meetings make a small change to the approach. The staff updates won't be in as an agenda item, they'll be 00:02:03
part of staff. 00:02:07
So moving forward, that is the plan. We've discussed that. 00:02:13
And so this app will provide that. 00:02:16
During the beginning portion, OK, Specifically I wanted to report public report. 00:02:19
Some of the vacancies down in town, wherever, so that we are aware because I find people ask me, I'm on the EDC and I have no 00:02:27
clue. So I want to be informed. 00:02:32
Secondly, as well, there was a request for Commissioner Gibbs regarding this. 00:02:38
Business update as well. So all of that collectively. 00:02:43
We've determined it's it's best to come from city staff because they have all the most part. 00:02:47
So. 00:02:52
Yes, and I had also requested that we consider. 00:02:55
Encouraging businesses to use the comment period, the three minute comment period. 00:02:58
To give us some insight as to how they're doing. 00:03:03
That they have an audience. We want to hear it. 00:03:06
How can we help? What are your challenges? 00:03:09
And I was hoping we could invite them through an e-mail maybe that Jenny could help us with. 00:03:12
OK. Yeah, that's certainly something. Yeah. Thank you. 00:03:18
OK. So any, any further? 00:03:22
Just reviewing the agenda right now, is there any further comments or questions on the agenda before we approve that? Yeah, Yeah, 00:03:25
Yeah. So about the agenda, the. 00:03:29
Maybe it's a broader comment, but the both the mayor and the Planning Commission. 00:03:35
Create a work plan. It ends upon the agenda, and work plan is future items that will be on the agenda itself. 00:03:40
And I think, to his credit, the chair asked for. 00:03:46
Since we don't have that discussion necessarily, then. 00:03:50
We have a chance to submit with those agenda items would be. 00:03:53
And I don't see it here. So I would suggest and we can talk about this at the end, be great to have the work plan made-up of 00:03:58
everybody's suggestions. 00:04:01
As an agenda item that we can discuss. 00:04:05
At the next session, it's ready to. 00:04:08
Yeah. Do you think that's possible? I think that we can definitely have that. 00:04:10
A reminder to everyone as well, that and. 00:04:16
Which is an update those that weren't present in the last meeting. The intention moving forward is that we have. 00:04:23
Submissions for agenda items Proposed agenda items. 00:04:29
Following this meeting prior to following Tuesday, so that way we're able to. 00:04:32
Vice Chair and I. 00:04:39
Meet with city staff. Go through everything. 00:04:41
So did you? I submitted my list. Did you get my list before on the Tuesday, before the Tuesday after the last meeting? Trying to 00:04:45
remember if we got it before the Tuesday or not. I think you did. I said follow up e-mail. But we did receive, yes. 00:04:51
OK. Did you get a list from anybody else of agenda items? We yes, we got it. OK, request for specifically, we were just 00:04:57
discussing. 00:05:01
And your request for a slower business update, which is again. 00:05:05
And Commissioner Viniz vanities idea of and we've mentioned before getting some businesses in here using a 3 minute comment 00:05:09
period. 00:05:13
To hear from businesses that are new or? 00:05:16
Have something they would tell their story. Let's do it. Let's get them in here. Thank you. 00:05:19
OK. Let's go ahead and move forward with approval of the agenda. 00:05:24
We have a motion to approve the agenda. 00:05:28
We have a second. 00:05:32
All right. 00:05:35
OK, so Commissioner Venuti? 00:05:38
Commissioner Gibbs. Yes, Vice Chair Jacobs. 00:05:41
Chair upman. 00:05:45
Commissioner Richmond and Commissioner Hoops OK the agenda has been approved. Motion pass. 00:05:48
6 to 0. 00:05:55
When absent. 00:05:56
So that moves us on then to Commission and staff announcements. And as I've mentioned, we're altering our format slightly here to 00:05:59
allow cities to have to provide that brief business update at the beginning of each BC meeting. So that's that's the next. 00:06:05
And Laurel, if you'd like to provide us with that overview. 00:06:12
Yeah, I'll give my. 00:06:16
Commercial business update and then we have city manager here to get the budget update. Wonderful. Thank you as requested. 00:06:18
OK, so. 00:06:25
Exciting news, 215 Forest Ave. The Pop and His Retail and Pub is set to open in April 20th, 2024. 00:06:27
So some of our vacant buildings are starting to. 00:06:35
Not be Vacant and 511 Lighthouse, the Hops and Fog Nano Group hub is set to open in late May with a pop-up plan for good old days. 00:06:39
601 Lighthouse The old B of A building was under construction for tenant improvements, and the owner is willing to attend an EDC 00:06:49
meeting to give an update on his vision for the place. 00:06:54
Which is pretty cool. 00:06:59
And 490 Lighthouse, the old Pier One building is still for lease for the main part, and I have interested people who've been in 00:07:01
the office, but. 00:07:05
We haven't secured A tenant yet. 00:07:10
The Grill at Lovers Point is available in the city's developing RFP, and it will be published on the city website soon. 00:07:12
And I don't know if everybody knows about Gallery Nila, formerly Junior Flower Truck, opened earlier this year at 665 Lighthouse. 00:07:20
And there's also art. They actually do painting in there. 00:07:25
Lighthouse Cinemas has been approved. 00:07:32
Sell beer and wine and host events. 00:07:35
318 Grand Ave. Winning Wheels has closed its doors. 00:07:38
So that's kind of sad. 00:07:43
And then 708 Lighthouse, the old ice cream shop, has reopened with a new owner that not much has changed. 00:07:45
And the old Chase building has sold and we have not heard from the owners. Jenny Murdoch has reached out to them. 00:07:52
And Jenny was going to follow up with a few more updates. 00:08:01
Sure. 00:08:04
The what was the your second to last one? I had a comment on it. The old ice cream shop. Oh no, it was actually winning wheels. 00:08:07
Sorry. The there is actually a new tenant that has a lease award-winning meals. We just don't know who they are yet. It will be a 00:08:11
bike shop. 00:08:16
Uh, probably not, because he pretty much did get rid of most of his equipment or put it in storage, unfortunately. 00:08:21
Did you talk about the old Crema property? 00:08:29
No, OK. So the whole criminal property was sold? 00:08:32
Yeah, yeah, across from 481 Lighthouse. Sorry, I should give you the address. 00:08:37
And the new owner is interested in starting something similar to what was there before, which is nice because that, you know, that 00:08:42
end will start to get filled back. Yeah. Which is great. They have called a few times and we've talked. Yeah. And then did you 00:08:47
talk about whimsy? 00:08:52
I can talk about whimsy. Yeah. There's a new boutique that's going into the old Rockstar Dance space. Rockstar Dance just moved 00:08:58
next door in the in the new space. It's a boutique called Whimsy that has it's described with vintage charm. Not exactly sure it's 00:09:05
not a thrift shop. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a it's retail, not resale. 00:09:12
And then the other one is the Beachcomber Inn is doing, they're doing construction. The daughter took over the business. Yeah. And 00:09:19
they're doing, they're not really doing a lot. They're just doing some some surface things, the things that they can do right now. 00:09:25
But they are looking to reopen hopefully by the end of 2025. S that means two hotels I know. Yeah. She was in the office too. 00:09:31
Yeah. 00:09:37
So those are those are the rest of them. I think we hit all of them unless you have questions about any. 00:09:44
That has been annexed by the city. Would you like to answer that one? It's just because it's city, all I can say about the that I 00:09:52
know it's been annexed by the city and. 00:09:58
The the owner of the property hasn't indicated what they want to do with it. There is possibly some issues associated with it from 00:10:05
its former use that would need to be dealt with. 00:10:13
Excellent. No, it's it's it's not one of those. 00:10:23
Yes. 00:10:31
That's not a it's not a commercial zone. 00:10:33
When we were doing the skate park stuff with this city, we looked at that building and at that time, which was over a year ago at 00:10:37
this point, they were saying they might be putting. 00:10:41
Like apartments or something in there. 00:10:47
But it sounds like I don't feel like that's what is being talked about now, so I don't know. That's interesting. 00:10:49
It's on if I. 00:10:55
Chair. It's on the site list I believe, and it was taken off the site list. 00:10:57
For the HCD, the state housing numbers that we have to meet. 00:11:01
But Bob, if I could just ask, I heard you say that it was annexed. 00:11:07
By the city? When? When was the transfer? 00:11:11
OK. 00:11:15
And that. 00:11:17
What you're saying well well, I'm not sure about the ownership change either I I just know the following that it was an annexed by 00:11:20
the city and there has been. 00:11:27
No interest that I'm aware of to move forward with anything, largely because they have some issues from its former use that would 00:11:37
need to be dealt with. 00:11:43
Before any development took place, has there been an assessment on the cleanup? Not as and not as far as I know. 00:11:51
And if I could just follow up one other building, it's on the Pick PG website and I was on the person that was sold at least once, 00:11:59
the Hambrooks Auction building. Where does that stand? 00:12:04
Is it for sale again? 00:12:09
It's on the Pick PG website. It is. It's currently for sale again, yes, because the owners sold it. And then. 00:12:12
OK, yes. 00:12:18
What's the price? It's 2.9 million. 00:12:21
I'd have to look on the Pick PG website. I know I put it on there, I'm not sure. 00:12:24
Now we'll have the city manager give his budget update. 00:12:34
Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the of the Commission. 00:12:39
The budget remains pretty much as it was the last time I reported to you the entire. 00:12:44
EDC budget amounts to 369,815 dollars. 00:12:54
A large part of that is obviously with the. 00:12:59
Monterey. 00:13:06
Bay the hotel. 00:13:08
Association and that's. 00:13:12
Right. It's 164,125. 00:13:14
The the the EDC itself has a contribution earmarked in the budget for 39,900. Out of that, you've spent $20,000 in terms of the. 00:13:20
Two grants that you've given out to the two businesses. You've also allocated an additional if your last meeting. An additional 00:13:35
$10,000 goes to the QR program. 00:13:42
That is still in the development stage. 00:13:49
And so that leaves in that line item about $9900. 00:13:54
The other that is. 00:14:00
Related is is the Facade grant program which is at. 00:14:03
$25,000. 00:14:10
There has been one. 00:14:14
Grant Ream or Grant reimbursement at $5000. 00:14:15
That's been approved and there's two pending. 00:14:22
So that's basically the status report at this time. The other thing I wanted to also mention, I'm certainly available for 00:14:27
questions regarding that, but the other thing I I wanted to mention was that some of you may have seen a week ago the City Council 00:14:34
did its. 00:14:41
Budget workshop. There was a review of the four major priorities and milestones contained on that. 00:14:49
List and I was going to offer that I would be willing to. 00:15:00
If the. 00:15:07
EDC would like to make a presentation regarding the. 00:15:08
Abbreviated form of that presentation. I don't want to take two hours, and I'm sure you don't either, but in a presentation to 00:15:13
update you as to what the council's goals remain, and. 00:15:19
What they are looking to achieve? 00:15:26
And finally, in your last meeting, you did also recommend that the budget, the contribution line item be increased from 39,900 to 00:15:31
50,000. 00:15:38
And I will carry that recommendation as part of the city manager's. 00:15:46
Budget through to the City Council. 00:15:52
When it's presented in April. Thank you. 00:15:55
Is there anything further that's required of us? 00:15:58
You know, I would say that it's always important to be communicating when you can with the Council, so during those budget 00:16:01
deliberations of a member of. 00:16:08
Your Commission may want to be present. 00:16:16
And. 00:16:18
To answer any questions that the Council may have and your reasons for. 00:16:20
Requesting the the increase. 00:16:26
But yeah, if I could just request. 00:16:29
Well, would you be able to enough? Just let us know when those are coming so that we're not, yeah, caught off guard? 00:16:32
Thank you. 00:16:38
Yeah, I just was wondering, we unanimously. 00:16:42
Wanted to propose a grant writing or a full time EDC member staff. Is is Can I just find out where that has gone? 00:16:47
It was the suggestion was made by your council member liaison Chaps Paduri and. 00:16:58
All of the Council's suggestions will be a reviewed as a part of the budget process. 00:17:07
So at this point. 00:17:13
We'll seriously review that suggestion and ultimately make a recommendation. 00:17:17
As a part of the overall budget presentation to the Council. 00:17:25
Thank you. If I may, I just would ask as well. I know that there has been conversation. 00:17:30
Around budget and regard. 00:17:37
The current contract with Agent DL. 00:17:39
And so if you provide any further information, not that I think that. 00:17:42
The services that are provided. 00:17:47
To the city for support. 00:17:50
Are also aligned with what a potential. 00:17:55
Extended role of economic development. 00:18:01
Position within the city staff. 00:18:06
Might be able to. 00:18:08
So I think it would be important to if we are. 00:18:11
Discussing the contract that we. 00:18:15
Look to see if that is an additional reason for justifying. 00:18:19
That city staff role. 00:18:23
We will. 00:18:26
No, not to support the contract, but in lieu of. 00:18:29
So you're saying that that if we're not going to extend HDL, it puts more pressure on the grant writing position. It makes the, 00:18:33
you know, the current? 00:18:37
Part time position. 00:18:42
Even higher, it's a higher tax on right position because. 00:18:44
Yeah, I'd, I'd agree with that. I just wanted to make sure that was. 00:18:48
Mr. Chair, if I could just. 00:18:54
I also want to announce that the handbook. 00:18:57
For committees and commissions. 00:19:04
Is going to be finally reviewed by the Council at their next meeting. 00:19:06
And it will be approved. 00:19:11
I expect that there will be a training session might be good for all Commission members that are interested to participate in 00:19:14
that. 00:19:19
Probably will take place in April, as soon as the final handbook. 00:19:25
Is approved uh. 00:19:30
Both myself and the city attorney will be moving forward. 00:19:32
On developing that training. 00:19:37
Thank you very much. 00:19:40
The question has come up in the past from Commissioner Gibbs, and so I do want to carry this question forward. 00:19:43
Expect to more information there has been. 00:19:48
A conversation about a. 00:19:51
A Commission meeting? I don't recall what the name it was. 00:19:54
Right this. 00:19:59
Are you up to date? OK? 00:20:02
Share the workflow. 00:20:03
Good. 00:20:10
OK, All right, wonderful. Anything further from city staff for updates? 00:20:11
Thank you. 00:20:17
Questions. Sure. Any questions? Sure. Can I just remind the chair, we do have a guest speaker here, so. 00:20:20
That first. 00:20:30
Well, let's go ahead. Yeah, let's let's Commission and stop announcements. 00:20:33
On the staff, that's what about the budget? 00:20:38
So just I I happen to be at the budget meeting. 00:20:42
Most imagine knows that I was there and I also thought of and asked questions about the economic development. 00:20:46
Budget, not admission, but the budget is full. As most of you probably know, the city projected city budget for the next year is 00:20:54
$32 million. 00:20:58
We have a reserve on top of that. On top of the reserve we have about a $2.6 million. 00:21:02
It's looked in other words and then it's about accounted for, but it's sitting. 00:21:08
When they reviewed the budget by some of the city, budgets are going up the attorneys budget. 00:21:12
Is going from, I don't know, four and a half million to over $1,000,000 anticipating I'm guessing. 00:21:17
Some actions that the City Council discussed last night. 00:21:23
I also observed that in that flow there perhaps could be some more money for the economic development of the city. 00:21:28
Right now we are at about one one point 1%. 00:21:35
That is the total technology development budget that Bob mentioned for the city, so about 1.11.2, something like that. 00:21:40
And I did a little bit of research before I went to the City Council meeting and a lot of cities are sizing a little bit larger. 00:21:49
They they're around 2 to 3% they allocate. 00:21:53
2 to 3% of their budget for economic development, including sea monitoring, those kind of things, staff and all that kind of 00:21:58
stuff. 00:22:01
And so I I said to the to the Council that the Council should budget. 00:22:05
An additional at least, you know, half a percent, we're talking $190,000. 00:22:09
For economic. 00:22:13
A chunk of that devoted to some of the line items. 00:22:16
That are on the recovery plan. 00:22:19
Right. The music, the QR code and that sort of. 00:22:22
And the only comment they really can't comment. But Mr. Clady Councilman Lady did say perhaps that some of the HDL. 00:22:25
Would go to that. I don't know how much is left because HDL also supplies services and business closes. 00:22:32
For the big stop. 00:22:38
So, so that request was made. The decisions have not been made by the City Council. So my last comment is if anybody out there or 00:22:41
anybody on the Commission and certainly as a private citizen, write a letter to council. 00:22:47
Suggestion. 00:22:53
The amount. 00:22:55
Because we have a $2.6 million overlayship. 00:22:57
And economic development needs to be a prior. 00:23:01
So additional 100,190 thousand dollars is about a half a percent. 00:23:04
Thank you, Chair. Thank you for that. 00:23:10
All right, Councillor Liaison's. 00:23:14
Councilman Drury let us know that he was going to be able to attend today, so we'll move past. 00:23:18
His announcements. 00:23:23
That opens us to general public comment. 00:23:25
I think someone from the Commission had one announcement. 00:23:27
Go ahead, sorry. 00:23:31
Just real quick. Captain Stoker is doing their birthday bash. Thanks. We're not doing. We're not doing it. Sorry, did I skip over? 00:23:34
I did by my mistake. 00:23:39
OK. Please continue. 00:23:45
The vendor application for any small businesses or local Craftsman or even musicians or food vendors. Drink vendors That's open 00:23:49